Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Tree Committee

Meeting minutes April 19, 2019

This committee continues to divide our community. Members relate being told to cut down their trees and to hire non-licensed unqualified  tree butchers. They place a liability on themselves and the association for legal action by making false statements and recommendations. They should never recommend anyone, except that members hire a licensed arborist.  The hire of a "compliance inspector"  eliminates the need for the Tree Committee to do inspections in response to member complaints.  This committee needs to be declared inactive. 

The Tree Committee with their propaganda, need to disband and join the Community Relations Committee where they can promote their agenda. They could even promote a bake sale along with their garden tour, etc. 

The past Business Manager and compliance officer, Laura Frazier, proposed ending the covenant on noxious weeds and was rejected. The report does not state who voted or how.  This should have been included in the information provided. (Secret vote?)  This is a covenant that needs to be strongly enforced, not eliminated.  Just another reason to eliminate this committee.

Click on the report below, once or twice to enlarge.


Anonymous said...

How did the Tree Committee ever get designated the official tree measuring body? Seems their function should be preservation rather than destruction. Also, can anybody please list the HOA's, neighborhoods, etc. on the Peninsula that have and enforce tree height restrictions.

Anonymous said...

Why do we need a Tree Committee now that we have a Compliance Officer?

Anonymous said...

The reason why the Tree Committee was given the task of measuring the trees seems pretty obvious, it's in the name.

The weed issue was discussed at a board meeting. No where has there been any statement made by anyone on the Tree Committee to do away with weed control. In fact to the contrary, they are for it and have said so on many times including at that board meeting. Anyone saying otherwise is making a false statement.

Saying that the committee of volunteers is responsible for dividing the community is also false. You can say that the tree height covenants are but people who just measure to determine if a complaint is valid are not. Do you hold the police officer and/or his radar gun responsible for when you get a ticket going over the posted speed limit? The officer didn't set the limit did he, just determined you violated it.

It's going to be interesting to see the response the new Compliance Officer gets on here.

Anonymous said...

I will respect the new compliance officer when he tells the tree committee to kiss off, it is his job now.

Anonymous said...

Tree Committee is a bunch of busybodies minding other people 's business. They have relentlessly pushed their agenda of special interests. Nobody will miss that committee, or its members.

Anonymous said...

Thought u had to also get a permit n pay a fee for any tree cut down in pacific county?

Fed Up said...

BYE BYE TREE MAFIA. GOOD RIDDANCE! Now you have time to make trouble somewhere else.

Anonymous said...

2:38 I am going to start a committee called “the millionaires”. Does that make me a millionaire?

Anonymous said...

If this discussion was about revising or eliminating the tree height restrictions in our CCR's, I be on board, But attacking any committee that enforces our covenants is childish and churlish.

Grow up people, the sky is Not falling!!

Anonymous said...

old ladies with lasers...

Stop dividing our community. You're only welcome by yourselves.

Anonymous said...

Attacking is a strong word, when the covenants are not changeable by the membership, only the Board.

Tree Committee got way over their skis a long time ago. Perhaps the time for the inevitable crash has come.

Anonymous said...

Why wouldn't the association use the free labor of the Tree Committee to ascertain whether a complaint is worth the attention of the new, paid covenant inspector or not? You folks are not using your heads to make the best use of our member's money.

Anonymous said...

The board made the decision that a compliance inspector that is not a conflict of interest member, can best decide what is worth attention. One of the few times they made the right decision. They should have taken it a step further and made him proactive. Perhaps that will be the next step. The tree committee has done far more damage than good.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, cause we need more J placers telling us what to do.

Anonymous said...

3:16 Be amuse we are paying someone to do it as a part of his job, not a group of biased, narcissistic power hungry, elitist members.

Anonymous said...

It seems clear in reading the April Minutes, that it was indeed proposed that the committee no longer monitor invasive or noxious weeds. It was voted down, but it seems to indicate how intently this committee is mowing through the community demanding trees be topped.

It should be apparent that the community has largely been spared a serious spread of Scotchbroom so far, and one patch that goes without attention is near the well field on G St., and is surely Surfside property. This is far more important to keep in check than the trees, which have all been permanently stunted and/or killed. The enforcers continue their robotic antics with tunnel-vision. What ugliness ? What dead trees ?

Anonymous said...

tree committee members encourage their friends and neighbors to file tree complaints. They also supply them the address and property description. They do much more than just investigate tree heights, they promote complaints. They pit neighbor against neighbor and do not care about the community. They only care about their own selfish agenda.