Monday, November 5, 2018

Water Planning Committee

Oct. 11, 2018

This is an important committee. They have the opportunity to discuss items that will be in the Water Managers Report.  You can obtain information from this committee that will not be included in that report.  There is more discussion about the water operations than at the Board Meeting., 

Some updated information about what was discussed in this meeting:
While the County has been paid for the building permit for the Carbon Treatment Plant, (CTP), The completion of the building can not proceed until the Wetland survey and report is completed. This requires State approval.  There was a 10,000.00 fine from the County for proceeding with the construction, without a County permit prior to building what is existing there now.  It is operating, but without a protective building around it.

Click once or twice on each page of the two page report for a larger read:

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