Monday, November 5, 2018

Fish and Waterways Committee

Sept. 28, 2018

After years of neglect, our association owned waterways  are finally getting the attention they deserve. They are a valuable asset for member use and enjoyment, in addition to providing storm drain  and flood control.  The members of this committee deserve our thanks for stepping up and volunteer in the time and dedication. 

The association owned waterways are:
Seabreeze Lake, Skating Lake, Bear Lake (Twin Lakes), Deer Lake and several drain canals.  The main canal that runs by Veterans Park and the Business Office, are privately  owned.  The association does own parts of the main canal that are adjacent to member owned property.  There is also a grown over canal to the South of the compactor that runs from 324th to 320th in the South.  There is also another grown over canal in division 16, that drains into Skating Lake.  So far, the grown over canals carry very little drain water and are not of immediate concern. 

Update on the stocking of fish in Bear Lake:
The State has approved the stocking of 1,000 fish in Twin Lakes.  The State has inspected the waterway and approved the lake for stocking with an escape screen to be installed according to County specifications. It will be the responsibility of Surfside to maintain the screens so that water will drain properly.  This would be only several months in the Winter.

The Land and Buildings Committee and the Fish and Waterways Committee are working together because of shared responsibilities.  The L&B is responsible for all owned property maintenance, while the Fish and Waterways are concerned with the use. Thanks to both committees for their volunteer work. 

Click on the one page report once or twice for a larger view:  


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