Wednesday, July 22, 2020


Any topic or issue 

Google has made major changes in my administration of this site. I am in the process of trying to figure out how to post documents and pictures. The blog should appear the same to those that read it.  Thanks for your patience.


Anonymous said...

I'm looking forward to it.
Happy Wednesday Surfside neighbors and anonymous Trustee(s).

JoAnne said...

That will be an awesome addition George. Thanks for your forum to express views and ideas.

Anonymous said...

By the anonymous troll Trustee(s)' behavior on this blog and their own website, it's clear and obvious they refuse to provide a forum for that purpose.

Anonymous said...

no trustees, just us trolls....can't wait!

Anonymous said...

No trustees, just the Faction, vote J (or provide your proxy)

Anonymous said...

Notice how 1:41 equates voting J with "providing your proxy". That proves the elections are rigged. The proxy votes are rigged. The board also fabricates proxy votes. This is exactly what most of us know is going on.

Anonymous said...

We don't care what Larry A says. Larry A is no longer a member of Surfside. Go spread misinformation to your neighbors in Arizona Larry A.

Anonymous said...

Right, because you all are so involved you know exactly what's going on SMH

Anonymous said...

Same crap as always. Anyone having a different opinion automatically 'spreads disinformation'.
What do you think we've gotten out of the Board the last 10 years?

Anonymous said...

It is good an anonymous comment "proved" your point.
Now what are you going to do about it other than whine here?

Anonymous said...

That's it. This is a forum to express views and ideas. Unfortunately some are so terribly threatened by that they hate, berate, demean, ridicule, belittle, divert, threaten, and name call us. To those, GTH!

Anonymous said...

oh @ 7:54 pm thanks looking forward to it, that's where the fun people go.

Anonymous said...

@7:54 - please complete and submit your board candidates packet or stay here in the victims club.
The Faction

Anonymous said...

Not unless 8 other pro-blog members do too.
End The Tree Polcy Cadre

Anonymous said...

And where are we spose to submit a packet? Have u not been paying attention again?

Anonymous said...

No kidding 6:38. What the hell is the troll (fraudster) talking about?

Anonymous said...

How much did we pay for the RV? When was that purchase approved? Is that Clancy's lair for writing false tree complaints? The Trustees probably use it for personal vacations.

JoAnne said...

You’ll have to clarify , anonymous 8:09, what RV are you referring to?

Anonymous said...

@6:38 and 8:06
We are the Faction, we don't need to pay attention, only submit complaints and collect proxy's.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know if the RV is still parked at the main office?

Anonymous said...

Clancy borrowed it for a fact finding tree mission in Vegas.

Anonymous said...

That sounds exactly like our Clancy who stands up Pacific County, lies about who's ultimately responsible for getting permits as the owner, and loves the sound of chainsaws.

JoAnne said...

If you to the “official website for Surfside “ and go to the Blue Line that says “July 18, 2020 Regular Board Meeting, you’ll find interesting reading. Be sure to read the complete board packet with motions indicated.

Anonymous said...

Ty JoAnne