Monday, November 25, 2019

Where Your Money Goes

Checks issued in October....

The operating budget provides the everyday expenditures. This one month of October will give you an idea of the every day expenses.

Click on each page once or twice for a larger view:


Anonymous said...

Looks good.
Thanks Mr. Turner.

Anonymous said...

We're still paying on the failed lawsuit against Johansen. Wow.
Good one J Placer Surfside Board.

Anonymous said...

Come on people, attack.
Unleash your phony constructive dialogue.

Anonymous said...

5:29 WTFO?

Anonymous said...

Ok 12:31, care to explain exactly how it was J placers who had anything to do with the Johansen lawsuit?

Oh right, you can't.

Anonymous said...

Okay. That was a bit of a low blow. I ask you this. How many of the 9, or even 8, Trustees live on the upper elevations looking down on the peasants?

Anonymous said...

Oh right, i can. Majority of bot lives on j place. They make the decisions.

Anonymous said...

I'm assuming that 6:17 PM does not live on J Pl. So how about you get your lazy ass away from the keyboard and participate?

Anonymous said...

Participate in what?
Give us a membership vote in governing document amendments! It's up to you and the rest of the Trustees.

Anonymous said...

What does a Surfside Water System Workshop on December 06, a Friday, that starts at 3 PM mean?
I've been to many professional workshops throughout my career. None of them started at 3 PM on a Friday.
Is this some kind of phony dog and pony show or just plain desperation?

Steve Cox said...

Good question. To my knowledge, there has been no public discussion of what the ending of our partnership with North Beach Water Dist. means, or why the decision was made. Bill Neil's contract has ended and we have no designated qualified Water manager. Mr. Reber was hired ostensibly to serve as BOTH Office and Water managers, but he does not have proper credentials to step into the role. So only vague references have been made to this aspect.

A decision has been made to extend our service south to some residences who have requested it, but they are NOT in Surfside, and so do not pay dues and assessments, and are not obligateded to follow our covenants. It is unclear as to what is intended to be done about the pipe replacement planned initially to the north, though the pipe has been deemed to be much newer than much of Surfside's. Rumor was, this was to be scrapped.

The HOA has not addressed the many issues that have embroiled the Water Dept. with the EPA relating to asbestos, the costs in fines and legal representation, the failed permitting, the flooding that occurs at the site, and the fact that the EPA has yet to make a final determination as to fines or judgements.

The community is in talks with the State and County intending to settle on purchase of land for wetland mitigation, all of this originally set in motion in July 2018, and finally being discussed sketchily. This will likely be quite expensive, though the costs can range outlandishly.

So yeah, it sounds like a short little PR event where serious issues have not been discussed candidly with members, and the topics to be discussed have not been previously stated.

Anonymous said...

11/27 8:40 AM is my comment.
Thanks for your response Steve Cox.

Anonymous said...

Maybe the board troll will answer us. Wait, no, soon we will be personally attacked and ridiculed.

Anonymous said...

The water meeting is Friday afternoon so that the out of town idiots can be here to attend. Will be interesting to see if Bill Neal will be there. His contract does not end until Dec. 31, 2019. He may have some parting shots and finally speak the truth.

Anonymous said...

About 3/4 of the community are part-time owners, so who are these "out of town idiots"? It can probably be assumed that such a meeting is scheduled during the week to limit interest, not to mention that there is really no clue offered as to what prompted this, or what the objective is.

Anonymous said...

438 - that implies a level of concern from the board that I have not seen in close to twenty years of watching them. Especially for part-timers, who, for the most part, are marginalized and ignored.