Wednesday, October 30, 2019


You better believe it...


noun abuse of public trust, act of bribing, act of profiteering, baseness, breach of faith, breach of trust, bribery, complicity, conduct involving graft, corrupt inducement, corruptibility, crime, criminality, debasement, deception, deviation from rectitude, deviousness, disgrace, dishonesty, dishonor, disloyalty, disrepute, fraudulence, fraudulency, graft, improbity, indirection, injustice, jobbery, knavery, lack of conscience, lack of principle, lack of probity, malignancy, obliquity, perfidiousness, perfidy, perversion of integrity, scoundrelism, turpitude, unscrupulousness, venality, villainy, want of principle, wickedness
Associated concepts: corruption in public office


Anonymous said...

I believe it. This blogg has become corrupt.

Anonymous said...

Again, George is simply telling the truth. The level of corruption continues to grow within the Surfside Board. As new board members come on the board they can only make two choices; join in on the corruption or fight it. If they fight it they are attacked personally by the board and are subject to the illegal retaliation of the board.

Anonymous said...

There is a difference between truth and OPINION. Much of what is on this blog, are opinions!!

Anonymous said...

Yes most of what is on this blog is opinions. George's opinion just comes with a much more experience, honesty and factual information. Thus, again, George is simply telling the truth.

Anonymous said...

1202 - look at the result, if you can. An Association that in no way operates within not for profit regulations, and feels it is a law into itself.

This will ultimately lead to more lawsuits and more of our money going to defend what cannot be defended.

Anonymous said...

Please cite the not for profit regulations that Surfside is operating within? As far as I can see your claim is not factual.

Anonymous said...

Do your own homework

Anonymous said...

The regulations regarding open communication are violated on a monthly basis. Start there, apologist.

Anonymous said...

7:56 AM: Wow, you're the Trustee and you don't know. Oh my god.