Thursday, October 31, 2019

Just Business As Usual?

Or something worse?

I am starting my 15th year here. In those years I have been on the Board and on most every committee, I still follow what is happening in Surfside.  In all these years, I have not seen the association sink to the levels it is now at.

The majority of the members and those outside our community, just view Surfside as the same old, and is no better or worse than it has always been. "That's just the way it is in Surfside". That is exactly what those who are destroying Surfside, want you to believe.  I don't think they even realize the harm they are doing.

I have attempted to provide information that shows the actual state of our association.  Personal attacks in the comments has diverted attention from the real informational facts as presented in documents posted here.  First had comments have provided information beyond what is released by the Board and others.

Can it be fixed?

YES it can.
It has taken years to reach this point, and will probably take years to turn it back around.  The most likely and acceptable solution is a return to a Board that is really working for the best interests of ALL members.  This could happen one at a time, several, or all.  Most likely it will be one or two at a time.

The entire Board could be removed at the Annual Meeting, but not likely to happen. The only way I see that happening is if all or most of the members were fully aware of what has happened and is happening. The Board and others are winning the battle to keep facts and information suppressed.

Another solution that is extreme is to abolish Surfside HOA.  We are seeing a growing number, who out of frustration, support that happening.  At this time, I do not support that. I still think we can fix the mess we are in today.  I do not see a will of the members to end this HOA.  However, if we continue on the present course, that could change.

The Board:

I think most of the Board members are decent people, but lack the experience and understanding to be in a management position.  They have hired people who share that same lack of professional experience.  We have seen decent and honorable Board Trustees, give up and walk away in total frustration.  We see personal attacks against candidates or potential candidates.  One or even four Board members can't win on a vote, but they can lend their voice to discussions and prevent bad motions from being considered by vote.  Even the best Board member is going to make mistakes or hold a point of view that we don't like or agree with. That is OK, if their position is based on "for all the members".

The Board volunteers of the past, didn't have to deal with today's  legal complexities and spending that is many times more than in the past. This is why professional qualified staff and employees must be hired.  The Board needs to return to setting policy and leave the management to the professionals.

In closing:

The answer to the question "or something worse?"
Is Yes, but it can be fixed. Nine people can fix it.
I could list all the issues we  have now, but they have been shown in many previous postings.

These are just my opinions based on what I have seen and experienced in 14 years here. It does not make me an authority on anything. Just my views, the same as you have yours. We can do better. It just takes the will to do it.