Monday, September 30, 2019

Surfside Sheriff Patrol

Letter to the editor in 9/25/2019 Cninook Observer...

An Ocean Park resident made a valid point to question the contract between Surfside and the Pacific County Sherrif's Office.  We (Surfside) pay $73,577.00  a year for 40 hrs. a week of mostly on site patrol. The amount budgeted pays the wage and benifits plus a small amount for supplies. The patrol car, gas, and County administrative fees, etc. are paid by the Sheriff department (Pacific County tax payers)

In effect, the County tax payers are picking up the bill for the costs that Surfside does not pay. However, Surfside is also paying the extra costs in our County tax bills.  The letter writer might be surprised to know that the majority of the Surfside residents are not "wealthy". The entire County including Surfside have 24 hr. regulat coverage, while the "special" Surfside patrol is only 40 hours a week.

If the Surfside Pacific County deputy was not working in Surfside, he would not be working. By his working here, that frees up time for the other deputies to be working in other parts of the County, such as Ocean Park. He also provides a back up for the regular officers when needed. With the County short of deputies and funding, this may be a good thing.  I just don't know.

It could very well be that Surfside and the rest of the County, are both getting a deal that is not good for either, financially.  There are two sides to every story.  Is the $73,000.00 worth it? you be the judge.

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Anonymous said...

We pay that much? For what? All he does is look for petty outstanding warrants, and waste time taking them to jail, only to be released. And he gets paid as much as the General Manager. Another waste of member money.

Anonymous said...

He should get paid for the time he is in surfside, not out. We pay county taxes to cover patrol of the entire county. We are paying twice. The county should be billed for his time outside of surfside. That bill should be paid to surfside. Who is in charge of the deputy? the county or surfside?

Anonymous said...

Poor Judy is off base. This is an uninformed whine. I'm not sure what the intent is other than pointing at us and saying "you are rich" and "I is poor"?

Anonymous said...

I think the extra fund we pay for targeted patrol in Surfside is worth it. Travis is doing a great job.

Anonymous said...

For what we pay, travis should be in shoa exclusively. Majority of his time he is not. Only plus, is he is anchored in surfside.

Anonymous said...

spending our money on a sheriff is much wiser than the court costs on an over hang on a shed.

Anonymous said...

A sheriff in Surfside is one of the reasons I bought here. He responded to my neighbors house alarm. His presence gives me a safer feeling, erroneous as that may be.

Anonymous said...

Surprised Judy didn't call the HOA elitists. Seems that's the thing to do nowadays.

Anonymous said...

They like have a patrol. That protects them from us low life below them.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like patrol more bout realtors.

Anonymous said...

Have you read his reports? Would you rather the druggies stayed in Surfside? You think your sheds are being broken into now? Wait till you don't have a police presence!!

Anonymous said...

Right. We would be like the rest of the county. Watchful neighbors can do more than an occasional drive by. Wasted money. We are good at that. And yes, I have read his reports. What a joke. Keystone cops?

Anonymous said...

Was told to me by Travis that he tended to not chase people with warrants, until there were enough charges to make them go away for longer time. He is frustrated also. We pay to anchor him in surfside, but his superiors control how much time is spent here. Which is not much.

Anonymous said...

Then, why have him?

Anonymous said...

Letter to the editor in 9/25/2019 Cninook Observer...

Anonymous said...

4:02 - No one has called the HOA Elitists fool. J pl. owners hold 6 of 9 Trustee positions, and assure that their "Tree Policy" and J Pl. chaired Tree Committee continues without interruption. THAT is ELITIST, and not compliant to our HOA's stated purpose, to govern fairly and without prejudice or discrimination.

Obviously, Surfside would not have a patrolman without paying for Travis, and the County could not afford him. What is there to quibble about ? As 1:30 points out, it is money better spent than wasted on poorly conceived Superior Court lawsuits. S.S. can afford it, and it benefits the entire area, not just Surfside.

Anonymous said...

I know if i didn't live in ss, id be upset that they bought a deputy. Doesn't seem kosher

Smart Here said...

It's only 73,000 Us rich folks in surfside can afford that. to us elite, it is just pocket change. Mess with surfside and you go to jail, sometimes. Does that Ocean Park wiener think they deserve equal sheriff patrol? She needs to shut up and pay up, after all we are better than the rest of the county. She needs to pay a little respect to surfside. We are smart here.

Fed Up said...

I have been stating for months that paying a deputy to patrol occasionally in Surfside is a huge waste of members funds. The occasions I have needed a deputy, this guy likes to tell you why he can’t do anything for you; not what he can do to assist you. He’s Barney Fife and in our town, he would have been let go 8 hours after observing his job performance. I’m assuming that the elitists feel safer with Barney driving around sporadically but be assured if you needed the law, the sheriff’s department would respond. BTW: he does an outstanding job of hanging out in the office and composing his WEAKENDER report. Another example of mismanagement of members’ funds. When does it end?

Anonymous said...

There are a lot of retired folks in Surfside, and a lot of vacant homes. Keep the cost in perspective, and recognize that the lawless element in the area know that Surfside has access to Travis AND the Sheriff's department in general. Not only direct action is a deterent.

I don't agree that Travis is a waste of money, nor does his presence have anything to do with J Place elitists. Our community takes in about 1.25million dollars a year in dues and assessments, which has to do with the size of the community and not the member's monetary worth or I.Q.. We can afford to bankroll this officer for the sake of everyone's greater peace of mind.

Anonymous said...

Travis is worth every penny we pay him.

Anonymous said...

Kind of like the empty sheriff vehicle parked in chinook,lol

Anonymous said...

What would surfside be like if we did not have a deputy and saved 73,000.00 Answer, we would be like the rest of the county. Crime ridden and afraid to go outside. Hardly.

Anonymous said...

Right. We would have speeders on I and G. We don't want that to happen. He is also so friendly. We would miss his jokes. In the weakender, that is. We could do away with his high stress job and make him the deputy strong armed compliance officer with a marked car with a red light and siren.

Anonymous said...

9:49...….PLEASE tell me that was sarcastic. Speeding on I Street is a constant! Add clammers and its a race track. In the dozen years we have lived here I have seen ONE car pulled over and that was many years ago! Im not faulting Travis, his superiors have a list of priorities to key on and traffic stops probably aren't up there. However I feel that since we are in a way paying double, speeding and distracted driving should be a concern as are the other issues. We have many joggers, dog walkers, bicyclists and pedestrians enjoying their activities on I, G and other main roads; its a safety issue.

9:49 said...

Yes it was. Safety is not a top priority in surfside. Read the Travis reports and you will see that there are few speeding tickets or even warnings. When Mr. Clark was the surfside deputy,speeding was much less than it is now. The only priority we see from this board are those damn trees. We are being poorly served by the board and the deputy. The deputy would rather play cop than attend to speeding in surfside. More wasted money,

Anonymous said...

The person who wrote the letter is an uninformed imbecile.