Tuesday, January 29, 2019

The Truth

"Who knew what, and when did they know it?"

Jim, Gary & Gil have known about the problems and hazards of handling AC pipe and they have chosen to ignore it.  This has knowingly put the employees and the community in harms way.  They have known  the proper handling and disposal for the past ten years.  Then Mr. Bill came along as a self claimed expert, and he did nothing to stop  the miss handling and disposal of the AC pipe.  They can not use ignorance as an excuse.

Most members on the Board over the last ten years were not informed of the hazards and methods of proper handling and disposal.  They relied on the experience and claims of the above as being truthful and accurate.


Anonymous said...

Not ever going to get the truth are we?

Anonymous said...

Gil and Bill knew what was going on for quite awhile, that is all that is necessary for them to lose their water certifications and thus jobs for gross negligence.

Anonymous said...

Yes, we will get the truth. We are seeing it here and the Chinook Observer has much more to say. Freedom of the press is alive and well. What we do with the truth when fully known, is the next question.

Anonymous said...

The hazards of asbestos are well known and a matter of general knowledge for most people who are not deaf and unable to read. The hazardous aspects of the Surfside pipes was discussed in board meetings 10 years ago and more. Any current or former board member who proclaims that they didn't know is not telling the truth.

Anonymous said...

It's true that the final challenge is to the membership to come together and actually show some sense of pride and purpose, and restructure the Board with a new sense of direction. Many want to laugh this off, but these failings of management are a warning to anyone looking for property, there being many aspects of the HOA dysfunctional and/or under federal investigation.

The unwillingness of the HOA to publicly address their predicament and what will be done about it is pathetic and self-serving. They are willing to squander OUR money, but cannot address the mistakes made, and the disaster of their making that has come to visit our peaceful community. We will be paying for their mistakes, but they hope to not have to talk about it. Go figure.

Anonymous said...

So far the Observer has been oddly silent, for an issue affecting so many of its readers. When can we expect that to change?

Anonymous said...

I for one am tired of being required to belong to an organization that doesn't communicate, operates in an illegal fashion, and generally ignores all membership to kowtow to the whims of the few. Honesty and transparency are required for a non profit organization, and we have neither.

Anonymous said...

Observer? We are waiting?!

Anonymous said...

If what I am reading is accurate, This looks like a layering of one sucker-punch after another. Looks as though The baiting over shed roofs and trees is trying to change the conversation. It would be Making a lot of noise about something else - to put you on the defensive and to cover over something you are not supposed to see. Somebody was outclassed in this deal.

Anonymous said...

Next article next week hopefully, even though certain board members and departing employee made a visit to stop it.

Anonymous said...

Interesting 11:20 AM. Looking forward to reading it.

Anonymous said...

How is the observer going to have more information if the investigation is on-going? At this point, the EPA is only working high-priority cases, I doubt we fall in to that category for them

Anonymous said...

Only the federal case is ongoing. Much the public and members arent aware of. Thats why certain board members n a soon to leave employee, tried to quash the next article. Federal interviews have been done, so not exactly a backburner issue for EPA. Look for pictures of pipe laden well field over the years.

Anonymous said...

Sounds Fun 1:05p, Sad that us members will eventually have to pay the price though.

Anonymous said...

So where's the column about SS in this week's Observer. I see they did add something about Dwarf tossing in WA state?

Anonymous said...

Be patient 9:15, It will come. Surfside is not everyone's priority. Only those of you who have so much to hide. If they wait they can get a picture of the feds putting the cuffs on the criminals as they point their fingers at each other.

Anonymous said...

What would the observer have to offer in ways of more information if this is an ongoing investigation?

Anonymous said...

Your just fishing for information for your defense. It must be really frustrating for the crooks who are wondering how much everyone knows including the press. We will all find out soon enough. When this all breaks, it will be on TV and in all the papers, not just the Observer. My property outside surfside should increase in value while yours tanks out. If I were you, I would take down that surfside sign.

Anonymous said...

12:19 - that would be great if my values tanked. I'm not thinking of selling in the near future and it would be nice to get a break on these ridiculously high property taxes we pay.

Getting my pop corn ready to watch the spectacle unfold.

Anonymous said...

If you have property outside of Surfside then why do you care? Saying that it will go up because of this shows you live in Fantasy land. Same with the handcuff references. Just wishful thinking on your part.