Saturday, October 17, 2020

October Board Meeting

It was very difficult to clearly hear and see the Board Meeting.  I could not get on the audio site and had trouble getting on the facebook video.  I have asked for clarification on the dues and assessments for 2021 as approved by all on the Board except DeLeest, who voted against the budget because of the  eight thousand water trailer. +


Anonymous said...

Did Clancy get a kickback from the trailer? Does anybody know?

Anonymous said...

I just find it hard to believe that you have not gotten rid of Clancy yet. Yesterday he gets a useless $8000 water trailer. Earlier, he works Frank Wolfe intro spending $500,000 of your money for a County Deputy that you may hardly ever see. He costs you $10,000 in fines for his personally selected construction company that “forgets” to get a permit. Last month he gets $3800 to his personally selected company to remove a tree. He is complicit in failed lawsuits filed against the HOA. THEN HE WANTS TO SELL HIS HOUSE FOR A $300,000 PROFIT and leave you all with the bill for all the purchases he created. Why is he still on your Board? He will continue to commit your money uselessly Neil he is re relieved of his Board membership. Wake up.

JoAnne said...

The members do have the power to vote the proposed budget down. Then the BOT will have to do what many school boards and hospital boards have had to do and that’s to go back and cut items and trim the budget to present a more realistic dollar amount for the budge

Anonymous said...

They're going to patrol the community with tape measures, laser levels, ladders, luminescent meters, and notepads or tablets. I suppose sometimes they will patrol with just a few of these items. They don't care. They only care about power.
Here comes the Gustapo!
So who will be "proactively enforced" first? I heard some of them say, "the worst offenders". Who is that? What does that mean?

Anonymous said...

They have been checking out ALL properties so EVERYONE is being proactively enforced.

And Gestapo, really????

Ronda F said...

Joanne, most members do not even vote, so the budget never gets voted down. Clancy really needs to go away. He is spend spend spend. I cannot believe how quick the board is to vote on things. Nothing was looked into on this water trailer. Do we, the members ever get a say in anything?
I have no intention on voting for Tom or Gary. The candidates with least votes only gets a 1 year term.

Ronda F said...

@7:57, I have been awake, not sure on anyone else. Clancy is a piece of work, and needs to be removed. He has done nothing for Surfside except cost us members money. I still cannot get a real answer on why he had K&I tree company cut down all the trees on 34205 J PL. Why not cut them to tree height compliance? Apparently this property has been out of compliance since 2016, like every other lot here, so why was this so important, and why did us members pay for it??

Anonymous said...

If you google and search Frank Wolfe, you will see and article on him committing fraud.
He has Clancy doing all his dirty work. He will cut his budget all the while Surfside funds a deputy for the county. Thats a 100,000 savings for the county. Wake up peeps!!

JoAnne said...

I know Ronda that voting is low participation, but this year it’s actually ballot not proxy. We should have better results. Maybe we can get a message across. I too also can’t get an answer on why we paid for tree cutting on that J Place lot. My ballot is going to agree with yours!

Anonymous said...

Since we can't have mail in, just means less proxies and the BOT will be out there harvesting all the more.

JoAnne said...

Anonymous 10:51 we will have mail in or drop off ballots this year! You will be receiving soon

Anonymous said...

Thanks. I now wonder what kind of mailing those on the BOT will do lambasting anyone but their chosen.

Anonymous said...

Looks like the dues are staying the same as this year! They've posted the budget on the website

Anonymous said...

If the budget didn't pass, they don't redo it, they use the budget for the previous year. They've kept the dues the same but to vote down a budget you need way more members voting than the 200 we usually get

Anonymous said...

I think Clancy got a kickback.