Sunday, November 10, 2019

Before and After Fire Pictures

Still smoking....

A little smoke coming out of the pile.  I really did not notice a smell.

I estimate 3 or so truck loads to haul away, but I am not good at estimating.  Someone else may be better able to judge that from the pictures.

Note the fire hydrant in the last photo. It is probably the cause for the main breaks. The quick on and off will cause pressure surges that can break pipe and/or their seals.

Click on the pictures to enlarge:

photo during burn by Al Franklin

Below are after pictures taken approx. 24 hrs. later...


Anonymous said...

How about an address?

Anonymous said...

315th and G

Anonymous said...

That was a fun day the fireman did a fine job. If that was the cause of our water main break, we need to keep replacing the pipes.

Q: How many firefighters does it take to make a fire? :)

Anonymous said...

Those "were" new pipes.