Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Threat Against Blog & Blog Host...

Surfside Business Manager makes threat..

 I received a threat from the Business Manager in an Email today.  Of course I am not concerned about the contents or it's validity, however,her Email does raise questions and concerns about her judgement. 

While the comment was personal in it's tone and content, it was no different than many other "anonymous" comments made.  I will not validate her threat by going into the rights of free speech, etc., etc..  She helps make the case for why people will not use their names in comments.  I have been around a long enough time to shrug off her nonsense, but others may not.

She is using her Surfside position as evidenced by using her Surfside Email address, and for an issue with a blog?  She has also CC a copy to an attorney, one used by the association.  Is she spending legal funds of the association on a private personal matter?  This is what I mean by poor judgement.  I have told her that any Emails she sends me will be considered "public"  Does she still want to meet someplace with me "for a cup of coffee".  I never answered her then, but will now...NO THANKS.  

Below is the Email I received....


Steve Cox said...

Seems she aims to impress with what a good soldier she is, as next to nothing has been said about her. I have suggested folks on the blog (and elsewhere), give her time to adjust to a difficult job and reserve judgement.

It was suggested by numerous voices at that time, that she was making herself look bad, complainimg publicly about being mentioned in the blog. That was a few weeks ago.

I believe there was one off the wall mean reference to her recently - typical on the blog. I had urged her to avoid the blog, as it is heartless.

Anonymous said...

I don't see anything mentioning her at all. Maybe you deleted it already?

Doug Malley said...

Steve, you really need to actually email her with a concern of rules being broken by Trustees, Committee members, and Volunteers. We questioned such things and she defended their actions by saying a monetary donation was given to the HOA so all was forgiven. But if we volunteered, we could help the community. ????????????

So if we volunteered or gave a donation then we are void of following the rules?

Ronda F said...

At least she emailed you George, feel loved. I emailed both her and Ric with questions about the meeting Saturday and have yet to get a response.

Anonymous said...

Where exactly is the threat against the blog or blog host?

Anonymous said...

Frankly I think she is a horrible office manager, giving dirty looks because you ask questions. The office staff is ridiculous and should be replaced!
But that's my opinion and that is due to me being treated like crap by them!

Anonymous said...

Something is not right with Tracey and my gut tells me she is bad news. For paying over 82,000 a year for that position why can’t they hire someone that is qualified for the position? I would love to know exactly what happened with her job in Ilwaco. There is some history there that she is trying to hide is my feeling.

The proxy’s need to go. I know that the BOT is collecting votes with those things. No where else is there proxy’s. We need to be able to vote via email with a DocuSign fair and square. The last meeting I went to they all had a bunch of them in their hands and it needs to stop. That’s why nothing here ever changes. If they ever decide to come at me for anything they better be prepared for a nasty fight because I will dig in and make life hell for them. I have nothing to loose and I am sick and tired of the BS.

Anonymous said...

What's the legal fund up to that everyone is contributing to? Last estimate was around 100k if I recall.

Anonymous said...

As landowners in Washington State, we have rights above and beyond an HOA. I have fought developers and won. Just a couple letters and an education on my rights by an attorney and they will scatter. This HOA does NOT supersede State laws for landowner rights.

As for the current business manager, it doesn't appear there's any longevity with any position held in the past, doubt it's going to start now. Give it a few more months, we'll be recruiting again is my prediction.

Anonymous said...

When you make your donation, you will get updates. Future plans are not discussed here.

Anonymous said...

Curious why the post was removed?

Anonymous said...

Where do I donate?

Ronda F said...

Because Tracy demanded it be removed, lol.. She should know you get more results with sugar than salt.

Ronda F said...

I think we are all owed an explanation from Tracy as to why the chipper was opened up for someone past 2pm last Saturday just because they gave a big donation.
Now that we all know you read the blog Tracy, let's here it.
Sounds like rules are meant to be broken

Anonymous said...

@10:00pm, very interesting

Anonymous said...

How about I collect your blank check donation, find out where, and be your "proxy"? Isn't that how we do things around here?

I suspect you are out of the loop for a very good reason.

Anonymous said...

Who cares if they extended the chipper hours?

Anonymous said...

I do not see a threat in the email. I see a request to remove a offensive comment. Considering the offensive comment was removed I see the issue is over.

Anonymous said...

Now we get to see the true manager, trolling the blog as I'm sure she also reports members to the board that may say something deragatory while transacting business. Next, she'll want us to show our papers. How it all starts.

Anonymous said...

Gotta love a business manager making that kind of dough who cannot answer an email, yet trolls the blog on her work time, and on our dime. Get rid of her

Anonymous said...

1157 - typical. Looks like she's gonna be a good little soldier.

Anybody wanna job? She'll be gone in 6 months. Less, if the board rolls over..

Anonymous said...

Extended? No! It was closed. It was opened past hours for someone. Can we all do this?

Anonymous said...

You call that offensive, she's a joke

Anonymous said...

It was a neighbor helping a neighbor, isn't that what you want us to do

George Miller said...

In response to 11:57
"I see a request". That's not the way I saw it. I saw it as a demand with a threat of legal action and a copy of the threat to an attorney. This is a bully tactic and not the way a professional would act.

I consider myself a reasonable person, and can understand how the comment would be considered offensive in personal nature. If Tracy had simply sent me an Email "requesting" that I remove the comment, end of issue. I had not seen the comment until she brought my attention to it.

I did immediately remove it. It had probably been up for only a couple of hours. She used her name in "demanding" immediate removal. The comment was made by "Anonymous". In light of that, I thought it was reasonable to remove the comment. If the comment had been made with a name, I may have decided the other way.

As I said, I think the nature of her "demand" and legal threat, on company time, reflects a lack of professional ability. Some members, especially seniors, can be easily intimidated and bullied. I am not one of them.

A simple polite request to remove the comment was all that was needed. Now, what is needed is a simple thank you for removing the comment and an apology for the offensive, threatening Email.

Anonymous said...

How to I get info on the legal fund or how do you donate?

Doug Malley said...

It was a volunteer that used that position to go outside of the rules, that volunteer could have taken the load to the chipper in the morning before their shift started at noon.

You all preach Covenants, and Operational Manual but then feel it is OK to break the rules on your terms!

What is it you all say RULES ARE RULES get over it.

Anonymous said...

Never should have been removed, bad precedent. Why bow to her demands n not the other jokers?

Anonymous said...

Thank you George for taking the time to explain how this should have been handled. Hopefully your reflective response will be digested and employed in future situations. Personally I could do without the name calling and snide comments altogether. It causes some of the very good ideas and observations articulated on this blog to get lost in the unnecessary noise.

Anonymous said...

1. Touche @10:54 exactly what I was thinking.

2. George was correct, including an attorney in the email is an aggressive move and unnecessary.

3. I don't know of any fund yet, I believe the election will be the turning point. Possibly send a letter to the PO Box for Surfside United? They can answer any questions or concerns you have in a respectful manner.

4. The business manager is human and probably feels attacked on many levels. I advocate for women in the business world but in this case, she is in way over her head. She should have been warned about the toxic environment. Another failure on the BOT.

5. I'm not sure having the chipper available for someone outside of operating hours is an issue. Some people are not here full time and we are in a fire danger situation. I would expect this was possibly a special circumstance OR it was something someone was willing to do under the some circumstances.

If EVERYTHING is a bitch session, the important stuff gets lost. We all say things here we would never say to anyone's face. I wish we could somehow see each other. Really see each other and work out these issues for the good of all. This blog is a venting station and has gone beyond a progressive unified front. I believe we need an space outside of here to move forward and to end this current BOT's agenda.

Anonymous said...

People get angry when they are threatened. People also get angry when they read a blog post that is a lie, prevarication, or fallacious. People do not like having untrue or even unflattering comments published about the them. If it is getting hot in the kitchen, you know what to do.

Anonymous said...

@12:34 - good post.

Anonymous said...

Doug, I see and read that you have been to the Cox school of obnoxious behavior and comments. You can take a break now and go away!

Ronda F said...

@4:22, Doug will speak his mind, you have to hide behind anonymous.
Some of you say it's no big deal to open the chipper for someone after hours. So next Wednesday I can make arrangements to dump my garbage and then go to the chipper say around 4.
No big deal right. Could you imagine if we all did that.

Anonymous said...

@Ronda - Quit whining. If it was agreed/arranged then yes you could do that. If too many requests come in then they will get denied. Are you representing Doug on all posts now? You will be toxic to any board.

Anonymous said...

I don't think Ronda is whining. I noticed Ronda struggles to have grey areas of thinking and that's ok, we need people like that. To treat everyone EXACTLY the same is also harsh and unjust and luckily not everyone prescribes to those ideas. I don't think it's a big deal if a chipper volunteer opens up the ropes for a special consideration to dump. Unless there's something we don't know about (please tell if so), I would expect this to be a rare occasion.

Ronda F said...

I'm not whining, just pointing out the selective special treatments.
Doug and I are friends and no need for you to tell him to go away. You clearly have it out for Steve, Doug and myself.
Have a great evening, see you Saturday, 😘

Anonymous said...

Ronda is no whiner by any means. I have come to know her quite well and she wants to represent ALL of the people that live here in Surfside unlike the BOT we have had for the last few years who only serve themselves. People who attack her and the other people running for the BOT are only doing so because they are scared that they will be voted out. It’s time for a change.

Please vote for Ronda, Larry, Cori and John

Anonymous said...

611 - Rhonda is exactly what this Board needs. Someone who won't put up with your garbage! You lower the collective IQ with every post.

Anonymous said...

@6:11 - yes, you are evidence of that lowered IQ.

Anonymous said...

Easy to determine the manager's past. Some basic internet search of the person and their spouse will turn up records of employment, including time periods, as well as business dealings. Heck, for $1.99 you can get a lot more including all relations and possible court records.

Anonymous said...

This is a small town with natives living in the area. Word gets around very very fast. If you are hiding something, it won't stay buried for long. If you say something, it will be repeated before you finish. If you do something, the entire pen will know about it. I wouldn't be surprised if the Chinook Observer has already been notified. They might even be at the meeting tomorrow. We will see.......

That's just how things work on the peninsula. Always has been this way, always will be this way.

Anonymous said...

403 - after watching Ronda in action today, I'm sure she does. Kind of your worst nightmare, isn't it?

Anonymous said...

408 - sounds like you have some issues with chemical dependence, probably alcoholism. That would be the only reason conceivable for such a disjointed stupid post.

Never did think you idiots could lose with grace, and I was right.

Anonymous said...

Somethings not quite right with all these Anonymous posters...sound like a bunch of entitled maybe move to Ocean Park! Keep Surfside classy.

Anonymous said...

Yes she is a whiner! I just got here- late for this party..

Anonymous said...

Yup shes a winner! NOT

Anonymous said...

She struggles to complete a sentence period!

Anonymous said...

Do you have a crystal ball? I think her qualifications superceded anyone on this blog. Shes pretty tough- wont cower from some of this bullying nonesense! Dont be so quick to judge! Try working together for a start!

Anonymous said...

Oh, well I am on the board and I already say enough 8s enough. Please stop and let's try working together? If that post was made about of you without ANY concrete evidence youd be pissed too! Let's stop ....and be kind!