Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Motion for the Annual Meeting

Name change....

I make a motion that the name Surfside Homeowners Association be changed.

The new name shall be....

Humpty Dumpty Homeowners Association.

Do we have a second?


Anonymous said...

George, you should check your meds or lay off the Rumplemintz this early in the day

Anonymous said...

How about, The Few, The Prideless, The Spenders?

Anonymous said...

There has been many studies to prove that chronic cigarette smoking decreases blood to the heart. These past few years have shown this to be true when it comes to the host.

Anonymous said...

Re, July 9, 2019 at 11:30 AM

Well bless your little black heart

george said...

LOL. Some folks have no sense of humor. For those who make observations about my health, all I can say is, you should hope your in as good a shape at 83 as I am. "Famous last words". lol

Anonymous said...

And here I thought you were in your nineties. Bravo.

Anonymous said...

Don't bang on the blog host. You haven't got the game to hang!