Wednesday, January 16, 2019

General Manager position

New position with job responsibilities and qualifications:

Click on each page to enlarge.


Anonymous said...

how much are we going to pay this person?

Anonymous said...

So a high paid board stooge, with no water qualifications. Smh🤦🏼‍♂️

Anonymous said...

No person in the right frame of mind would step into this position, until all the legal issues have been resolved and BOT members GONE

george said...

The salary has not been published yet, and may not be determined until after the Board meeting Saturday. It is anticipated that the total compensation package will be less than what we are now paying Neal and Frazier combined. This could be a saving and the listed qualifications certainly exceed those of Neal and Frazier. I think the hard part will be finding anyone willing to take on this mess.

Anonymous said...

oh, 10:56, there will be someone who will take the bait. It's not all that bad.

Anonymous said...

This looks like a "wish list" and not a job description for one fulltime employee. They want this person to have certification in Water Dept. matters, and to fill the roles of both Laura and Bill Neal. They do not grasp how lame it is to have the Office manager also be the Head Compliance officer, as well as monitor performance of all paid employees, write budgets, oversee all depts. and committees, do the Board's bidding on request, serve the president as he so desires, and be responsible for the HOA's compliance to regulatory standards, keeping astride to all regulatory changes AND anticipating any regulatory changes.... on and on.

I'd like to see the candidates be proficient in Scrimshaw, and be able to give customers new prescription glasses "in about an hour". This job description is ridiculous. Better to seek more than one employee with specialized skills, worrying less about the cost than filling positions with qualified people who are not asked to be a Super-hero.

If the pay is good, people will apply, but these expectations are beyond one person's scope in a standard 40 hour week. We do not want a string of new hires who cannot cover all of these responsibilities (no one can), and are overwhelmed by the responsibilities. This is typical Williams nonsense.

Anonymous said...

Look at it this way. A new BM would not be responsible for the past. The right candidate could do a lot for us. s/he could also get the board straightened out. This person/hire/position will look favorable to the entities that are levying fines on us. SS would be a great challenge for someone. There are many people out there that like challenges. The person needs to be a strong leader and may have to kick some ass along the way, but that would be a good thing. :+)

Anonymous said...

Thank you Bill Neal.

Anonymous said...

Outside professional mgmt company only way to go, being under bot thumb, we end up in same situation as we have now. This place will never produce a good BM.

Anonymous said...

What do you mean "kick some ass along the way"? If that person kicks my ass along the way, I will unleash all within my power on this hoa.

Anonymous said...

Lmao 12:55. Touchy board member? Statement obviously a euphemism.

former member... said...

SHOA produces nothing but BM - bowel movements! So glad I am no longer in that s hole!

Anonymous said...

1255 - will unleash all his power? LOL

Anonymous said...

Unless they can kick ass on the BOT, you are dreaming.

Agree with 12:17 - this list is convoluted and unachievable. Anybody to signs on is programmed for failure.

Anonymous said...

If you are so darn happy 2:39, then why the need to come on here? I get the feeling that we are all better off with you leaving.

Anonymous said...

Who will be interviewing job candidates ? I would guess Williams and Frasier, maybe deLeest and Winegar as well. At any rate, Williams won't be hiring anyone who has the courage or intent to criticize, manage or advise the Board.

That's where the process of rebuilding a better organization stalls - unwillingness to yield to sound advice, operate a fully transparent HOA, unwillingness to change the dynamic from serving the wealthiest owners to working to involve more members and becoming more inclusive - all characteristic of the current Board's approach.

Enforcement is necessary in an HOA, but the goal should always be to enforce only rational and sound standards, and in so doing, make compliance a partnership. Compromise is sometimes the better path to resolving enforcement. Such trivial issues should never end up in Superior Court, where the expense cannot be justified for what is at issue.

Anonymous said...

They will be lucky to even get a candidate.

Anonymous said...

Or perhaps has the candidate already been selected? After watching the last two Board appointments, I cannot believe the same shenanigans won't take place here.

Anonymous said...

To be a director over a water dept you have to be certified water distribution manager#4.

Anonymous said...

Re: January 17, 2019 at 5:42 PM

I think you are wrong here, to manage the water system.

I would think some number of years of water dept experience and a technical background would be required, after all it is not his or her name on the DOH files as the system operator.

Which brings up another future problem for SHOA, that being I believe Gil is listed as the system operator but after what he and Bill did, that's not going to fly in the end.

The Problem with looking for someone with a combined skill set such as what Bob Haskin and Ken Karch had will not come cheap.

Anonymous said...

Perhaps Mr.Haskin's could enlighten us as to exactly what his credentials were when he got the water dept job.

Anonymous said...

Neal did not have appropriate credentials or experience for the job. Surfside paid for him to get the credentials needed. I am not Bob Haskins. I am a long time Surfside resident.

Bob Haskin said...

January 18, 2019 at 8:32 AM

I am Bob Haskin

Maybe you should re-read my resume, you appear to have this knowledge or access to my personnel file.

Additionally why don't you ask Ken Karch and Jimmie Applegate as to what they saw in me in hiring me.

Anonymous said...

Hey @ January 18, 2019 at 8:32 AM

Wondering what you may have learned about Mr. Haskin yet?

Some of us are sitting on the edge of our seats waiting to hear from you about the credentials he had for the water job he held.

george said...

The current Chinook Observer lists a salary of 80,000.00
Was told there are over 15 applicants at this time.

Anonymous said...

So Bob you continue to evade my question as to your particular skill set when you held the job. Something to hide ? I'll be like most everyone else on this site and refuse to dig for your resume.

Anonymous said...

It says - "The GM is responsible for the supervision, development, operation, and maintenance of the Surfside Homeowners Association Water Distribution System, Surfside-owned buildings and lands, and all field operations in compliance with Federal, State and Local mandates."

I don't know if this is new or if Laura was hired to the same responsibilities, seems this could be where the blame should be directed for our current mess with the EPA/State/County.

Bob Haskin said...

Re: January 27, 2019 at 3:21 PM

You can go look at it yourself smartass, not worth my time!

I could apply for this position but I'm NOT stupid.

Anyone not doing their due diligence before hand deserves what they will get and I would not sell my home to come down here to this sad little place.

Until some BIG changes occur the failure of this new individual is inevitable and it won't be his fault.

Anonymous said...

9:53...That is new. Looks like an admission they were violating laws. How stupid. You should not have to have that in a job description. They are going to blame laura for all the criminal activity. They need to add a description for the board president. You will not be a dumb fat ass.

Anonymous said...

Bob followed the laws and cared about the safety of the employees. All neal cares about is his pay check. Bob is lucky he is not working here.

Bob Haskin said...

Re: January 28, 2019 at 12:08 PM

That's a FACT!