Monday, November 26, 2018

Systemic Failure

A comment you need to see.  

This comment speaks the truth.  I re-posted here because I wanted to make sure you saw it. Sometimes comments can be lost in older posted topics.  

Anonymous said...
It does seem inevitable that sale of properties will stall for a while. An unfortunate consequence is that this is so complicated it is likely to take months before we have much of a picture of how this will all shake out, and years to resolve.

A sideline is that the current HOA Board and Business Office are not likely to make any effort to inform the entire membership of the colossal mess we are in, and will be obligated to resolve at great expense to all members. It is essential that major changes in our management take place.

Allowing the president a free pass to seek legal consultation at will has lead to the spending of at least $75,000 on the Johansen lawsuit which was withdrawn. This was a complete waste of member funds, and was not properly approved by the entire Board. The president has taken many liberties in this regard and clearly has no perspective of who he serves, or how to conduct business transparently as required by the State.

Twelve year veteran Trustee Jim Flood never attends Board meetings in person, and has failed miserably as the primary proponent of the Waterline replacement project, and long time member of the Water Committee. He apparently lives in California, and is far from the Water Dept. he should have been monitoring.

The Board needs to demonstrate a sense of responsibility to address its' poor leadership and lack of any semblance of oversight. Whatever is finally interpreted from the contracts with Bill Neal and North Beach from a legal standpoint, Surfside HOA has failed to work as a responsible partner to Mr. Neal and the dept. staff, as well as N. Beach. There is no denying a systemic failure to manage our largest community asset, and it will cost us dearly.

As more information comes to light from the criminal, State, and EPA investigations, the Board needs to call a Special Meeting of the membership, where all of the details of this business is brought to light, and community discussion had as to what will be done about it. Pretending that anything will change in management without changes in personnel and procedures is to live in a world of make-believe.

If the BOT and community do not demonstrate a sense of purpose in setting up corrective measures, the Courts or State may mandate specific changes.


Anonymous said...

All words and no action. That is ttpical for the people on this blog. I get it.

Anonymous said...

What you will get is " the Courts or State may mandate specific changes."
What is "typical for the people on this blog" is, they are becoming more aware of the corruption that exists in our HOA, and that scares the hell out of those who are trying to keep everything covered up. The real action will be initiated by State, County and Federal authorities. The level of corruption we are seeing, is not new to those authorities, and they have the know how and authority to act, and they will. You claim "to get it". You will get it, but not the way you expect.

Anonymous said...

I truly hope you're right. I have my doubts particularly because you don't state what the courts, county, state, and federal authorities will do. What is your experience with this? Do you know any jurisprudence on this matter? Do you know of any case law on this matter. I'm just beginning my research so please share with the rest of us.

Anonymous said...

A L&I fine, County fine, and criminal investigation, plus upcoming EPA fine, is what they will do. You don't have to be a lawyer to see what is happening. Case law? Just watch the news or read the newspaper. These things are prosecuted every day. Do you think surfside is special? Start with a little common sense and you won't need so much research.

Anonymous said...

Trying to defend the indefensible just makes some look very foolish, or just nuts. Thanks for destroying our community.

Anonymous said...

Why are you attacking me? What did I do wrong? I'm on your side. You're putting me down for doing research and telling me i have no common sense?

Anonymous said...

Good luck 12:38, they crucify everyone on here

Anonymous said...

Why are you attacking me? What did I do to you? What did I do wrong? I never said anything about defending anyone. I'm on your side. I've been an owner/member for 7 months. I have not destroyed our community.

Anonymous said...

Clearly, you chose the right word, crucify. Gee Wizz OMG

Anonymous said...

Was referring to 11:23.

Anonymous said...

Go ahead attackers, attack me!

Anonymous said...

That was me.

Anonymous said...

1:48 that applies to new HOA's created after July 1st, 2018. SS has been here since 1965

Anonymous said...

What is your point? Why don't you read all the information? You are not entirely correct. That was a pretty good attack. You didn't quite crucify me, but very close.

Anonymous said...

According to this article the definition is The WUCIOA is comprehensive legislation which will apply to many types of common interest communities, including condominiums, homeowner associations, and real estate cooperatives. The WUCIOA is intended to create uniformity in the laws governing common interest communities. Common interest communities created after June 30, 2018, will be governed exclusively by the provisions of the WUCIOA.

Not sure how that applies to SS, please explain as what I read kept referring to WUCIOA, which as you see above is for those created this year.

Anonymous said...

You are bantering over verbiage while the barn burns.
The important thing right now is not nitpicking details, but how do we get out of this mess? Is dissolution the only option to rescue us from the incompetence and outright collusion that we witness at every BOT meeting? What other options do we have?

Anonymous said...


Curious, exactly how many board meetings have you attended in the last eight months?

Anonymous said...

You would like that, wouldnt you 4:01?
Property values here make that unworkable, thanks to this very type of attitude.

Anonymous said...

Fire everybody, get rid of the HOA...have Bill and NB handle the water plant, all left over money to the members...before the fines get handed down...

Anonymous said...

We will stay just for you 4:01. You're such a nice, cheery person to be around.

Anonymous said...

Good luck selling n moving now. The word is out. No one would be stupid enough to buy here now. Talk to a realtor if in doubt.

Anonymous said...

So it seems that we have the choice of selling our property at a considerable loss, or dealing with a corrupt HOA. Which is it going to be?

Anonymous said...

I'm going to stay with my buddy 4:01. You must really enjoy J Place 4:01.

Anonymous said...

Sell now and get out while you can. Once your out, you are in the clear before new higher assessments and loans happen. You have a better chance of selling now, before we get hit with more fines. If you have a bare lot, don't pay dues or county taxes. Let them lien it and foreclose. Surfside will get nothing and the county will sell it for taxes. Get out now. Leave those trees to grow. Stay or not, everyone should stop cutting trees. Let them take you to court, they will lose. You take them to small claims court, you win. POWER TO THE MEMBERS!

Anonymous said...

I agree mostly with 7:52.
I don't have trees, but if I did, this is what I would do. I would file for a property tax reduction because of tree height reduction and if it was lowered, I would then go to small claims court and ask for a judgement of the lowered assessment in value. I would do this every year. I bet you would win your small claim and open the door to everyone to file. That covenant would go away very fast.

Anonymous said...

Assuming I would get what I paid in April, which is highly unlikely now, I would take a loss of 7,0000 given what I have spent so far. I'm not going to do that. I got damaged in the housing crisis and continue to be because of incompetence, malfeasance, and irresponsible people and now the SHOA BOT is damaging me and all members. Thanks for the tip on the trees.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the tip on the trees relative to property taxes and lowered assessed value judgement. For me it's very small dollars, but seems relatively easy and achievable.

4:01. said...

As a matter of fact I do. Much better than being a miserable POS like yourself.

Anonymous said...

Oh you hurt my feelings. I'll cry you a river for you to be carried out to sea. You seem to know what it's like to be a miserable POS. Remember, to the victors, go the spoils.

Anonymous said...

Are you our newest BOT member?

Anonymous said...

Fellow Owner/Members. Please read this.
I vote to opt in.
We need to propose a motion at one of the next meetings to opt in.

Anonymous said...

Who Does it Affect?
The WUCIOA in its entirety applies to ALL CICs created after July 1, 2018.
An association may elect to opt in.
Small communities with no more than 12 units and no more than $300 in annual assessments per unit are exempt from most of the provisions.
Section 326 of the WUCIOA applies to ALL CICs, regardless of when they were created.
Surfside has been here since the 60's this would not apply

Anonymous said...

I'm getting ready to start buying...when the dust starts flying and people start panicking, they'll want out at any cost...I'm getting ready to start buying...the property value may dip but will recover...I'm getting ready to start buying...because when I sell I'll be rich. Now start selling people!

Maybe George should start a separate blog tabs: Make Offer I Want Out or How low can you go?

Anonymous said...

Is this my buddy 4:01? A BOT member on this blog. What names are you going to call me today? Don't worry, I won't be intimidated. You sound very concerned.

Anonymous said...

There are a lot of your kind out there, unfortunately. Those so eager to take advantage of other's misfortune for their own gain they're giddy.

Anonymous said...

I'm giddy alright, I'm busy unsnuffing my matress full of cash!

Anonymous said...

Re: November 28, 2018 at 8:33 AM

Sadly there are way too many Mr. Potters out there.

I only hope that their life is rather short denying them their shallow enjoyment of their gains at someone else's loss.

Anonymous said...

Nobody loses unless they panic and sell

Anonymous said...

I agree. Thanks for backing me up sir.
United We Stand, Divided We Fall

Anonymous said...

I agree. I'm not selling. Have a good day.

Anonymous said...

Time to end this one George. The children are misbehaving.

Anonymous said...

The philosophy needs to be how do we break this cycle, rather than panic and bail.
Mocking the situation is simply evidence that the storm is building. I too will stand.

Anonymous said...

Your judgement is not relevant in this forum, as much as you would like to think.

Anonymous said...

Interesting that no one who has commented has any more interest than their property's marketability and making snarky remarks.

Apparently there are no grown-ups in the room. There is no simple fix for our circumstances, and as members we will have to be patient and see how all of this trouble we are in, with the County, State and Federal EPA, shakes out.

If we want our community to survive this mess, we will have to collectively address solutions. That is probably too big a challenge for this community in which less than 20% of the membership votes or participates beyond paying dues and assessments.

When all of the fines have finally been levied on Surfside and criminal investigations completed, what will our long-term responsibility be to S.S. employees who were exposed to asbestos ? That is the most troubling aspect of this systemic failure of management by the HOA, N. Beach, Mr. Neal, Mr. Flood, and Mr. Williams.

At the moment, there is nothing preventing Pres. Williams going on another legal spending spree, like the one he went on in the last year. The Board has no established protocol to keep this pending under control, and seems blind to the urgency to set tight limits and required BOT approvals. Maybe limiting legal spending to increments of $5000/ approval would be a consideration.

Does anyone on the BOT have the backbone to initiate the Board's taking a serious look at this spending, abuse of authority, and irresponsible management ? I think they'll pretend everything is fine, and show no initiative or conscience. Unless owners get involved in large numbers and demand changes be made, Mr. Williams will be busy consulting his attorney at $700 an hour - at will, and our funds will be wasted on poor choices.

Anonymous said...

This is 11/28 9:28. I want us to opt in to the new law as of July 2018. I want to end proxy voting. I want mail-in voting. I want no overhang limit on any structure. I want complete transparency. I'm willing to put the time in. I'm willing to run for the BOT. If we could get 6 more to run on this preliminary platform, we have a chance to make positive life enhancing hoa change.

Anonymous said...

Backbone in a group of syncophants is hard to come by. After watching Patrick and Deb in their efforts to effect change, how they were vilified, doesn't make people want to try to fix this.

This is why dissolution may be the only answer to rampant cronyism and a stacked deck.

Anonymous said...

How certain are you that dissolution is a real possibility? Do you know of any hoa entities that have gone through dissolution for similar reasons?

Anonymous said...

Not certain of anything in this environment. It would certainly be a fight, but might be a better option than constantly fighting a stacked deck.

Anonymous said...

I talked to Patrick the other night. He fought the good fight, but was too outnumbered. One of the things he recommended was to get 5 people with the same change vision to get on the BOT.

Anonymous said...

Face it 11:57, Deb and Patrick were the wrong people with self serving concepts and trouble making methods that did not well serve the majority of Surfside members. Move on, we need better people than these two ever thought of being.

Anonymous said...

When do you recommend we start pursuing dissolution? I just found some guidance online. I've also left a voicemail message with Patty Murray's office. I'll be calling and writing Maria Cantwell next...There is much work ahead.

Anonymous said...

Patty and Maria, just can't seem to picture them giving a crap about us?

Anonymous said...

This is not a federal issue. Agreed, Patty and Maria have much more important things to do.

Anonymous said...

You have to give me more. Who's side are you on? Are you just apathetic? Have you quit and given up? If so, its understandable, but please pick a side.

Anonymous said...

You can't intimidate me. Who's side are you on? I sense you calling me a name next. Is this 4:01 from yesterday?

Anonymous said...

In case you haven't guessed 1:50 and 2:05, I'll be contacting all my WA state HORs too. The county, the city, North Beach Water are all on my list to contact. Then the attorney.
Have a nice day.

Anonymous said...

Your opinion. Since attacks by people like you drove them away, I will give that opinion all the attention it deserves - none.

Anonymous said...

good 213, looking forward to your full report soon

Anonymous said...

Good recommendation, but unlikely, as the current BOT is stacked tight. They control the positions and the election, the veracity of which i believe to be in question.

Anonymous said...

You have support! Don't allow this bully to deter you.

Please share, as we are stronger together!

Anonymous said...

Will you help 2:18?

Anonymous said...

One more time since first comment was deleted. There should not be sides to take. The issue should be to look at reasoned and well balanced options for any problem. Beating chests and creating a disaster where none might exist serves no good purpose. Insurance should cover much of the expense of fines and legal costs for the current situation. Yes, some heads should roll. Neal and the fools who continue to support him should be booted. Working on a better future for the association makes a lot more sense than the multi-complications of working towards dissolution. Stop and think. Don't stupidly react.

2:10 appears to want to be called names. Give it a rest with the picking a fight mode.

Anonymous said...

I was not trying to bully 213, I was just interested in seeing what information comes out of it.

I may decide to help. just depends on the outcome of the fees and fines, it just might be easier and more economical to pay and move on?

Anonymous said...

225, you are correct and factor in that any fines that are levied on us are basically divided by 2200.

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately, the pay and move on philosophy is a big part of how we got here.

I don't really care for dissolution, but if it is the only way to get out from under the scoundrels, then that option may need to be entertained.

Anonymous said...

It is still OUR money that being thrown down the drain!

Anonymous said...

My mother died from work related health hazards, so to me it's not about just paying fines however small for all of us they may be.

Anonymous said...

Try to forget your personal preferences and prejudices. Think about the good of the whole association. This should not be a vendetta. It is a matter of find the best course of action for the benefit of most members.

Anonymous said...

The good of the whole association has been abrogated by the interests of the few.

I have to laugh at the people who accused Patrick and Deborah of this, even as they are living it through their handpicked clique. The difference is that it is their self interest.

Either fix it or dissolve it, but don't let the bullies continue to run it!

4:01 said...

OK 2:20, please explain how they control positions and the elections. Did they stop anyone from running for the board? No. Did they stop or made people vote for someone they didn't want to serve? No

The only Trustee that you could possibly say tried this was Patrick. He found those with like minds to run for the board a few years ago. He went door to door promoting them and tried to get people to sign over their proxies. Gave out mock ballots with his choices on who to vote for. He tried that with me and I'm someone who lives here fulltime and can walk to the office to give my vote.

Btw, the current president was one of his "chosen ones".

Although I didn't agree with his tactics and with my conversations with him I didn't care for the man, I still wouldn't question his right in doing so. I would also not make the baseless statement that you made above either.

Bottom line. Anyone, anyone can step up and run for the board. Everyone has the opportunity to vote for who they want to represent them. Unfortunately for some here the people who do run and get voted in don't share their views. Plain and simple.

But please, continue with your same conspiracy rhetoric that has been going on for years here.

Anonymous said...

And so goes the party line.....again. No ones buying it. Neither are L & I, county, state, or EPA.

Anonymous said...

Post all the votes cast on the website, including the supposed write-in votes. And how is a write-in vote valid? What section in the CC&Rs explains write-in votes. Show up members the vote results. Use transparency SHOA BOT.

Anonymous said...

I never received a ballot to vote for the new board member. That's one of the SHOA BOT tricks. Stop members from voting on board members. Don't give them an opportunity to vote on board members.

Anonymous said...

The whole process is rife with the potential for abuse. Any election moving forward should be validated by a third party.

Anonymous said...

The new board member was a write i candidate at the annual membership meeting in July. They usually have the next highest vote getter take the spot but there weren't any additional candidates that ran so they went with the write in candidate who received the highest votes.
So no one received a ballot because it happened in July. They are stopping anyone from voting, you jest need to know how the voting works

Anonymous said...

4:01 11/28 6:14 PM. Will there be more legal bills for anything or any issue related to Patrick?

Anonymous said...

I asked you to tell me where in the CC&RS and the ByLaws to find our laws. I have been a member/owner since April. I was never sent a ballot to vote for the new board member.

Anonymous said...

Why didn't I get a chance to submit a write-in?

Anonymous said...

The ballots for the July meeting were sent out in June, you have the option of a write in if you are in attendance at the meeting

Anonymous said...

I never recieved one.
Laura just told me ballots weren't sent out and the write-in was from the floor at the annual meeting. Laura also told me write-in voting is not in the CC&RS or the ByLaws. It is in some esoteric Operating Procedure.
Based on your dialogue here today, I believe you are a SHOA BOT member 11/29 9:59 AM.

Anonymous said...

Again, if you attend meetings you would have heard the discussion. A member asked the board why he write in candidate wasn't put into the open spot, they asked him to review with the attorney, he did and at the following meeting he told those in attendance since they would have put in a candidate that ran but didn't get the votes in the open spot. Since there were no other candidates that ran, they gave it to the next highest vote getter which happened to be a write in candidate.
Ballots are sent out in June for the annual meeting in July, I got one and I voted.
Keep guessing, could it be I am an informed member who attends meetings

Anonymous said...

The meeting room accommodates only a few members at each meeting. It is often hard to follow the meeting because mostly the pertinent information is in one notebook rather than available to all members attending. All appearances are that the board discourages attendance and the transparent dissemination of information. Much appears to go on in Surfside that is not addressed in monthly meetings or committee meetings. Members attending monthly meetings are often shut down by the presiding officer when wishing to speak. All and all, attending the meetings can be simply another exercise in frustration that makes it clear that members will never be privy to critical information as long as the board and employees operate in the current manner. Many of us stopped attending meetings in order to create some small sense of peace of mind in our lives while ignoring critical issues and concerns. This is not an hoa that takes good care of its members. This is an hoa that is controlled by a few arrogant nincompoops.

Anonymous said...

love the truth 11:22

Anonymous said...

Well said 11/29 11:22 AM.

Ultimately, I vote for dissolution.

If we can't get dissolution, I vote for opting in to the new WA state hoa related law passed in 2018.

Anonymous said...

Isn't it nice. I wish our culture valued facts and truth as much as it used too.

Anonymous said...

Who received a voting ballot for the new SHOA BOT member or members prior to either the July Annual Meeting or the November Annual Meeting?
Thanks in advance for answering.

Anonymous said...

I pay for a newspaper that is supposed to be delivered via snail mail Monday thru Saturday. I also pay for both weekly and monthly magazines that are supposed to be delivered in my (on the street) mailbox. In almost any week, I do not receive these publications because of errors by the post office delivery people. Sometimes, those who got my mail by mistake bother to drop it off at my house later. Sometimes, I never get what is missing. I have created online notifications for all billings and important documents. The point is that we do not have reliable snail mail delivery. Often, I receive my mail in the dark of the evening with 9:45pm being the latest delivery time that I have noticed. Ballots may not have been received by some because we have lousy mail delivery services almost nationwide and here. Also, many HOA members fail to report when they have a change of address. Sometimes, that mail is returned to the sender and sometimes simply disappears. There are a lot of possibilities as to why Surfside ballots may not be received by Surfside members. The paranoia on this blog about ballots gone astray is a good indication of the general distrust and negative thinking of many Surfside members. Start thinking about ways to turn owning property in Surfside into a positive and reliable experience if you seriously want changes. Groaning and whining gets nowhere. No, I am not a Surfside employee. I am simply a member who pays attention to what the hell is going on.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Olds, husband to Mrs. Olds who is chair of the Tree Committee, and involved in other committees, was a fake write-in. He was nominated at the Annual Meeting, where he received something over 100 votes - obviously a carefully orchestrated plan to put a like-minded member on the Board with Williams, Winegar, deLeast, and the insider elitist group.

So much for the claim that there "is no conspiracy". What was done was legal, just blatantly dishonest, as part of the ongoing efforts to force the community to accept governance by a very conservative group of owners who are hell-bent on preserving the absurd defoliation of the Tree Policy, riding herd on the RVers, keeping policy under wraps, and preventing anyone with an independent spirit or differing politics from having a seat on the Board.

The "problem" with Patrick and Deb was that they are independent thinkers with intelligence, patience, and drive. It has nothing to do with this claim of supposed "personal agendas". They weren't intimidated by the status-quo majority on the Board, so were ignored, insulted, badgered, and intentionally not notified of private meetings among some of the Trustees, initiated by Williams.

Olds is a handpicked status-quo meister put in place after the Board had announced that they would stick with an 8 member Board. Not sneaky huh ?

Anonymous said...

Thanks for all your positivity. By the way, my statement is sarcasm.

Anonymous said...

11/29 12:49 PM is 11/29 1:00 PM (person's) third paragraph Exhibit A.

Anonymous said...

Deb and Patrick were all about fulfilling their personal preferences in Surfside with no regard for the consequences for others. Those of you who persist in idolizing these two are seriously delusional. Patrick and Deb engaged in dirty tricks with the same self serving malice that has been exhibited by some of the board members. Surfside members need to wake up and smell the shit wherever it is. Dirty tricks often lead to more and dirtier tricks. When the hell are the members going to stand up and fight for integrity, transparency and sensible changes?

Anonymous said...

George, is the post 11/29 1:21 PM appropriate? I don't think swearing serves any of us any good.

Anonymous said...

oh come on 1:38 let shit happen now and then!

Anonymous said...

Ah, now we've found a SHOA BOT member mole. That is their motto!

Anonymous said...

Those of you who continue to demean them have issues of their own. At least they tried, and by doing so revealed quite a bit about how our Board operates, and not in a good way

Anonymous said...

funny, every time there's something said on this blog that may vaguely imply support of the board, you are immediately thought of as being a BOT member? BOT is a four letter word too I guess?

I would bet that NOBODY on this blog, including myself, will run for the BOT now. We'll just sit here and type away our sorrows.

Nothing will change. Pocket book gets smaller

Anonymous said...

To the member seeking legal advice, please post on this blog what you learned from your conversation. I am a member that is very interested in joining others in dissolution of this corrupt HOA. Final straw is naming OLDS as a board member! I see no other alternative but abolishing SHOA. I am very willing to chip in for attorney fees, etc. Awaiting an informational response.

Anonymous said...

Board actions are so foolish and ill advised,what else are we to think of any defenders?

Anonymous said...

11/29 3:00 PM. Would you be able to provide an unidentifiable email address or po box for me to contact you? We could meet at Leadbetter SP this weekend, noon on Sunday.

Anonymous said...

Be careful 3:00
This could be someone fishing for information and your identity.

Anonymous said...

11/29 3:00 PM. I'm very concerned for our personal safety. I have also read on this blog recently about someone allegedly threatening someone's personal safety. I don't know if it is true. These people will likely employ low-level mafia-type tactics.
I don't know how we can contact each other. Lets forget about meeting as I just spoke of.
You can always do the same things I'm doing on your own. I called the WA state legal hotline for real estate attorneys representing hoa members and got the name Peter Mozena.
Peace be with you. United We Stand, Divided We Fall.

George, would you be willing to be an intermediary to connect us?

Anonymous said...

To 1:00, aka the Olds hater.

You said it was legal, which it was. There has been a write in area on the ballots for as long as I lived here. Then you proceed to go on your usual Olds hate. So I have two questions for you.

1. Before the election George was on here telling people to do write ins and gave his recommendations on who to chose. Was he part of his own conspiracy also?

2. If enough people would have followed George's advice and it was one of his choices that had the highest total or it was someone that you happen to agree with, would you still have the same outrage?

I think we all know what those answers will be.

If you were at the meeting you would have known the facts as to why the board had to change the 8 member total.

To the person making excuses for not attending meetings. There is more than one notebook plus other materials. Usually I see only a couple people reading them and then they are sitting on empty chairs or on the floor. They also take floor comments and the only time I have seen people shut down is when they interrupt the meeting after the time for floor comments has passed.

Anonymous said...

Test. Over.

Anonymous said...

11/29 3:00 PM. I'm in the evidence gathering phase. Help me obtaon all the public records we can. The county, the city, North Beach Water District, WA L&I, EPA, and WA OSHA.
Keep The Vision

george said...

To 5:01
Yes, I could do that.
However, I would suggest that you use your name on your comment. After all, your not the ones hiding information. At one point, your going to have to go public.

Some years back, less than 10, a group of members were concerned about many of the issues that continue to this day. (same people involved at that time) They held a public meeting at the fire station in Ocean Park, with many members in attendance. The group of members called themselves the Concerned citizens of Surfside. They spent many hours with a list of changes that should be made, and presented them at a Board meeting. The President, Flood or Williams, promised to discuss each issue one at a time at upcoming Board meetings. It never happened.

You might want to consider another public meeting at the fire station (the use is free) This could give you a start on knowing how the members feel and what support and help you would have for change or even abolishing the HOA. Do not allow Board members to be present.

You might even want an informal meeting at say..Doc's during an afternoon to just have an informal discussion. You can start a movement for change with just a handful of people to start with. I enjoy a glass of beer, so would want to also be there. You could make plans for a larger meeting that would be organized and set goals and a time line.

Just my thoughts for what ever they are worth.

Anonymous said...

Mafia tactics, seriously? A bit over dramatic there.

The only person who has made anything close to a threat on here was actually a board critic, not the faction, mafia or whatever term you like to use board members. So relax.

Anonymous said...

11/29 10:37 PM. I was accused of potentially being an identity thief, a criminal.
So how would that make you feel? I wish I could relax.
People can be very cruel and that is life.

Anonymous said...

11/29 10:37 PM. The instance I'm referring to, the person didn't say the threat took place "on here".

Anonymous said...

Geez folks, seriously, your afraid of these old BOT folks and their golf carts? LOL

Anonymous said...

Dont knock it. These people have no moral compass, and really only one goal - stay in power.

Anonymous said...

6:04.... You have read in a lot of stuff in my comment (1:00) that simply IS NOT THERE. Mr. Olds received an inordinate number of votes to be simply a write-in. Clearly an ambitious campaign to secretly elect him, with about a third of the total votes cast being cast for Olds, who was not on the ballot.

He obviously was hand-picked for his willingness to follow the Williams playbook, and that is what I have no respect for. There is no "usual Olds hate" routine in my comments. The "leadership" in this community is the source of our problems, and their obsession to maintain the status-quo through secrecy and intimidation has been a colossal failure.

While obsessed with hassling Deb Blagg, Patrick Johansen, and others, the operations within the Water Dept. have run amok, and enormous amounts of member funds have been pissed away by an arrogant leadership. What we DO NOT NEED is more of the same.

Anonymous said...

There was no organized effort to promote George's recommendations. He suggested a couple of honest members he would support, but they did not choose to be candidates.

Anonymous said...

The obsession appears to be with those who continue to rant about Deb and Patrick. Deal with it. Each of them played dirty tricks and each of them were losers who regretted their decision to buy into Surfside with misguided actions to change Surfside to their self serving images. Some people appear to be unable to admit it when they are wrong. Please put your whining and complaining about Deb and Patrick into efforts to make Surfside a fair and respected HOA.

Anonymous said...

The only dirty tricks I saw was opposing the status quo.

As to making Surfside a fair and respected HOA, good luck! It will only happen if the current junta gives up. They've put too much time and effort in to fixing things in their interest to do that.

Anonymous said...

I have no reason to admit to any such thing. You are happy with the status-quo and will make every excuse imaginable to justify ignoring dishonest and incompetent governance to continue unchanged and secretive. I have no particular despair over Deb and Patrick's leaving, as they'll be happier elsewhere.

The point which escapes your closed mind is that there is no tolerance on the current Board of independent thinking, or any progressive approach to finding new solutions. Mr. Olds represents a continued commitment by the Board to secrecy, free spending of funds budgeted for other projects, needless enforcement of trivial standards on sheds, and avoiding change or new approaches to problems at all cost.

The Johansens and Blaggs are very nice people with enthusiasm and energy they are happy to share, working for their communities - elsewhere. I'm happy for them. They understand change, and finding new solutions.

Anonymous said...

the BS continues regarding blagg and johansen. weak minds always support those who stir up trouble for no sensible cause.

Anonymous said...

Its a shame that the elitists have taken over this blog. Apparently our views are entirely opposite as the latest corruption of appointing OLDS to board is underhanded and long planned out. Jusy so darn sorry i ever purchased in this nightmare. Stuck here cause of property devalues. Maybe someone will wave their magic wand and the whole BOD will disappear along with office staff.

Anonymous said...

1:11 - This woe is me attitude will get you nowhere. Property values have not magically decreased, they remain the same as they were last week. Get off your wand and stop crying. Apparently I must be part of the elitists because I'm not whining or complaining?

Anonymous said...

Oh, they will very soon, chinook observer finally going to do an article on this mess, or so the editor told me.

Anonymous said...

Do an article on what? The investigation is still open. Long Beach and Ilwaco water departments both had issues like this recently, I don't recall anyone going to jail or losing their job.

Anonymous said...

Tell that to those that were exposed to asbestos.

Anonymous said...

9:01 AM. Plain and simple, blatantly obvious, and clear as day, 11/29 4:07 PM employed intimidation and instill fear to stop us from coordinating and contacting each other to end your selfish reign over us.

Anonymous said...

Do they corrupt privete company HOAs? I think not. If they do, name them.

Anonymous said...

Go figure. Those defending the corrupt HOA never mention the near-term or long'term health of those exposed to asbestos.
To them, It's just relatively low fines they're worried about.
If you claim to be Christian or people of faith, read your book again.

Anonymous said...

They certainly are not the same as a year ago. Back then, I thought I had a shot at getting fair market value. Not so much now.
As to the elitist part, that's pretty simple. Do you support the status quo? The answer will tell you where you stand.

Anonymous said...

I forgot a word in my 11/30 5:08 PM post.
Does Long Beach and Ilwaco have corrupt HOAs? I think not. If they do, name them.

Anonymous said...

Board members suffer or gain from all actions taken by them. While they may make stupid decisions or questionable one's I fail to see how they would gain while the rest of us might not. Many of you see evil intentions about everything.

Anonymous said...

It all started about protecting the view, tunnelvision and huge egos, led to the rest. Pretty simple.

Anonymous said...

Amen 12/01 10:38 AM.

blog host, George said...

11:23 gets the last word on this topic. However, I expect it will probably continue under another topic. Thanks for all the comments. Some were informative, and some were not.