Friday, July 13, 2018

Annual Meeting Saturday

Meeting starts at 10 am

Try and be there a little early so that you can register at the door and pick up your ballot.
Do not bring your proxy ballot. The proxy is for those not attending.

There is a lot going on behind the scenes concerning this member meeting.
It appears that this could be a very contentious meeting. I will not be an active participant in any motions or discussions. I will be concentrating on recording, picture taking and gathering information to share on this blog.  Don't forget the picnic at noon at the Business Office.


Anonymous said...

contentious - good reason to stay away.

Anonymous said...

This is one member who wont ever attend another annual picnic. Went once and all the cronies hung together and completely ignored non clan members. Horrible experience. SHOA has a horrid reputation and I can see why! Snob attitudes.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Not attending, with the hope a quorum is not present.
Otherwise it will be business as usual, with pre-selected candidates ready for anointment and the fix firmly in.