Monday, June 4, 2018

Immediate action required

Asbestos pipe emergency...

The Board needs to step up and take immediate action on the violation of EPA rules and regulations.

I am certainly not an attorney, but am expressing my opinion based on the information I know and have been told by others.  This created situation needs an immediate solution that is far above and beyond the ability of this Board and/or the contracted water manager.

I suggest the following:

Stop work order on any pipe replacement.
Stop work order on any recovery of buried pipe in the well field.
Immediate council with association attorney.
Immediate pause in North Beach Water agreement.
Freeze accessment to and for Water Department records and on line access.
Immediately hire the services of Gray & Osborne for management of the Water Department.
Legal issues handled by Gray and Osborne.


Martin said...

I am going to disagree with you George all that is needed is to run water on the pipe being cut and that will eliminate any dust from getting in the air and everyone will be safe. It is a simple solution.

george said...

Not so...
The exposure and disposal of the pipe is a big deal. I agree on the water when cutting and that apparently was not done. It was, when Bob Haskin was in charge.

The violation of EPA laws on disposal and handling is very serious. The fines could spell the end of our association or the loss of our water system.

I can't stress enough how important this issue is. If this is not handled properly, it could only make matters worse. As in many instances, the cover-up can do more damage than the offence. I am seeing evidence of that. That is why I am saying we need outside professional help from those experienced in such matters. There will be an attempt to minimize the situation. When the Feds get involved, you got a problem. A big one.

Anonymous said...

I agree with George. This BOT has proved their incompetence once again. Cover up and obfuscate. Get a professional!

Anonymous said...

Which BOT are you accusing of incompetence?. If you go by the dates on the pictures this has been going on before the current BOT was voted in. Can you give proof that the current one has known about this and has ignored it or are you just jumping on the bandwagon to blame them for everything.

Anonymous said...

There is plenty of blame to go around. What is important now, is a professional solution. 11:26 is right.

Anonymous said...

George now that you have brought this out to the whole world, instead of just burying the pipe and moving on with life, we will all now have to suffer the financial consequences of this, possibly thanks to you?

Anonymous said...

Re: June 5, 2018 at 7:45 AM

Shame on you

Never too late to do the right thing and take your lumps for cutting corners and putting folks in harm's way

Anonymous said...

To 7:45. I will bet you cheat on your taxes and drive after a few drinks, after all nobody follows the law, right?

Anonymous said...

..absolutely 8:59 I also told lies in the confessional when I was in school, and I don't pick up my dogs poop unless he does it in my yard.

Anonymous said...

You show your true foolishness with statements like the last.

Anonymous said...

...I text and drive very fast also

Anonymous said...

As an individual, the decisions you make may effect only you. The decisions made by the HOA and it's employees potentially effect everyone in the community, and as such, should be made with care, respectful of State and local laws and standards.

You can act like a child, unwilling to pick-up your pets stool, but driving fast and texting puts others in mortal danger, and as an adult, you have responsibilities to the public who trust that you can and will show proper judgement. Being unable to discern when your actions require a high level of attention would indicate you are immature and not deserving of driving privileges.

Our HOA has an annual budget of about 1.25 million dollars, and responsibility for about 5000 residents in Surfside. (Yes, I know there are approx. 2050 households). The membership is asked to comply to the covenants. The membership expects the HOA to respect and follow the covenants, and adhere to all State and local laws and requirements.

The risk factor here is unclear, yet Asbestosis is a death sentence, and no joke. The waste material has to be dealt with responsibly, and the HOA can and must afford to dispose of the old pipe properly. The attitude that dangerous waste can be buried in a deep hole is outdated and ignores the realities of the world in 2018.

blog host, George said...

Well said 8:45
Thank you for your thoughtful comment. We all appreciate comments like yours that discuss the issues in a respectful way.

Anonymous said...

An interesting read on asbestos:

Anonymous said...

What an idiot we have running our country...

Kevin Lue said...

I'm in no doubt coming back again to read these articles and blogs.urgent care open now