Wednesday, March 17, 2021


 According to a reliable source...

I have been told by a credible source that the Surfside Compliance Officer has resigned.  Will the members be informed and will we ever know the truth about the circumstances?  Probably not, unless she comes on here and makes a public statement.


Anonymous said...

Another one bites the dust! Cool!

Anonymous said...

Why are there so many disparaging comments about the compliance lady? She was doing her job as directed by the board and business manager. Don't shoot the messenger. Apparently a moot point now.

Steve Cox said...

I don't think many members know the officer's name or anything about her. Where did you see or hear disparaging comments ? Most members recognize that this is a difficult job to plug into. The talk here has been about the B.manager's lecture.

Anonymous said...

Yes, we can save the disparaging comments for the real transgressors here - the Board.

Dysfunctional organizations always have issues retaining decent help. She's by far not the first, just the latest.

Anonymous said...

Well here's one from just yesterday.

The new compliance policewoman is a retiree who probably relishes in being a 'karen'. Writing up violations without any checks or balances and most likely no accountability nor technical or personal relationship skill requirements is a dream job to some.

March 16, 2021 at 1:04 PM

There have been many disparaging comments about her on this blog. But you're right, the comment above from 9:04 wasn't disparaging. Maybe just a tad gleeful in seeing another compliance officer hit the road. I don't blame any of the people who make these comments, they're justified. They're just directed at the wrong person.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, that's where you and I disagree. I do blame people for making those comments. It's one thing to disagree with the policy but the lengths that some resort to with their rhetoric is nothing more than needless character assassination.

lost hope said...

Judge yourself before judging others is a key in life.
She was told to do a job and she did it. Shouldn't you be attacking the board who is making her do her job?
Do you judge and miss treat your doctor because they need to get your insurance approval before treating you? Do you judge your car insurance because you didn't need to file a claim but had to pay your monthly fees?
I think we are all adults here? Maybe/maybe not? If this was going on at a school with kids all of you would call it BULLYING!!
Think about it!!!

Steve Cox said...

Ditto. 4:11 comment offers an imaginary description of the compliance "police woman", someone they don"t know. Pitiful.

Anonymous said...

I assume she finally got a conscience, but pretty sure the board had her sign a NDA, so we'll never know.

Anonymous said...

People who accept this role are part of the problem, not the solution.

Steve Cox said...

8:40....I don't think your statement needs to be true, considering that having rules requires there be enforcement. Because 95% of the enforcement is directed at the TREE RESTRICTIONS, the complicity you see is a fact.

This nonsense dominates enforcement, assures conflict, wastes member funds, and promises to bilk owners eternally far past the unnecessary death of most of the community's trees. Our emblem would be a dead tree, based on this defining policy. It's a cautionary example of what an HOA can do if left unrestrained by member preferencces.

It is a complete joke to suggest that the majority of Surfside members "favor" this.

Anonymous said...

Her name was Georianna. Yes she was hired to do a job, but at what point do you realize you are being used as a Surfside fool, to do the dirty work that the office has plenty of staff to do and yet refuses to do it themselves.
I assume she woke up one day and realized just how much drama she was unknowing causing amongst the community. Most, yes MOST of us just want peace and quiet and no tree committee crap.
So I assume the next compliance person will be in charge of lights, or better yet neat and tidy? Before you get involved with neat and tidy, be sure you realize, this is an elderly community who some folks barely can get outside to work in their yards. And what offends one, may not offend all. I may not like your house color or your skeletons or your floats, but if its not bothering anyone, leave well enough alone.

Anonymous said...

I do not know how anyone watching the tree destruction and use of fines as a weapon against so many members sees proactive anything as fair

Anonymous said...

The moment she started cruising the neighborhood in the same vehicle with Ms Olds, her position was fatally compromised.

Anonymous said...

@5:12, right! Do you need someone to hold your hand? I'm glad she is gone if it's true.

Anonymous said...

I guess you all missed the information about how the compliance lady was going to use the various committee chairs to help/advise with the initial mandatory compliance inspections.

Personally, given some of the attitude on here I wouldn't go by anyone's property alone.

Anonymous said...

BS..One committee chair only, and we know who that was. Probably what drove her away. Help/advise would be a new concept for this place.

Anonymous said...

Yes, we all miss a lot of information because it is not well disseminated by the HOA. But I have heard that the compliance lady was on the receiving end of some pretty bad behavior. Fault lies with the the HOA. HOA should have communicated with ALL members in a decent manner BEFORE this all started. The first letter people get is a threat letter with 3 weeks to come up with a plan. And this after DECADES of non existent covenant enforcement by the HOA. Is there any wonder why people have "attitudes".

Anonymous said...

TP "Tree Plan" This came from the same committee chair who promotes "Fine them" and cut down the trees. She has managed to destroy the tree committee and pit member against member. She should be removed.

Anonymous said...

@9:45, must be Peggy. She must be proud of how she has destroyed this community. Karma will strike