Friday, August 21, 2020

Board Meeting Summary



August 15, 2020

Gary Williams called the meeting to order at 9:05 AM. Trustees present via Webex were Gary Williams, Scott Winegar, Rudd Turner, Ric Minich, James Clancy, Annette deLeest, Kurt Olds and Mark Scott.

The contract for the new IT Specialist was approved. This contract will replace many of the hours performed by our IT contractor at a lower cost. She will be working on a number of projects including updating the phone system, troubleshooting for email issues and security.

The budget committee was approved, and their first meeting will be next week. Members are Louise Purdin, Kirby Smith, Walt Platt and Judy Dennington.

The Pacific County Sheriff contract proposal was approved by the Board. A follow up meeting with Sheriff Souvenir and the Board of County Commissioners will be held on August 18th.

Sharon Reuling was added as a co-chair for the Architectural Committee.

The first appeal was a request to not trim a eucalyptus tree; the appeal was denied; The second ap-peal was requesting they be allowed to not trim the trees because it would damage the trees. The appeal was denied as the trees should have been trimmed regularly.

The next appeal was from the owner of a box van that does not meet the definition of an RV and therefore not eligible to rent an RV space. The appeal was denied An appeal regarding a PUD yard light was tabled until the September regular Board meeting so more information can be accumulat-ed from the P.U.D. and Pacific County.

An appeal of the required minimum square footage was approved for 30210 M Pl,

The trustee assignments for 2020-2021 were accepted.

All staff, trustee & committee reports were accepted and approved. These will be posted on the website.

The trustees went into closed session to discuss personnel issues

After closed session two motions were made 1.) approved a staff incremental wage increase, effective August 27, 2020. 2.) approved a 5-year wage plan for staff.

The meeting was adjourned at 12:57pm


JoAnne said...

No mention of the added required to the candidate packet! It’s pretty important!

JoAnne said...


Anonymous said...

The meeting was held in secret after closed session. That is a violation of state law. Read the law Clancy!

Anonymous said...

If you have been "enforced" to top your trees, file an appeal. Appeal on the grounds that it will damage the tress and devalue your property. If the appeal is denied, then file a small claim in court. It is a simple affordable process that if you win, will cost you nothing. Patrick Johansen can explain the process to you. He has won in both times. If enough members will file a small claims, it can bring a stop to this practice. You will also find out who filed the complaint and you can file a claim against that indiviual. The law is on your side.

Anonymous said...

Now these idiots are going to spend 300 to 400,000.00 on the RV lot. They are spending thousands of dollars on a design that the county will never approve. Any change in the septic holding system in a wetland will never be allowed. You would think they would have learned something from the well fiel fiasco. They should have talked with the county before any study and plan was undertaken. Is this going to be another clancy thing without proper permits? We could end up without a compactor with their meddling. They are4 so worried that we might have RV's on lots all year, like the East side. . They just don't know when to leave well enough alone. FOOLS

Anonymous said...

Can you hear me know Scott. Can you hear me? Scott, where are you? Call me Scott.

Anonymous said...

They hired an IT person at 30.00 an hour, full time for several months. For that kind of money, maybe we can hear Scott at the next board meeting. He is just another who goes along to get along.

Anonymous said...

30 an hour? Wtf? Who they related too? Highest wage in shoa?

Anonymous said...

$30 an hour for contracted IT support is nothing if they're a certified specialist. I psy $75-95 when I need support for my business. Different story though if it's the family member of a Trustee who is just an unemployed gamer living in their mom's basement.

Anonymous said...

The Seabreeze Lake cabana restroom is completely flooded just because it rained last night. Williams, Olds, Winegar, Clancy, Turner, Scott, Minich, and the rest of them say they're in good shape and can go another 13 years. BS!!!

Screw the RV lot. I'd rather store my RV at a lot back home.

Anonymous said...

Did you see the budget committee? OMG, A vunch of old codgers with no financial experience. And headed by Turner whose only plan is a spending plan of spend, spend and spend. Do we really think that "yes sir" Gil has any idea what he is doing and he is directed by Reber. When Reber was confronted about his experience, he said "I will take a class". We have spent millions on our water system, and it';s still not fit to drink. My dog won't drink it and it kills my plants. It smells like my laundry water. God help us.

Anonymous said...

I see on the board meeting vidio that we sold the old excavator to an employee for 15,000 after spending 29,00 to fix it up with new tracks and other mocifications. Hell of a deal and the money went into the Misc. income slush fund. Those sale funds shoulkd have gone back in to the reserve fund. Nice job, Turner, as usual. This is why our dues and assessments will again go up. Yhay's ok, because we are going to have an ice cream socia. I am a happy camper.

Anonymous said...

That was 20,000.00 that we spent, not 20.00 Oh well, it's only member money. No big deal.

Anonymous said...

Did anyone ask how they could hand out trustee assignments when half of them have terms that have already expired?

JoAnne said...

And to boot, how are these trustees who’s terms have expired going to “interview” the new candidates? Mmmm?

Larry Amundson said...

You don't have to be interviewed or provide any information to run for the Board. Just be a member in good standing (current on your dues).

JoAnne said...

Sorry Larry things have changed! Look at the candidates packet and the new language added last meeting. Still don’t know the exact verbiage as the motion was not not stated or repeated after being amended!

Anonymous said...

Deleest was appointed chairperson of the election committee because she was not going to run for the board. It appears she has changed her mind and will run. No conflict here. Just more of the actions of a corrupt board hand picking the candidates. This place is rotten to the core.

Anonymous said...

As usual, Amundson doesn't know what he is talking about. Read the candidate application and you will see what you agree to do and sign your name.

Steve Cox said...

The Bylaws state the requirements which do not include an interview. The Board asks candidates to 2 appearances before the Board, and filling out a form answering some questions. Beyond expecting the form to be filled out, they can't insist on the appearances. Candidates provide a picture and limited statement for the Surf-In-Sider, and make a 3rd appearance at the Annual Meeting where you may be asked questions about your candidacy, and are expected to make a statement.

DeLeest managed to be pushy and annoying, trying to misinterpret applicant info.

Anonymous said...

She and her faction are doing everything they can to discourage anyone but thier hand picked choices to seek a board position. Clancy is also trying to make it difficult. This is election fraud.

Anonymous said...

Larry A thinks all that is just fine.

Larry A, you're completely wrong. See Cox's post and the 1:52 post. You also have to submit a resume and a candidate's statement. I've heard from someone who listened to the last regular board meeting that this year Clancy wants the candidates to bow allegiance to him and our overlords.

Anonymous said...

143 -DeLeest ran the LAST election, with an outcome that was highly suspect.

Anonymous said...

Then also Laura Frazier went and helped count the votes. Another conflict of interest and highly suspect.

Anonymous said...

As far as that goes, I'm talking about the November 2018 voting for the budget.

Anonymous said...

You people are too much.

deLeest isn't running for re-election. She has said as much and it is well known so you are wrong 1:43.

There was nothing "suspect" about that election. Just because you continue to say so doesn't change that fact.

1:52 & 11:10:
The only thing new to the application that I heard was the requirement of the candidate to state they will follow the covenants. I thought this was pretty much unnecessary since when you sign the paperwork to live here you already do this, even though some don't, so don't understand the reasoning behind it. But since it's there, I wouldn't want anyone to run for the board who wouldn't follow the covenants.

On that note, to 6:59. There isn't and never have been anything that stops anyone for running for the board. Nothing is stopping you so stop making excuses for why YOU won't step up and run.

Cox calls someone pushy and annoying? Pot meet kettle.

Steve Cox said...

11:10 - The community of Surfside is about 2050 member households, and about twice as many members. There is an array of issues the Board must deal with, and a very large budget to handle, hopefully with some wisdom and care. Trustees are required to serve on a committee or 2, so have some significant responsibility.

It only makes sense that candidates should offer some semblance of a resume or background letter, and express their goals and intentions if elected as a Trustee. The candidate's statement and photo are an opportunity for candidates to appeal to the membership for votes, as it is published prior to the election.

Candidates are still eligible to appear at the Annual Meeting and make a statement on their behalf, their names on the ballot. There is no getting around the fact that, as Larry states, you need not abide by the BOTs "requirements" as the Bylaws state a much simpler requirement. On the other hand, if you want to get elected, as a candidate, you need some exposure and members a reason to vote for you.

Larry Amundson said...

Thank you Steve. Asking for paperwork and interviews is not the same as making it a requirement.

Anonymous said...

358 - the village apologist reappears!

Funny how you're rotating board always says they're not standing for re-election, until re-election happens. At that point the same clowns appear. And have for 12 years.

I can see why you'd insist on the covenants, as the board controls them totally, without any participation by the membership.

Careful, your self interest is showing....again.

Anonymous said...

Look at Cox and Larry go. They have it all figured out. It's all so easy and well documented for us peasants.

Steve Cox said...

Just stating the facts. If you can read, you should realize that. Many members don't bother to consult the HOA docs. Got an inferiority complex ? There is nothing here to suggest disrespect. Buck-up.

Anonymous said...

I say all the votes get counted in front of everyone in attendance of the general meeting. This will stop fraud!

Curious said...

I haven't looked at this blog in about six months and was surprised to see "anonymous " again. I thought "Anonymous" wasn't allowed?

Anonymous said...

Comments dry up to about nothing when people have to identify themselves. That says a lot, doesn't it. Also, with all the hate and vitriol, all and threats, all the personal accusations, and no blog screener, I learned the hard way not to identify myself. I never should have identified myself on this blog.

Ronda F said...

Just curious where we are going to cut expenses to fit in the added 25,000 for a sheriff, making it a total of 100,000 give or take a few dollars??
Given the fact Reber is now gone, perhaps we could find a part time GM or someone cheaper. Just a thought, everyone has to live within a budget, including Surfside.