Thursday, November 28, 2019

Why we really moved here

Thanksgiving morning picture...


Anonymous said...

Nice view. Good tree management for the beach.

Anonymous said...


I do enjoy waking up to that every morning and saying good-bye to it every night. That is why I chose to move to the peninsula and why I chose to live in Surfside.

Anonymous said...

They told Kimber to post the August BOT Meeting Minutes. She has posted them.
They're interesting and troubling.
I'm not sure what the September agenda was. I'll look for that agenda again.

Anonymous said...

I've emailed them just now asking for the September 2019 Regular Board Meeting Agenda.

JoAnne said...

Was there no meeting in July?

Anonymous said...

That's the Annual Meeting.

Wow. I just noticed they changed the Regular Board Meeting Minutes 8-17-19 document from a 121 page file with the draft July minutes to a 3 page file without the July minutes and others.

They haven't approved the July 2019 Annual Meeting Minutes.
I've provided them comments in writing.
I've requested in writing that the board not wait a full year to approve the Annual Meeting Minutes. I informed them in writing on May 13, 2019 that waiting a full year is not reasonable and is not in compliance with Robert's Rules of Order. The reason this was done in May is because I noticed they never published the approved July 2017 Annual Meeting Minutes and i requested they be published.

blog host, George said...

Board meeting minutes are approved by the Board at the following Board Member meeting Member meeting minutes (Annual Meeting) are approved at the next Annual meeting.

Members can not approve Board minutes, and the Board can not approve member minutes. There was no regular Board meeting in July. They held a special meeting following the Annual meeting where they did publish that. It was the election of executive positions.

In regards to the minutes, in my opinion, they have acted correctly. They did publish a draft. At the July 2020 Annual meeting, the members can make motions for corrections, additions or deletions to the 2019 minutes. The Board can not.

I suggest you limit your Emails to the office. These people are busy doing the business of the members and do not have the time to respond to every suspicion you have.

Anonymous said...

How did a nice original topic turn into this?

I agree with George's suggestion concerning the office. I would include to also not stop by on a daily basis as a few on here do.

Anonymous said...

Reference the 6 Dec Water meeting. I think it is an attempt by some of the HOA Board to appear to be transparent as to not be criticized for not disseminating information. Pretty sure the real story will not be divulged however unless members attend and ask the pertinent questions. ie about permitting, wetlands, fines, structure completion, et al. so if you want information you had best be prepared with questions and persistence.

Anonymous said...

speaking of the views, and I am, how long do we have to put up with the remains of our "free" demolition on I Street and who is going to do it (I hope not our employees because it is no longer "free"). The FD training was great, but don't try to kid us about the expense.

Anonymous said...

Nothing of any real use will come from water meeting. They are all still in CYA mode per OUR lawyers.

george said...

The meeting is like a work shop for discussion among those who work with the water department. It is not a question and answer for other members attending. Members are allowed to attend all meetings, but do not have the right to speak. It will be up to the chairman, whoever that will be, if they want questions and answers. I think you are expecting more than there will be.

JoAnne said...

We chose to move here permanently in 2017 after we bought our place in 2008. The fact this was a HOA did not enter into our decisions, until now! We bought and sold in two HOAs and never experienced “people” driving around at night checking our lights or measuring our trees! Right now these past few months have certainly changed our peaceful, restful way of living at the beach!

Anonymous said...

Coming from another county and having experience with compliance, the complaining party must be able to see the complaint to be valid. I highly doubt these two people driving around complaining of lights can see the entire surfside population.