Sunday, June 16, 2019

Protect Surfside?

You got to be

I really don't make this stuff up.  This sign is posted on the side of the Clancy pole barn on I Street. This reminds me of the fox guarding the hen house. A blog comment alerted me to go take a look at this. This is not a sign that was hand made on a piece of card board from the compactor.  Did all three share in the cost?  I had some respect for Minich until I saw his name associated with those two. Where is the name of Flood?  He fits right in there with this bunch.


Not a Board Member said...

You have your boys Cox and Riley advertising on here. They're doing the same on the side of a building. What's the difference?

Also. Riley wants to dissolve the HOA, they don't. That can be considered protecting the HOA.

Case closed.

Yeah, right. Let the outrage begin.

No fool said...

this j place gang of three are only protecting their own selfish control of every thing. If these three clowns get elected, I would support ending this concentration camp called surfside.

Anonymous said...

This is only evidence that this election has turned into a juvenile urinating match. As for me, I don’t support either side. Let’s dissolve the Board and hire a management company with the experience to run the organization. We are already seeing the slow roll of proxy’s by sending them late. But I believe one side has probably already gathered enough proxy’s to guarantee a win (really 3 wins) and will devoutly resist electronic voting, a procedure that would make the voting be more on an equal basis. This place will never provide a means for equal representation, it is controlled by a small group and they intend on keeping it that way, no matter the cost.

Anonymous said...

I receed a letter in the mail this weekend with a similar vote for....

Anonymous said...

Enough with the fake proxy scenario. Don't send in a blank or partially completed proxy and there's no problem. ENOUGH ALREADY !!

Anonymous said...

11:27....George invited all of the candidates to publish their candidate statements. Only O'Neil and Cox are posted. The BOT has delayed the mailing until the very last legal date, and the Newsletter has the candidate's statements that were submitted to the BOT. Owners have been given a minimum of time to make their decisions and send in their ballots. Add to that the percentage of owners who never get a ballot, and we are talking about an obvious effort to minimize voting participation.

Anonymous said...

I agree with the sign!

Anonymous said...

Did anyone else get a letter in the mail this weekend that was promoting the same people that is on the sign. I see one post here?

Anonymous said...

I like this Reber guy....Reber, Reber, Reber

Fed Up said...


Anonymous said...

Well, up until the election took over,90% of the posts had to do with trees, covenants, etc. Do you suppose that it could be proposed for the Board to review the height restrictions and make an adjustment? I am not saying do away with it necessarily, just adjust them to the reality of the situation. A raising to 20ft. will probably have the effect of saving many members thousands of unnecessarily spent dollars without having any blockage of the J Place views, after all I doubt they can see over the 24ft houses/trees that populate G Street. Or are they keeping it just to be nasty??

Anonymous said...

There is a covenant is not being respected with the posting of this sign. None of these covenant violators will get my vote.

Anonymous said...

Did NOT get a letter.

Anonymous said...

Either dump these fools or get even more lies, malfeasance, and anger!

Anonymous said...

We need protection from this evil gang. They are a disgrace to surfside, and a clear and present danger. Enough is enough.

Anonymous said...

No letters from either side n rarely get proxy. And yes, they have my info.

Fed Up said...

Of course, like ballots, no letter. Thought maybe Laura was part of the conspiracy with mail, but she's gone! HMMMMM. IS Big K messing with these letters?

Anonymous said...

Just saw the tree nazi at compactor taking readings 360*, so dont tell me its complaint driven.. really dont understand the point out there though

Anonymous said...

The person has no life otherwise, let them enjoy their OCD issues.

Anonymous said...

I thought Clancy had to use the same siding and roofing as he has on his house? How did he get away with being different?