Friday, November 20, 2020

Board and Special Meeting

Surfside Homeowners Association

Regular Board Meeting/Budget Ratification/Election

Tentative Agenda

November 21, 2020

1. Call to Order - Regular Board Meeting

2. Adopt the November 21, 2020 Regular Meeting Agenda

3. Safety Message

4. Approval of the October 17, 2020 Regular Board Meeting minutes

5. Floor comments

6. Old Business

A. Big Tuna payment

7. New Business

A. Declaration of Quorum and trustee Election Results (Janet Corey)

B. Budget Ratification Results

C Firewise/Chipper

D. Exchange MLK Day for President’s Day

E. Remodel for compliance office

F. Insurance Proposal

8. Communications

A. Incoming Correspondence

B. Outgoing Correspondence

C. Meetings & Contacts

9. Staff, Trustee & Committee Reports

A. Water Systems

B. Treasurer's Report

C. Architectural Committee

D. Community Relations

E. Tree, Brus & Noxious Weeds

F. Lands & Buildings

G. Fish & Waterways

H. Emergency Management

I. Other reports

10. Receipt of committee reports

11. Recess to closed session for legal matters or employee matters (if necessary)

12. Reconvene to open session

13. Miscellaneous

14. Floor Topics for the Good of the order

15. Adjourn

16. Special Board Meeting with newly elected board

See page 2 for the Special Board Meeting Agenda


Page 2

Surfside Homeowners Association

Special Board Meeting

Tentative Agenda

November 21, 2020

1. Call to Order -Special Board Meeting

2. Swearing in of new Trustees

3. Trustee Orientation

4. Executive Committee Election

5. Board Assignments

6. Designate check signers



Anonymous said...

I pray to god we are not going to purchase our own chipper! Surely this madness has to stop!

Anonymous said...

It's another Clancy spend thing. Stupid. Cheapest part of the operation willl be the chipper, which is way to small. Employee to operate, etc. Another poorly thought out crazy idea.

Anonymous said...

Just wait until some fool hurts themselves too. I'll laugh at Stumpside's incompetence.

Anonymous said...

We will proactively enforce you! Get ready for fines and liens if you don't bring your property into compliance, particularly with the tree policy.

George Miller said...

They do no have to "Declare a Quorum" during the Board Meeting to give the election results. If this was done at the Annual Meeting they would need to make that declaration in order to do other member business. The election can proceed without a quorum as per State regulations.

The "Special Board Meeting" following the regular Board Meeting is when the newly elected Board members are sworn in. Because prior to this meeting, you do not know if a write in has been elected, so you can't make committee assignments until the following month. It is apparent they have already made choices for the executive committee and assignments. They have once again violated rules by conducting business and making decisions outside of a legal meeting.

The Board Secretary should be aware of how this HOA is supposed to operate in a legal manner. The Board President should also know the rules. Just another example of the need for a professional management firm.

Anonymous said...

A management firm would not run the board meetings and the elections. HOAs are required to have Trustees who carry out their required and specified duties per state law.

Anonymous said...

Anyone want to bet against the budget passing? It would take over a thousand no votes for it to fail. It could be 999 against and 1 for, and it would pass. Has the treasurer found a place to put the money we collected from the feds because of the hardship the virus has done to Surfside? We don't really know how much or how many times we have received it. I suggest he set up an accounting fund, called the shame fund. We have a cafe and tavern in Ocean Park closed. Bet they could use the funds more than Surfside. And one of the owners even works first line at the hospital.

We replaced a truck becaZuse itwas on the replacement schedule, when it was good for many more years. We replaced the excavator on schedule also. Shortly after spending 20,000.00 on new tracks and other repairs. We sold it for `5,000.00 Good job Mr. Treasurer. I think you deserve to be re-elected as Treasurer again. You make us proud.

Anonymous said...

Correction: We sold the excavator for 15,000.00, not 5,000.00 Someone got a hell of a deal.

Anonymous said...

Welcome to Fraud Stumoside. Rudd Turner is a fool and an embarrassment.

Anonymous said...

I love all the trash talk coming from people who do nothing to enrich our community, all you do is name call and place blame. Why aren't you volunteering, why aren't you running for the board? How do you sleep at night knowing you could be making a difference, making this a better place to live but do absolutely nothing but bitch and moan at every turn? A bunch of whiny brats who only think of themselves is typical these days, I shouldn't expect to see something helpful and productive on here, it'll never happen.

Anonymous said...

Because he majority of us didn’t buy in a HOA to volunteer on committees and spend our lives in meetings and trying to control people! We’re here to enjoy our retirement not to volunteer. We’ve been there, done that! If an HOA is managed properly there is no need for all this volunteer time. I’m very familiar with living in them and never have seen one so in control of everyone’s business. I say get out of the water business, get out of the garbage business and for heavens sake live like the rest of the peninsula with sheriff coverage paid for by our taxes. There are going to be huge increases in property taxes for this coming year.
Give it a rest and let us enjoy this recreational HOA in peace!

Anonymous said...

Very well said 4:14. Now you're someone I could work with.

Anonymous said...

Move next to a dairy farm and complain about the smell! When you buy in Surfside, you sign up for the rules. Unfortunately, there's many people who do like to terrorize around here. The management and staff appear to be grossly under skilled in the governance and structure required to fully and fairly implement the covenants, thus creating great discord. Sad but it's what we have to work with. Name calling, bullying and whining is just a symptom not the cause. It's difficult to recruit skilled professionals.

Anonymous said...

With all the money we waste, we don't need to recruit, we need to spend the money and hire professionals. We will save more than it costs. We have low skill board trustees trying to micromange way over their empty heads. It doesn't matter who we hire or what we call them, manager, general manager or office manager, if they are told what to do by the likes of Williams or the Clancy's, they are bound to fail. Could that be the reason they got rid of Reber. He did a poor job of covering up their blunders. This board and their control freak friends are the real reason no one is dumb enough to volunteer for anything. Good people and qualified people have tried and given up. It's what this board counts on, and so far it works. I agree, time to dump this place while the members can get something in return. Count me in to count me out. Enough of this failed BS. AND, I do agree with the two previous comments. They are right on.

Anonymous said...

349 - who would want to volunteer to help an association device to its members, and only supports a small percentage of those that are forced to belong?

If you're serious about any volunteers, somebody's going to have to clean that board out first.

547 - in a normal society, the members have the ability to modify the rules with time. We don't have that here. What we have is a board full of greed and self-interest, and apparently you like it that way.

Anonymous said...

Am just wondering where all these dump trailers dumping multiple times are owned by? Prop developers?, arborists saving money? Seems we getting screwed again.

Anonymous said...

@9:15 I don't "like" everything but I signed up for what was written at the time. I do agree there's a whole lot of obvious random enforcement and an under skilled group of people who can't even see the hypocrisy on their actions.

I believe they could do so much more to introduce new members (home/plot owners) to the covenants and it sure wouldn't hurt to have a monthly or quarterly member meetings to help people understand exactly what the covenants mean as language can be interpreted multiple ways.

We are not that far apart 9:15, I just see ways to prevent some of the discord without being hostile all the time, however, I believe my ideas will fall on ego inflated deaf ears at this point.

Anonymous said...

@3:49, what makes you so sure the trash talk and name calling isn't coming from volunteers or even someone from the board...

Anonymous said...

Clancy was doing most of it not that long ago.

Anonymous said...

1119 - with what we have for a Board, deaf ears are guaranteed.

Covenants should be reviewed at regular intervals, as people and property change over time. The membership should be a key piece. Instead, the Board holds all the cards, making decisions based solely on their self interest. They are the ONLY ones that can effect change, and are the group most resistant to it. Big surprise there.

Steve Cox said...

I've heard this refrain over and over, and it's just ridiculous. You signed-up for following the covenants when you bought here. The priority for buyers is the real estate purchase - the value and suitability for the buyer's needs.

HOAs were created as a localized extension of the municipality or location's County/City government. Their covenants mirror County requirements and/or City ordinances, and are intended to help take the pressure off of the local government by helping to promote adherence to the already established guidelines.

It is true that HOAs can make their own provisions and requirements as is seen needed, but legally speaking, these augmentations need to be grounded in a clear purpose, and not be frivolous. While the State does not have the resources to "police" HOA practices, that doesn't mean that everything an HOA makes a rule about is legally defensible. Like an HOA could require that members wear an HOA uniform.

There was a good reason why the Johansen matter taken to Small Claims Court over shed eaves failed twice and was rescinded from Superior Court. Regulating shed eave length is inconsequential and irrational. In cases such as this the HOA generally tries to threaten and strongarm owners to do what the written rule states, in spite of the lack of rational purpose. I would suggest that if taken to Court, the Tree restrictions would not fair any better. But I'm not a lawyer, just rational in my thinking.

But the HOA needs to be a reinforcement of the stated County regulations and building codes, and need not make erroneous rules just because they can. That's where the nature of Surfside is the primary issue, and we hear many owners comment. They just want to be able to come to their beach house or property and relax, enjoy, and yes, maintain their property as they see fit, within a rational scope of expectations.

Trees do not REQUIRE maintenance. Tree health needs to be monitored and if necessary, arborist help called upon. Constant pruning increases the density of foliage and resistance to the wind, which makes them more vulnerable to loss of limbs or failure.

But no one buys a property in an HOA because of the rules. That's ridiculous. County ordinances come to bear on all such issues. An HOA can help assure that building codes are adhered to and setbacks observed, and that owners treat one another civilly. The HOA creates a Board of Directors which helps negotiate issues between members, and provides an avenue for communication with the County where needed. Our HOA serves us well in many ways such as this that help our community function well.

Elaborate rules and restrictions just tend to muddy the waters and create conflict, and are generally inappropriate and unnecessary. They can get away with a lot of mischief and conflict-making, but that doesn't make it legal. Honest fair Trustees don't try to mess with a simple plan that works. Some have to grandstand and emphasize enforcement, when it isn't needed.

Anonymous said...

Any HOA must operate under the same federal, state city, and county rules and regulations as all the other citizens outside of the HOA. The HOA has no authority to enforce any regulations other than their own. As far as building codes, those are approved and enforced by the county.

The HOA can not have less restrictions than what the county mandates, but they can have more. They can enforce the "more". We have no authority, nor should we, help or enforce any county rules, ordinances or regulations. We can have covenants that are more strict than what the county has, but never less than what they have. An examle might be spped limits. We can not change them. We can not change a building code. We can add stricter codes, but never less. Actually, we can make the eves anything we want, as the county has no restrictions. We can even dictate the colors allowed on buildings and sheds.

Yje bottom line is that we should reflect the will of the members in our covenants.

Anonymous said...

explain how we can even have a fire wise program and operate a chipper on a residential piece of property? This is a business. Does the HOA have a business license?
Why do we NEED our own chipper/grinder at that price? can we not rent a chipper for a week and save members money

Anonymous said...

As I said earlier, no place I have ever lived provided this service for us! Let everyone provide for themselves as in the big world! Better yet get rid of the absurd tree policy and the need goes away,! This is just a way for the BOT to justify the tree slaughter these past few years!
And ye# I knew the rules when we bought here years ago! That covenant wasn’t being enforced with such fever as now! The covenant can be changed, unfortunately just by the BOT. Take a poll and see what we all think!

Anonymous said...

This is an illegal dump site. Curt Olds, the head of firewise said at the boatd meeting, that several times they caught people dumping scotch broom and gorse there. How many did they miss? Now they want you to take the "free chips" and put them on your property. NO THANKS. Those raw chips will also suck the nitrogen out of the soil and your left with yellow plants. Why should I pay for someone else to clean up their property? Will they pay to cut my grass? Curt also talked about a Stan something hauling loads in and he charges to do work on others property. They call that a sweet heart deal. Mr. Olds keeps whining about all the work he did there. Poor baby. Maybe he should tell his wife to stop writing tree complaints. He is on the board and she heads the tree committee. No conflict there. Sure.

Anonymous said...

I certainly hope that anonymous 8:32 isn’t a board member! If so or even if not you need to read our governing documents!
Restrictive covenants , Owners Responsibilities 5.0., 5,11a
Whenever SHOA becomes aware of a violation of environmental laws or regulations, not specifically addressed in the SHOA covenants, it shall refer the alleged violation to the appropriate local, regional, state, or federal agency.
Seems pretty clear to me! Violations of the CARL and the DUNES PROTECTION ACT and others need to be addressed by SHOA and not just turn a blind eye!

Anonymous said...

It is common knowledge of how the corrupt surfside is. Everyone talks about it. I and otherstalk about it often. If you want to know about it, just spend an evening at Docs. Everone is talking about how you bilked the feds out of 20.000.00 You dumb people don't even know whats going on in the place you live. If you do, you must all be a bunch of crooks. Glad I don't live in that ugly place.

Anonymous said...

I agree 11:39. I'm very glad I got out of Surfside. Its truly a s-hole HOA with all the corruption homeowners associations are known for. This one is ripe for corruption, it's not a condominium building or a small neighborhood, it's a 2,000 plus lot mostly recreational community who provides water and garbage. The water system is run by egomaniacs and the garbage system is a joke.

George Miller said...

I am going to close the comments on this topic with a few last words of my own. Things have got ugly as more and more members are becoming more aware of our issues. The increase in complaints has also contributed to that.
I have lived here over 16 years and during the last several, it has turned worse here than it ever has been. Surfside is not as bad as it appears and can be turned around. The majority of the members are nice people. It is just a minority few, with the power, who give Surfside a bad name. We always hope that our Board elections will bring changes for the better. We just elected three new Board members. One I do know, and think he is an honest honorable man. I do not know the other two, but want to give them the benefit of the doubt. A short time will tell.

We are a recreational community with most full time residents being retired senior members. Most are here for a calm relaxed final years. They are not here for stress. This applies to most of the part time members also. Maybe 2021 will be a year of change for our country as well as Surfside. The people deserve no less.