Saturday, October 31, 2020


 Hang On......

The next few days are going to be interesting, to say the least.  Hopefully, after the national election, the Country will get back together and work to return to a safe and save Country.  We know what the results of the Surfside election will ne, but the National is uncertain.  I don't make predictions because I am usually wrong.  Only advice can give, is to stay calm.  We as a Nation and community, will get thru this and hopefully, we will be better for it.   This posting will be an exception to  posting only Surfside stuff alone.   Good luck to us all.


Anonymous said...

When Biden wins the radical Trumptards will go crazy and start shooting things up.

Anonymous said...

Hey 10:16. Be careful with your time. Shouldn't you be watching and listening to Alex Jones broadcasts and your favorite false and phony conspiracy theory YouTube broadcasts.

Dump tRump!
Fire the Fraud! Exhibit 1,000: Trump University.
End the corruption in the Senate. Fire McConnell and the rest if the Republicans. I can't wait until the rich fat cats pay more of their share of taxes. The poor and middle class have been hurting much ever since the country went much more conservative in 1980 and elected the puppet Alzheimer president Reagan.

Anonymous said...

Fat asses Clancy and Williams lost the election for Wolfe. Next July we will dump this elite board also. POWER TO THE MEMBERS.

Anonymous said...

Our corrupt board hides behind their computers. They will be exposed for what they really are. We members have had enought of these elite Trump supporters. They need to pack up and sell out and go back to Renton or whatever hell hole they came from.

Anonymous said...

When you look at the last group picture of the board, what do you see?

Old bitter white men. Kind of like the Republican Party.

Anonymous said...

I agree. The board looks like a reflection of our country. Only J Place matters. Time to protest....Surfside members matter. Not just J Place.

Steve Cox said...

After 4 years of Trump's constant lieing and twisted thinking, he still has a strong level of support. He is intellectually depraved and deficient and tells us he's a "stable genius". He takes the American public for fools, making empty statements about his so-called "health plan" (never has been presented in 5 years), his intention to protect "existing conditions" (while his admin. seeks to eliminate such protections at the Supreme Court), and the economy he built (he inherited a strong economy created by the Obama Admin.).

The Whitehouse has been vigilant against the existence of dangerous viruses since George W Bush became obsessed with such concerns. When Bill Gates left Microsoft he went on a tour of cities worldwide lecturing on the imminent danger of a viral pandemic being the greatest threat to the nation and mankind. That was in 2015. The Whitehouse had a manual produced detailing what had been learned about this terrifying threat, and how the nation needed to work cooperatively with other countries to carefully monitor viral outbreaks, and what we needed to do to safeguard against such a calamity, and our needed response.

Trump bragged that he "threw it in the trash, first thing" on being elected. He admitted on tape in January, that he had been warned that Covid was proving very dangerous in China, and we needed to ready ourselves for the disease. Trump ignored all of these factors, and in so doing, is responsible for the uncontrolled spread in the U.S..

All of this is common knowledge if you follow the national news, yet the widespread lack of citizen awareness of day to day politics, and lack of accurate information has bred this recent line of b.s. perpetuated by Trump - "fake news".

While celebrity magazines and Fox News have long made-up news and lies about conspiracy theories and celebrity lifestyles, major news sources have always been carefully monitored by numerous fact checkers, and even minor falsehoods drawing rebukes. "Fake news" is primarily a pitiful defensive invention of Trump, who can't speak a full sentence without misrepresenting the facts. He argues with the most respected non-partisan medical experts, and espouses fantasies over scientific knowledge.

WE are a nation dominated by advertising and marketing, and intellectual laziness, to the extent that a completely incompetent moron preoccupied with making his every day efforts focus on enriching his family and enterprises.

It is truly distressing, that given the bold-faced failures of this administration, the election is expected to be close. But at least 40% of our population is incapable of trusting reliable news sources, valuing truth over conspiracy theories, and discerning fact from fiction.

Trump stated at a rally today : "If elected, Joe Biden will imprison you in your homes, while mobs loot and burn your cities". Who but a desperate fool would say such a thing, let alone believe it ?

Trump is a colossal failure and an idiot. Biden has the sense to surround himself with smart capable people if elected, which is how presidents have conducted business in past administrations. Trump fears collaboration, and governing with solid principles.

Anonymous said...

I agree Cox. Those are the best paragraphs you've written on this blog.

Anonymous said...

Geez Cox, I have to agree. Unfortunately the lower level thinkers that support our inept, lying PTOUS will try to create chaos and unrest when he loses. Our county needs this A hole to go away. hope that he keeps his promise and leave the country, maybe Iran?

Anonymous said...

..or North Korea

Anonymous said...


Steve Cox said...

It is beyond understanding why any State would allow open-carry, particularly on State Capital grounds. This has become an excuse for the militia folks to strut around carrying assault rifles at Statehouses, such as the Michigan Capital, even after the foiled plot to kidnap the Michigan governor. The Sec of State forbid the open-carry to continue on Michigan State grounds, and their Supreme Court reversed it. Really idiotic considering Trump's threats to mobilize militias to act on his part should Biden be determined the winner of the election. There may be some violence in large urban areas, but I don't see there being any coordinted response among such groups.

Anonymous said...

At least trump can put a sentence together. The socialist Harris will be in charge within a month

Anonymous said...

Joe and the Ho
Joementia/Kamaltoe 2020

Steve Cox said...

Trump's your man, for sure! Intellectually deficient, and fearful of truth, facts, and imaginary conspiracies.

Anonymous said...

8th Grade

Anonymous said...

3rd Grade

Anonymous said...

It's voter intimidation. Plain as day. Forcing one to prove intent is ridiculous. Change the law to no open carry at voting locations. Furthermore, we need a national election law partly stating that.

Anonymous said...

Biden and Obama sure looked good today. The Trump crowd were left freezing their ass off as Trump flew away. If they won't wear face maskes, they should at least wear ear muffs. Duct tape would also be good. I did not know there were so many stupid people in this country.

Anonymous said...

And the fact I earn over 200k a year, have no mortgage, will retire in 2 years at age 55 with over 3 million in my retirement account, yes, keep the good times rolling. Keep America Great.

Steve Cox said...

Anonymously claimed. In any case, nothing Trump has done is likely to have had anything to do with your wages. If you made a great deal more, his tax plan would help you. Or just take his lead and don't pay anything.

Anonymous said...

Also, the Democrats are better with the economy. Look at the numbers over the years. The Obama/Biden Administration had better economic activity numbers than the Trump/Pence Administration.

Anonymous said...

Wow, so many left wingers. You have been watching too much MSNBC. Used to think Cox occasionally had some cogent thoughts, but with his postings here, he has proven to have lost it. For those of you who think the Obama/Biden years were good, come out of your coma. Those were perhaps the worst years in existence, economically and respect internationally. Besides, if you are thinking left because of Biden, get ready to kiss your freakish attention goodbye. Biden will be out of the Oval Office within 6-12 months thanks to Ms. Pelosi and the 25th amendment and Biden’s serious case of dementia. That means the furthest left Senator in Congress (further left than even Bernie) Ms. Camelhair will move to the Oval Office with Ms. Pelosi taking the second spot (due to line of succession). Wouldn’t be a surprise then to see AOC as the Speaker of the House! So if you get your wish, kiss your freedom, your money, and this Republic goodbye. Hello To Socialism . We will be even more “Russia like” than Russia is. By the way, part of that is “goodbye to seniors”, economically can’t support keeping them alive. I have lived in Europe under Socialized medicines Believe me YOU DON’T WANT IT unless you have a death wish. I haven’t even touched how Biden has been bought and paid for by the Chinese as proven through verified evidence that none of the Biden camp refutes. Another words, they admit to it.

JoAnne said...

Thank you 7:22

Anonymous said...

Dictator and autocrat says, "another words". Hahahahahah.
Sone people are so ignorant, stupid, and selfish it's nearly unbelievable.

The national politics statements by Cox are always right on and very good. Thanks cox!

End the Fraud! Exhibit 1000, Trump University.
End the white supremacist administration.
Trump likely owes his $400,000,000 of debt to Russia, China, and Saudi Arabia. Show us your taxes and who you owe money to Trump! You're hiding it. Come out from hiding weak narcissistic liar bully.

Anonymous said...

Wow JoAnne. I never thought you thought that way.

Thanks for the topic George. I'm learning more about my fellow members and which ones to stay away from and not have anything to do with.

JoAnne said...

Well this makes it easy as you know who I am but I sure don’t know all you courageous anonymous people! What a joke and you’ll have nothing to do with me because of my politics? This is insane! I have every right to how I vote or believe! You people who are so full of hate are a sad state of our lives right now.

Anonymous said...

BLM - Black Lives Matter
National Election Laws
Health Care Is A Right, Not A Privilege
Thank You Very Much Mary Trump

Trumo says, "Grab Them By Their P%&^_=@." You must be so proud, women like JoAnne.

Anonymous said...

Your right wingers are trying to kidnap and kill politicians.
Your right wingers are doing voter intimidation with assault rifles.
A large caravan of Trump supporters nearly ran a Biden/Harris campaign bus off the road in Texas. They had to cancel the event. Trump praised them.
Trump says vote by mail is fraud. Trump votes by mail in Florida. WA and OR has voted by mail for about 20 years. Imagine what Trump and Republicans would say about electronic voting.

Brenda DenAdel said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Why would poll watchers need assault rifles?
What do they intend to do to me with their assault rifles?
There were a group of right winger Trump supporters in Vancouver with assault rifles the other day. I suppose their loving me while threatening to shoot me. They'll probably shoot to kill, given they have assault rifles.

Anonymous said...

It does appear that a lot of Trump supporters are living in a bubble of lies and conspiracies. Hope the bubble is soon burst so that we can all get to work on being good neighbors who care about each other rather than pushing to ignore long standing covenants
that trample on what most of us trusted when we purchased our property in Surfside. If you can't fit into a community without stirring up trouble, you should pack up and move.

Anonymous said...

JoAnne, you must really like the Ms. Camelhair remark.
What is that supposed to mean.
I guess it's making fun and being derogatory because she has Indian ancestry. I see.

Anonymous said...

Thanks to all the "lefties" for all of your baseless remarks. Why do folks need protection? Have you been in a cocoon for the past year? Ever heard on Antifa, the Soros supported leftist organization that is destroying our cities, or the Socialists that are trying to remove our police forces so they can reign even more terror on the populace? Wake up, you may be about to lose all your freedom and all that goes with it. Again, thanks for the baseless remarks, shows how desperate you really are.

Anonymous said...

End Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, SNAP, and food stamps. It's all Socialism. Let the elderly poor and poor fend for themselves.
I can't wait until abortion is illegal again. We're almost there.
I can't wait until the Supreme Court stops counting ballots and gives Trump the election win.
Down with the Anti-Fascists at the polls and in our streets.
That's your righties for you!

Ever heard of the Poor Boys, the Buguler Boys, White Supremacists, the KKK, David Duke, the criminals who tried to kidnap and kill a Midwest politician. The right wing extremists are responsible for most of the political related violence.

Anonymous said...

And this is the same group of posters that is going to rally and takeover the BOT?...

Anonymous said...

Give me a break.

Bush 1 left with the country in a financial deficit. Clinton came in, turned it around and left with the country with a surplus.

Bush 2 came in and with tax cuts to the rich and left the country in an even bigger deficit than daddy. Obama came in and left the country with a surplus.

Trumps comes in and of course right away gives a huge tax cut to the rich. While he hasn't gotten the country into as much of a financial deficit yet he certainly has put it in a morally one with both his rhetoric and response to a pandemic.

Once again we need a Democrat to get this country back to where it should be.

And while it doesn't matter I'm not surprised on how JoAnne leans when it comes to politics. In fact I would have been more surprised if she didn't feel the way she does.

Anonymous said...

920 - utter crap.

We need protection from the racist bastards you people have enabled. Ever heard that Antifa is NOT an organization, nor does it have leaders?

You use socialism is some sort of Boogie word, to generate fear and repression. It doesn't work. If you want to abandon socialism, stop using the water and electricity in your house, and don't expect anyone to show up when you dial 911.

Never mistake resolution for desperation.

Anonymous said...

Joann seems only sane one here, try watching something other than cnn etc. you dont have to like trump, just what he has accomplished. Proves my point, left is the party of hate. Watch the riots, left hurl insults n right chants "i love you". Sad to see so many brainwashed that should know better. Yeet, yeet.

JoAnne said...

You know I’ve been nothing but transparent and polite in my postings and now I’m being subjected to these hateful comments from anonymous people! No thank you! I’m entitled to my opinion and have always supported the president of our country no matter who. I have enough hate and hurt in my life right now from so called family and I don’t need this! So thank you George for having this forum and in becoming a friend. I will keep in touch by email with you now.

Anonymous said...

Do I ever love to see these lefties go ballistic. They have no faith in what they preach. For the uniformed 10:15 guess you haven't paid attention to things. Antifa is an organization, it is headed and funded by Marxists with the sole intent of destroying our country Does the name George Soros mean anything to you? You will living under him and his Socialist connections should "crazy Joe" win, or more than likely the Dems steal the election. If you want Socialism, go to Venezuela and see how you enjoy it. Oh by the way, Ms. Harris continuously refers to herself on the campaign trail as a "black woman". There isn't a drop of African American blood in her body, unless some was left by Willy Brown. Therefor she is exploiting the blacks for personal gain. Who is the racist there? Keep squirming.

Bob Haskin said...

The question I have for you guys is, will it be the "Red pill or the Blue Pill" it is just that easy folks.

Brenda DenAdel said...

I say shame on George for allowing this hate forum.

Anonymous said...

9;49 You forgot the Black Panthers that hung out around polling places with their baseball bats in hand. Wasn't to discourage Democrats.

Anonymous said...

Williams will likely continue to run the board. This is an s-hole hoa. I'm almost out of here and I can't wait to get out of Surfside.

Anonymous said...

GTH! Fool.

George Miller said...

I provide this forum so that the readers can have a local place to express their views and opinions. Also to share information. For now at least, we still have free speach. My eye sight has become so bad, it is difficult for me to read anything, and I do not read most of the comments. I think it is important for you all to have a voice for you to speak. Can you imagine the chore to try and sort out one political view or insult against one another? Guess your finding out that Surfside is not just a bunch of sweet old ladies and men. Unfortunately, we seem to be a reflection of the sad state of affairs of this Country. Maybe some day, we can return to being civil and working together for the good of all. This is my last word on this.

George Miller said...

PS...This is the last word...If you don't like the way I do the blog, then don't read it and go away, or if you think you can do it better, start your own damn blog.

Anonymous said...

Vote against the clancy buddy Wolfe. . Time to drain the swamp.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

dump williams

Anonymous said...

Give the members back the budget surplus! We have enough reserve fund.

Anonymous said...

Will it really be your last word? Eye sight seems to be good enough to selectively delete the comments you don't agree with.

Anonymous said...

It's his blog. Deal with it!

Doug Malley said...

THANK YOU 7:22 and JoAnne.

I enjoy my Freedom and ability to prosper, if Dems win I will pull all my investments and have only cash! Oh but that’s right they want to end cash!

Ronda F said...

@7:22 and Joanne, I totally agree with you both. I guess some of us in Surfside cannot be friends due to different opinions. It doesn't take an election to figure that out either.
Cant wait for Trump to win and Dump Trump Lane (J Place) will have to burn their Dump Trump flags!
Remember all signs need to be removed when election is over. I can see a big bon fire happening on the beach soon!

Anonymous said...

If Trump wins and goes after social security like his crew want the same Trumpers here will be crying that they now can't afford the dues.

Speaking of which, with the Socialism rant I guess 10:52, aka Fox News junkie, doesn't or will not draw social security or use Medicare, right?

As to stealing the election, why is it then that the Republicans are the ones trying to limit/stop people from voting?

And please, given your views do you really expect anyone to believe that when you look at SENATOR Harris you don't see a black women?

Doug Malley said...

Add Rhonda F to my thanks, glad there are a few intelligent people in Surfside and on this Blog.

We can all still be friends when Trump is re-elected, but some of you will be butt hurt and complain as the Nation prospers and grows!

Anonymous said...

I now think the J Placers are great. I guess we don't have that bad of a board after all. I'll fully support the J Placers and the board now.

Anonymous said...

Just a thought here...If your RV lot is your only home at the moment, the HOA cannot make you move your RV or Trailer due to good ol Inslee proclamation. Nobody will be displaced or kicked out of any property.
Careful handing out those letters or fines for RVS at the moment...looking for a lawsuit

Anonymous said...

Cool. Good job Inslee. Vote Inslee. I did and very proud of it.

Anonymous said...

If there are any J Placers on this who fly dump trump flags or post signs, I thank you very much. By the way, I've always recognized the right of the hoa to limit heights of structures and trees. I think the covenant needs to be managed better.

Anonymous said...

Right on J Placers. Dump Trump.
The Faction isn't so bad after all.
Good work The Faction!

George Miller said...

It is getting a long way to scroll down the comments. We will move on to Part 2 of election. Some interesting conversation and some not, like "the faction". But, we have to put up with the dumb to be able to see some useful stuff. Stay safe everyone.