Board Meeting this Saturday the 19th...Bring in the clowns.
We may get some kind of agenda before then. That makes it kind of hard to submit any questions about any subject matter. I am still waiting for an answer to the Email I sent the Board several months ago. I will never bother again. Now with Reber shown the door, as with usual past practice, they can blame everything on him. Maybe they will at least get the date right as they could not do that on the last Weakender. Not the first time. I thought we might see better with a new thirty dollar an hour employee. They need to hire a proof reader. That would probably cost fifty dollars an hour. I know, we need another study. Which brings up the point that Clancy should resign. In fact, if he knew he was going to sell and move, he should have resigned in time to have a candidte to replace him. Four openings and four candidate? Who is going to bother to vote? Not me.
All votes by proxy. Absolute and total fraud. Elections here are a total and absolute fraud.
This place is a total sham.
Our leadership are total selfish jerks with no regard for decency or laws and regulations.
I had problems getting any answer to my emails. The last one sent to Tom Reber he said was answered. After doing some research I found it in my spam box! There must be something in the surfside email that my email provider doesn’t like. Some kind of filter on my end I guess!
For those of you who think Clancy is going to move if he sells, think again. He gets his buddy $3000+ to remove a tree at 345XX J Place, the site of his soon to be his newly constructed house. Movin on up, even lower J Place isn’t good enough for this big spender.
I believe Clancy and the rest of them, particularly Williams, Winegar, and Rudd, are grifters. They pad their own pockets at the entire membership expense and at the entire American taxpayer expense. Recent Exhibits: $10,000 and $3,000+.
That is why you won’t see him resigning.
I will vote for the new lady and write in 3 other names.
Give Dan Neptun a chance, he is an honorable Retired Admiral of the Coast Guard, 40 years of service including a stint at commander of our own local Coast a Guard bases here. He is exactly what this board needs!
Yes, I agree 9:52,we have met Dan. He seems like a good guy for us. I'm voting for him and the Lady. The other two will not get my votes. Most likely voting the budget down..Im sure its over priced.
Ronda, who's your proxy?
9:52, who's your proxy?
It has to be one of the clowns, right?
Always calling for resignations. You need to face the fact George that not everyone is a quitter like you. They take their job seriously.
Whats wrong with the weekender? I musta missed it
Mr 10:20. The pied piper has spoken again!
I have tried the best I could to remove any comments concerning myself. This blog has never been or will be...about me. To try and make it that way is just a diversion from the issues. Thank's for those who came to my defense, but don't get drawn into the diversion tactic. Because of my poor vision, I may have deleted some comments accidntly. I am sorry for that.
@8:24, I do not need a proxy, thanks for asking. Guess we differ in opinions. :)
No apologies needed George, we all make mistakes. It amazes me how rude some of these adults can be to each other on your blog. Take care of yourself and thank you for everything you do.
George....The circumstances that led to your resignation are more significant to the membership than just that it was you. The staged bitch session about the Blog and demand you end it or resign was an unacceptable departure from the Board's stated duties and purpose. All personal business is intended to be handled either outside public meetings civilly, or in one of their ever-present "closed sessions". This is clearly stated in the WA RCWs.
The incident also shows the lengths the Board will go to to prevent criticism or dissent in the community pertaining to the actions of the BOT or individual Trustees. This is an active subject lately with the closed meetings and closed door decisions, like the Sheriff's contract, and the Federal grants. It's also pertinent to the decision to postpone elections, and of course, claims that there is no undo influence in elections. We know better.
Will the annual meeting be a physical meeting in person? I thought it was going to be a virtual meeting.
There is plenty of room in the school gym for in person. Most of the RV people will not be attending. If we can all shop at Walmart, Costco and Home Depot, we can all meet apart in a gym.
If KJ tree service is Clancys buddy, I would rather see them get the money from clearing the lot than Knottys druggies.
Per a board email response, the owner would not comply so this was a judgment against them. The owners will be paying surfside back.
How is that legal? So the hoa can take it upon themselves to take any corrective action on any covenant n charge the owner? Doesnt sound right.
George, I had no idea they gave you that ultamatem to stop your blog or resign from the board.
Thanks for informing all of us about that and making it public information Cox.
They answer to nobody except The Faction.
People, it's the same jerks, still in charge, that did this to George. A blatant violation of his First Amendment rights. They also did essentially the same to Patrick and Deb.
Same clowns, same circus. We suffer for it.
Should the group of trustees implement a single approach and source of communication with the entire hoa?
1040 - they already have. It's the Faction Party line, or nothing.
Go for it Ronda. More power to you. I won't be attending the in-person meeting. My second sentence is a commonly used phrase. However, it really doesn't fit in this context. More power to the board. There, that's more our reality.
To 10:04:
Did you know that Blagg's husband was one of those that Cox is ranting about who stood up to complain at that "staged bitch session"?
203 - more useless obfuscation. Keep shucking.
I don't know Mr. Blagg. He was entitled to his opinion, but given the nature of the Blog, George only edits certain kinds of comments. Most of the constant flow of rude and disrespectful comments were made by Trustees and friends of trustees. I don't think Mr. Blagg realized or appreciated the significance of that. No one has ever been treated so badly as Deb, though she was unwilling to stand down or yield to the harassment. Most of us would consider that character and courage to speak your own truth. Btw, I mean to convey my ououtrage, so call it a "rant" if you like, but make no mistake, this was totally outside of the prescribed role of the BOT, simply character assasination. An ugly spectacle, inappropriate in a public forum.
What many don’t comprehend is that is a “membership meeting” not a Board meeting. They have taken it over so it reflects their agenda. There should be much more time open for members to speak. Instead the Board ushers out what they don’t want to hear. And if you wanted to see somebody rant, rave, and out of control, you should have sat within 50 feet of Fred DeLees.
Oh well. To each his own.
The Weekender out on the 18th says that floor comments can't be a part of the board meeting on the 19th and comments need to be submitted by the 16th.
Hey board, how can I submit floor comments on the 16th when I'm told about it on the 18th? Duh, McFly! Are you stupid or something?
And there it is, more hypocrisy. So Mr. Blagg is entitled to HIS opinion but not the others. Typical.
Again, I was there. the comments made were not rude and disrespectful, they were responding to statements that were made that were.
12:13, Why didn't you stop Fred from ranting and raving and being out of control?
I agree with Cox. It all depends on if you know the person or not. Good point Cox.
12:13.... I meant to refer to the months of harassment Deb Blagg endured on the Blog. The Miller bashing sanctioned by the BOT was inappropriate, as I have made clear. There is no defending it. Some on the Board wanted to force George to shut the Blog down, which is particularly interesting considering that the Asbestos fines and investigation began not long after George was forced to resign, as was the improper permitting at the Waterworks.
Only the Blog exposed these ridiculous Board failures, and the BOT has never really made a full accounting of what happened and why. You will never demonstrate hypocrisy on my part, though you have a vivid imagination. In this environment of HOA secrecy and entitlement, I'm only interested in getting at the truth. I think you're afraid of it.
Steve Cox - our hero!
Please submit your proxies.
The Faction
Cox, so the blog exposed the asbestos issue which happened not long after George was forced to resign? Hmmmm, interesting.
I'm certainly interested in getting at the truth.
Steve, you are dead on. If the truth ever does come out, the rats (101pm) will be running from the woodpile!
5:20 Wouldn’t stoop to his level.
Still waiting to hear result of asbestos investigation, as i was exposed as an employee, and interviewed by EPA investigator.
The school is not renting out its space due to covid, so only a few would be allowed in the office for the meeting to met social distancing requirements
There were no fines or penalties from EPA or DOH regarding the A/C pipe, there was the initial L&I fine of 27,000 that was split with NB Water. End of story, no jail time, no criminal charges
9:40 - I suspect that the HOA will do their best to avoid acknowledging the Federal Asbestos Investigation, wanting to lay all of the blame on Bill Neal who was the Water Dept. manager at the time. No doubt, Neal was the central figure that enabled it. He is long gone at this point.
At the same time, the HOA has oversight of the Water Dept., arguably the most important function of the BOT. Neal met with the Water Dept. Comm. monthly, and often attended Board Meetings, gladly responding to member & Trustee questions. With a huge pile of discarded asbestos pipe laying in plain sight on the Waterworks grounds, suggesting that the HOA was blameless is absurd.
2:20 - Mishandling Asbestos has been a Federal crime since the 1950s. WHO reported the matter to the EPA is of no real significance. The Board chose to look the other way on this, and never publicly acknowledged their collective missteps, or specifically what would be done to rectify it. Sounds like you're looking for excuses for the BOT and Jim Flood who had a key responsibility as president of the Board and Committee chair or co/chair.
This matter cost the HOA a huge amount in Federal fines, legal fees, and prescribed clean-up costs. It would be assumed that the HOA is potentially liable for ANY long term health issues visited on former employees. But the HOA doesn't want to publicly acknowledge its' responsibility, that really cannot be wished away.
I think anyone who worked at the Waterworks and handled this pipe, will have to make your own inquiries, carefully monitor your own health, and know what your legal rights are, as the disease it causes can appear years after exposure. The HOA should also offer you information in this regard, if they have any integrity.
10:34, so i just get to wait n see if it kills me. Why am I not surprised.
12:29 - Exposure doesn't mean you'll ever experience any asbestos related illness. Everyone needs to try to maintain Health Insurance to avoid overwhelming expenses should they require surgery, chronic illness, accidents, require long term treatment or expensive drug therapy. We all have to monitor our health and be pro-active when we are concerned about our health.
10:34 - Okay, I misspoke. A fine of $27,000 is pretty damn significant, whoever levied it. On top of that was about $45,000 (don't recall exact amount) in Asbestos Abatement costs, the cost in Surfside employee hours to fill in the holding pond that had been excavated, and the attorney fees incurred to review and respond to the entities that began the Federal investigation. No big deal ?
I'd say it was a colossal failure of judgement and waste of member funds.
Cox, What the hell is the first paragraph about? Wow.
The past employee deserves the investigate and monitoring medical procedures he needs to keep healthy. Surfside needs to settle with these people. They deserve it.
That isn't happening is it ? There's nothing to examine until an exposed individual experiences a health issue. Exposure does not assure that there will be ill-consequences. The fact that it is a matter of record that these folks were exposed is enough to put Surfside on the hook, should any of these folks develop asbestosis.
This type of pipe varies in the percentage of asbestos in the cement matrix, from about 10% to 30%. Mr. Neil advised that all cutting be done while dampening the area being cut, which helps prevent airborne dust. What seems particularly foolish, both of the manager Neil AND the workers, was they apparently did not wear particle masks. But the level of exposure is always a factor in such things, and chances are good that no one will develop asbestosis.
We can only guess, which is true for the exposed folks. It probably takes a while for the malady to develop, but it can't be prevented if adequately exposed, and I believe that the disease is terminal, filling the lungs with a crystaline growth that destroys the lungs.
But if you have been exposed, research it to be well informed, and otherwise, remain optimistic for the future, and check out any health concerns to be proactive on treatment, and peace of mind. I'm not a REAL doctor ! I was exposed to asbestos in my early 20s and have never experienced any resulting problems. I'm 69 years old.
Newsflash! Cox not REAL doctor!
Got it, thanks. The Cox has spoken truth. He is not a REAL doctor.
416 & 635 - since your both the same, same message. Lay off the whiskey. You make no sense.
Is that, we mean no Sense? LOL
I meant to ask, is that, we mean no SENSE? LOL
1028 & 1227 - daytime drinking now? Or early onset?
Should have taken the original advice. It would have saved you three idiotic posts.
4:15 & 6:35 .... I was just admitting that what sounds like advice is just sharing information that can easily be accessed on a reliable internet site. You are morons with nothing to offer.
There you go the pied piper has resorted to his usual name calling again!
Yes indeed. When the pied piper feels most guilty or angry he reflexes right to name calling.
Aren't you two cute! Must be part of the FRACTION. What you are referring to with Mr. Blagg is of no significance.
Mr. Cox aka Tool
Yes, Surfside is composed of many FRACTIONS.
Fortunately, the larger numerator is in our favor.
That's right Cox aka Tool aka Pied Piper. We are the larger numerator FRACTION.
You will never get on this board!
704 - who'd want to join your bunch of shiftless grifters?
A numerator is part of a fraction. Since you're lecturing, it's significant. I don't want or seek to be on this Board, and have made that more than clear. You are SO afraid of any progressive change or discussion. Terrified the J Place-heavy contingent might not have complete control of the community agenda. It's laughable, but it victimizes other voices in the community, and has made a wasteland of the landscape.
Blah, blah, blah.
The Tool has spoken.
Don't worry fellow Faction members.
Cox won't do anything, but whine, complain, and rant and rave on this blog. He won't lift a finger to do anything. And who's the coward. He doesn't have time for our little hoa. He has one tree. The tree policy doesn't impact him. He wouldn't bring the tree policy up even if he got on the board. And who's the coward. He spends his time with his granddaughter and doesn'teant to limit that.
Hahahaha, he says were the fearful ones. LOL!
@12:54 - Let's stay focused on issues and leave family and others out of it...
All those words came directly from Cox. You really don't even listen to Cox.
Who's in power here? Not the George and Stevie clan. That's a fact.
Hey Stevie. Your supporters are anonymous. I guess that makes them cowards and morons. According to your stated position on this blog as well, what they anonymously say is meaningless. I understand.
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