
Friday, August 20, 2021

Zoom Board Meeting...

 Saturday August 21, 2021 at 8:30 am


Due to the increased COVID outbreak concerns as mentioned in the last two Chinook Observer articles, the August 21st Board Meeting will be taking place via Zoom.

 The Board of Trustees will be here in the Board Room along with two employees. The concerns of a large audience and a very small meeting room left hesitation on how to socially distance. Tracy Lofstrom is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. 

Topic: SHOA Board Meeting Time: Aug 21, 2021 08:30 AM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

 Join Zoom Meeting z09 Meeting ID: 931 8970 2399

 Passcode: Zxn4pS One tap mobile +12532158782,,93189702399#,,,,*635263# US (Tacoma) Dial by your location +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma) Meeting ID: 931 8970 2399 Passcode: 635263 Find your local number: 

Everyone except the Board of Trustees will be muted. If you are a speaker, you will be unmuted for your 2 min


  1. Thank you George! May I suggest bring a BLUE TOOTH SPEAKER to aid in others being able to hear the Meeting? Bring Chair & prepare to be outdoors.

  2. Let me guess, 9 j placers, 1 lowlander are the invited to speak.
    How did they pick the 10


  4. Well 8:06, given the tone of your comment I was hesitant to answer your question, but here goes anyways.

    If you were to look at the official Surfside web page under the ATTENTION!! header about the meeting it clearly says if you have a question for the floor comments you can submit a request and it gives you the email addresses on who to send it to. Since it also clearly says that it will be a 20 minute period with 10 people having 2 minutes each to ask their question, more than likely the first 10 people who sent in their request were chosen.

    But of course no matter who the chosen 10 are there will be a bunch of complaining afterwards. Unfortunately that's where we are now.

  5. Oh lord, please stop interrupting this boondoggle of a meeting. Ric will attempt to delay the meeting and we will have to suffer his insubordination and word salad for another month!

    People outside, please stay out of the office. We want him OUT. There's still 8 spots left on the call. You can't hear shit because the BM is inadequate, but maybe they will let someone inside who is under 35 who can adjust some things.

  6. I'm concerned with all the old man chest puffing going on in this meeting. Can't hear shit but looks like a sad state of affairs for these fools to be acting so childish for a volunteer position. Is this all you guys got?

    Sigh.......Wish I could hear. The audio is crap

  7. So far, community speakers have been padded with the special few. One subject brought up by a J ridger is property tax assessments placed on property because of Views. The speaker, believing this nonsense, only pays $600 a year. That's right, $600 in property taxes. Also interesting, is no where on any property description on Taxsifter do I note "VIEW" under descriptions for valuations. Your property valuation is based on YOUR HOME QUALITY and SIZE AND LOT SIZE. Get this through your head.

    The speakers continue to be a one sided joke! You people have no idea how things work in the real world. Dumb........

  8. Not only do they want to control our property, they now want to control our behavior! You cannot control everyone. People act out when they feel they are not being heard. Staff needs deescalation training.

    I do believe the office staff should be protected and the glass and door should remain. Customer service is rough these days.

  9. Wait? What? Did I just hear them want a 'code of civility'?

    Can we start with the pres using our Weekender to rant about his "feelings" and address the harassment of Annette to my email inbox?

    Where do I file my complaint? I can't hear a damned thing on this meeting.

  10. I find it very suspicious Williams is able to hear everything on the video call but others are not. Could he possibly have an open phone in the room? Hmmmmm, interesting. He calls "Tracy" his informant on chat. What's that about? I thought the old regime was so honest and transparent? I call BS on this entire business.

  11. I knew Ric was long winded, but this is next level shit. Come on y'all, get this stuff moving. Thanks for trying to push things forward Tracy, good grief.

    We elect to represent us, not to build your personal empire.

    Now Move along.............

  12. Well ain't this a bunch of shit! No one with any spine, melting puddles of warm and fuzzy. Well, there you go folks, it All Means Nothing. Here's to two entire Saturday's we will NEVER GET BACK

    Good luck with all your crap on both sides. Don't ask me for NOTHING. Don't knock on my door. Don't wave, don't say hello. Don't come anywhere near me. I'm out!

  13. Ronda withdrew her motion to remove Ric. The good news, we can just go back to doing what we need to do AND I think we won't see old men in white tube socks and shorts anymore. Bad news? I'm pretty sure the tree slaughter will continue.

    Such a disappointment really. Guess it's back to house hunting......Ciao!

  14. Was expecting motions by board members for moratorium on tree cutting and review of tree covenant even if the motions from the annual meeting were not going to be honored. Did that not happen?

  15. @349 the audio was completely worthless. We had the great honor of getting our info from Williams and his internal informant on the chat string.

    Colossal waste of a complete day! Don't EVER ask me for anything again! No votes, no support, no committees, Not one of you bat shit crazy people in this HOA better ever come to me for anything.

    This is the worst neighborhood I have ever lived in, hands down! AWFUL

    1. LMAO at this bitter old turd. Suddenly this blog became a really funny sitcom. Thanks Oscar!

  16. Was expecting a lot from the board members. The newly elected caved. Complete crumble. Didn't even try to uphold the member motions from what I could gather on the nearly nothing audio. The entire meeting ended with a teary hug fest.

    Good grief, get the chainsaw oiled up. SMH...........

  17. J-Placers win again for another ten? years.
    J-Placers want the west side to bow down and obey.
    J-Placers are the most intolerant people i have ever seen in my life.
    They cannot tolerate any trees west of J-Place. Every tree must have its head chopped off even when it is not hurting the view.
    There is no hope here. J-Place tells weest side to bow down and obey!

  18. Surfside United: A bunch of losers who peaked in junior high, trying way too hard to relive their glory days. Sadly for the rest of us, by acting in as juvenile a manner as possible. Are sit-ins far behind?

  19. @3:49, the attorney ruled the motions were not legal. Gary should have allowed for the motions at the beginning of the meeting when we had a quorum present. by the time Rudd did his treasury report, majority had left.
    Nothing you can blame the new board on.
    note to self, member motions need to come in after the agenda is adopted, not at the end of the meeting.

  20. Even if the member motions were deemed illegal, why couldn't the board members make their own motions? Board members make all kinds of motions at the monthly board meetings.
