
Friday, August 20, 2021

Board Meeting Agenda

 August 21, 2021


  1. After reading yet another of Ric’s rants in the Weekender it’s painfully obvious that he needs to go. The Weekender should not be used as his own personal blog and he really is making himself look like an idiot. Regardless of which side you are on this president lacks professionalism and needs to be removed at the meeting this Saturday. He is doing nothing but creating divide in this community and it needs to stop immediately.

  2. He sowed fear and is suprised when he reaps discontent.

  3. Why would a leader of a Volunteer Board spew his opinions & support division instead of bringing us together? & Using the Weekender for his personal interest? It is evident that he had paired up with the "Divided" and doesn't intend to work with all the Trustees, that we owners voted in who want "UNITED"

  4. I hope there is a good turn out for tomorrow's meeting in person and on zoom. The dissension of the old bot members (aka Ric) is disgusting. Note my profile photo here. It would be grand to see everyone light up the zoom meeting with this :) My dissension begins. Surfside Untied.

  5. I find the remarks by some who just are horrified at the suggestion of changing our tree covenants or even reviewing them are the same ones who in 2019 were very prepared to completely change the lighting covenant!
    How do I know? Because that’s when we received our lighting complaint and became acutely aware of how our covenants weren’t being followed by the board at that time! No problem completely and totally changing that covenant so we would have a “dark sky” but god forbid we look at the current tree covenants which are out of date and not at all realistic! FYI: our area is in a 16 ft height and we have the 40 ft condos directly in front of us! Makes perfect sense, not!

  6. I didn't think I could be surprised by anything, anymore, but now I am. For the President of an HOA to use the official HOA publication to launch a campaign of accusations against elected board members is not just inappropriate, I think it is an abuse of the office he was entrusted with. This behavior simply confirms the accuracy and validity of calls for removal of "the faction" from any authority in the HOA.



    Is there something truly wrong with your brain? Honestly, We would not be here typing TODAY, had this not happened.

    AGAIN- We DO NOT want to pay for a person to harass the shit out of us, We DO NOT want the BOT to change the rules in their 'secret meetings' just because someone wants darkness and we DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT want to cut our trees because it's someone else's DAMN DECISION.

    I don't know why you keep ignoring these MAJOR FACTS! And please, if you really do have a condition limiting your comprehension, Have someone close to you read this real slow.......I'm sick of you!

  8. I think I'm sick of you too Ric. Why did you lead a path right to the front door of this Patrick guy if he's so much trouble for the HOA? You even posted his website, email and phone number in the Weekender giving him free publicity. You are truly not the sharpest tool in the shed. Glad to see you go tomorrow. Even though I don't have a tree in this fight, I'm 100% here for the trees and the lighting (which btw would affect pretty much 90% of us). I also don't like the idea of the BOT dreaming up new changes of the covenants without homeowners approval. Sounds a bit controlling dontchathink?

    Bye Ric, and if any of this business is Tracy's idea, she won't have my support either.

  9. Since the 4 newly elected people got in office, I have never heard any comments if getting rid of covenants. Rewriting yes.
    Have also never heard of dumping our HOA.

  10. Somebody go ahead and prove Patrick a liar, go ahead, I'll wait.

    Known the man for four years now, never lied to me. I can't say that about any old Board members, including Williams, deLeest, Clancy, Flood, and the rest.

    Surfside divided must be panicking.

  11. Know why Patrick gets so much bad ink out here?

    He beat them. In court. Every time.

    It still leaves a bad taste in the factions mouth, since they were used to domination.

  12. To the current BOT- Please be careful who you choose to be the next Pres. Honestly, the past 10+ years has shown these guys think it's a one man dictatorship and don't see the BOT as a partnership.

    We want peace and bonding. It's when the guy at the top wants to rule the world is when we will have discord.

    I'm happy to see some diversity in the BOT. More is needed. Hopefully next year we can get more.

  13. Deleest stooping yo a new low to get back on the board. Maybe she can take rics place. Maybe they will bring in Cox
    Someone needs to sue her for disclosure of private info

  14. I just have to add to the comments expressing anger and disgust over the sitting president's divisive comments. He has tried to allude to every fear that the status-quo folks have about the newly configured Board. He demonizes the new Trustees, and makes vague references to views he THINKS they may have, and assures scary results. He even suggests that members wanting to enable the membership to vote on new covenants or revisions have BAAAAAD intentions.

    Virtually ALL HOAs require a vote of the membership to change covenants. The HOA attorney urged the previous BOT to allow the Bylaw vote at the Annual Meeting (which I presented), but added in his letter, "the Board doesn't WANT to." The current Board WILL , and should the members approve the Bylaw change, it will simply require that the membership vote on it. Minich calls this "scary" too, "letting the members decide" he suggests is dangerous.

    And really, this continuing crap about Patrick johansen. He is NOT a Surfside owner, so has no say in Surfside matters. The dissent we all heard at the Annual Meeting was not Patrick Johansen, but about 150 members who are fed up with the elitist agenda, of increasingly restrictive covenants and regulations, and the unending destruction of the Surfside landscape. This has been a violation of the State HOA RCWs, and the Surfside covenants. No single member household shall pay more dues or assessments than any other - it reads - and all member households shall be treated fairly and equally.

    Try telling the 1500 or so owners that have been forced to top trees repeatedly, that they have not paid more to live in Surfside, than owners on J Place. Minich needs to step down, and the Bus. Manager needs a new job description. She works cross-purposes with B. members she doesn't like, or members she doesn't like. The role is to serve the members and seated Trustees equitably. She seems ill-suited for serving the public in this role.

    The newly elected Trustees are good people who have earned a shot at running our community in a more equitable way, and they will.

  15. Steve - agreed!

    The new people cannot do a worse job of representing the membership than the old guard. Time for New Blood!

  16. I thought about it, but decided to not re-post any more Rick Rant. He deserves no attention. They will just remove him as Board President. He should be removed from the Board entirely. The same should happen to Kurt Olds. They can be removed without stating a cause, but cause would be disrespect for fellow Board Members and regular members.

  17. Absolutely Steve! The members voted these new trustees in and now the president before they even have their first meeting has been divisive, rude and is not acting as a leader should!
    That crap is the weekender is full of lies and slander!

  18. I'm assuming you mean the first "official" meeting and not the separate unofficial/secret meeting of the five board members? Or is that a "lie" and the meetings didn't occur?

    1. Board members discussing HOA issues outside of meetings is NOT an issue. Only making HOA decisions outside of a meeting is considered improper. It has gone on for years, and Williams in particular was well known to come to agreements with other like-minded Trustees prior to Board meetings.

      How would the maligned newly elected Trustees prevent Minich from continuing untethered, to make decisions such as the ones he did immediately after the Annual Meeting?

      He decided to.meetvsecretly with the attorney and Tracy, and made a decision to block the member motions WITHOUT approval of any other Board members.

      Do you think he communicated with Olds ?Did he talk with Neptune or Schweitzer ? We don't know do we ? Minich hasn't been candid about anything that he has done since the Annual Meeting, but has made 4 statements in the "Weekender", all dedicated to trashing the newly elected Trustees and his imaginary scenarios of their "evil" plans. What a nutcase !

      They're ALL good people with good intentions, and I'm willing to bet he doesn't know any of them well, if at all.

  19. 123 - fear-mongering by the old guard. It's getting kind of desperate for the faction out there.

  20. It was a question. Are you both saying that the five board members have not met outside of this first formal meeting?

  21. What if they have? It's a free country, and the Surfside covenants can't prevent that.. as much as they would like to.

  22. It has nothing to do with the Covenants but is in conflict with the HOA By Laws, State RCW's and the oath each Trustee took to uphold By Laws.
    Only the Board Secretary can call special meetings of the Trustees and they are to include all Trustees with advance notice given regarding the purpose of the meeting.
    So did these meetings occur or not?
    Seems this should be a simple question to confirm regardless of side and with each calling the other a liar.

    1. And I'm sure no other trustees have met outside the guidelines. Thankfully Tracey is honest enough to be involved in anything like that either. Though she probably appreciates not having to do the walk of shame away from Williams's place any longer.

  23. 231 - according to your interpretation, which follows the self-interest of the former board. Coincidence? Probably not.

  24. So you don't really know so why comment? Below are direct cut/paste of the RCW and By Laws so you can point out how my interpretation is in error. Why so defensive? Isn't the Surfside United rallying cry Honesty, Transparency, and Communication?

    By Laws Article V Meetings:
    Section 2. Special meetings of the members may be called at any time by the president or
    a majority of the board of trustees or by members representing twenty per cent of the tracts
    within the jurisdiction of the corporation. Notice of a special meeting, stating the object
    thereof, shall be given by the secretary by mailing such notice to each member not less
    than five days prior to the date on which such meeting is to be held

    Washington State RCW 64.38.035
    (3) The notice of any meeting shall state the time and place of the meeting and the business to be placed on the agenda by the board of directors for a vote by the owners, including the general nature of any proposed amendment to the articles of incorporation, bylaws, any budget or changes in the previously approved budget that result in a change in assessment obligation, and any proposal to remove a director.

  25. Are you changing your position that you agree these meetings shouldn't happen per the RCW and By Laws but since it was done before it is okay to continue?
    Isn't that in conflict with Honesty, Transparency, and Communication?

  26. 256 - you have no shame, but to keep shucking for a board that is done nothing but indulge their self-interest for over a decade.

    Once again, you were using unsupported rumours to support your case. Try facts next time. Show proof of that illegal meeting.

    After all, that's part of honesty, transparency, and communication.

  27. Instead of dodging just answer the question. I am not stating the meeting happened. I'm asking if it did and, if so, does that align with Surfside United values? The first answer was it didn't matter if it happened. Then it was if it did happen it was against the rules but that is okay since it happened before. Which is it with you guys. Deflect is all you do when faced with a logical question. Keep shucking yourself as that is all I'm seeing.
    Put me in with Surfside Divided. Surfside United is just another faction pushing their own agenda.

  28. Sounds like another J Placer to me.
    How about the drumhead board meetings in 2018 and 19, when board members were appointed by the existing board, mainly to fit their perspective?

    As to Surfside United, I can honestly say I don't know who they are. It's kind of an organic movement, like Antifa, in response to suppression and despotism.

  29. If it was a 'secret' meeting, how does everyone know about it? Asking for a friend........

  30. Just as a heads up, all motions presented and voted in favor of at the July 10th Members Meeting have been declared not legal!

    So now what do we the Members need to do?

    Shit on again by the Surfside Attorney!

  31. That's because the quorum was lost when our majority of members left prior to the motions being made. :(

  32. Shouldn't be a problem. Isn't there a huge legal pool gathered?

  33. 430 - I hope you can support that in court. Ive got a hell of a lot better case for the opposition.

    You'd better try declaring again. Otherwise, the lawsuits are going to come thick and hard.

    For the quorum to be broken, a point of order had to be presented during the meeting, and a recount taken. That did not happen. So much for the nonsense of a quorum not being there.

  34. To Cox and others a reminder.

    Those members who live on the west side of J are required to follow the same tree covenants as all of you complaining. That's a fact you all conveniently overlook.

    Also, the majority of properties on the east side that have houses on them pretty much do the same.

  35. You have to be kidding me! You’d have to search long and hard to find a 16ft tree over there!

  36. You folks have forgotten that you live in an HOA governed by rules that you knew about when you bought here, so please don’t give me the “you don’t want too” when you get on this blog to complain. Only difference now is they are finally doing compliance when the complaint driven compliance did not work and many, many violations went unreported! Let the bashing begin! As for Cox, he’s a liar!

  37. Lets all see how the Board meeting goes Saturday. We need to right this ship.
    Go Surfside United. I AM Surfside United

  38. @August 20, 2021 at 4:40 PM and anyone else who wants to think "gotcha"

    The motions were presented very early on in the meeting but that dastardly beast of an ex pres, ex board member, smallest amount of votes who is now "just a member" blocked these motions from being presented at that time. Instead, they held us hostage with BS for hours to delay the vote and vote count, wearing people out and by then people were just ready to get the hell out of there. ONLY then did the tyrant allow the motions, knowing full well what he was doing. It's pretty obvious by the vote counts what the 'quorum' wants. Including those who left. Period. Nothing left to say. If you don't believe it, SEND OUT A SURVEY TO EVERY HOUSEHOLD- DO IT NOW! I challenge you to get the real time facts, send a survey.

    Now, you can whine and battle cry for the dumb ass all day here, but then that would mean you don't think he's that smart either.

  39. No attorney other than a total Shuster will take your bullshit case. Surfside Deadbeats Ubited: Bring it you dumbass losers. This will be hilarious. You people are so stupid. STFU and just bring it in court.

  40. Surfside Divided > Surfside United

  41. Ohhhh, 7:02 and 7:04 You so scary I'm shakin........

    hahahahaha, punks. Nothing cool to say, just on loop you two or one (probably the same alcohol demented clown). Yawnnnnnnnn

  42. Just leave it to Cox to put his spin on things. Very entertaining to watch and read all of his comments. To bad he is such a loser and his reputation as a know it all supersedes anything he has to say. Keep talking Cox you are the laughing stock of my neighborhood! Good entertainment though!

  43. Cox graduated from the Patrick school of lies!

  44. 542 - easy to see clearly who the liar is here, it is not Steve Cox. Why don't you keep your BS to yourself? Nobody's buying here.

  45. 702 and 704, 719 - either put the bottle down, or put the keyboard down. Your choice.

  46. 702,704, 718 and 719 are the same person. This troll thinks he's slick and is trying to pad the blog like there's more than one slimeball hanging out here. It's an amateur internet pattern. SIGH.....YAWN, Drunk Uncle behavior!

  47. He probably sits there and giggles at his own antics after each post too, what an idiot.

  48. @7:48 - wrong and typical deflection because Surfside United can't possibly fathom a position other than their own.

    Surfside Divided is > Surfside United

  49. Thanks Steve for putting out there some actual facts, it is so sad that Annette’s backers come on here to trash the real people of Surfside.

    Guess I’m not 1 of those special people she sent her email to, wish I would have got it cause I would have immediately taken it to my attorney and filed suit against her and the HOA..

    Just remember all members what started this outrage in the HOA, De Leste, Williams, Clancy, Olds, Turner, Flood, and more I don’t remember. Not Patrick that no longer owns property here but kicked this HOA’s ass over the same bullying and harassment issues we are still facing!

    Time for the good ole boys to move on or step up and follow the wants of the members, not the Annette’s email group. You are no longer on the BOT Annette and PLEASE just step down as you are a bitter disgraceful loser.

  50. 758 - once again, your gaslighting skills are weak. Don't bother.

  51. 806 - well stated!

  52. @8:34/Rich Dunbar - you are just as sad as Cox. No facts from your side - just delusions. I'm with Surfside Divided > Surfside United
    And look up the definition of gaslighting you tool.

  53. You do realize 11:00 am that if you follow the covenants the compliance officer would not be an issue because he would not be contacting you. Holding people accountable isn't harassment.

    But we all get it. You're one of those who purchased property in a HOA and don't want to be told what to do. You don't have to shout about it.

  54. Little history lesson for you 8:06, your hero Patrick got the emails of ALL members and sent out unsolicited emails back during his reign. Even after telling him to take me off his list I still continued to get them. I guess hitting a delete button would be too complicated for you.

    File a suit over an email? That sure says a lot about you and tells us everything we need to know. Any lawyer that wasn't an ambulance chaser would laugh at you.

    But to make you feel better, with your silly rants apparently you are a "special" person.

  55. 909 -already know it, bozo. Tomorrow, your whole world changes. Better get your rest.

  56. 936 - keep up your lies. They are known for what they are. Hope they make you feel better.

  57. Dunbar - utter crap you continue to spew - go back to the Nextdoor site - tool.

  58. @9:45 - yeah, you may get your W tomorrow (earned through illegal meetings) but we are now on to what the Surfside United Faction is about. Your side asked for opportunity and immediately abused trust. Your chosen board members could have accomplished the same thing following the written By Laws and RCWs but you just couldn't contain your self righteousness. Your colors have shown. Folks won't be caught with their guard down again.
    Surfside Divided > Surfside United

    1. Minich's actions should have waited until the first meeting, by your reconing, because he has no authority to make decisions on behalf of the Board without their knowing.

      You are anxious to wish failure on the new Board members.They had to try and stop Minich from acting on his own, as no one else was going to.

  59. Bye Ric, like Gary Williams with too many self promoting signs you have damaged yourself by your ranting on social media. I’m not for radical change of covenant’s but open to reason. Your inability to respond

  60. 8/21 4:25

    You are very sick, Get some help

  61. You can log in to zoom and get in queue for this meeting now.


  62. 1033 - another gutless wonder who stays anonymous. Why don't you put your big boy pants on and show yourself?

  63. 1041 - utter crap. You simply been called out on your cheating ways, and want to keep them going. It's over.

  64. Use your name if logging into zoom.
    Cannot use a fake profile

  65. @8:17/Dunbar - the only crap is spewing from your keyboard. Based on your volume of replies here and Nextdoor it appears this is all you are proficient at - spewing utter crap. Another keyboard warrior, perhaps related to Steve Cox... No facts from your side, just innuendo.

  66. 8:06 you are part of the problem with this blog, all talk, with some threats thrown in, good entertainment. How does it feel having graduated from the Cox school of lies and misinformation!

  67. 845 - you're a lying sack. Try your intimidation somewhere else - not working here

  68. Care to elaborate Icegoalie? Where in the post was intimidation expressed? As usual, just name calling from your side and lies. Clear you have bought hook, line, and sinker into the Patrick Johansen school of manipulation and rewriting history.

    1. You can't even make up your own post, parroting my word.

      Identify yourself, or acknowledge that you are a coward.

  69. Wow - Are those my only two choices? Is there a door 3? Can I calll a lifeline?
    But that is how it is with your side. Narrow vision. False choices.
    Strong words from a poster identified as Icegoalie.

  70. 1147 - you don't have the intestinal fortitude to identify yourself. Keep your anger and bitterness to yourself. Not needed or desired here.

  71. @Icegoalie - you don't have the intestinal fortitude to identify yourself. Keep your anger and bitterness to yourself. Not needed or desired here.
    Pot meet kettle.

  72. Deb Blagg and Patrick Johansen can verify that Williams held meetings outside of Monthly meetings, and claimed they were meetings of the Executive Comm.,when they made action-decisions (illegal outside of meeting". Williams and Winegar both would bring measures to the BOT meetings to be approved, with numbers instead of descriptions of the actions at issue. Williams in particular often had his support all sewn-up before an issue came before the BOT.

    They would try to fly through the vote and quickly move on before anyone asked what was at issue. All of this stuff has been commonplace over the last 5 years or more. All major efforts to mask the Board's intentions and goals.

    I don't lie, but you weaklings without names or proof of your contentions are like a fart in the wind to me. Talk your baseless crap, while more serious people take care of your mess.

  73. So it is okay to continue doing that - is that what you are saying? Great example of Transparency, Honesty, and Communication.
    The only mess is the one caused by you and the other malcontents who bought into something knowing the requirements and then complain about how unfair they are.

    1. First, I hate the Tree policy. There is no excuse for these stupid restrictions on trees that won't grow taller than 30 ft. Anyway. Second, I don't have any trees that need to be continually topped. Third, I think most members are okay with most of the covenants. Building a great enforcement team is totally unnecessary.

      I'm against needless controls on member's lives like restrictions on lighting beyond wattage limits, or trying to enforce somebody's idea of NEAT'N TIDY

      The community looks like hell from all of the obsessive topping, and vast sums of money are poured down the drain doing it and in legal spending.

      The Bylaws and Covenants are about 50 years old, and were borrowed from other HOAs. They are pretty basic so aren't really a problem, but they should be worked on in places to be more clear. You make too many assumptions about the changes the new Board wants. Nothing radical,just pracrical.

  74. It wasn’t right then and it is not right now. Is this the new and improved board? Not off to a good start.

  75. Poor Rick Dunbar - getting shutdown by the majority when not on a blog with only your supporters. Funny how many seem to agree that you are a Tool. You add nothing of value.

  76. 255 - once again attacking personally. Why? cuz you got nothing else.

    You're a cowardly POS - keep that nonsense coming!

  77. Just returning the favor of you and the other malcontents. Encouraging to see others feel the same as I which is being validated. And to continue stating no secret meeting occurred when there is a signed letter to the board by the new trustees is astounding. That letter was made available to anyone who requested it on the zoom meeting. Own it. Be transparent. But that appears to be too much to ask from the Honesty, Transparency, and Communication group of Surfside United.

  78. 334 - show me the same letter. Nobody's been able to do it yet. Step up. Or shut up.

  79. Why don't you just request a copy like the rest of us did who are listening to the board meeting? Or do you just like to come here and bitch and not really understand the issues? Or, put your email address here and I'll get you a copy.
    Next thing you'll be saying is that it is a forgery and part of a conspiracy.

  80. 340 - if you had it, you'd already posted it. It doesn't have to be a forgery or conspiracy. You're simply a liar.

  81. Deflect again. I just gave you two options to get it. If you are afraid to post an email address, even a burner one, then go on the meeting Zoom chat right now and get it. Of course that is too much work for you and much easier to sit there and call me a liar. Classic.

  82. 350 - again, all talk, no evidence. Why would I give an email to someone who has proved to be personally abusive?

    You got nothing. Don't waste my time.

  83. You don't have to, log into Zoom for the ongoing meeting right now and request it in the chat like I did. Simple enough for most. Sorry you need to exert slightly more effort then doing nothing and typing your lies on the blog.

  84. Ric Dunbar never has anything nice to say. I may agree with him on some things but the negative stuff needs to go. I’m tired of him ranting all the time and it needs to stop.

  85. Dunbar is fine and entitled to his opinion. You all are way too sensitive, every minute of every day. Get some skin.

  86. 404 - you have about as much clue as to who I am, as I do to you printing as anonymous.
    Since I don't know you, I really have no care as to what you like and dislike. Public forum, Gomer.

  87. A bit disappointing to say the least with HOA meeting, my connection was extremely poor. I also was not satisfied that motions in annual meeting were apparently ignored?

  88. They now want to control behavior to include fines and penalties! No shit, is part of the Code of Civility, dadadaduhhhhhhhh.

    If you buy a house here, you are not free. You do not own it either. But, they will let you pay for it!

  89. Cox at 12:59. You should really stop getting your information from past trustees. You are completely wrong about Patrick and Deb, we were here for the whole affair, don’t know where you were but if you paid attention both of them were trying to push their agendas to not abide by the covenants! I spoke with Patrick early on and told him baby steps, one thing at a time but no he went for the gusto with is manifesto! Where did all that get him, No where! Pissed people off and got lucky with the court due to mistakes by the board! Deb was rude like you, bossy, pushy and loud ( sound familiar) and her coup also failed in the end. Both gone so good riddance! You are your own worst enemy, you would be a trustee if you had not burned all your chances by being rude and nasty to sitting board members at that time. Point is shut up already, we are tired of you and your repeating the same whoa is me comments! Do something positive, join a committee, be civil and work for a better Surfside.

  90. J-Placers, you won. Isn't winning good enough for you. Or do you still want to beat us up. We have suffered enough of your arrogance and intolerance.

  91. Better get to the store and buy those special house lights. I see a shortage coming on with 2000+ of us out of compliance and a weak BOT.

  92. Oh yes and you better do it with a smile on your face! Heaven forbid you be deemed UNCIVIL and add to the fines we all gonna get from this lovely 'nonprofit'


    1. You can blame Tom Rogers for the civility passing. The new board members voted it down. Marrianne, Dan, Kurt and Tom voted for it, leaving Ric the tie breaker

  93. Take heart, the HOA pres is just plain mean spirited. He will lose to those of good heart. It will just take longer than we hoped. GANBARE NASAI.

  94. Link to letter:

  95. ok @August 21, 2021 at 6:40 PM

    What exactly is this letter? Kinda risky for people to just download something from a random site posted by an anonymous blogger, dontchathink?

  96. They better start up on J and in the backwoods houses when it comes to them there lights. That's all I got to say about that! Until they do it, I will NOT do jack crap nothing and I really don't care if I'm deemed uncivil. I'm really really pissed off so just walk a really wide berth there partner. I'll be the one with the scowl and glare.

    1. Hilarious. Keep a wide berth. LMAO. Fuck you and the stupid look on your face. How about that?

  97. Im glad most people are not gloaters and sadists like 7:03. Unfortunately, it just took a few rotten apples to spoil this HOA.
    Steve Cox- can you or someone please tell me the name of HOA's in Washington that are flexible and logical and kind to ALL members?

  98. @7:19 - perhaps read the covenants before your next purchase.

  99. HOA's are bogus and designed for uptight and rigid. I regret my purchase but then again I don't, because I made a ton of money in a very short amount of time. First and last, guaranteed, did that, got the t-shirt and it's very ugly. Good luck with the next guy. They just might not be as nice. Just sayin.......

  100. We got the Surfside United shank that's for sure. Yep, you're right, we supported a bunch of losers and now have to cut our trees. Hope you're happy. I'm thinking you won't be too happy when Darryl runs out of the green slaughter and comes for your porch light, driftwood, and nasty attitude. That's right, it was your side wanting that Code of Civility right? I sure wish I knew who you were asshole, but I'm sure it won't take long.

    1. Code of civility was voted in by Tom, Dan,Kurt, Ric and marrianne.

  101. Looks too me that old guard troll on here to be an assh#t and divert attention from discussion of that meeting? Earlier.

  102. I don't think it has to be looked at from a won or lost perspective.
    It does appear cooler heads prevailed as is often the case when sitting across from another person and looking them in the eye. There was discussion on how to get more member input and some potential ideas provided. Even an idea from him who shall not be named was mentioned. I believe the four new Trustees will continue to be the voice for many members and that there will be future challenges to overcome. It was positive to see the Board get past the recent animosity and appear to at least have a path to working together.

  103. Wonderful post and observation. Maybe we can get a good dialogue going and actually admit there are some problems and work together to get a good plan for everyone. The new trustees were elected to be the voice of many of us who want to contribute and return our community to a peaceful restful place to enjoy
    We are all so blessed to live so close to the ocean that brings many peace and renewal! Let’s work together to enjoy!

  104. Change the HOA name to Shitside and be done with the whole mess.

  105. I can see very clearly after the meeting today that Tom Rogers is where our problem lies. He is a rambling idiot who obviously should not be on the BOT. If he had not voted for the Code of Civility it would have never passed. If you also notice he is the only one that will not publish his email which is a joke. His wife Betsey is continually airing our dirty laundry on Nextdoor as well. There are a lot of people on Nextdoor that DO NOT live in Surfside and the problems with our HOA should NOT be discussed there. Frankly, it’s no one else’s business what is going on in Surfside if they do not live here. I have to wonder after watching today if Tom is of sound mind since he has seizures and he definitely should not be driving with seizure activity because he could injure or kill someone.

    My recommendation to everyone is get the hell off Nextdoor and stop airing our dirty laundry for the entire peninsula to see because it makes us all look like idiots.

  106. My only regret is answering the rally cry of the underdog. Even though I have no tree in the fight, nor a complaint in the file, I answered your cries. I signed your papers, I promoted you some votes, I spent time and energy on your situation and was willing to even pay money for your cause. But now here we are, you, unwilling to fight for yourself and me, well, emotionally spent. Most likely, you will be on your own from now on when that HOA registered mail arrives, you pretty much showed me who you all are today. In the end, my mainstay beliefs have been proven, again - Humans basically just suck and are not worth anything I have to offer.

    My apologies to you Beth Ann, for all these dastardly people and their behavior. I apologize for them because 1. I know they won't and 2. Because I know you care, a lot, and tried, a lot. I get it.

    And with this I end my rant. You can now continue with the degrading anti-human behavior I expect and will likely receive.

  107. I learned years ago that NextDoor is the worst of the social media and I refuse to sign up. Geez, just another bully pulpit for the masses. Awful.

    Social media has made me despise the human race. Or maybe it's just the way people really are? Not sure, but do know I liked life better when I didn't suffer people's impulsive shout outs.

  108. @10:49 - I know this is a blog but asking seriously if you are okay? Your post left me feeling uneasy. Nothing here is worth doing anything drastic. Stay positive.
