This is a forum to share and discuss information and issues about our homeowners association.
The blog host is not responsible for the content of comments.
As with all blogs, you have to use your own judgement as to the accuracy of the postings and comments.
If you are truly, sincerely, in doubt on what the majority wishes are, send out a house numbered paper ballot to every homeowner's mailing address. DO IT, Show some responsibility, accountability. You are imposing YOUR will on OUR legal quorum.
There are no new restrictions on gatherings to justify closing the meeting to the members. HOA Board meetings are required by State law to be PUBLIC open meetings.
This is obviously a refusal to face the members and explain where Minich gets the authority to ignore the member motions pronounced as "passed" by then president Gary Williams. What we know is that the president has no independent authority to make decisions without consulting the entire Board, and having a vote to approve his proposed actions.
Members are tired of being screwed around by these posers. We all play by the same rules, written in our documents and State RCWs.
The true whiner is Ric. His last 3 pathetic weekenders have created more controversy and unrest than anything. He couldn't run an election right, you really think he can run this HOA. He needs attention in a bad way
Wow, somehow this place miraculously figured out how to zoom? Well there you go! Did your attorney, the one WE pay for, help you set it up? Just keep trying to hide. We are not going away.
So how many members do you think Zoom will accommodate? A estimated we could have as many as a hundred for the meeting on the 21st. There is no way that building will handle that kind of bandwidth.
EVERY public comment at this meeting should be- "We do NOT like this Dictator President. We need a SPECIAL election by the people and for the people to elect a NEW President who does not suppress and oppress people."
It was with real wonder and amazement that I read Ric Minich’s statement about How to Change a Covenant! Citing 9.2 and 9.3 of our Covenants. Going back to August 17, 2019 Board meeting which was fully attended by all 9 members including Ric Minich, a motion was made by Mark Scott seconded by Gary Williams to direct the staff to follow the covenants and b proactive in enforcement of Covenants to reverse complaint driven compliance. Vote was yes-8 no-0. So pray tell the members where was the Notice of the proposed amendment that is to be mailed to each member not less than 30 days before the hearing date? And when was that hearing? I was at that meeting because of our lighting complaint and there was no discussion to speak of, just the unanimous approval of this drastic change! You want all of us to just follow the rules, but this very clearly wasn’t done in this instance. Nor were the covenants followed concerning the actions by the board with our lighting complaint. It took from our appeal in September that was denied until March of 2020 to receive a letter telling us our lights were now magically in compliance! Ok bring it on all you anonymous bloggers! Let’s not be throwing stones when you live in a glass house!
We still need an answer as to what the potential liability to the HOA is, if the people who will suffer diminished home values decide to sue. Surely, the leaders of this movement researched the potential pitfalls before proposing such a radical change in the covenants. Where's the Cost-Benefit analysis?
haha, real funny 417. Just talked with a realtor, houses are flying off the market at record speed and higher than asking. The HOA has zero, none, nada to to do with any home market, so you can get that out of your head right now. Obviously none of you have ever really hired or retained an attorney and know nothing about liability or you would not make such statements. Every time you leave a message or talk to one, there is a charge, trust me, it is not a wonderful happy relationship. There is no liability to the HOA for any suffering, none, they do whatever they want and that's the truth.
Perfect example Joanne. Too bad this blog can't stay fact based. Too many people throwing crazy legal notions around that don't exist trying to scare people into silence.
I just looked at the four motions made and passed at the Member Meeting! There is not one threat or mention of changing or taking covenants away! Only some time to review and take a moratorium on the cutting of the trees! Our rules for our committees states exactly this! They are to review and respond every year to make sure the committee still is meeting the needs of the members! I guarantee you when you receive that “friendly “ letter about your tree and you have 21 days to correct ii, kinda threatening to many. That letter should state your right to appeal which we all have! Just saying!
Just to be clear, you don't have 21 days to correct it, you just need to respond with a plan. That doesn't even include the appeal process. Some people have dragged out complying for close to a year or so.
Ric is the most unprofessional person I have ever experienced in my entire life! I say this with the utmost honesty. In all of my executive career, never have I seen such blatant childish use of company material as this. Ronda is not your scapegoat Ric. YOU DID THIS! YOU IGNORED THE RULES OF THE MEMBER MEETING. YOU, YOU, YOU DID IT, not one other person.
Now get off your damned ass, stop trying to silence us, stop using another trustee, particularly a woman, to create a fake witch hunt. You are pissing us off in the most visceral of ways.
Guys, this is all coming from a guy who has a junk car in his driveway, renters selling kindling and he has a junk bathtub sitting alongside his house, lol. He couldn't run an election without trying to cheat
Oh lordy it's going to be a very long year with this bozo as pres. Why oh why. Who voted for him again? We need to have names. I don't trust anyone's judgement if they voted for this dunce.
Wow - do we all play by the same rules Mr. Cox? Curious why so many people are not complying with the covenants... Separately, it is a board meeting, although viewable by the members, it is not a member meeting. Whether you are there in person or not there is only 20 minutes allotted for floor comments. I'd suggest getting your questions into Kimber as directed in the Weekender.
State law requires that HOAMonthly meetings are open to the public. The closing of the meeting is entirely due to further attempts to block out member participation and scrutiny. B.S. in other words.
417 - be much more afraid of the people that will respond if you ignore them. Lawsuits are already in the planning phase. All it needs is one statement.
There's a great case here for both collusion and conspiracy. It only takes the will of one member to blow this whole house of cards apart.
Ric Minich, etal. agenda at next meeting is to discuss covenant changes because they want to avoid discussing the "elephant in the room" which is the dictator President who has "unchecked power" and likes to write bossy frontpage letters in each weekender to tell people "they must do as HE says or else he will make their life miserable." Ric Minich ignores the Board of Trustees and the many members who spoke loud and clear at the last meeting and on this Blog. The MOST Critical Item on the next meeting agenda is: What can the HOA members do to remove a dicatotor president who likes to suppress and oppresse people.
849 - funny how the only time you people want to follow the rules or the covenants is when you're backed against the wall. Otherwise, you ignore them at your pleasure.
We are supposed to play by the same rules, something you have conveniently ignored for well over a decade. Then, when people protest, you cry like a 4 year old without his binky.
This isn't going away, despite your pathetic efforts.
924 - my knowledge of the covenants at the time of purchase is irrelevant. What is relevant is being held hostage by a special interest group for the last 15 years. One you wholeheartedly support, which makes you just as crooked.
Until a comprehensive review is done of those covenants, you can take them and file them. They have been abused way too much to have any credence in this forum.
Tell you what - we can remove all the silly conversation about the covenants by simply dissolving the organization. I'm good with that!
@August 13, 2021 at 9:24 PM, no you didn't and by your remark, you don't understand them. You are being subservient to someone, one person, or a small group (who is using Ric as the fall guy), who is violating those very covenants and bylaws you proclaim to comply with.
Ric, you are being used by a group of cowards who had the opportunity to be the face of their agenda. You are falling for the oldest trick in the sly dog's book. Don't do their dirty work. You will be the only to suffer.
You are just stupid and dreamed this up yourself? Hmmmmm, dilemma's......
You really have to wonder why someone will post the lies that 949 throws out there. A bunch of dedicated people with a different opinion. For that they are mocked, taunted, and confronted.
Nice job and emphasizing the very things we are fighting against.
Ric, they DO NOT and WILL NOT have your back bro, don't take orders from them clowns. You are being given bogus advice, distance yourself from them, FAST. No lie, seen this a 100 times.
Poor little Ricky poo, if you can’t take the heat then get out of the kitchen. He cannot handle facing the members at a meeting, I think we have a scaredy cat on our hands. Ric, please GTFO and resign for the greater good of Surfside.
Ric totally made the decision to zoom on his own. No consulting any of his fellow BOT.
Sent from my Verizon, Samsung Galaxy smartphone Get Outlook for Android
From: Ric Minich Sent: Tuesday, August 10, 2021 4:00:15 PM To: Larry Raymer ; Marriann Schweitzer ; Kurt Olds ; Dan Neptun ; Cori Harms ; John Curran ; Tom Rogers ; Ronda Christoph Cc: Tracy Lofstrom Subject: August BOT Meeting
A decision has been made by me to hold the August Surfside Board of Trustees Meeting using Zoom. The primary purpose of this decision is the vast spread of Covid-19 in Pacific County as reported in the August 4th Chinook Observer and consultation with the Pacific County Health Services. Surfside has at least two at risk Trustees and the spouse of an employee that should not be exposed to the new aggressive Covid-19 variant that is setting us back a year. With the covenant/anti covenant factions rallying their supporters to attend the BOT meeting the risk of Covid-19 spread increases significantly and needlessly. In addition, the requirement to accommodate the expected crowd would require a far larger rented venue, with security. Folks, this is a Board of Trustee Meeting and the business of Surfside HOA is paramount.
For those who might criticize this decision that it does not give the members an opportunity to speak or be heard, reference is made the Surfside Restrictive Covenants, page 24, Section 9, paragraph 9.3. This section requires a minimum of 30 days notice, prior to a hearing. A hearing for what, that is to be decided by the Board of Trustees? At that hearing, all voices will be heard.
The announcement will be made in the next two Surfside Weekenders to assure notice of how to participate is made clear. We have switched from WebEx to Zoom as more members can participate if desired.
"The business of the HOA being paramount" lends even more importance to the board following the wishes of the members, as stated on July 10th. That is the business of the association, and nothing should stop it, nor should anything take precedent over it.
Board members, starting to feel a little like living in a dictatorship?
I think ric is being coaxed by some of the ousted good ol' boys. They are hanging him out there like chum. Either way, if he falls for it or makes it up on his own, he wins the stupid card.
Ric Minich is an embarrassment and not able to bite his tongue calling out Surfside United with provocative statements. Dam it man, stop digging the hole you put yourself into and act like a leader.
What's embarrassing is the lengths this coalition of malcontents will go to simply to get out of their obligations. What a bunch of dirty flakes. With neighbors like this, who needs enemies?
520 - it's been that way for well over a decade. Small self-interest group hijacks h o a. You should have seen that headline in the Chinook Observer long before this, but they apparently have them wrapped up as well.
What is unilateral decision making? Essentially, what happens in this dynamic is that the decision-maker acts as though he/she is the only person in the relationship. There is no interest in, and fundamentally no regard for, the preferences, experience and welfare of the other person.
As a former member I'm amazed at the lack of knowledge of many members. You DO NOT elect the Executive Board. The new Board does following the July meeting. You can remove (supposedly) any board member at a meeting however. Roundabout way to accomplish the same thing.
I have a feeling I'm going to be pissed off at everyone on every side. Just a feeling, like everything we did was for naught and everything that is being fought for is a loss. Neighbors giving in, cutting trees because they are intimidated and not appreciating the nothingness that is and has been done. We won! YEAH! No we didn't, cut your trees or we will fine you. Notice number two, three, and now fine!
What a bunch of shit. Yep, I am pissed at EVERYONE on ALL sides.
All you have to do is realize that you agreed to maintain your property per the covenants. The only one you have to be pissed at is you. Because you're a flake whose word is worth nothing.
I think potential buyers are going to read the last three weekenders and find out how this HOA is run by a dictator who suppresses and oppresses people. He is hateful.
This by far, all the way around, the worst place I have ever lived. Thank goodness I have options. You think I was bad, Wait until you meet the renter!
I don't have any trees to worry about, but I sure do enjoy the trees on other's properties. I have fought for you, but at this point, I can't give a person the will to fight. I can't care more than you do for your trees. I'm done, over it, good luck, but I have to put this in the same category as anti-vaxxers. I can no longer care more about you than you should for yourself.
Wondering why I even bothered. Good luck but I'm done with it all. Watch for my moving sale. This place is not for me.
I kinda get it. The motion for moratorium of tree cutting is not honored and the newly elected can't enforce anything, what's the point. People don't want to live in this drama or constant conflict. One thing I know for sure, I'm not going to rally anymore with a group of people who can't accomplish the goals set. I'm just going to fight the HOA one issue at time when they come for me because I don't see that the annual member meeting has the power it's suppose to have. I have offered money for legal defense pool but just get silence or told just wait, wait, wait. Well, in the meantime, trees are being butchered because people are nervous, scared or whatever.
I have said it before and I'll say it again, my first and LAST HOA. Not sure why anyone would want to live under such dictatorship. Very strange passion for such a free country.
We hear a lot of sword rattling, threatening to bring lawsuits "as soon as a moratorium is put in place." This shows what an obsession the enforcement actions have become. More than half of the still existant trees are partially dead. Once large trees have been topped a couple of times they won't grow much in height. When healthy they only grow a foot per year, so what is this absurd urgency ? It's about having the control of everyone west of the ridge. You just press the easy button and the Compliance folks get on whoever is targeted. Sicko.
What would they be suing over ? Property values have gone sky high throughout Surfside, so it isn't rational and it isn't dependent on the continuance of Tree topping.
Let the lawsuits come. The time to have a showdown over this has come. People who are willing to piss away tens of thousands of dollars over a covenant that has NEVER promised it was permanent, see it as deserved prestige.
It's your fantasy so the time has come for your fantasy (which has become the community's pain expense and demise) to come to an end.
A certain someone IS NOT honoring our member meeting quorum. Is that not legal basis for court action? Are we suppose to wait until next Saturday and sit and listen all day, again, only to be snubbed? I am not a passive person and don't expect anything to change much and that is rub. But hey, I can't care anymore. If you all want to do is sit on your ass and type diatribe back and forth, so be it. I'm going house hunting. This place is exasperating.
The newly configured Board hasn't yet met - so why suggest that they allowed this to happen ? There is a degree of trust between Board members implicit in their expected role as diplomats.
Respect for proper procedures are central to what members have a right to expect. The newly appointed pres. Minich has NOT honored that pact of mutual respect. Read the Bylaws, which make it clear the pres. does not have independent authority to make decisions without Board approval.
Minich disrespected the members wishes to enact a moratorium and review the covenant on trees by blocking it. He disrespected the rest of the Board by by-passing their participation. He has not been candid about his actions, or explained how he alone has the authority he claims to have.
We have a president of the HOA gone rogue, and Board members are limited in their ability to prevent him from taking the attitude that he alone is in charge. Legal measures to remove Minich may be necessary, if he won't resign as requested formally by 5 Board members.
Mariann who demanded that Minich explain the rationale behind his actions, got no response from Minich, and now Mariann is blaiming the rest of the Board for the current internal disputes.
So her commitment is obviously to interfere with any efforts to stop Minich and his lawyers from dictating what the Board will do.
Legal conflict cannot be avoided, because the Tree covenant does not make rational sense. The cost of this unnecessary mandatory maintenance is huge annually, a legal retainer of $81,000 pays for enforcement efforts and counsel ONLY FOR THE BOARD PRESIDENT, and his minion the Bus.Manager. The rest of the Board needs its' own legal force, paid by the HOA unless the attorneys don't recognize access by the rest of the Board.
This is just a power grab by Minich andbthe conservatives who demand that the elitist Tree policy continue at all costs ! Just one day of a moratorium is offensive, and they'll be getting their attorneys on it. FINE so be it. There Is no defense of the Tree policy !
This is the J Place factions last desperate attempt to retain power. Their arrogance was called out at the annual meeting, and they aren't reacting well to it.
We need to do whatever is necessary to take control back of our association. Minich and his lackeys cannot stand!
Only then will we be able to have a small amount of assurance that any topic, trees included, will be dealt with fairly.
Minich and the old guard have Zippo interest or regard for the preferences and welfare of people who live west of J-Place. They insist that we bow down and obey them forever.
@Icegoalie - you mean the membership that voted. As this same group/blog has pointed out in the past when their candidates didn't win - the election results may, or may not, represent what the majority of members desire.
Pretty sure @7:20's point is that y'all like you have a mandate and are representing all members. Like 7:20 said, that may or may not be true and can't be determined until ALL members voices are heard. In the past, as shown in blog comments here, when the election didn't go your way this group was the first to point out it was NOT representative of all members. You can't have it both ways.
@Icegoalie - why so sensitive? No where were the legality of the motions questioned in the post. I did vote, don't need to show up to do it. Regardless, your group continues to say you represent ALL of Surfside based solely on your voter turnout which is only slightly above 10%. I won't lose sleep either way. For sure it will be interesting to watch the results of the next few annual elections along with watching what this particular boards accomplishes with such division.
935 - what we represent is honesty, transparency, and communication. Things would have been gone from this Association for well over a decade, and are badly needed.
9:35...."Your group?" There is no organized "group". There is widespread discontent in the community, and the constant nagging of the HOA over trees, which have been sytematically destroyed, is central to most who have been victimized by this stupid policy.
But the moniker "Surfside United", given the small group of election promoters has become a symbol of hope that significant change is in the making. The new Trustees are compelled to answer to these calls for change.
No one on the Board has made any statements claiming an agenda beyond wanting to be true to their supporters expectations, and these people haven't had a real meeting yet.
I knew when we elected the shitshow who made her candidate statement in a wife-beater T and a dingy bra, we were going ghetto. I'm selling and getting out while the getting's still good. Good luck to the rest of you.
So you've really analyzed your socks off here. You judged 4 candidates on the basis of one candidate's shirt choice in an unventilated gymnasium. That's deep.
I hear you. Members are encouraged by the message of hope, in a community that has been locked down by an oppressive attitude and emphasis on building a complex of nitpicky rules and enforcement.There's only a few hundred members in Surfside about 7 months out of the year, most retired. So yeah, a hotbed of non-compliance.
Get real. This is all about mega control and Tracy's chompin'at the bit.
Wow, what a judgy comment @August 16, 2021 at 9:11 AM. I guess you have a big problem with all these ghetto people who live here on the Pen. Oh wait, maybe only those who wear a bra. I suspect you are a "bra less kinda guy" right? We may not be to up to your standards in attire but we sure do like a tree or two and are hospitable to outsiders moving in!
unannounced visit from local realtor today. Strange but true, looking for listings because buyers are lined up for the houses here. Do it, sell, get out, especially if you don't like tank tops and bras, Boy, BYEEEEEEE........
Oh I see what path you're leading us down there 9:11! Sure, men can show up in all their shit attire, including those RIDICULOUS white socks, mid calf with ugly sandals or dirty tennis shoes, saggy to the knee khaki shorts, and under sized polo exposing a big ole belly standing out further than 'you know what' and that's just dandy to YOUR EYES! And that was the outgoing President! And the current one doesn't dress any BETTER.
Go to hell with your sexist comments. Women are no longer a target for your shaming chauvinistic ways. Just because men can look like a fat slob on a dumb assed sitcom and still get a pretty lil thing as a wife doesn't mean it's REAL. Get with reality you BOZO and stop being a sexist PIG!
No, women are sick and tired of the double standards when it comes to appearance. Men can throw on yesterday's clothes and go about their business just fine but if a woman wears the same thing, it's the talk of the town. People's look's or attire is the least of the worries around here but if someone wants to start throwing insults, they better be perfect because it's going to ricochet right back at them!
To get the gender specific commentary out of the way, I own a vagina. I also own multiple properties in multiple different HOA communities throughout the Pacific NW. I have never seen such an embarrassing level of disfunction amongst the people who are supposed to be in charge of managing a sizable operation--for me, for US. Ric, just STOP using our community newsletter to try to gather sympathy. Annette, just STOP going to door to door to try to desperately grasp for control. LISTEN. The HOA is by definition owned by members. Members are demanding competence and change. I am not part of a militant underground army. I am not a an uneducated insurgent. I am surfside united. The board "president" needs to step aside.
@8:27, I thought we were members too. But I went to and clicked on the about tab. The third value is "Customer relations". Turns out the board and staff see us as customers, not shareholders. Explains a lot. I am Surfside United too.
Please tell me we don't have to look at Munich with his eyes closed half the time. He just needs to step aside. His weekender was full of lies. 34 complaints, all tree violations, I got a copy of report from someone. Ronda slso has his email stating no letters and no fines going out. 2 lies right there. Does he know the meaning of barn burner? Hey old man, it means exciting or intense. What's his beef? And needing security, run old man, run far away. Tracy allowing his shitshiw in the weekenders is grounds for dismissal. Policy states: is not to be a personal blog and to create harmony.
Thank you for being a part of the group of all that is tired of watching complete and total disfunction in the BOT and HOA of this community! It is nice to see more and more people step up and speak out. We need to come into the 21st century, not the 19th as our President appears to be in! Anarchy is not an option !
Only slightly above 10% of total members voted,and the votes for the four winners were not a landslide. To be generous we can say the "Surfside United" votes represent at most 7% of the members. Hardly a mandate but it is clear y'all live in your own reality anyways.
CORI kicked Annette's ass! It only takes one vote more than the other person to win. They all four kicked her ass to the curb. Why do you think she is sending out emails and letters spouting her shit...sore loser
Richard - 603 votes counted,close to 1/4 of the organization made their feelings known clearly on July 10. Keep poor mouthing it all you want - best turnout in years.
Keep your moniker of Surfside Divided. It is a great representation of what you've done TO this neighborhood, not for it. It illustrates clearly what we are fighting.
I will happily take our reality over yours any day.
I'm betting you don't even know Ronda who is a duely elected Trustee. Ronda who was elected is far more intelligent than you are. She has signed-up for a year of volunteer work focused on making Surfside a better functioning happier community.
That's an honorable commitment that is out of your league 10:08.
It was my understanding that something over 500 ballots were cast- year before last was about 275, most recent years, right at 300. The community population is about 2050 households.
But this is a pointless discussion. We had an election and it was clear who prevailed. It is ridiculous to pretend to have any information on which to base what the new Board will focus on, or who intends to do what.
We know what the attitude has been that has prevailed the last 10 years or so, and there's a very vocal opposition to continuing on the same path.
But stop this nonsensical bantering about who speaks for the majority. The newly elected Trustees earned a shot at governing, and their supporters expect some specific action, though these things take time.
We need to navigate the tension between being too flexible and being too rigid—to recognize the need to change structures that are not working, and just as importantly, to defend and uphold the structures that are necessary. The explanation needs to be more in depth than "Well, we've always done it this way." If you keep doing things the same way, you get the same result. EFFECTIVE LEADERS ARE FLEXIBLE AND CREATE CULTURES WHERE MEMBERS FEEL SAFE TO QUESTION THE STATUS QUO AND PROPOSE NEW SOLUTIONS.
Richard, or 10:18 Pm or surfside divided, whoever you are, would you still be coming here with your poor old sad worn out tune about a minority voting had Gary or Annette won? Would you be coming here singing and dancing about an even smaller amount of votes for them, which does NOT represent what a majority of the HOA wants? If more people cared about your precious restrictive covenants, rest assured, they would have voted. But they DON'T. The are passive members with bigger issues going on in their lives or they don't want to be involved and are willing to let "THE BEST WIN" by whatever majority of the minority who VOTE. This is how this HOA handles BOT elections so - Stop trying to change the narrative.
Only a very very small man would try to publicly take down a woman based solely on appearance.
Oh and btw, I'm pretty sure she could take anyone in that room. Girl is buff!
Ok brave obnoxious anonymous 10:08 just shut up and show common decency! George is too ill now to monitor and remove such stupid statements! Lease let’s just show a little respect and control your comments that contribute nothing to this conversation or this community! I’m appalled and very upset as you show no respect for George in doing this! Go ahead and attack me now. I’ve never been anonymous
It's okay Joanne. He/she posts it anonymous knowing they cannot face me in public. I won't ping pong with this species. My heart breaks for George. Live each day as it could be your last.. He would not let this go this far, he is far to great a man.
Right on Ronda. Anger escalates problems. I wish people would hesitate before responding in anger. Some of these comments really upset me too but can we try to reach out and help each other, not attack each other.
Beware folks, Patrick is conspiring with a new trustee to destroy the HOA out of spite! This is proven in recently obtained correspondence, wow, when will he stop! He does not even live here anymore! He lied and lost his battle with his proposed manifesto, only winning his attorney fees in small claims court because the board let him out of his fines! He did what he wanted, thumbed his nose at the covenants and told a lot of folks to do things against the same covenants. Come to the meeting on Saturday and tell this very vocal new female trustee to settle down and support the HOA in retaining our covenants! Not saying that some of them don’t need tweaking and updating but there is a right way to do things. These new trustees plus Tom have already violated the rules by having secrete meetings and illegally trying to oust the president even before they have their first meeting! Wow and they complained about the last group! Show up and show our strength outside the office. If you value our HOA, this new bunch have shown their colors and this is not the way to go! Undo Surfside United!
Trustees have routinely discussed issues by email and phone, and it would be unrealistic to think they would not. It's interesting that your story begins with the new Trustees meeting "illegally", when the hub-bub began with Minich meeting secretly with Tracy and the attorney, and suspending the member motions.
The entitlement felt by the Surfside J pl.dominant Board of the last 10 years is well known, so stop the absurd complaining about the new Trustees.
The situation created by Minich's actions required that the Trustees confer with one another, and discussing what best to do to correct for Minich's illegal actions.
Strife within the Board has required outside discussions, which are NOT improper. Making decisions without Board approval IS.
Hahahahahahahahahahaha, 8:16, we don't even know who patrick is nor do we care. What we do care about is the hiring of a compliance person who is not on the org chart and we don't want to pay, out of our money, for someone to harass us. We care about trees, air to breath, and random selective enforcement of the covenants. First, go clean up your street (J), tell the current Pres to clean up his properties, everyone on J get your lights swapped out and everything in compliance and then and only then will anyone here listen to this jibber jabber.
Patrick Smatrick, you are on the wrong blog and insulting our intelligence. There is no collusion or influence from any one guy. Geez, get a life.
This is quite possibly the most pathetic post I have ever read here. I had a couple encounters with Patrick on another website and he just pissed me off. He's an ass for sure but rest assured, he has not one thing to do with my dissatisfaction with this HOA. NONE. The only one who pissed me off was the past bone heads who we voted out and the arrogant, entitle minded, hot air filled J placers who are spreading this nonsense of a magic man named Patrick. WE LIKE TREES, ALL OF US, Just get it through your thick head already. It would take a seriously long time and a ton of money to dissolve this HOA. Stop your fussing about all this.
I can honestly say, had the compliance guy not been hired and all those nasty demand letters to slaughter trees were not sent out, we would not be here typing tonight. Get mad at whoever's idea this was, not us, who voted you out.
Steve, that is what they did. only 5 trustees called a meeting and did not notify the other 4. That is against the RCW's, it was a secret meeting. The letter given to Ric was signed by all 5. You all know if this was the previous board you'd be calling them out for doin it.
@10:36- Re-read Steve's post. AND Ric had a secret meeting first AND Ric acted in a rogue fashion and made decisions against the RCW's without the knowledge of the of other trustees, which, btw, predicated the other five to act as they did. Must we spell things out to to you in minuet particles of time? You can't demand perfection when you are not perfect. The "Do as I say, not as I do" days of old gas lighting regime is OVER. Get with the times already. We are not stupid and we DO understand EXACTLY what went on here........
President, Business Manager and compliance employee need to be replaced. Correction, Code enforcement position needs to be abolished, why this position was created was to solely enforce J place concerns and not the community as a whole. I applaud all efforts to end the enforcement of tree covenant’s as they currently stand. I am not personally effected by tree covenant but know wrong when I see it so blatantly displayed. Why the HOA does not take a pause after such a outcry at annual meeting signifies what poor leadership we have and whom they represent. Oust these fools as they are the fuel of discontent and damaging the harmony of our fine community.
This is coming from Annette Deleest, a former member who has access to everyone's email who gets the weekender. Perhaps we flood the emails of Ric and Tracy asking how she got all those emsils....big violation here
Here is the 2nd Letter........
On Wed, Aug 18, 2021 at 6:05 AM Annette deleest wrote:
Dear Surfside Members,
Thank you to those of you that responded to our Business Manager Tracy, our Board Secretary Mariann and our HOA President, Ric Minich! It was very encouraging during this very stressful time. It has been confirmed that the board meeting will be held via ZOOM. INFO AT BOTTOM OF LETTER!
As promised, here is a summary of current events:
1. The removal of Ric as president will be addressed in the August 21st ZOOM Board meeting. There were illegal secret meetings held by 5 board members, four are newly elected members, culminating in a document entitled “Consent to Action”. It was signed by Board Members Raymer, Christoph/Fern, Curran, Harms and Rogers. This document was intended to remove Ric as President without a LEGAL meeting of the entire Board. Our Surfside HOA legal counsel advised it would likely not be a binding document as the required 24-hour Special Meeting notice was not given to the entire board. The group of 5 trustees withdrew the document and threatened to call a legal SPECIAL MEETING of the entire board to remove Ric. This has not happened though secret meetings continue to be held by the 5 trustees. It is assumed the removal process will continue during the August 21st ZOOM Board Meeting.
2. It is anticipated that the removal of the Business Manager may also occur during the August board meeting closed session and be made public, as required by law, after going back into open session.
3. The disgruntled former board member, no longer living in Surfside, continues his negative, false campaign in an attempt to interfere with our HOA operations by posting inflammatory misinformation on multiple blogs and websites and “coaching” new board members on actions/methods to attack the HOA for his personal retribution. His latest recommendation to the “Surfside United” members … “modify the governing documents so that Surfside would have no power over the private properties of members in any way, by deleting all covenants…”
4. It has been confirmed that the Board Meeting will only be conducted via ZOOM. Only the first 100 people will be able to participate and only 10 will be able to comment (10x2min=20min). I was told there will be no conference call number. (Info Below)
YOUR Next Actions:
1. Email your views regarding:
a. The attempt by board members to remove all or significantly change many of Surfside’s long standing covenants. Specifically mention your support of tree & building height limits.
b. Voice your support of our Proactive Compliance Investigator to ensure equal and fair application of our covenants for all members.
c. Voice your support for a well-managed, stable HOA. Getting rid of our president of one month and firing staff are not responsible or reasonable actions.
d. Tell the Board Members to STOP HOLDING SECRET MEETINGS. Demand the HONESTY AND TRANSPARENCY they promised!
Wow, I'm sure glad they don't have my email because I would have to raise a whole bunch of Cain if it was used in such a manner by this HOA! Shame on them for letting a member use private information to promote a radical agenda!
Oh you mean like those duly elected trustees? Get a grip, they were elected and will serve! It’s our duty as members to support them and give them a chance to serve!
NO WAY 12:40. If I give my email to someone for a specific purpose, I do not expect it to be handed out to some random member. This can be grounds for a lawsuit, particularly if stalking behavior happens. I already have to suffer the sharing of my personal information by the corporate world, I have no intention of authorizing this frivolous disbursement from MY HOA! Ridiculous and possibly ILLEGAL! I provided my email for the newsletter ONLY, not for SPAM!
I get why people are mad about this but I wouldn't worry too much about it. She just looks bat shit crazy with that conspiracy theory of the mystery man Patrick playing us all along.
To Annette and anyone else who is monitoring this blog. We, the people of Surfside, Are pissed off at your decision to hire a compliance person, without a vote of the members. We, the people of Surfside, Are pissed off at YOUR DECISION to mail out hostile threatening letters to slaughter our trees.
Until you get this very simple notion through your thick headed neanderthal heads, this will continue. Own your shit people!
@126, I mean, some people might want to cut their trees and that's just fine, it's their trees, they can tear em out too. It's that people do not want to be told what to do with their trees. When people don't have options they fight back. Pretty simple psychology. But it would take a thinking person who doesn't have a personal agenda to actually get it. We are basically dealing with concrete brick heads.
Just sign them all up in every insurance, home loan, and car warranty portal. They obviously don't have a problem with the sharing of personal information.
Sounds to me like DeLeest has a agenda item to discredit the new board members. She is denouncing the very same things DeLeest and her cronies did when she was on the board. If I were you I would chalk her ramblings up as a poor looser.
It is another violation of the code of ethics to provide private information of members to another member for no reason other than to subvert the function of the current BOT.
This is another line item to include on the motions to remove Ric and Tracy from their duties.
4. It has been confirmed that the Board Meeting will only be conducted via ZOOM. Only the first 100 people will be able to participate and only 10 will be able to comment (10x2min=20min). I was told there will be no conference call number. (Info Below)
ONLY 100????
I suppose this is OUR FAULT TOO? OH HELL NO!
You leave us no other choice then, the rest of us 300+ will just show up to the office and watch this meeting together on as many devices as we can get logged in to.
Ric and Tracy provide, yet again, another failure! Disgusting!
It's because the cheap asses don't want to pay for it. They will squander thousands of dollars in registered mail to harass us but they won't pay a couple bucks to have 500-1000 attendees.
I had Deleest in my living room asking for my proxy the first time she ran. I told her that I opposed the tree covenant and she promised she would ensure it would get a fair hearing. She did not disclose she owned property on J. She said she lived on 357th. Since that time she helped stack the tree committee with j place people and also imposed an inspection fee on new sales, so trees would have to be cut. Still not enough she helped hire a compliance officer who will get the rest of the trees that were not cut. All for her own best interest and of course at no cost to her at all. I don't agree with name calling but I could think of a few. She also was involved at great expense to survey Sea Breeze lake that was right in front of her house so we could get all those cut as well, and now she makes Patrick out as the bad guy. As I recall she was involved in secret meetings that did not include Patrick who was on the board at that time. I recall at a board meeting where Williams demanded that Patrick quit speaking or he would have him arrested. People ask why so many respond anonymous. I will give you an example I made a comment at a board meeting that Williams did not like and within a month, I had two tree complaints registered against me. The rest of the remaining board members should be thrown out as well they were a party to all this.
@301 oh they will be. If they aren't gone or with the new program by next July, they will be OUT, we are not going to take it anymore.
And we are well aware of the targeting of members, example: the McMurphy's. They stay awake at night trying to find ways to attack them. We are not going to take it anymore!
Annette is the most obtuse person I have ever had the displeasure of knowing.
10:08 whoever you are, you have stooped to a new low. I have to say anyone who says the things that you have said is nothing more than a bully and you are the one that’s trash. I’m embarrassed for you making a statement like that. As for Annette, I say good riddance and stop with the BS. She will lie to get whatever she wants since she lives on J Place. The members spoke and we do not want the likes of her on the BOT. I think if we all give the new board members a chance things will move to more of a positive place. We have some very sharp new people that want to make Surfside a better place for all of us. Some of you just want to be divisive and mean and I just am appalled at some of these comments. For gods sake, grow up and act like adults please!
DeLeest is a menace to our neighborhood just like Gary Williams.
Some will be remembered for what they have done for our neighborhood. These two will only be remembered for what they did TO our neighborhood. Self-interest and greed!
Sounds like Betsy is telling Tom what to do! Joining the new four to try and run this HOA, Tom a one time quitter already! What a bunch of crap you people write about Annette, she spent more time working for this HOA a than most of the other trustees combined! She did live on 357th when she was on the board for the first 2-1/2 years. You bitch about complaint driven compliance and now you bitch about this compliance. Why did you buy into an HOA? we bought because of the covenants. Not our fault if you did not know about the rules you signed up for. It’s time to hire a professional agency to run this outfit and take it out of the hands of unqualified volunteers with more illegal agendas!
The menace to the neighborhood is the inconsistent covenant compliance that has happened over the years, it’s hit and miss and depends on who is on the board and how they prioritize their agenda items. Folks were not happy complaining about their neighbors, so we have lots of violations with sheds, fences, trees, junk laying around, tree cutting operations on residential lots, I could go on and on. I agree with hiring a professional organization and take this out of the hands of volunteers that you voted into office to run this HOA. Oh wait you don’t like that either and want your say over the top of the board? It does not work that way!
506 - if you want to play the Conspiracy card, we will dig back into this HOA for about 10 or 15 years. See how many unindicted co-conspirators we could pull off the former boards.
510 - then try finding an ethical organization to uphold them.
oh lord, here we go again with that tired worn out serenade of-- I moved here for the covenants or if you don't like it move, then add the back and forth bravado old man chest puffing, throw in blaming a wife for a man's decision and a little call the FBI action and we are back to square one, in the Alzheimer's ward listening to all these old senile whiners over and over again about not winning the election.
Go get your spiked warm milk and go to bed already you old fools.
Annette D - you are trash and your part of problem ( next time you run use current photo) RIC & TRACY- incompetent, arrogant and unprofessional. ( Both post on social media about HOA, stick to HOA Weekender) Proactive Compliance Officer -what a joke & waste of resources to benefit a friend of Tracy Hope all three of these fools are removed as well as Mrs. Skullduggery “Annette “
Any insider info would be greatly appreciated. Since the cheap asses won't pay for more than 100 attendees, we need to know how early the log in is set for on the zoom call. This will require information from the person who set up the meeting, which I suspect was Tracy.
This is imperative! They will gobble up the lines with their measly 100 fans and we will be blocked out.
To any Insider informant, thank you for your support of the members. We WILL protect YOU under all circumstances.
Your comments fall on deaf ears! Go run to Patrick for more advice! You will soon find out how your recent choices will completely fall apart and run amuck with the RCW’s and lawyers to spend and waste our money. Dog park! Boy that will be money well spent! You have no idea as to what you have done by re-electing a former trustee who did absolutely nothing during his last term, all the other trustees did the work! That along with a trustee who spouts off about his illness? Boy I got confidence in this group! The lawyers are going to get rich!
All those fear shout outs are what fall on deaf ears. Seriously, we have had way too many years of the 'panic call' to know it's not real, this is just one person's anxiety ridden rant.
It's ok, there's lots of medication available these days to treat your affliction. I see a doctor's visit is order.
Never has any of the newbies ranted about a dismantle. This is coming from Annete. Read her letters she sends out. She is driving us more and more apart. Do your part if you love this place so much amnette. We all want covenants reviewed. Is there anything wrong with that. Equality.
I continue to support my position- I do not know any Patrick genie, I do not have a tree in the fight, but I know wrong when I see it.
Had you NOT hired a compliance person without our consent, using our money to harass us, had you NOT sent out a ton of hostile tree butchering letters, WE WOULD NOT BE HERE TONIGHT.
Blame the idiot whose bright IDEA this was, not us, who voted you OUT!
100 people allowed on the Zoom meeting Saturday, what a f@#*ing joke, what is wrong with Minich to much Williams up his backside. Or just really not competent to handle the position he elected himself to! Get over yourself and move on to the voice of the members, this has turned into so much of a joke I can’t believe the National News isn’t here to cover it.
Step down now Ric as President, send Gary home to his job at Boeing, Annette stop and enjoy retirement with your skeletons, embrace the fact that members are sick of your GOOD OLE BOYS BS and just step down and let a new 21st century group come in an lead us to the future.
I guess the only recourse for the meeting is 300 of us at the Office with chairs , bbq, coolers, and whatever else can be thought of.
It is BS @945. They can add the extra attendees at minimal cost. It's a way to keep us out of the loop. Nothing more, nothing less. We need intervention of the highest level. The good news- I look forward to hanging with everyone on the office property and hopefully at least one person can get logged into a device so we can all hear, outside the office, to what is happening.
I also look forward to watching those inside take the LONG WALK to their cars when the meeting is over! Ciao bella- see you Saturday!
You really need to work on your facts there 3:01. When Annette got elected she was living on 357th. They bought the property on J a year or two after the election so your accusation about her not disclosing is false.
She also didn't "stack" the tree committee either. At the time it already had J place people on it and as everyone knows committees are open to ALL members who want to volunteer. For all the years I have lived here I only recall one committee that was closed to members and whose chairman Trustee voted against having anyone else serve on it. That would be your hero Patrick btw.
Funny you should bring up "secret meetings" when the new crowd has started even before the first meeting!
So, after reading your false B.S. I can think of a few words when it comes to you also 3:01.
I like living down here at sea level and what J placers refer to as the 'ghetto'. I can actually live. It's nice. Neighbors dropping by, bbq's and meals together, people telling me how much they love my mismatched plantings, dropping what you're doing to lend a helping hand to your neighbor, I can play my music AS LOUD AS I WANT without anyone afraid to come ask me to turn it down, it's a much nicer, genuine, authentic life down here. Oh and guess what, I can WALK to the beach. Yeah, when I want to see waves and sunsets, I can just take about 500 steps out and BAM, amazing. No need for me to impose my will on anyone, wow, imagine that.
Yeah, what you call the ghetto, I'll take it all day long compared to your rigid, strict, mylanta old, small minded life style.
We really are a happier community down here. I think it has to do with our closer connection to the earth and sea. I really believe the ridge has a long standing curse on it from the Native American's who once lived here.
Or maybe, a small few have nothing else to do but try and be relevant. This is probably more true than the Native rumor.
oh well, See you Saturday! Oh, 945pm, I love beer, hope you plan on sharing!
1051 - Patrick is actually done more for this community than you ever dreamed of. Keep on posting, you give us a great illustration of what we are fighting.
Funny, the only person I see commenting about disband of this HOA is Annett in her emails she had illegally obtained. Please show me where any of the board members has commented like that SINCE BEING ELECTED!! GO AHEAD I WILL WAIT...
The intense opposition to the Tree Restrictions voiced at the Annual Meeting resulted in the very thunderous approval of the member motion for a cutting Moratorium. It had nothing specific to do with any of the newly elected Trustees.
None of the newly elected have endorsed any elimination of covenants or radical change. Larry and John have served on other Boards and Committees, so accept their responsibilities as stewards of our documents and representatives of the entire community.
Corie and Ronda recognize that their elder friends elected along their side, have wisdom to share, as do they as youngers, bring their fresh ideas, experience and enthusiasm.
The only change in the documents that's come up, I've been lobbying for. This change would require a vote of the membership for or against any covenant change or addition. Virtually ALL HOAs require such a vote. Mr. Olds, Minich, Neptune, Williams, and Turner blocked allowing the item from going on the Annual Mtg. agenda. Member meeting, member motion, even endorsed by the Attorney- blocked by this status-quo obsessed bunch so fearful of progress.
As has been said, Annette's telling members lies and using inappropriate means to do so. Stolen mailing list and a bad attitude. She longs for a big enforcement structure enforcing her new "neat 'n tidy" rules, lighting restrictions, and loves that tree toppin'.
I understand concerns from both sides (J-Place and people west of J-Place). I understand and support the purpose and need for NECESSARY HOA covenants. I do NOT understand RIGID enforcement is UNNECESSARY when it obviously does NOT meet the purpose and need and greatly oppresses people. Oppression and suppression is NOT right. We need Board Members who understand and care about people west of J-Place.
Cox, I would lay off of the Annette remarks, here you go again, lying to cover your ego! She has done nothing wrong so far and you are incorrect about a new trustee who has vocally expressed getting rid of the HOA more than once! I would support my friend much more than anything you have to say Mr. know it all! Go home to Olympia and run that HOA!
He has had it in for her ever since he said she accosted him at the chipper site last year! We all know that was not true, but since he is living in la la land his information about her lot development up on J Place he posted was not true. All she wanted was an explanation, he got defensive, enough said! Surprise, he got the information from Larry one of our new trustees just elected! People have short memories!
bwaahahahaha, They are so lucky I only keep chickens as pets!
ReplyDeleteWhen the HOA pres is afraid to face members, maybe it is time to Go , for the general good if for no other reason.
ReplyDeleteSuppression is the forceful prevention; putting down by power or authority; "the quelling of the rebellion"; "the stifling of all dissent"
ReplyDeleteIf you are truly, sincerely, in doubt on what the majority wishes are, send out a house numbered paper ballot to every homeowner's mailing address. DO IT, Show some responsibility, accountability. You are imposing YOUR will on OUR legal quorum.
We will not rest until the right thing is done!
Sure Ric and Tracy will have no problem finding a cozy office to work in. Just wait til she buys a lot here and somehow gets on the board.
ReplyDeleteFirst you old hens cry about no Zoom and now you cry about Zoom being used. You're a bunch a pathetic whiners.
ReplyDeleteThere are no new restrictions on gatherings to justify closing the meeting to the members. HOA Board meetings are required by State law to be PUBLIC open meetings.
DeleteThis is obviously a refusal to face the members and explain where Minich gets the authority to ignore the member motions pronounced as "passed" by then president Gary Williams. What we know is that the president has no independent authority to make decisions without consulting the entire Board, and having a vote to approve his proposed actions.
Members are tired of being screwed around by these posers. We all play by the same rules, written in our documents and State RCWs.
The true whiner is Ric. His last 3 pathetic weekenders have created more controversy and unrest than anything.
DeleteHe couldn't run an election right, you really think he can run this HOA.
He needs attention in a bad way
Wow, somehow this place miraculously figured out how to zoom? Well there you go! Did your attorney, the one WE pay for, help you set it up? Just keep trying to hide. We are not going away.
ReplyDeleteSo how many members do you think Zoom will accommodate? A estimated we could have as many as a hundred for the meeting on the 21st. There is no way that building will handle that kind of bandwidth.
ReplyDeleteEVERY public comment at this meeting should be- "We do NOT like this Dictator President. We need a SPECIAL election by the people and for the people to elect a NEW President who does not suppress and oppress people."
ReplyDeleteIt was with real wonder and amazement that I read Ric Minich’s statement about How to Change a Covenant! Citing 9.2 and 9.3 of our Covenants. Going back to August 17, 2019 Board meeting which was fully attended by all 9 members including Ric Minich, a motion was made by Mark Scott seconded by Gary Williams to direct the staff to follow the covenants and b proactive in enforcement of Covenants to reverse complaint driven compliance. Vote was yes-8 no-0.
ReplyDeleteSo pray tell the members where was the Notice of the proposed amendment that is to be mailed to each member not less than 30 days before the hearing date? And when was that hearing?
I was at that meeting because of our lighting complaint and there was no discussion to speak of, just the unanimous approval of this drastic change!
You want all of us to just follow the rules, but this very clearly wasn’t done in this instance.
Nor were the covenants followed concerning the actions by the board with our lighting complaint. It took from our appeal in September that was denied until March of 2020 to receive a letter telling us our lights were now magically in compliance!
Ok bring it on all you anonymous bloggers!
Let’s not be throwing stones when you live in a glass house!
We still need an answer as to what the potential liability to the HOA is, if the people who will suffer diminished home values decide to sue. Surely, the leaders of this movement researched the potential pitfalls before proposing such a radical change in the covenants. Where's the Cost-Benefit analysis?
ReplyDeletehaha, real funny 417. Just talked with a realtor, houses are flying off the market at record speed and higher than asking. The HOA has zero, none, nada to to do with any home market, so you can get that out of your head right now. Obviously none of you have ever really hired or retained an attorney and know nothing about liability or you would not make such statements. Every time you leave a message or talk to one, there is a charge, trust me, it is not a wonderful happy relationship. There is no liability to the HOA for any suffering, none, they do whatever they want and that's the truth.
ReplyDeletePerfect example Joanne. Too bad this blog can't stay fact based. Too many people throwing crazy legal notions around that don't exist trying to scare people into silence.
We will not be silenced and we will not go away!
4:17, That debate is over. The motion was proposed and passed. The only debate now is: Why does the governance NOT follow the will of the members???
ReplyDeleteWho takes responsibility when your "logic" fails us?
ReplyDeleteI just looked at the four motions made and passed at the Member Meeting! There is not one threat or mention of changing or taking covenants away! Only some time to review and take a moratorium on the cutting of the trees! Our rules for our committees states exactly this! They are to review and respond every year to make sure the committee still is meeting the needs of the members!
ReplyDeleteI guarantee you when you receive that “friendly “ letter about your tree and you have 21 days to correct ii, kinda threatening to many. That letter should state your right to appeal which we all have! Just saying!
Just to be clear, you don't have 21 days to correct it, you just need to respond with a plan. That doesn't even include the appeal process. Some people have dragged out complying for close to a year or so.
ReplyDeleteTo be clear, our letter said “if you fail to take corrective action or respond within 21 days ect…”. This doesn’t even follow our covenants as stated!
ReplyDeleteYou are right 4:41.
ReplyDeleteokay, just read the surfinsider, and for once, I'm speechless! Complete and utterly speechless!
ReplyDeleteWTH? You can't make this shit up!
Ric is the most unprofessional person I have ever experienced in my entire life! I say this with the utmost honesty. In all of my executive career, never have I seen such blatant childish use of company material as this. Ronda is not your scapegoat Ric. YOU DID THIS! YOU IGNORED THE RULES OF THE MEMBER MEETING. YOU, YOU, YOU DID IT, not one other person.
ReplyDeleteNow get off your damned ass, stop trying to silence us, stop using another trustee, particularly a woman, to create a fake witch hunt. You are pissing us off in the most visceral of ways.
I just read the Surfinsder too.
ReplyDeleteRic, dude, if you are taking advice from someone, it's obvious, they don't like you. If you are doing this all on your own, you are just plain dumb.
Save yourself and get rid of your advisor or get rid of your self hate. This style you adopted is not going to work.
Guys, this is all coming from a guy who has a junk car in his driveway, renters selling kindling and he has a junk bathtub sitting alongside his house, lol. He couldn't run an election without trying to cheat
ReplyDelete7:28 so very true!
ReplyDeleteOh lordy it's going to be a very long year with this bozo as pres. Why oh why. Who voted for him again? We need to have names. I don't trust anyone's judgement if they voted for this dunce.
Wow - do we all play by the same rules Mr. Cox? Curious why so many people are not complying with the covenants...
ReplyDeleteSeparately, it is a board meeting, although viewable by the members, it is not a member meeting. Whether you are there in person or not there is only 20 minutes allotted for floor comments. I'd suggest getting your questions into Kimber as directed in the Weekender.
State law requires that HOAMonthly meetings are open to the public. The closing of the meeting is entirely due to further attempts to block out member participation and scrutiny. B.S. in other words.
ReplyDelete417 - be much more afraid of the people that will respond if you ignore them. Lawsuits are already in the planning phase. All it needs is one statement.
ReplyDeleteThere's a great case here for both collusion and conspiracy. It only takes the will of one member to blow this whole house of cards apart.
Ric Minich, etal. agenda at next meeting is to discuss covenant changes because they want to avoid discussing the "elephant in the room" which is the dictator President who has "unchecked power" and likes to write bossy frontpage letters in each weekender to tell people "they must do as HE says or else he will make their life miserable." Ric Minich ignores the Board of Trustees and the many members who spoke loud and clear at the last meeting and on this Blog. The MOST Critical Item on the next meeting agenda is: What can the HOA members do to remove a dicatotor president who likes to suppress and oppresse people.
ReplyDeletePacific County currently has one of the highest rates of covid in the State. Seriously, an in-person meeting would be nuts at this time.
ReplyDelete849 - funny how the only time you people want to follow the rules or the covenants is when you're backed against the wall. Otherwise, you ignore them at your pleasure.
ReplyDeleteWe are supposed to play by the same rules, something you have conveniently ignored for well over a decade. Then, when people protest, you cry like a 4 year old without his binky.
This isn't going away, despite your pathetic efforts.
@9:18 not sure what you are
ReplyDeletegoing on about. We knew the covenants when we bought and have complied without complaints. Can you say the same?
We are Surside United!
ReplyDeleteWe are against secret meetings, yet before our first board meeting we have had more than one.
We are Surside United!
We are against special interests yet we are pushing OUR agenda and are removing those and anyone else that don't agree.
We are Surfside United!
We said we are for all members but have shown that we are only about us.
We are Surside United!
Coming up, kiss the HOA goodbye.
We are Surfside United!
If you disagree with any of this too bad. If you disagree with any of this and voted for us, thanks suckers!
924 - my knowledge of the covenants at the time of purchase is irrelevant. What is relevant is being held hostage by a special interest group for the last 15 years. One you wholeheartedly support, which makes you just as crooked.
ReplyDeleteUntil a comprehensive review is done of those covenants, you can take them and file them. They have been abused way too much to have any credence in this forum.
Tell you what - we can remove all the silly conversation about the covenants by simply dissolving the organization. I'm good with that!
@August 13, 2021 at 9:24 PM, no you didn't and by your remark, you don't understand them. You are being subservient to someone, one person, or a small group (who is using Ric as the fall guy), who is violating those very covenants and bylaws you proclaim to comply with.
ReplyDeleteRic, you are being used by a group of cowards who had the opportunity to be the face of their agenda. You are falling for the oldest trick in the sly dog's book. Don't do their dirty work. You will be the only to suffer.
You are just stupid and dreamed this up yourself? Hmmmmm, dilemma's......
949 - crawl back out of your bottle, and go to bed.
ReplyDeleteYou really have to wonder why someone will post the lies that 949 throws out there. A bunch of dedicated people with a different opinion. For that they are mocked, taunted, and confronted.
ReplyDeleteNice job and emphasizing the very things we are fighting against.
Ric, they DO NOT and WILL NOT have your back bro, don't take orders from them clowns. You are being given bogus advice, distance yourself from them, FAST. No lie, seen this a 100 times.
ReplyDeletePoor little Ricky poo, if you can’t take the heat then get out of the kitchen. He cannot handle facing the members at a meeting, I think we have a scaredy cat on our hands. Ric, please GTFO and resign for the greater good of Surfside.
ReplyDeleteRic totally made the decision to zoom on his own. No consulting any of his fellow BOT.
ReplyDeleteSent from my Verizon, Samsung Galaxy smartphone
Get Outlook for Android
From: Ric Minich
Sent: Tuesday, August 10, 2021 4:00:15 PM
To: Larry Raymer ; Marriann Schweitzer ; Kurt Olds ; Dan Neptun ; Cori Harms ; John Curran ; Tom Rogers ; Ronda Christoph
Cc: Tracy Lofstrom
Subject: August BOT Meeting
A decision has been made by me to hold the August Surfside Board of Trustees Meeting using Zoom. The primary purpose of this decision is the vast spread of Covid-19 in Pacific County as reported in the August 4th Chinook Observer and consultation with the Pacific County Health Services. Surfside has at least two at risk Trustees and the spouse of an employee that should not be exposed to the new aggressive Covid-19 variant that is setting us back a year. With the covenant/anti covenant factions rallying their supporters to attend the BOT meeting the risk of Covid-19 spread increases significantly and needlessly. In addition, the requirement to accommodate the expected crowd would require a far larger rented venue, with security. Folks, this is a Board of Trustee Meeting and the business of Surfside HOA is paramount.
For those who might criticize this decision that it does not give the members an opportunity to speak or be heard, reference is made the Surfside Restrictive Covenants, page 24, Section 9, paragraph 9.3. This section requires a minimum of 30 days notice, prior to a hearing. A hearing for what, that is to be decided by the Board of Trustees? At that hearing, all voices will be heard.
The announcement will be made in the next two Surfside Weekenders to assure notice of how to participate is made clear. We have switched from WebEx to Zoom as more members can participate if desired.
Ric Minich, President
Surfside HOA
Cell # (503) 780-1516
"The business of the HOA being paramount" lends even more importance to the board following the wishes of the members, as stated on July 10th. That is the business of the association, and nothing should stop it, nor should anything take precedent over it.
ReplyDeleteBoard members, starting to feel a little like living in a dictatorship?
I think ric is being coaxed by some of the ousted good ol' boys. They are hanging him out there like chum. Either way, if he falls for it or makes it up on his own, he wins the stupid card.
ReplyDeleteHe will regret it. They are nobody's friend.
Ric Minich is an embarrassment and not able to bite his tongue calling out Surfside United with provocative statements. Dam it man, stop digging the hole you put yourself into and act like a leader.
ReplyDeleteWhat's embarrassing is the lengths this coalition of malcontents will go to simply to get out of their obligations. What a bunch of dirty flakes. With neighbors like this, who needs enemies?
ReplyDeleteRight 5:20. I'm new up on J and have to drive past his junky flat tired car daily
Delete520 - it's been that way for well over a decade. Small self-interest group hijacks h o a. You should have seen that headline in the Chinook Observer long before this, but they apparently have them wrapped up as well.
ReplyDeleteTried everything I can think of to join the meeting without success. How the heck can we ever learn what is going on in this crazy hoa?
ReplyDeletePerfect example of how stupid this group is. Try again next Saturday.
ReplyDeleteWhat is unilateral decision making?
ReplyDeleteEssentially, what happens in this dynamic is that the decision-maker acts as though he/she is the only person in the relationship. There is no interest in, and fundamentally no regard for, the preferences, experience and welfare of the other person.
As a former member I'm amazed at the lack of knowledge of many members. You DO NOT elect the Executive Board. The new Board does following the July meeting. You can remove (supposedly) any board member at a meeting however. Roundabout way to accomplish the same thing.
ReplyDelete@August 14, 2021 at 11:59 AM-------I looked up 'asshole' in the dictionary and shocker, there YOU were!
ReplyDeleteStep off dumb ass!
@8:59. Internet tough guys don't impress me in the least and we both know you wouldn't say shit in person.
DeleteI have a feeling I'm going to be pissed off at everyone on every side. Just a feeling, like everything we did was for naught and everything that is being fought for is a loss. Neighbors giving in, cutting trees because they are intimidated and not appreciating the nothingness that is and has been done. We won! YEAH! No we didn't, cut your trees or we will fine you. Notice number two, three, and now fine!
ReplyDeleteWhat a bunch of shit. Yep, I am pissed at EVERYONE on ALL sides.
All you have to do is realize that you agreed to maintain your property per the covenants. The only one you have to be pissed at is you. Because you're a flake whose word is worth nothing.
ReplyDeleteEvery man for himself. This place sucks! Worst HOA ever with the nastiest rudest people on the planet!
ReplyDelete@350 HA and neither would you punk! But don't underestimate me, you might be suprised!
ReplyDeleteAgain @6:24, pretty sure everyone here estimates you right where you belong.
ReplyDeleteI think potential buyers are going to read the last three weekenders and find out how this HOA is run by a dictator who suppresses and oppresses people. He is hateful.
ReplyDeleteThis by far, all the way around, the worst place I have ever lived. Thank goodness I have options. You think I was bad, Wait until you meet the renter!
ReplyDeleteI don't have any trees to worry about, but I sure do enjoy the trees on other's properties. I have fought for you, but at this point, I can't give a person the will to fight. I can't care more than you do for your trees. I'm done, over it, good luck, but I have to put this in the same category as anti-vaxxers. I can no longer care more about you than you should for yourself.
ReplyDeleteWondering why I even bothered. Good luck but I'm done with it all. Watch for my moving sale. This place is not for me.
Surfside United
ReplyDeletestay focused on the changes that must be made . Dont let these Late to the party J Street folks muddy the waters. GO SURFSIDE UNITED
I kinda get it. The motion for moratorium of tree cutting is not honored and the newly elected can't enforce anything, what's the point. People don't want to live in this drama or constant conflict. One thing I know for sure, I'm not going to rally anymore with a group of people who can't accomplish the goals set. I'm just going to fight the HOA one issue at time when they come for me because I don't see that the annual member meeting has the power it's suppose to have. I have offered money for legal defense pool but just get silence or told just wait, wait, wait. Well, in the meantime, trees are being butchered because people are nervous, scared or whatever.
ReplyDeleteI have said it before and I'll say it again, my first and LAST HOA. Not sure why anyone would want to live under such dictatorship. Very strange passion for such a free country.
We hear a lot of sword rattling, threatening to bring lawsuits "as soon as a moratorium is put in place." This shows what an obsession the enforcement actions have become. More than half of the still existant trees are partially dead. Once large trees have been topped a couple of times they won't grow much in height. When healthy they only grow a foot per year, so what is this absurd urgency ? It's about having the control of everyone west of the ridge. You just press the easy button and the Compliance folks get on whoever is targeted. Sicko.
ReplyDeleteWhat would they be suing over ? Property values have gone sky high throughout Surfside, so it isn't rational and it isn't dependent on the continuance of Tree topping.
Let the lawsuits come. The time to have a showdown over this has come. People who are willing to piss away tens of thousands of dollars over a covenant that has NEVER promised it was permanent, see it as deserved prestige.
It's your fantasy so the time has come for your fantasy (which has become the community's pain expense and demise) to come to an end.
A certain someone IS NOT honoring our member meeting quorum. Is that not legal basis for court action? Are we suppose to wait until next Saturday and sit and listen all day, again, only to be snubbed? I am not a passive person and don't expect anything to change much and that is rub. But hey, I can't care anymore. If you all want to do is sit on your ass and type diatribe back and forth, so be it. I'm going house hunting. This place is exasperating.
ReplyDelete849 - this is far from the end. Stay tuned.
ReplyDeleteThe newly configured Board hasn't yet met - so why suggest that they allowed this to happen ? There is a degree of trust between Board members implicit in their expected role as diplomats.
ReplyDeleteRespect for proper procedures are central to what members have a right to expect. The newly appointed pres. Minich has NOT honored that pact of mutual respect. Read the Bylaws, which make it clear the pres. does not have independent authority to make decisions without Board approval.
Minich disrespected the members wishes to enact a moratorium and review the covenant on trees by blocking it. He disrespected the rest of the Board by by-passing their participation. He has not been candid about his actions, or explained how he alone has the authority he claims to have.
We have a president of the HOA gone rogue, and Board members are limited in their ability to prevent him from taking the attitude that he alone is in charge. Legal measures to remove Minich may be necessary, if he won't resign as requested formally by 5 Board members.
Mariann who demanded that Minich explain the rationale behind his actions, got no response from Minich, and now Mariann is blaiming the rest of the Board for the current internal disputes.
So her commitment is obviously to interfere with any efforts to stop Minich and his lawyers from dictating what the Board will do.
Legal conflict cannot be avoided, because the Tree covenant does not make rational sense. The cost of this unnecessary mandatory maintenance is huge annually, a legal retainer of $81,000 pays for enforcement efforts and counsel ONLY FOR THE BOARD PRESIDENT, and his minion the Bus.Manager. The rest of the Board needs its' own legal force, paid by the HOA unless the attorneys don't recognize access by the rest of the Board.
This is just a power grab by Minich andbthe conservatives who demand that the elitist Tree policy continue at all costs ! Just one day of a moratorium is offensive, and they'll be getting their attorneys on it. FINE so be it. There Is no defense of the Tree policy !
Well spoken Steve!
The Cox hath spoken.
ReplyDeleteEveryone fall in line.
Steve, we have moved past just tree complaints.
ReplyDeleteThis is the J Place factions last desperate attempt to retain power. Their arrogance was called out at the annual meeting, and they aren't reacting well to it.
We need to do whatever is necessary to take control back of our association. Minich and his lackeys cannot stand!
Only then will we be able to have a small amount of assurance that any topic, trees included, will be dealt with fairly.
Minich and the old guard have Zippo interest or regard for the preferences and welfare of people who live west of J-Place. They insist that we bow down and obey them forever.
ReplyDeleteCox, the pied piper of Surfside has spoken, now all of you line up and follow!!!!
ReplyDeleteThe rhetoric is getting irrational. Members dont want tree cutting by fiat or lighting mandates. Just stop. Vox populi vox Dei.
ReplyDelete133 - he sure makes more sense than you!
ReplyDeleteWe are Surfside Divided.
ReplyDelete607 - not so much as you think. The membership delivered a pretty clear message on July 10.
ReplyDelete@Icegoalie - you mean the membership that voted. As this same group/blog has pointed out in the past when their candidates didn't win - the election results may, or may not, represent what the majority of members desire.
ReplyDeleteAnd not voting is who's problem again? You have to vote to be heard. Not sure what your point is 720?
ReplyDeletePretty sure @7:20's point is that y'all like you have a mandate and are representing all members. Like 7:20 said, that may or may not be true and can't be determined until ALL members voices are heard. In the past, as shown in blog comments here, when the election didn't go your way this group was the first to point out it was NOT representative of all members. You can't have it both ways.
ReplyDelete720 - legal motions, lawfully passed. If you don't like it, show up next time.
ReplyDeleteThis time, right won.
@Icegoalie - why so sensitive? No where were the legality of the motions questioned in the post. I did vote, don't need to show up to do it. Regardless, your group continues to say you represent ALL of Surfside based solely on your voter turnout which is only slightly above 10%. I won't lose sleep either way. For sure it will be interesting to watch the results of the next few annual elections along with watching what this particular boards accomplishes with such division.
ReplyDelete935 - what we represent is honesty, transparency, and communication. Things would have been gone from this Association for well over a decade, and are badly needed.
ReplyDelete9:35...."Your group?" There is no organized "group". There is widespread discontent in the community, and the constant nagging of the HOA over trees, which have been sytematically destroyed, is central to most who have been victimized by this stupid policy.
ReplyDeleteBut the moniker "Surfside United", given the small group of election promoters has become a symbol of hope that significant change is in the making. The new Trustees are compelled to answer to these calls for change.
No one on the Board has made any statements claiming an agenda beyond wanting to be true to their supporters expectations, and these people haven't had a real meeting yet.
I knew when we elected the shitshow who made her candidate statement in a wife-beater T and a dingy bra, we were going ghetto. I'm selling and getting out while the getting's still good. Good luck to the rest of you.
ReplyDeleteSo you've really analyzed your socks off here. You judged 4 candidates on the basis of one candidate's shirt choice in an unventilated gymnasium. That's deep.
Delete911 - one of the recommendations for the community relations committee was to assist older members who might need it.
ReplyDeleteNeed help packing?
Steve, I have no idea who Surfside United is. It seems to be an organic movement, gathering more speed since the Annual meeting.
ReplyDeleteI am waiting to hear the next moves.
I hear you. Members are encouraged by the message of hope, in a community that has been locked down by an oppressive attitude and emphasis on building a complex of nitpicky rules and enforcement.There's only a few hundred members in Surfside about 7 months out of the year, most retired. So yeah, a hotbed of non-compliance.
DeleteGet real. This is all about mega control and Tracy's chompin'at the bit.
Wow, what a judgy comment @August 16, 2021 at 9:11 AM. I guess you have a big problem with all these ghetto people who live here on the Pen. Oh wait, maybe only those who wear a bra. I suspect you are a "bra less kinda guy" right? We may not be to up to your standards in attire but we sure do like a tree or two and are hospitable to outsiders moving in!
ReplyDeleteNow hurry up and -Get the hell outta here.
unannounced visit from local realtor today. Strange but true, looking for listings because buyers are lined up for the houses here. Do it, sell, get out, especially if you don't like tank tops and bras, Boy, BYEEEEEEE........
ReplyDeleteOh I see what path you're leading us down there 9:11! Sure, men can show up in all their shit attire, including those RIDICULOUS white socks, mid calf with ugly sandals or dirty tennis shoes, saggy to the knee khaki shorts, and under sized polo exposing a big ole belly standing out further than 'you know what' and that's just dandy to YOUR EYES! And that was the outgoing President! And the current one doesn't dress any BETTER.
ReplyDeleteGo to hell with your sexist comments. Women are no longer a target for your shaming chauvinistic ways. Just because men can look like a fat slob on a dumb assed sitcom and still get a pretty lil thing as a wife doesn't mean it's REAL. Get with reality you BOZO and stop being a sexist PIG!
Ronda's arms are bomb! As a woman, I'd love those. Maybe they just jealous?
ReplyDeleteOuch! Someone hit a nerve.
ReplyDeleteNo, women are sick and tired of the double standards when it comes to appearance. Men can throw on yesterday's clothes and go about their business just fine but if a woman wears the same thing, it's the talk of the town. People's look's or attire is the least of the worries around here but if someone wants to start throwing insults, they better be perfect because it's going to ricochet right back at them!
ReplyDeleteTo get the gender specific commentary out of the way, I own a vagina. I also own multiple properties in multiple different HOA communities throughout the Pacific NW. I have never seen such an embarrassing level of disfunction amongst the people who are supposed to be in charge of managing a sizable operation--for me, for US. Ric, just STOP using our community newsletter to try to gather sympathy. Annette, just STOP going to door to door to try to desperately grasp for control. LISTEN. The HOA is by definition owned by members. Members are demanding competence and change. I am not part of a militant underground army. I am not a an uneducated insurgent. I am surfside united. The board "president" needs to step aside.
ReplyDelete@8:27, I thought we were members too. But I went to and clicked on the about tab. The third value is "Customer relations". Turns out the board and staff see us as customers, not shareholders. Explains a lot. I am Surfside United too.
ReplyDeleteAs a penis owner, I question how many members are demanding change. It is easy to be a vocal group on social media.
ReplyDeleteSurfside Divided.
Give it up limpy
Delete@9:11, just a bit jealous are you? Try working out and you might be able to fit into a tank top.
ReplyDeletePlease tell me we don't have to look at Munich with his eyes closed half the time. He just needs to step aside. His weekender was full of lies. 34 complaints, all tree violations, I got a copy of report from someone. Ronda slso has his email stating no letters and no fines going out. 2 lies right there.
ReplyDeleteDoes he know the meaning of barn burner? Hey old man, it means exciting or intense. What's his beef? And needing security, run old man, run far away.
Tracy allowing his shitshiw in the weekenders is grounds for dismissal.
Policy states: is not to be a personal blog and to create harmony.
8-16 @8:27
ReplyDeleteThank you for being a part of the group of all that is tired of watching complete and total disfunction in the BOT and HOA of this community! It is nice to see more and more people step up and speak out. We need to come into the 21st century, not the 19th as our President appears to be in! Anarchy is not an option
Hey dick, @9:48. I'm referring to the people who voted.
ReplyDeleteOnly slightly above 10% of total members voted,and the votes for the four winners were not a landslide. To be generous we can say the "Surfside United" votes represent at most 7% of the members. Hardly a mandate but it is clear y'all live in your own reality anyways.
Surfside Divided
CORI kicked Annette's ass! It only takes one vote more than the other person to win.
DeleteThey all four kicked her ass to the curb.
Why do you think she is sending out emails and letters spouting her shit...sore loser
Richard - 603 votes counted,close to 1/4 of the organization made their feelings known clearly on July 10. Keep poor mouthing it all you want - best turnout in years.
ReplyDeleteKeep your moniker of Surfside Divided. It is a great representation of what you've done TO this neighborhood, not for it. It illustrates clearly what we are fighting.
I will happily take our reality over yours any day.
August 16 @9:11..
ReplyDeleteShe beat Annette, the Military and space lady, lol and the white calfed sock, belly exposed dude.
@Icegoalie - how do you get to 603 members voting?
ReplyDeleteIf it looks like trash, talks a like trash, walks like trash and is dumber than a box of rocks, you know it's Ronda.
ReplyDeleteI'm betting you don't even know Ronda who is a duely elected Trustee. Ronda who was elected is far more intelligent than you are. She has signed-up for a year of volunteer work focused on making Surfside a better functioning happier community.
DeleteThat's an honorable commitment that is out of your league 10:08.
It was my understanding that something over 500 ballots were cast- year before last was about 275, most recent years, right at 300. The community population is about 2050 households.
ReplyDeleteBut this is a pointless discussion. We had an election and it was clear who prevailed. It is ridiculous to pretend to have any information on which to base what the new Board will focus on, or who intends to do what.
We know what the attitude has been that has prevailed the last 10 years or so, and there's a very vocal opposition to continuing on the same path.
But stop this nonsensical bantering about who speaks for the majority. The newly elected Trustees earned a shot at governing, and their supporters expect some specific action, though these things take time.
We need to navigate the tension between being too flexible and being too rigid—to recognize the need to change structures that are not working, and just as importantly, to defend and uphold the structures that are necessary. The explanation needs to be more in depth than "Well, we've always done it this way." If you keep doing things the same way, you get the same result.
@10:08, another jealous fan I see. You know you are just getting more supporters her way.
ReplyDeleteWe are Surfside united
Richard, or 10:18 Pm or surfside divided, whoever you are, would you still be coming here with your poor old sad worn out tune about a minority voting had Gary or Annette won? Would you be coming here singing and dancing about an even smaller amount of votes for them, which does NOT represent what a majority of the HOA wants? If more people cared about your precious restrictive covenants, rest assured, they would have voted. But they DON'T. The are passive members with bigger issues going on in their lives or they don't want to be involved and are willing to let "THE BEST WIN" by whatever majority of the minority who VOTE. This is how this HOA handles BOT elections so - Stop trying to change the narrative.
ReplyDeleteJust a thought maybe everybody should show up at the meeting. Even if we could not enter it would make a statement.
ReplyDeleteOnly a very very small man would try to publicly take down a woman based solely on appearance.
Oh and btw, I'm pretty sure she could take anyone in that room. Girl is buff!
@10:08-GEICO called, they want their caveman back!
ReplyDelete@10:55 does the office have wifi? We can sit/stand outside with our laptops and zoom the meeting, either by laptop or phone.
ReplyDeleteHmmmmm, interesting idea.
I will be at the office Saturday with my lawn chair.
ReplyDeleteOk brave obnoxious anonymous 10:08 just shut up and show common decency! George is too ill now to monitor and remove such stupid statements! Lease let’s just show a little respect and control your comments that contribute nothing to this conversation or this community!
ReplyDeleteI’m appalled and very upset as you show no respect for George in doing this!
Go ahead and attack me now. I’ve never been anonymous
It's okay Joanne. He/she posts it anonymous knowing they cannot face me in public. I won't ping pong with this species.
ReplyDeleteMy heart breaks for George. Live each day as it could be your last.. He would not let this go this far, he is far to great a man.
Yes he is Ronda! Some people need to go back on this site and read why George started this blog! It wasn’t to promote nameless bullies
ReplyDeleteI'll be at the office also on Saturday, bringing a cooler full of beer!
ReplyDeleteRight on Ronda. Anger escalates problems. I wish people would hesitate before responding in anger. Some of these comments really upset me too but can we try to reach out and help each other, not attack each other.
ReplyDeleteBeware folks, Patrick is conspiring with a new trustee to destroy the HOA out of spite! This is proven in recently obtained correspondence, wow, when will he stop! He does not even live here anymore! He lied and lost his battle with his proposed manifesto, only winning his attorney fees in small claims court because the board let him out of his fines! He did what he wanted, thumbed his nose at the covenants and told a lot of folks to do things against the same covenants. Come to the meeting on Saturday and tell this very vocal new female trustee to settle down and support the HOA in retaining our covenants! Not saying that some of them don’t need tweaking and updating but there is a right way to do things. These new trustees plus Tom have already violated the rules by having secrete meetings and illegally trying to oust the president even before they have their first meeting! Wow and they complained about the last group! Show up and show our strength outside the office. If you value our HOA, this new bunch have shown their colors and this is not the way to go! Undo Surfside United!
ReplyDeleteTrustees have routinely discussed issues by email and phone, and it would be unrealistic to think they would not. It's interesting that your story begins with the new Trustees meeting "illegally", when the hub-bub began with Minich meeting secretly with Tracy and the attorney, and suspending the member motions.
DeleteThe entitlement felt by the Surfside J pl.dominant Board of the last 10 years is well known, so stop the absurd complaining about the new Trustees.
The situation created by Minich's actions required that the Trustees confer with one another, and discussing what best to do to correct for Minich's illegal actions.
Strife within the Board has required outside discussions, which are NOT improper. Making decisions without Board approval IS.
Hahahahahahahahahahaha, 8:16, we don't even know who patrick is nor do we care. What we do care about is the hiring of a compliance person who is not on the org chart and we don't want to pay, out of our money, for someone to harass us. We care about trees, air to breath, and random selective enforcement of the covenants. First, go clean up your street (J), tell the current Pres to clean up his properties, everyone on J get your lights swapped out and everything in compliance and then and only then will anyone here listen to this jibber jabber.
ReplyDeletePatrick Smatrick, you are on the wrong blog and insulting our intelligence. There is no collusion or influence from any one guy. Geez, get a life.
@August 17, 2021 at 8:16 PM
ReplyDeleteThis is quite possibly the most pathetic post I have ever read here. I had a couple encounters with Patrick on another website and he just pissed me off. He's an ass for sure but rest assured, he has not one thing to do with my dissatisfaction with this HOA. NONE. The only one who pissed me off was the past bone heads who we voted out and the arrogant, entitle minded, hot air filled J placers who are spreading this nonsense of a magic man named Patrick. WE LIKE TREES, ALL OF US, Just get it through your thick head already. It would take a seriously long time and a ton of money to dissolve this HOA. Stop your fussing about all this.
I can honestly say, had the compliance guy not been hired and all those nasty demand letters to slaughter trees were not sent out, we would not be here typing tonight. Get mad at whoever's idea this was, not us, who voted you out.
ReplyDeleteBonafide truth...............
9:30 pm, Perfectly stated, thankyou
ReplyDelete816 - more lies and misinformation - from you.
ReplyDeleteIt must be looking pretty desperate from your side, for you to go on these unhinged rants.
Patrick is a threat to you. Why? He speaks the truth. That's something you can't handle.
Go back to screaming that you're going to sell your property, and this time go through with it.
Boy you people are in denial, good luck to you!
ReplyDeleteSteve, that is what they did. only 5 trustees called a meeting and did not notify the other 4. That is against the RCW's, it was a secret meeting. The letter given to Ric was signed by all 5. You all know if this was the previous board you'd be calling them out for doin it.
ReplyDeleteThat's because the last Board operated with no ethics or accountability.
DeleteIt included a board president that didn't think we could count to 4, remember?
@10:36- Re-read Steve's post. AND Ric had a secret meeting first AND Ric acted in a rogue fashion and made decisions against the RCW's without the knowledge of the of other trustees, which, btw, predicated the other five to act as they did. Must we spell things out to to you in minuet particles of time? You can't demand perfection when you are not perfect. The "Do as I say, not as I do" days of old gas lighting regime is OVER. Get with the times already. We are not stupid and we DO understand EXACTLY what went on here........
ReplyDeletePresident, Business Manager and compliance employee need to be replaced. Correction, Code enforcement position needs to be abolished, why this position was created was to solely enforce J place concerns and not the community as a whole.
ReplyDeleteI applaud all efforts to end the enforcement of tree covenant’s as they currently stand. I am not personally effected by tree covenant but know wrong when I see it so blatantly displayed. Why the HOA does not take a pause after such a outcry at annual meeting signifies what poor leadership we have and whom they represent. Oust these fools as they are the fuel of discontent and damaging the harmony of our fine community.
This is coming from Annette Deleest, a former member who has access to everyone's email who gets the weekender.
ReplyDeletePerhaps we flood the emails of Ric and Tracy asking how she got all those emsils....big violation here
Here is the 2nd Letter........
On Wed, Aug 18, 2021 at 6:05 AM Annette deleest wrote:
Dear Surfside Members,
Thank you to those of you that responded to our Business Manager Tracy, our Board Secretary Mariann and our HOA President, Ric Minich! It was very encouraging during this very stressful time. It has been confirmed that the board meeting will be held via ZOOM. INFO AT BOTTOM OF LETTER!
As promised, here is a summary of current events:
1. The removal of Ric as president will be addressed in the August 21st ZOOM Board meeting. There were illegal secret meetings held by 5 board members, four are newly elected members, culminating in a document entitled “Consent to Action”. It was signed by Board Members Raymer, Christoph/Fern, Curran, Harms and Rogers. This document was intended to remove Ric as President without a LEGAL meeting of the entire Board. Our Surfside HOA legal counsel advised it would likely not be a binding document as the required 24-hour Special Meeting notice was not given to the entire board. The group of 5 trustees withdrew the document and threatened to call a legal SPECIAL MEETING of the entire board to remove Ric. This has not happened though secret meetings continue to be held by the 5 trustees. It is assumed the removal process will continue during the August 21st ZOOM Board Meeting.
2. It is anticipated that the removal of the Business Manager may also occur during the August board meeting closed session and be made public, as required by law, after going back into open session.
3. The disgruntled former board member, no longer living in Surfside, continues his negative, false campaign in an attempt to interfere with our HOA operations by posting inflammatory misinformation on multiple blogs and websites and “coaching” new board members on actions/methods to attack the HOA for his personal retribution. His latest recommendation to the “Surfside United” members … “modify the governing documents so that Surfside would have no power over the private properties of members in any way, by deleting all covenants…”
4. It has been confirmed that the Board Meeting will only be conducted via ZOOM. Only the first 100 people will be able to participate and only 10 will be able to comment (10x2min=20min). I was told there will be no conference call number. (Info Below)
YOUR Next Actions:
1. Email your views regarding:
a. The attempt by board members to remove all or significantly change many of Surfside’s long standing covenants. Specifically mention your support of tree & building height limits.
b. Voice your support of our Proactive Compliance Investigator to ensure equal and fair application of our covenants for all members.
c. Voice your support for a well-managed, stable HOA. Getting rid of our president of one month and firing staff are not responsible or reasonable actions.
d. Tell the Board Members to STOP HOLDING SECRET MEETINGS. Demand the HONESTY AND TRANSPARENCY they promised!
Send e-mails ASAP to:
Wow, I'm sure glad they don't have my email because I would have to raise a whole bunch of Cain if it was used in such a manner by this HOA! Shame on them for letting a member use private information to promote a radical agenda!
ReplyDeletePeople should be OUTRAGED!
12:32 you'd be fine with it if it was Ronda or any of your "chosen" trustees, so stop the double standard hypocrisy
ReplyDeleteOh you mean like those duly elected trustees? Get a grip, they were elected and will serve! It’s our duty as members to support them and give them a chance to serve!
ReplyDeleteNO WAY 12:40. If I give my email to someone for a specific purpose, I do not expect it to be handed out to some random member. This can be grounds for a lawsuit, particularly if stalking behavior happens. I already have to suffer the sharing of my personal information by the corporate world, I have no intention of authorizing this frivolous disbursement from MY HOA! Ridiculous and possibly ILLEGAL! I provided my email for the newsletter ONLY, not for SPAM!
ReplyDeleteWell, she has emails for anyone who gets the weekender. Our office is in big big trouble
DeleteI'm so mad at Annette for barging into my email, she better walk a wide berth. I'm pissed and she's going to hear about it if I see her face!
ReplyDeleteI get why people are mad about this but I wouldn't worry too much about it. She just looks bat shit crazy with that conspiracy theory of the mystery man Patrick playing us all along.
ReplyDeleteTo Annette and anyone else who is monitoring this blog. We, the people of Surfside, Are pissed off at your decision to hire a compliance person, without a vote of the members. We, the people of Surfside, Are pissed off at YOUR DECISION to mail out hostile threatening letters to slaughter our trees.
Until you get this very simple notion through your thick headed neanderthal heads, this will continue. Own your shit people!
@126, I mean, some people might want to cut their trees and that's just fine, it's their trees, they can tear em out too. It's that people do not want to be told what to do with their trees. When people don't have options they fight back. Pretty simple psychology. But it would take a thinking person who doesn't have a personal agenda to actually get it. We are basically dealing with concrete brick heads.
ReplyDelete@August 18, 2021 at 12:17 PM
ReplyDeleteJust sign them all up in every insurance, home loan, and car warranty portal. They obviously don't have a problem with the sharing of personal information.
Sounds to me like DeLeest has a agenda item to discredit the new board members. She is denouncing the very same things DeLeest and her cronies did when she was on the board. If I were you I would chalk her ramblings up as a poor looser.
ReplyDeleteIt is another violation of the code of ethics to provide private information of members to another member for no reason other than to subvert the function of the current BOT.
ReplyDeleteThis is another line item to include on the motions to remove Ric and Tracy from their duties.
They just keep piling it on............
WAIT, WHAT??????
ReplyDeleteAnnette's email-
4. It has been confirmed that the Board Meeting will only be conducted via ZOOM. Only the first 100 people will be able to participate and only 10 will be able to comment (10x2min=20min). I was told there will be no conference call number. (Info Below)
ONLY 100????
I suppose this is OUR FAULT TOO? OH HELL NO!
You leave us no other choice then, the rest of us 300+ will just show up to the office and watch this meeting together on as many devices as we can get logged in to.
Ric and Tracy provide, yet again, another failure! Disgusting!
It's because the cheap asses don't want to pay for it. They will squander thousands of dollars in registered mail to harass us but they won't pay a couple bucks to have 500-1000 attendees.
ReplyDeleteYep, that's our HOA! So proud!
I had Deleest in my living room asking for my proxy the first time she ran. I told her that I opposed the tree covenant and she promised she would ensure it would get a fair hearing. She did not disclose she owned property on J. She said she lived on 357th. Since that time she helped stack the tree committee with j place people and also imposed an inspection fee on new sales, so trees would have to be cut. Still not enough she helped hire a compliance officer who will get the rest of the trees that were not cut. All for her own best interest and of course at no cost to her at all. I don't agree with name calling but I could think of a few. She also was involved at great expense to survey Sea Breeze lake that was right in front of her house so we could get all those cut as well, and now she makes Patrick out as the bad guy. As I recall she was involved in secret meetings that did not include Patrick who was on the board at that time. I recall at a board meeting where Williams demanded that Patrick quit speaking or he would have him arrested. People ask why so many respond anonymous. I will give you an example I made a comment at a board meeting that Williams did not like and within a month, I had two tree complaints registered against me. The rest of the remaining board members should be thrown out as well they were a party to all this.
ReplyDeletedeleest and her ilk will only understand with a boot or a baseball bat.
ReplyDeleteSpoken like a thuggish loser. That's Surfside United.
DeleteThat threat should be reported to the FBI. Surfside United is approaching RICO proportions now. Wow!!!
Delete@301 oh they will be. If they aren't gone or with the new program by next July, they will be OUT, we are not going to take it anymore.
ReplyDeleteAnd we are well aware of the targeting of members, example: the McMurphy's. They stay awake at night trying to find ways to attack them. We are not going to take it anymore!
Annette is the most obtuse person I have ever had the displeasure of knowing.
10:08 whoever you are, you have stooped to a new low. I have to say anyone who says the things that you have said is nothing more than a bully and you are the one that’s trash. I’m embarrassed for you making a statement like that. As for Annette, I say good riddance and stop with the BS. She will lie to get whatever she wants since she lives on J Place. The members spoke and we do not want the likes of her on the BOT. I think if we all give the new board members a chance things will move to more of a positive place. We have some very sharp new people that want to make Surfside a better place for all of us. Some of you just want to be divisive and mean and I just am appalled at some of these comments. For gods sake, grow up and act like adults please!
ReplyDeleteDeLeest is a menace to our neighborhood just like Gary Williams.
ReplyDeleteSome will be remembered for what they have done for our neighborhood. These two will only be remembered for what they did TO our neighborhood. Self-interest and greed!
Sounds like Betsy is telling Tom what to do! Joining the new four to try and run this HOA, Tom a one time quitter already! What a bunch of crap you people write about Annette, she spent more time working for this HOA a than most of the other trustees combined! She did live on 357th when she was on the board for the first 2-1/2 years. You bitch about complaint driven compliance and now you bitch about this compliance. Why did you buy into an HOA? we bought because of the covenants. Not our fault if you did not know about the rules you signed up for. It’s time to hire a professional agency to run this outfit and take it out of the hands of unqualified volunteers with more illegal agendas!
ReplyDeleteBats and boot! We are Surfside United! Nice message you got going there. You sound more like Brownshirts than tree-huggers now.
ReplyDeleteThe menace to the neighborhood is the inconsistent covenant compliance that has happened over the years, it’s hit and miss and depends on who is on the board and how they prioritize their agenda items. Folks were not happy complaining about their neighbors, so we have lots of violations with sheds, fences, trees, junk laying around, tree cutting operations on residential lots, I could go on and on. I agree with hiring a professional organization and take this out of the hands of volunteers that you voted into office to run this HOA. Oh wait you don’t like that either and want your say over the top of the board? It does not work that way!
ReplyDeleteI moved here because of the covenants! Deal with it!
ReplyDelete455 - time for professional management? What a laugh.
ReplyDeleteIf your faction had simply won the election, you would be talking out of the other side of your mouth right now.
Keep looking stupid in the profession of your self-interest. If for no other reason, it's entertaining to the rest of us
506 - if you want to play the Conspiracy card, we will dig back into this HOA for about 10 or 15 years. See how many unindicted co-conspirators we could pull off the former boards.
ReplyDelete510 - then try finding an ethical organization to uphold them.
Yes that includes one of the new four you just elected, fools!
ReplyDeleteoh lord, here we go again with that tired worn out serenade of-- I moved here for the covenants or if you don't like it move, then add the back and forth bravado old man chest puffing, throw in blaming a wife for a man's decision and a little call the FBI action and we are back to square one, in the Alzheimer's ward listening to all these old senile whiners over and over again about not winning the election.
ReplyDeleteGo get your spiked warm milk and go to bed already you old fools.
Annette D - you are trash and your part of problem ( next time you run use current photo)
ReplyDeleteRIC & TRACY- incompetent, arrogant and unprofessional. ( Both post on social media about HOA, stick to HOA Weekender)
Proactive Compliance Officer -what a joke & waste of resources to benefit a friend of Tracy
Hope all three of these fools are removed as well as Mrs. Skullduggery “Annette “
ReplyDeleteAny insider info would be greatly appreciated. Since the cheap asses won't pay for more than 100 attendees, we need to know how early the log in is set for on the zoom call. This will require information from the person who set up the meeting, which I suspect was Tracy.
This is imperative! They will gobble up the lines with their measly 100 fans and we will be blocked out.
To any Insider informant, thank you for your support of the members. We WILL protect YOU under all circumstances.
If I can't log in on Saturday at 8:45 AM, you can bet your ass I WILL BE OUTSIDE THAT OFFICE! Guaranteed.
ReplyDeleteYour comments fall on deaf ears! Go run to Patrick for more advice! You will soon find out how your recent choices will completely fall apart and run amuck with the RCW’s and lawyers to spend and waste our money. Dog park! Boy that will be money well spent!
ReplyDeleteYou have no idea as to what you have done by re-electing a former trustee who did absolutely nothing during his last term, all the other trustees did the work! That along with a trustee who spouts off about his illness? Boy I got confidence in this group! The lawyers are going to get rich!
Sam already got rich from our 20 years of crap
DeleteAll those fear shout outs are what fall on deaf ears. Seriously, we have had way too many years of the 'panic call' to know it's not real, this is just one person's anxiety ridden rant.
ReplyDeleteIt's ok, there's lots of medication available these days to treat your affliction. I see a doctor's visit is order.
Never has any of the newbies ranted about a dismantle. This is coming from Annete. Read her letters she sends out. She is driving us more and more apart. Do your part if you love this place so much amnette.
ReplyDeleteWe all want covenants reviewed. Is there anything wrong with that. Equality.
825 - the only way the lawyers going to get rich is if he follows the lead of Minich in the rest of those idiots. Then guaranteed, he will make money.
ReplyDeleteThe advice Patrick is giving has been better than any of the BS coming from your pie hole, so I'll stick with it.
I continue to support my position- I do not know any Patrick genie, I do not have a tree in the fight, but I know wrong when I see it.
ReplyDeleteHad you NOT hired a compliance person without our consent, using our money to harass us, had you NOT sent out a ton of hostile tree butchering letters, WE WOULD NOT BE HERE TONIGHT.
Blame the idiot whose bright IDEA this was, not us, who voted you OUT!
PERIOD! Bonafide Truth!
8:50 you are wrong, really really wrong! Wait and see your new board in action, I say again the lawyers are going to get rich!
ReplyDelete100 people allowed on the Zoom meeting Saturday, what a f@#*ing joke, what is wrong with Minich to much Williams up his backside. Or just really not competent to handle the position he elected himself to! Get over yourself and move on to the voice of the members, this has turned into so much of a joke I can’t believe the National News isn’t here to cover it.
ReplyDeleteStep down now Ric as President, send Gary home to his job at Boeing, Annette stop and enjoy retirement with your skeletons, embrace the fact that members are sick of your GOOD OLE BOYS BS and just step down and let a new 21st century group come in an lead us to the future.
I guess the only recourse for the meeting is 300 of us at the Office with chairs , bbq, coolers, and whatever else can be thought of.
Surfside Divided > Surfside United
ReplyDeleteIt is BS @945. They can add the extra attendees at minimal cost. It's a way to keep us out of the loop. Nothing more, nothing less. We need intervention of the highest level. The good news- I look forward to hanging with everyone on the office property and hopefully at least one person can get logged into a device so we can all hear, outside the office, to what is happening.
ReplyDeleteI also look forward to watching those inside take the LONG WALK to their cars when the meeting is over! Ciao bella- see you Saturday!
You really need to work on your facts there 3:01. When Annette got elected she was living on 357th. They bought the property on J a year or two after the election so your accusation about her not disclosing is false.
ReplyDeleteShe also didn't "stack" the tree committee either. At the time it already had J place people on it and as everyone knows committees are open to ALL members who want to volunteer. For all the years I have lived here I only recall one committee that was closed to members and whose chairman Trustee voted against having anyone else serve on it. That would be your hero Patrick btw.
Funny you should bring up "secret meetings" when the new crowd has started even before the first meeting!
So, after reading your false B.S. I can think of a few words when it comes to you also 3:01.
Right on 10:39!
ReplyDeleteI see the little troll Patrick is still making comments on here. What a POS.
ReplyDeleteNo, you're looking for "Travelocity". Different website.
DeleteI like living down here at sea level and what J placers refer to as the 'ghetto'. I can actually live. It's nice. Neighbors dropping by, bbq's and meals together, people telling me how much they love my mismatched plantings, dropping what you're doing to lend a helping hand to your neighbor, I can play my music AS LOUD AS I WANT without anyone afraid to come ask me to turn it down, it's a much nicer, genuine, authentic life down here. Oh and guess what, I can WALK to the beach. Yeah, when I want to see waves and sunsets, I can just take about 500 steps out and BAM, amazing. No need for me to impose my will on anyone, wow, imagine that.
ReplyDeleteYeah, what you call the ghetto, I'll take it all day long compared to your rigid, strict, mylanta old, small minded life style.
Yeah, you seem like such a happy person. LMAO
DeleteWe really are a happier community down here. I think it has to do with our closer connection to the earth and sea. I really believe the ridge has a long standing curse on it from the Native American's who once lived here.
ReplyDeleteOr maybe, a small few have nothing else to do but try and be relevant. This is probably more true than the Native rumor.
oh well, See you Saturday! Oh, 945pm, I love beer, hope you plan on sharing!
1039 -yet more lies and misinformation. Your gaslighting skills are weak.
ReplyDeleteKeep shucking.
1051 - Patrick is actually done more for this community than you ever dreamed of. Keep on posting, you give us a great illustration of what we are fighting.
ReplyDeleteProbably only 25 or 30 people will actually log into the zoom, 100 will cover it.
ReplyDeleteFunny, the only person I see commenting about disband of this HOA is Annett in her emails she had illegally obtained. Please show me where any of the board members has commented like that SINCE BEING ELECTED!! GO AHEAD I WILL WAIT...
ReplyDelete@8:55, you mean, Patrick has actually Dung more on this community than you ever dreamed...
ReplyDeleteDo your own research @9:12. It is not hard to find.
ReplyDelete913 - suggest a mental health consult. You're obviously reverting to your childhood.
ReplyDelete8:55 probably believes Trump is still president! Give me a break, Patrick was a liar many times over, do your homework fool!
ReplyDeleteThe intense opposition to the Tree Restrictions voiced at the Annual Meeting resulted in the very thunderous approval of the member motion for a cutting Moratorium. It had nothing specific to do with any of the newly elected Trustees.
ReplyDeleteNone of the newly elected have endorsed any elimination of covenants or radical change. Larry and John have served on other Boards and Committees, so accept their responsibilities as stewards of our documents and representatives of the entire community.
Corie and Ronda recognize that their elder friends elected along their side, have wisdom to share, as do they as youngers, bring their fresh ideas, experience and enthusiasm.
The only change in the documents that's come up, I've been lobbying for. This change would require a vote of the membership for or against any covenant change or addition. Virtually ALL HOAs require such a vote. Mr. Olds, Minich, Neptune, Williams, and Turner blocked allowing the item from going on the Annual Mtg. agenda. Member meeting, member motion, even endorsed by the Attorney- blocked by this status-quo obsessed bunch so fearful of progress.
As has been said, Annette's telling members lies and using inappropriate means to do so. Stolen mailing list and a bad attitude. She longs for a big enforcement structure enforcing her new "neat 'n tidy" rules, lighting restrictions, and loves that tree toppin'.
I understand concerns from both sides (J-Place and people west of J-Place). I understand and support the purpose and need for NECESSARY HOA covenants. I do NOT understand RIGID enforcement is UNNECESSARY when it obviously does NOT meet the purpose and need and greatly oppresses people. Oppression and suppression is NOT right. We need Board Members who understand and care about people west of J-Place.
ReplyDeleteCox, I would lay off of the Annette remarks, here you go again, lying to cover your ego! She has done nothing wrong so far and you are incorrect about a new trustee who has vocally expressed getting rid of the HOA more than once! I would support my friend much more than anything you have to say Mr. know it all! Go home to Olympia and run that HOA!
ReplyDeleteIt’s called living with the covenants Cox! Why did you buy here if you are so rudely opposed to them! Now I will wait for your 10 paragraph rant!
ReplyDeleteHe has had it in for her ever since he said she accosted him at the chipper site last year! We all know that was not true, but since he is living in la la land his information about her lot development up on J Place he posted was not true. All she wanted was an explanation, he got defensive, enough said! Surprise, he got the information from Larry one of our new trustees just elected! People have short memories!
ReplyDeleteCox has never gotten his facts right because he doesn't believe in facts
ReplyDeleteThe only thing Cox believes in is orange man bad