
Monday, May 13, 2019

What the members expect

Not what they get....

From my observations and talking with members, what most expect and want from the association are:

Affordable dues and assessments.
Essential services such as water and garbage.
Enforcement of speeding limits.
Neat homes and lots.
A Board whose main function is to set policy.
Fair treatment and respect for everyone.
A few common sense enforceable covenants.
Maintain the common property member assets.
Abide by all governing regulations.
Employ competent employees.
Full information and electronic voting.

What most do not want:

Out of control spending with no accountability.
Anonymous complaints.
Committees stacked with Board members.
Excessive covenants.
Covenants poorly written and subject to interpretation.
Board members and committee members who put their own self interest ahead of members.

I am sure there are more of what members want and don't want.
The Board and committees need to focus on what the members want, not what they want.
First step might be to poll the members.  We all might be in for a surprise, including me.
We are an association of people first.  We should be what they want, like it or not.   


  1. There is always room for improvement, but I'm happy overall?

  2. I purchased because of the covenants not in spite of them and I live in an area that has no tree limits as does the blog host.

    I would like to see the assessments go down, but other than that, I have no complaints.

    Surfside, for me, is a beautiful place and I get along with my neighbors, but I subscribe to "Live and let live"

  3. Complaints aren't anonymous. No matter how many it is said otherwise.

  4. The reason most committees are " stacked " with Board members is because regular members do not volunteer. And spare me the tired rhetoric that they are subjected to insults or ignored. We're all adults here and don't have to put up with that. Man (or woman) up and get in their face if they do.

  5. The only reason that committees appear " stacked " with Board members is that us ordinary members refuse to serve. And spare me the tired rhetoric about being subjected to abuse if we do. Man or woman up and get in their face and say you won't take it.

  6. You can say that again!

  7. The reason the board appears stacked is because it is. Hand picked, pre- selected, and pushed through on the proxy. Watched it.

    As to participation - those who have been ridiculed for such wacky ideas, like a review of the covenants, or electronic balloting don't come back for more abuse. Big surprise.

  8. Committee's and proxies have absolutely nothing to do with each other. You don't know what you are talking about. Board member participation (within boundaries) can/should result in information making it back to the full board quickly and more accurately. Served on a few committee's and ad hoc committee's in my time.

  9. 849 - You are totally correct. Committes and proxies have nothing to do with each other.

    Now to correct your total misinterpretation - Where is the word committee in my statement? It doesn't exist. Please work on your reading comprehension.

    It is my belief that the election was stacked last year, using proxies to hand select the candidate. You may disagree, your right, but the operation of this association stinks like fish rotting in the sun. Two ways to address that - clear out the Board, or disband.

  10. I admit that I misread your post. Please admit that you threw a comment in about the board when the last few comments were about committees. And you can't clear out the board with three additions yearly. As for disbanding who would want to take over our sorry infrastructure and pending or future lawsuits?

  11. What's the difference? The Board controls the committee's and calls all the shots. Example: electronic balloting. The Committee turned out to be a bad joke, smothered by the Board.

    Disbanding is a last resort, but I have big problems being compelled to belong to an association that has no ethics. Sometimes the last resort is the only option.

  12. Our country is governed by a man (term used loosely) with no ethics. I'm forced to remain a citizen unless I choose to move.

  13. Anonymous said...
    Complaints aren't anonymous. No matter how many it is said otherwise.

    May 13, 2019 at 7:18 PM

    It's true that complaints aren't anonymous, each complaint must be signed by the originator. However, they are not made public so the accused do not know who originated the complaint against them.

  14. just like you and me "anonymous"
