
Thursday, May 16, 2019

Board Meeting Agenda

Sat. May 18, 2019  (I think MT. St. Helen's erupted on this date)

Surfside Homeowners Association
Regular Board Meeting
May 18, 2019 at 9:00 a.m.

Call to Order - Regular Board Meeting-G. Williams
Roll Call-Establish Quorum
Adopt the May 18, 2019 Agenda
Safety Message G. Williams
Deputy Sheriff’s Report
Approve Minutes of the April 20, 2019
Member comments (20 Minutes)

Old Business
Status of the Woolridge violation.

New Business
Introduction of candidates for the Board of Trustees
Audit presentation: Jim Lanzarotta, Moss Adams via Phone at 10:00 AM
Adopt resolution__2019.05-01 approving the purchase of a replacement Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) for the ATEC, at the water treatment plant.
Approve the agreement with Janet Corey, serving as the Election Committee Chairperson
Appeal of requirement to modify lighting from Joseph Rudy, 34600F Pl.
Request for a variance to the height requirements from James Lewis owner 35410 J Pl. to con-struct a home at a height of 38 feet above the center of the road (3 feet above the maximum height allowed by the covenants in this area.
Discussion regarding potential requests for water service outside but nearby Surfside and specif-ically a request from Crystal and Joel Blair 29401 L Ln., Ocean Park.
Proposed changes to the Governing documents from Michael Riley
Request regarding conservation rate.

Incoming Correspondence
Outgoing Correspondence
Meetings & Contacts

Staff, Trustee & Committee Reports
Nominating Committee report
Election committee report
Water Department: Water System Manager report- Bill Neal
Water System Planning Committee-Jim Flood how much of the packet?
Treasurer’s Report (R. Turner)
Compactor Report (C. Chandler) x
Architectural Committee (S. Winegar)
Community Relations Committee (A. deLeest)


  1. Gary Williams can't follow the old agenda format, he sure won't be able to follow this one. Is this what 85,000 gets us? The old business manager is looking better all the time.

  2. The old business manager was a glorified secretary at an extremely high rate of pay and benefits. What does that get us.
