
Sunday, May 12, 2019

A Failed Surfside

Past time for legal action....

I am not a lawyer, just an old guy with many years of life experience, mostly good, and some not so good. During my 15 years here in Surfside, I have tried to contribute to the community as much as I could.  In all my years, the disrespectful treatment that I have endured and seen others endure here, is the worst in my life time.  I used to joke that it must be something in the water.  As it continues to get worse, it no longer is a joking matter.

I and others who are much smarter and experienced and skilled than I, will not serve or be associated with this organization.  Over the years I have seen highly skilled members withdraw from participating because of the disrespect they received.  We have members who are highly skilled with professional experience and won't help because of the political climate. Anyone who dares to question the status quo are insulted and disrespected.

Volunteer members have tried to make a difference by working within the system for improvements and changes that will benefit all members.  Time and again they have been frustrated in their attempts.  The time has come to take legal actions against the association and those who continue to violate our governing documents as well as Federal, State and County laws.  It takes money to fight in the legal system. We need a member legal fund in place to start legal actions.  It is beyond my ability to do this, but there must be some members out there that do have the ability. I would donate to such a fund.  I know that there are others.

If we as members don't do something now, this association is going away.  That is more and more, looking like a good thing.


  1. Sorry to have to agree, George

    We either need to take the association back from the special interests, or force it out of business.

    I realize that many of you may have put significant time into SHOA over the years, and will be reluctant to part with that investment. To this I ask you - is this the association we joined? I have been here since 2002, and can say with authority it is not!

    We have been captured by special interests, and we need to either take it back, or render it powerless to affect our lives.

  2. Who is trying to it make better? Bot just killing shoa, one fine at a time, n its not over yet.

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. The disrespect you get on this blog is well earned. Anyone still supporting this organization as is is either board member, a syncophant, or has a special interest. You are relentless in callng people out with name calling, insults, and downright meanness.

    Get ready to take some of what you hand out, you mean old B.

  5. Yes lawyers are expensive, but if you get away from this blog things are not so bad. I have been here sense 2002 also, but don't have the problems you all have because I guess I just don't bother anyone and hopefully they will stay the f*ck away from me...….

  6. I've submitted resolutions for the July 2019 Member Meeting. The BOT has not responded. We'll see if they ignore me and the rules once again. I'll be sending them in again and reference Robert's Rules of Order since the governing documents don't spell out the process in detail.

  7. With sadness and respect I say the following. Mean, nasty, selfish, elitists, agitators, obfuscaters, bullies have abused anonymity.
    Some have even tried to bring politics up against me while being anonymous of course. Yes I am liberal. I'm proud of it and will always stand up for myself. The latest person called me a leftist, trying to slander me that much more.
    Now the anonymous attacks against me will begin.

  8. I will take the lead on this one. The good news is that we may be able to leverage the mediations terms of the governing documents to avoid a big expense.

  9. Slander is verbal and I'm supposing the comments were rather libel if you can prove malicious intent and not merely a difference of opinion.

    What, pray tell, do the special interests gain?

    What do the quitters achieve by taking their ball(s) and going home instead of continuing to fight?

    When you sue SHOA you sue yourself. Raise a pile of cash for an attorney (no contingencies) and then have the Board defend itself with your own money and possibly a special assessment to pay for it.

    Every year there is a sense of ecstasy by some that the new Board will be the savior and shortly thereafter they are more of the same scum as before. Mind you these are your neighbors. I won't use the term friends because if we had to post our names while vilifying them they would cease to consider you a friend.

    The blog adds to the misery here. It may have started with good intentions but that ceased to be the case a decade ago.

  10. Yep, ignorance is bliss.

  11. Riiiight. The host talks about disrespect while allowing it here on a daily basis. Not only allows, encourages and condones it. Along with that he has put a large amount of disrespect towards Trustees, volunteers and others as well and has take some responsibility too. To say otherwise is like putting lipstick on a pig.

    And to say in all of your years, with what all has gone on in the world during that time, the worst is here is laughable.

  12. Yeah, right, the blog loses respect from people that never gave it any in the first place! What utter self serving crap!

    Opposing viewpoints lose a lot when the promote activities which are so obviously contrary to public good, supporting only a small percentage of the membership.

  13. Last December Surfside president Gary Williams announced in the Surf-In-sider, that the community was doing great, and the BOT was just working hard to continue our community's good standing with regulatory agencies. At that time, the HOA had been in big trouble with County, State and Federal regulatory agencies since August. The HOA had cut checks for $45,000 in Asbestos abatement, paid $27,000 in fines, been issued a "Stop-work" order for building in a wetland, and was cooperating with a Federal criminal investigation by the EPA.

    The Tree Comm. is busily trashing our community, churning out violation notices based on INCHES over the randomly set limits, 53 sent out this month. The Architectural Comm. said "hey, we want some of that enforcement action", and their wish came true - the BOT approved a covenant change limiting (what ?) Shed Roofs !! They literally pulled this one out their backside. Who the hell would have thought limiting shed eaves could be so much fun ?

    We've yet to hear any real accounting for what legal issues have been dealt with, at what cost, what is on-going with the EPA, can we negotiate issues at the Waterworks, and stay at the current location ? No sense of responsibility to the members, no apparent plan to avoid the same mistakes, no accounting by those most responsible.

    Respect is earned. What we see here is a great deal of disrespect for common sense, and who is being served in this community. This focus on arbitrary enforcement efforts that do NOTHING to improve the community, but are intended to intimidate is some bad juju, and only creates ill-will and distrust.

    Raggedy though it often is, the Blog has been the only source of truth in the community, and surely resulted in getting the Chinook Observer's attention. The BOT is mum - too worried about their own behinds to speak honestly about the mess the community has been in. Bad management and bad policies reflect on everyone who volunteers. When the president lies to the membership, it makes the entire HOA look fraudulent.
