What you can do...
There are 3 candidate boxes to check. You are instructed to vote for no more than 3 persons.
There are 4 lines for write in candidates. (oops)
I suggest that you do not vote for any of the candidates as you know they are sure to be elected. I suggest that you write in 3 candidate names. I am not implying that any of the candidates would not be acceptable. I think all 3 are.
I plan to check all the No boxes.
VOTE FOR 70-604 ELECTION to apply unexpended 20 __ revenue to the reserve fund
I guess we are supposed to write in the year we want the excess funds applied. I think 2020 would be good. ABSTAIN? What the hell is this?
If this is an improved proxy ballot, I just don't see it. Of course this is all just my opinion, but, just about the only right I have left.
Here is the proxy:
George, I think this is an improved proxy ballot. What’s important is that everyone who can’t show up submits a proxy.
ReplyDelete— It’s very clear who you are (or are not) voting for and you can mark NO if you don’t want your proxy voting for you.
— If you don’t like any candidates, you can write-in someone else - or vote for nobody. Just keep in mind, the Board can appoint whoever it wants to fill vacancies.
— You clearly vote YES or NO on moving end of year budget underrun (surplus) funds to the reserves. I agree ABSTAINING is kind of silly; you either want to see it applied to next year’s budget (reducing Member apportionments) or see it go into the reserve fund. Why abstain?
— Voting on OTHER MATTERS is VERY important - DON’T leave the Proxy Designation blank, unless you are OK with having the Board vote for you on any floor motions that may arise.
— Remember, this is a Member Meeting - so any Member can make a motion from the floor to initiate a vote. Members have more power at this meeting than any other time of the year - Trustees have no more power than any other Member.
— Be sure to complete the Proxy Designation by entering your own name first and then entering the name of a person you designate to be your voice and VOTE at the meeting.
— Be sure to DATE and SIGN the form before you send it in.
We need you to attend the meeting in person or by sending your proxy. Even if you don’t want to vote for any of the candidates, your vote can have a big impact on other changes. For example, we can vote to change the Bylaws to allow electronic voting or to take control of the Covenants away from the Board and place them in control of the Members. We can vote to remove Trustees from the Board. We can vote to reduce the number of Trustees. We can vote to eliminate committees. Almost anything you dislike about Surfside can be changed in a floor vote by a majority of the Members (present or their proxy).
The MAJORITY of Members are not fulltime residents of Surfside. So, if all part-timers send in a designated proxy ballot, we can make seeeping changes. Your vote and proxy are very important.
I would encourage ALL our membership to vote! I’m sorry to see this right taken lightly by some on the Blog. We have 3 excellent candidates that have come forward to volunteer their time and expertise to help Surfside maintain and operate the Association. There is a lot of work to be done here and most trustees spend their time here attending meetings both Surfside as well as county and state to make sure we have input into decisions being made that affect all of us here. First is Chris Chandler who is a Vietnam veteran, pilot and retired nuclear Engineer with construction oversight experience as well as computer program design development. Next is Mark Scott. Mark has proven he is a huge asset to Surfside! He works with various city, county, state and federal agencies. He has worked locally with WSU to develop a method to monitor pesticides and herbicides in water adjacent to cranberry bogs. He understands wetlands, water sheds, soil testing, hydrology, and much much more. He is currently Senior GIS Analyst for Pacific County Department of Public Works. He is familiar with government regulations and serves as our liaison with many agencies to monitor and protect our lakes, waterways and beaches. Our last candidate is Rudd Turner. He is also a Hydrologist . Rudd comes with experience as he has served on several previous boards. He has volunteered with the HeadStart program as well as served as Skamania County Hospital District Commissioner. So please exercise your right to vote! Fill in your Proxy and put it in the prepaid envelop and send it in!
Annette de Leest
You mean three handpicked candidates. Who else would want to accept responsibility for past decisions. And get a kind word from deleast. Lawsuits n bankruptcy is all I see at this point.
ReplyDeleteAnnette is correct on her comments about the candidates work experience. Unfortunately, that does not mean that they will be an acceptable board trustee. She failed to get enough candidates for the members to have a choice. Three candidate for three positions is not a choice.
ReplyDeleteAnnette has failed the pledge that she signed
on the oath of office that she would consider all matters of the Board in an impartial manner or perform the duties of the office of Trustee of the association according to law and the Bylaws of the Association.
A review of her voting record and her willingness to accept and support unlawful actions by the board, does not support her campaign promises or oath of office. Her record supports that she has not acted or voted in an impartial manner.
She has become a part of the problem, not the solution. In a short time we will be able to judge the new board trustees, not on their words, but rather their actions.
Write in George Miller as an alternative. I for one who like to see how many votes he can garner. It won't affect the final results but will send a message to the Board that Blog members are not to be trifled with.
ReplyDeleteI am going to write in Steve Cox and George. If a vacancy occurs, they would only have to serve for less than a year. I think they both would be willing to serve for a short time, in the best interest of Surfside. Think I will also write in Deb Blagg. Talk about a message this would send.
ReplyDeleteConsidering the circumstances, the best course of action would be for all members to refuse to vote. Zero votes received or less than a quorum would best send the message that the members don't like what the hell is going on.
ReplyDeleteThose who are encouraging voting have an agenda that is not representative of the majority in Surfside. The majority does not want dangerously tall trees, numerous and hideous additions to storage sheds or RV's on lots year around in high wind areas.
We also do not want incompetent people running our association!
DeleteIn other words, keep the status quo. You would like to think that is what the majority of members want. In your dreams, fool
ReplyDeleteIn other words, send a message that will truly be heard, zero votes. The minority who wants changes will soon find that their desired changes are not representative of the majority of members. If they slam through some of their proposed changes at the annual meeting, there will be a backlash that they have not considered.
ReplyDeleteThe current board members and their suspect "candidates" have done a bang up job of demonstrating that they are not up to the job. It is going to take a calamity to get rid of this riff raff.
No fair minded and intelligent person would want to serve on the Surfside Board at this time. The HOA is a hot mess in so many ways. Don't vote to prevent the continuation of the poor management that has marked at least the past 10 years.
ReplyDeleteIf you are not happy with the leadership of the Board, then make a floor motion during the Annual Meeting to remove any or all of them and conduct a vote. If some or all are voted out, then be prepared to nominate/elect people to serve on an interim basis until the next election. You don’t have to have a 9-person Board; the governing documents only require 3 Trustees. Surely there are three people in Surfside who can be trusted to act in the best interests of the entire Membership?! Another election doesn’t have to wait until next year - it can happen when voting on the 2019 budget vote or by a special election. If you want change, you have to make it happen!
ReplyDeleteThanks, Deb!
DeleteYour thanking an individual who has decided to flee from serving on the board after giving it a try for a few months. Spare us the hypocrisy.
ReplyDeleteGeez Kirby (10:15) you really are an evil little troll!
ReplyDeleteWhat a load of B.S. Hand picked? you must be thinking of the last election and the work Patrick did.
ReplyDeleteI've seen this over the years. Members that are willing to step up and volunteer for the board and/or committees get crucified here by people that don't have anything better to do then sit back and complain. Now you got Blagg
wanting to remove people she don't agree with. I'm sure as a child she was the type who would leave and take her ball home from the playground if she didn't get her way.
Blagg is not capable of removing Trustees. However, I can make a motion and we can all see what the Members want. If they are satisfied with this Board, then so be it.
DeleteSadly, the worst kind of individuals appear to be attracted to serving on the board: the axe grinders, the self interested, the power mad, the popularity hungry, the fools and tell me what I left out. One more time, this is why we need a competent and well paid General Manager. We need someone who can stand up to the pressures that some of the manipulative and low integrity board members now feel free to wield.
ReplyDeleteSure Deb. Nice double speak there.
ReplyDeleteSo you and the rest of your part time pals what to remove people who volunteer and actually show up to work for this HOA. Those of us who care enough to vote and live here more than most of you are left with the mess while you pack up your trailer and head off into the sunset. Notice nobody got up at the last years meeting asking for Patrick, George or Larry to be removed. That's because unlike you and your like we respect the voting process. Who is acting like the "Mafia" now?
Your crap specifically your attacks on Deb, are unworthy of a human being, to say nothing of a Surfside member.
DeleteCongratulations everyone! We now have another annual election facing us that has a pre determined outcome. I see another year of illegalities, litigation, and raised dues.
12:15 then why aren't you running??? Let me guess lol
ReplyDeleteWho wants to sit next to you? A stroke isn’t worth it.
ReplyDeleteIn case it hasn't been noted, the small group supporting the BOT is saturating the blog with name calling and attempts to harass those who support a change. Don't be fooled, it is only two or three folks saturating the inputs. It is not a number of folks. Right Kirby?
ReplyDeleteYeah right! One fat guy and two of his friends with nothing to do but sit at a computer 24 hours a day are making all the comments that you object to 1:52.
ReplyDeleteDon't be tricked by the few and loud troublemakers who are pressing to achieve changes that benefit only themselves. I wish that I had kept count of the number of times that my own or my friends comments have been attributed to Kirby, a board member or the friends of a board member.
For most members, it is not a matter of supporting the board. Most members know that those who want to serve on the board usually have a personality problem or a personal cause to push. For most, it is a matter of trusting in the association to do the things that are promised in the governing documents. Why else buy property in a homeowner's association?
A reread of the comments on this blog would reveal that the name calling has been thrown back and forth by many who comment no matter what side of an argument is being presented. Think about all the comments that you remember that were deleted as well. The blog host has prejudices that compel many of the deletions therefore diminishing the arguments of members who don't agree with him.
Use your heads, think carefully through the issues, be fair in considering the best interests of the majority of the members in this association. Then speak up and vote.
Remember the movie where the kid saw dead people everywhere. This place is like that. When anyone says anything against the board agenda people see Kirby (or a board member), everywhere.