
Monday, June 18, 2018

Give yourself the right to vote!

Important motions for the Annual Meeting......How to vote your proxy

As is the policy of the Blog Host, I am pleased to post material here from any source. The only qualifications are that they must disclose their identity to me, but can do so under Anonymous with that identity known to me. The content is never edited.

The two (2) motions listed here certainly have my support and should also be favorable to most of the members.  These motions are really what makes voting important.  I was not interested in voting until I was recently aware of these motions.  Make sure you designate Deb Blagg to vote on any other matters.  She will cast your vote in favor of these two motions and others if needed.  You can expect that there will be an illegal attempt by some on the Board to block these motions.
Give Yourself the right to vote.    Share this information with your friends and neighbors.

Click on each page to enlarge: 

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  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. If people have to be talked into running for the board they are not my kind of candidate. A write in candidate is merely one that was too lazy to fill out the candidate packet in the first place. It takes very little time and as long as you are current in the payment of your dues you're guaranteed a slot. Since the ballots won't list a write in name it's doubtful they could garner enough votes anyway. So I say to you Martin, no thanks to your possible candidate.

  3. I agree with 11:51. Don't understand all of this talk concerning write in candidates. Most of those who are saying as much, not aimed at you personally Martin, are doing so just to be silly and spiteful.

  4. I did not remove my above comment because of the arrogant comments above. The person is going to wait until they retire so they can spend 100% in to being a responsible board member. I can remember two that were write ins and were on the board until they did not want any more to do with it.

  5. My comment (11:51 AM) was not arrogant in the least Martin. Members have ample time to decide whether they want to take on the responsibility of running for the Board and taking on the work load that goes with it. Simple fact.
