
Saturday, June 16, 2018


Proxy ballots received... Important Update 6/17/2018

The Surf-in-Sider Directory under the heading SUMMER 2018 Activity/Event Calendar, states July 9th as the Annual Membership Meeting and Picnic. This is a Monday, and false. The actual meeting is on July 14, 2018, a Saturday.

I received a large envelope in the mail Friday which contained the News Letter and proxy ballot.
First thing that got my attention was the one dollar cost of the postage.  Add to that the cost of the envelope, printing of the color News Letter, return postage of 47 cents and upgraded slick paper ballot, and I would estimate a total cost of nearly two dollars.

The News Letter it's self contained little information and what there was, contained information that was not fully accurate.   The listing of the Board of Trustees and their areas of responsibility is only good for less than a month.  This will change after the July election and assignments for new Board members. The list of officers will also change.

In my opinion, the news letter would serve the members much better if it was published in August with current information that would be accurate. It could contain information on the Annual meeting and a real listing of the Board and the assignments.  It could and should be done in black and white and mailed at the bulk rate postage.

The proxy ballot could be mailed first class in a business envelope. Doing the two items I have suggested, would be a real cost saving.

I found the News Letter to be a disappointment for both what it contained, and what it did not.
Hopefully new eyes and minds elected to the Board will bring a fresh look at the governance and management of our association. Don't hold your breath.


  1. Perhaps the Board should reconsider my motion to put the proxy ballot on the SHOA website and promote it in the Weekender up to the weekend of the Annual Meeting.

    Ask yourself why 4 Trustees voted against my motion (Williams, Flood, Winegar & deLeest) and 2 Trustees made the cowardly choice to abstain from voting (Clancy & Scott)? As usual, Johansen, Raymer and I were voted down. Now knowing the calendar in the Surf-n-Sider has publicized the WRONG DATE for the meeting is unbelievable. Trust me, this Board will do everything in its power to keep the faction in control of Surfside - by withholding information on the website and even lying about the date of the meeting.

    This is the Board we have elected. We can change this with a floor motion to VOTE THEM OUT at the ANNUAL MEETING ON JULY 14th.

  2. Deb's dreams of her personal takeover of the HOA with the removal of all currently serving trustees is scary. While I do not think that the current board is doing a commendable job, we need trustees who represent all constituencies and concerns in Surfside. Blagg has a narrow view to deliver new privileges that benefit who ---- herself.

    1. More utter garbage. More personal attacks on Deb.

      Sorry, but your agenda is showing.

  3. There you have it people, Ms. Blagg's true intent.

    Her and Patrick couldn't get the board they wanted last year even after an unheard of effort put in by both of them during the lead up to the election with the door to door and flyer campaign just to name a few. Now since nobody they like is running they want to try a coup by removing Trustees who were put there by the majority of people who cared enough to actually vote.

    So again, tell me how they are working for the members and are not just as vengeful as some make the others Trustees out to be.

  4. You are completely looney. As RV owners, they would like fewer restrictions on their property use, but the only way these standards can be changed is by gaining the support of homeowners who understand their viewpoint. These matters have not been subject to proposals by Blagg, and not by Johansen in at least a year and a half.

    Meanwhile, the rest of the BOT is blatantly violating our covenants by making decisions in secret, outside of official meetings, harassing RV owners with bogus compliance issues, and spending vast sums of member funds on pitiful legal efforts to destroy these owners financially.

    There is obvious wrong-doing on the part of the president and his "yes" people, and that will continue under William's direction. There is no excuse for these Trustees trying to purge the BOT of any dissent. That is what this is about, and it is a serious dis-service to the community. The same folks are failing to properly manage our legal expenses, monitor pipe disposal, operate transparently, tell the truth, and show respect for all sectors of the community.

    There is no plan by Johansen or Blagg to "take over the Board". Patrick has bought property elsewhere, and Blagg is not running for election. You just don't know "scary" when it's right before your eyes.

    1. Scary is what we have now, people.The BOT continues to take us down a dark hole, with no resolution in sight.
      More dues, more litigation, more money out of our pockets.

  5. While not agreeing with much of their agenda I commend them or anyone else who goes to the effort of canvassing by ANY means. Just as I comment the Jehovah Witnesses for the depths of their faith to go door to door to save souls. And I'm an atheist by the way.

  6. Well 10:04, I guess you don't know how to read. She had hinted before and is now said above she plans on making a motion to remove Trustees at the yearly meeting. So I stand by what I said. They couldn't get the board their way by votes or candidates they want so their the ones that are trying to, as you say, purge. So I might be looney as you say but at least I don't live in Fantasy Land.
