While the Board chooses to hide behind expensive lawyers, which the members are paying for, the members are trying to find out what is happening. I have received numerous documents and Emails that a concerned member has obtained under the Freedom Of Information Act (FOIA). To obtain information as this member has, takes a considerable amount of time, and is not an easy task. In some instances, there are search fees, which the member has paid out of his own pocket.
The information being presented here could be published by the association and would serve the members in providing informative information which easily could answer the question of "Where are we now?". Disclosing the truth quells rumors and false information. The obtained information here, is from Pacific County.
The documents below and others show a stream of Emails back and forth between the County and former Board Trustee, James Clancy. At present, Mr. Clancy serves on the Lands and Buildings Committee. It was Mr. Clancy who took on the responsibility for the Carbon Filter Plant. Contrary to common belief, It was not Bill Neal. Mr. Clancy was also the responsible person in construction and location of the new Water Warehouse, not Mr. Neal. That being said, by contract between North Beach and Surfside, the responsible party should have been North Beach and Bill Neal. This all indicates a dysfunctional Board.
What is holding us up now, and waiting to be resolved is..."wetland delineation impacts"
Note below under Notes: "Installed without permit"
Also note under Comments/Notes, "Hold for Variance App. and mitigation plan"
This is where we are today....ON HOLD...
Fees and fines have been paid, and the pole building has been approved, but all is dependent on resolving the wet land issues. Contrary to statements being made, this is not a done deal and is not moving along. I suspect that flushing the carbon, or not flushing, is due to the non permitted holding pond located in the wet lands.
I hope this all works out for us. If it doesn't, it could really be bad. This with the criminal investigation, shows what a miserable failure our Board has become. They need to resign or all be removed.
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This is a real head-scratcher. It's hard to know what to say about such blatantly foolish actions. The letter was sent to Clancy 8 months ago, and nothing more has been accomplished ? Did Clancy think he had the clout to move this Surfside project forward without having first secured the permits? Apparently so. As a member of bldgs./lands comm. he has no independent authority, unless granted by the committee, and presumably should have been consulting the BOT at large. Did Williams give the "go-ahead" ?
With our CTP unpermitted, it is surely not long until the plant is shut down entirely. It has not been properly set-up or maintained - our 1/2 million dollar toy. The membership deserves answers, but we have no member will power to demand answers, while our dues are being spent at will on legal support. With Clancy key in the failed permitting, it is clear that the HOA BOT IS indeed in the middle of the failure.
Who negotiated the purchase of the Plant ? Were there irregularities in that process ? We know that there was an insistence by some on the BOT or Water Comm. that this particular plant be purchased, in spite of reports of it giving poor performance.
Mr. Clancy was a Board trustee at the start of this project. In looking at many Emails between the County and Mr. Clancy, I noted that most included a copy to Williams and Neal. Mr. Clancy is known for sending correspondence on his own, without Board approval. I suspect that many Board members are seeing the information presented here, as the first time for them.
This does not get the other Board members entirely off the hook, such as I didn't know. They lacked the effort to ask questions and demand information. Much like they continue to do today. In defense of Mr. Clancy, no one else would step up and be willing to do any work. By doing nothing or not knowing does not alleviate them of responsibility also.
Every Board that I've sat on would have removed Mr Clancy from the Board for
dereliction of duty for his actions. Especially him being on the Building/Lands Comm.
Mr. Flood would also fit in that category. Resign your position if you cannot show up! Phone in every month should be cause for dismissal.
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