
Sunday, August 16, 2020

Danger Signs


This Board just does not get it. We are in a pandemic and economic slowdown like we have not seen since  the Great Depression.  They seem to think that because we are financially OK today, it will continue next year. The majority of dues and assessments for this year of 2020, were paid before the economic crash.  The Country is running now on a false economy.   We should be preparing for the worst case for next year. 

The majority of our members who own property re not full time residents with their primary priority is their full time homes. They may not be able to pay their dues and assessments next year, or may defer payment for a year or two.  We can expect that they will pay their property taxes first. 

Surfside needs to show that they are aware of the members situation and take steps to show fiscal responsibility.  If we do that, the members are more apt to pay.  We should reduce the budget by 20%.  We do not need to engage the service of Pacific County Sheriff.  We do not ne3ed additional hires. We should suspend pipe replacment  and additional "loop" work.  We should reduce the present work force.  Suspend any new work projects.  We need to stop spending right now, anything that is not essential.  Any savings we make now can offset next years budget.

We really need professional management ....



  1. Totally agree George. Pacific County has reduced their budget and staff and so has Pierce County.
    Start investing our money into the roads, trails, parks, clean out the lake and canal, those are just retention ponds. So much over growth in them.
    Stop the political bullshit. Since when does a HOA give a crap about fences, sheds, lights, RVs on property??
    This is all County and code enforcement. They pick their battles. Travis told me the HOA was asking him to help them Good Luck.
    And why are those members whose terms are up still on the board?? Run the board without them.

    1. Washington State Constitution article 1 and 16 states that, “no private property” (trees) “shall be taken or damaged for public or private use without just compensation having been first made” has anyone been compensated for the damage to their trees?

  2. Professional Management left the building over 12 years ago. What's left is a cesspool of self-interest, amorality, and unbridled ego.

    Why is a board supported that won't even follow their own rules? This Association just needs to go.


  3. Re: August 16, 2020 at 6:11 PM

    Is absolutely correct, thanks for finally acknowledging it.

    1. It would be great if we could do it. Will you help get signatures for a special meeting for a vote?

  4. I hope members look carefully at how the BOT is handling our money. I personally don’t think this is the time to commit over $100,000.00 to have county deputy coverage here part time. It’s time to give the trees a rest and evidently lights too as I see new non-compliance complaints. Surfside needs to take a step back as all of us are doing in our personal lives!
    I urge you to watch the Saturday meeting on Facebook. Especially the second part when Clancy weighs in about candidates for the board!

  5. It's important that candidates think like they do, are in lockstep, and don't rock the boat.

    This is a boat that badly needs rocking. If that doesn't work, sink it.

  6. $100,000 for part time! Absolutely ridiculous. This amount of money being spent should be put before the members on the ballot. Start letting the members decide how to spend our money.
    Start tsking better are of the right of ways....trim the bushes and trees on these right of ways that do not belong to the property owners.
    Start cutting the trails back a little better. Improve the central play areas and improve the overgrown brush in the retention ponds.

  7. I agree everyone. Ronda, will you run for the board?

  8. In reply to 2:51, not as long as Clancy is on the board. But thoughts have crossed my mind, just not this year.
    6:14, it sounded like the board was set on hiring the sheriff. They have a special meeting set up, it will be all done before the September meeting, you watch.

  9. Ronda, all the more reason to run!

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. One thing that's really needed is an office manager who actually does their job.

  12. I cannot understand how the board can pass a vote for $100,000. Shouldn't the owners here decide on something that is so much money that it will increase our dues? We need to take back our rights! The only way for change is to get involved.

  13. Join
    In the Surfside or Ocean Park area.
    See George Miller's blog at:
    It is FREE.
    It will give you opportunity to see the damage that has been done by this board.

  14. Interesting note, both Biggs and Corbin complaints about their trees, include the problem of blocking views to members on J Place! Does it state anywhere in our By-laws or Covenants that views are guaranteed? I don’t think so!
    By the way no idea of the ruling on the appeals as they’re not on the meetings video!

  15. Joanne, please keep making note of the inconsistencies. It will form a stronger case for dissolution.

  16. Awesome. It's time for voluntary dissolution!

  17. The only way dissolution is even a vague possibility is through an authorized mailing to ALL Surfside owners, outlining the case for dissolution, as well as offering a statement against, and including a ballot form to vote.

    Personally, I would be shocked if there would be any more response than the usual feeble response to solicitations to vote in annual elections.

    There were only about 300 candidates /votes cast last election, less than the year before by about 75. Each year the J Place/BOT pick candidates are elected, perpetuating the ugly status conscious social stratification, of ridgetop owners calling all of the shots, often in closed session meetings.

    The current active voters are not about to approve of a dissolution proposal. Why you think otherwise is a mystery to me. Who believes this ? Mike Riley and who else ? It just isn't logically possible, unless suddenly, hundreds of members who never vote, decide to vote for dissolution.

    The Surfside BOT would have to agree to put this on a ballot, and send out the mailing at the HOA's expense. Okay, these are the same people who will be deposed, should this measure to dissolve be approved. Does it seem likely they will agree to send out ballots for voting on dissolution ? I don't think so.

    A group of Surfside owners could pool together to pay for a community-wide mailing, but without the HOA's sanction, the BOT may choose to call an approval vote invalid, or conversely, many owners wouldn't vote because they don't believe it will be considered valid. So such a large mailing would cost at least a dollar per mailing, and printing costs and labeling/addressing another cost.

    Then beyond that, WHO would orchestrate the dissolution ? We have millions of dollars worth of property and the Water Dept. to sell off, and this would not happen quickly, as well as the trust factor being non-existent in the community. I think this is an impossible feat, and just a pipe-dream.

    1. Cox wants names. Not just mine.
      It doesn't matter what I believe only. It's about what the community believes.
      It's also about how we want to try to make change. That's right Cox, I said "we".
      I have no regrets about asking the BOT in writing to put it on last year's Annual Meeting agenda. After all Cox, you get to talk about me forever now. What have you asked the BOT in writing to do Cox? You talk big tough guy on this blog. We all read your drivel on this blog.

  18. You are going to have these same problems until the Clancy’s, Olds, De Lee’s, and Willliams are no longer in the community. Clancy May propose $100k for the Sheriff but he also budgeted $300k to basically just redraw the lines in the RV storage lot. Spend, spend, spend!

  19. For those who want to do something such as try to call a special meeting for something, join the private and regulated blog

  20. 255 - you help perpetuate a system that emphasizes self interest and control, to the point of being totally unscrupulous. How do look in the mirror every day? These people are STEALING from us, using the organization for their personal gain ONLY.

    Steve Cox, you say dissolution is impossible. I say that ANY option must be looked at to get us out of the conundrum these people have put us in by hijacking our association.

  21. All it takes is money and a semi competent lawyer.

  22. 440 - I don't know what your first paragraph is talking about, except for the last sentence. I have no problem looking in the mirror every day. I just did. I guess I'm supposed to do nothing but whine on a blog.
    Opt in to WA RCW 64.90.
    Make governing documents amendments subject to a majority vote of the membership.
    I agree. Any option must be looked at.

  23. There is also one main and important reason why dissolution isn't an option. There are many, many people who live here who enjoy it and don't have the issues that most of you complain about.

    Instead of working for a dissolution, sell and move someplace that makes YOU happy.

  24. Nobody is working for dissolution. It's all talk. People like to complain, however more importantly people hate getting their money wasted, hate being lied to, and hate leadership violating laws and disrespecting them.
    You move.

  25. 2:55 (Mike)....I'm not trying to be a tough guy, so I don't know where you got that crap. That's nice that you have more than 2 people favoring dissolution. I know for certain that many owners oppose the current Board's agenda, and their obsession with controlling the dialogue on community issues.

    I personally do not want dissolution. You are welcome to pursue it all you like, but you choose to ignore ALL of my points regarding the unsurmountable hurdles to make it happen. Since most members who vote, vote for the board's favorite candidates, you will have to activate a few HUNDRED members who never vote or read Surfside publications, to come out of mothballs, and vote to dissolve the HOA.

    Then who decides what to do next ? Will there be a team of super heroes ? If a simple movement to promote some new progressive candidates can't materialize, why would hundreds of owners suddenly vote for chaos and Mike Riley ? You are in lala land. And no, we won't be talking about you forever as you imagine.

  26. Welcome to the Steve and Mike ego chat. A poor representation of surfside members.

  27. Give it a rest Cox. It's just talk. I'm not pursuing it Cox! This blog is just talk Cox. Get over it. Good grief!
