
Friday, August 14, 2020

August Board Meeting

Here we go again.  The second meeting of this illegal Board.  Bring in the clowns, part two.  You can view this meeting on Surfside Facebook at 9:00 am Saturday morning Aug. 15th. You can see for yourself a disfuntinal Board in operation. 


  1. The only real clowns I see are on here.

  2. Starting with you.

  3. 12:38....The Surfside covenants provide for an allowed range of Trustees, from 5 to 9. While the Pandemic restrictions have been a factor, there has been no sudden need for extending the terms expired by 3 of the Board members. 5 properly seated Trustees are enough to conduct business.

    It's obviously inappropriate for the Trustees whose terms have expired, to vote to extend their terms by at least 4 months. Surfside requires that Trustees be duly elected in a scheduled election, and THEY chose to delay the election. By doing so, they needed to accept the prescribed consequences of a 5 member Board.

    Thank you for your service, now GO AWAY ! You are not indispensable, even though you are control freaks. They are obsessed with controlling the discussion and agenda. Way more anxst than is necessary.

    1. Did you write the general manager or the board with that information like George and I did?
      I have to say. In my letter I didn't write anything that even remotely resembles your third paragraph.

  4. Funny, I fee the same about you Mr. Cox, no GO AWAY!

  5. Now I see why you only comment one line at a time. You can't even get one line right. You better get your wife to write your comment for you. That's the way I "fee" about it What a dumb dumb.

  6. @3:59, are you going to be the spelling patrol for all posts? Start with the original on this subject.

  7. It IS pretty hilarious when the commenter's only goal is to insult, but they won't identify themselves, and can't proofread or spell correctly in a comment of a dozen words. That's how I fee no.

  8. Mr Cox's post are well thought out and clearly get the point across. He points out issues and presents logic, reason, reasons and common sense. Nothing near that from the opposition.

  9. Put down the bottle Patty, you ran away when you couldn't get your way.

  10. I am curious to hear under old business, discussion about the IT Specialist Position! Any clue?

  11. In response to August 15, 2020 at 7:35 AM, excellent example of an worthless empty comment.

  12. We're making so much progress with this blog. Great work everyone!

  13. Where is the live feed of the board meeting? I fee they screwed up again.

  14. Can anyone find the sham regular board meeting on Facebook?
    They said nothing in the Weekender.
    I just emailed Tom, Gary, Scott, and Kurt asking where it is. I asked them why the August 14 Weekender says nothing about it.

    This is a good time to post on here. Clancy is occupied with the sham board meeting.

  15. What a shit show! Finally found the meeting and now can’t find it again after the break. IT Specialist hired after board discussion amongst themselves!

  16. You have to go to the members only page. Wow, they aren't broadcasting to the world anymore. Enough of us complained. Sorry for using the word "us". I have a tendency to not just think of myself. Then you have to email Kimber to get an invite.

    1. After the break the meeting is not streaming.

  17. There is absolutely no valid reason they can’t meet in the office. Distancing 6 ft apart wouldn’t be a problem as it’s a large building. This is not working. They could have on source to put the meeting out and not so many issues with contacts being lost ect! Not very transparent or easy to watch and not have input.

    1. That is how they want it. It can be done like Surf Pines Association does it. It's not rocket science. It doesn't have to be on Facebook. All it's takes is a virtual meeting.

  18. What a bunch of BS crap. So much for transparent. I can understand why they don't want anyone to see how spupid they are. Time to end this 8 member so called association. The more they do, the worst it becomes. With the new IT specialist, they can get rid of the so called General Manager.

  19. I guess we’re going to pay the county for services we already pay for in our taxes! I know of a lot of members disagree with this agreement, but only one side is controlling the whole process. I don’t think we can afford this contract anymore! I can’t imagine what our dues and assessments will be next year and you know our taxes will be going up!

    1. I agree. I read through the financial plan the other day. They put off replacing the cabanas until 2033. Damn it! That's another 13 years. I'll be 62 years old by then. They look like they were built in the 1970s. They removed the countertops. The fireplaces can't be used. Hell, they close them all down in the winter, which really pisses me off too.

  20. Was any reason given for hiring an IT specialist? Usually, Services of this type are contracted on an as-needed basis.

  21. That's pretty damn good wgen you have to go to the blog to find out how to watch the meeting, to only find out you can't. Clowns is to good a description for them. Idiots is more fitting. Unreal.

  22. To Patrick.

    You consider repeating the same comments over and over as being well thought out? Give me a break. Surprise you resisted putting "faction" in your comments. Congrats on the personal growth.

  23. Patrick, agreed!

    Bullies aren't welcome out here, Faction member or not! Keep your snarky BS to yourself.

  24. Patrick Johansen, just like herpes. When you think he's gone he shows up again!

  25. The meeting from 10:04 to 10:41 is in violation of RCW 64.38.035 (4).

  26. I wonder what other issue they're going to talk about in closed session. They wouldn't say. They said wait until closed session.

  27. I guess they're stalling to get everybody to give up and leave the meeting.

  28. I just sent Kimber an email asking what happened to the meeting. I told her Gary Williams said they were going to come back from closed session at 11:35 AM.

  29. When has Williams ever told the truth about anything? He doesn't want an annual meeting because he knows the members will remove his ass from the board. The common thread on this board is Williams. He is a disgrace to this HOA. He does all his dirty work behind closed doors in secret.

  30. Very true 12:53. He is a total disgrace to this HOA. The rest let him do whatever he wants. They never ended the meeting and they all let our new president, past president, and illegally now president do that.
    Williams is a big guy and that means absolutely nothing.

  31. The only way I could find the meeting is as to go in Facebook to my wall, then find the private surfside wall by looking through past comments. Not easy to find for sure! I still don’t understand why not Zoom?
    Was the election even discussed?

    1. They don't want to have floor comments. This way they screen all incoming correspondence, comments, or questions and deny us the floor in the meeting.

  32. The rest of the board is no better than Williams, in fact, WORSE, because they allow him to keep breaking the rules over and over again. Maybe they are just ignorant and don't know any better. I can't imagine any member wanting to serve on the board with any of them. The State needs to investigate this crooked corrupt board.

  33. That is an interesting thought. What agency can accept complaints against an HOA Board? There must be some regulating agency through the RCW's.

  34. Write to the secretary of state and the attorney general. They won't do anything, but if they got hundreds of complaints maybe they would regulate more. WA RCW 64.90 is an improvement, but it isn't mandatory and there are issues in it too. We should still opt in. We would have to have leadership that thinks the members should be in charge. They just work for us.

  35. I want to know others opinion on the discussion by James Clancy about candidates for the board signing a paper about understanding this boards mission and that changes are not needed! It is in the second part of the broadcast right after Annette talks.

  36. This is my opinion with a factually true statement mixed in based on a discussion with Clancy. Clancy is a dictator. Clancy is an autocrat. Clancy is a terrible neighbor and Trustee. Clancy thinks the owner isn't ultimately responsible to get building permits. Clancy is incompetent. Clancy is a big huge bully.

  37. I never fully realized before that the board wants to hand pick who can run in the elections! It was made quite clear that they e been working for 8 years to achieve their mission and no one should disturb! Never have I ever been involved in such a HOA or organization so intent on ruling us lowly members!

  38. Your comment has no basis in fact! I've lived here longer than you and have never witnessed an election where anyone was denied running for election! I have no doubt that if a trustee that shared YOUR views got people who also did to be canidates you would have no problem with it!

    To those who want to run to some agency to complain and expect results, ask your buddy Patrick how that went since he spent more of his time doing that then his duties as a board member. Thankfully the multiple officials saw it for what it was, just a bunch of whinning from a few disgruntled residants who didn't get what THEY wanted!

    1. It's all about the money in America politics, just like many other autocracies. The agencies are bought and paid for. The rules are made for those in power. It's up to those who get in power to behave for everyone and democratically. Get out of our fences, decks, RVs, trees, lights, and all the political bs!

    2. Hey 11:35. We all know how mishandling asbestos pipe turned out. We do know what has happened or will happen to emoloyee's health. We all know how not getting building permits turned out. Obviously, Surfside paid for the wetland mitigation, not the contractor we hired to build in a wetland without a permit!

  39. 11:35 anonymous. Did you watch the meeting yesterday? Just watch the discussion from Clancy and deny what I said!

  40. 1135 - another Board apologist, ho hum.

    Since you are so intimately familiar with the Patrick situation, you must have been one of the ones that put the screws to him. Know that move alienated myself and many others.

    The illogical pursuit of self-interest and the angry vengeful comments when it is opposed makes this organization unviable and worthy of dissolution.

  41. Clancy is nothing but a rude crotchety old man. Absolutely disgusting how he talks to people and over talks too. Just like Inslee, he needs to go

  42. So I say, both Joanne and Steve should run. Let's get new people on the board.
    I also say, count the votes in front of everyone 1 by 1.
    Voter fraud does happen

  43. Okay I'm in for that. I'll bury the hatchet, so to speak.

  44. Notice how civil it was yesterday without Clany on here. That was nice.

  45. I didn’t see them come back after executive session. Did anyone else? I believe by law they are to return to open session, state any motions and vote if needed. Only exception is personnel matters, which just need to be acknowledged. Maybe I missed it?

  46. I wrote a comment in the Facebook meeting about that. I emailed Kimber asking what happened to the meeting. I waited until 1 PM for them to finish the meeting. I told her I waited until 1 PM.

  47. Is this the usual process for hiring someone to get hired by the BOT? What I’m referring to is how Gary Williams discussed how he had talked to the board members about hiring this new position for IT Specialist and then just following it up with a motion and vote after this person was already hired? I thought decisions had to be made in open meetings, not by e-mails or phone conversations! Just asking as it seems a little strange. Same thing happened with the $10,000 we received! Action and approval done before the meeting, then at the meeting officially voted on. A little awkward I’d say!

  48. A little awkward?
    Did you notice when Gary talked about a motion. Then he said "all in favor." A bunch of responses. Then he said "do we have a second."
    No. It's ignorance and incompetence and a few other things.

  49. To 1:53:

    Steve is on record saying he wants nothing to do with "our silly little HOA". Jo Anne has said she hasn't the time. So that means you will need to step up.

  50. Steve has valid reasons for not running, he should have already been on the board! Myself, not too busy but health issues. I will continue to be active as I have been this past year. Besides new board members we also need members who are actively letting the board know their thoughts!

  51. This entire board needs to be recalled and replaced with people who have respect for the members and can treat them with dignity. We were supposed to present a case for tree height appeal and they would not allow us to speak, In the second sentence Annette Deleest interrupted and speaking loudly over our protests that we haven't presented our case yet she made a motion to deny the appeal and all the members voted to deny it without any discussion whatsoever. We knew going in it would be denied from this dictatorship but just wanted to be heard. We will comply but I wish we had a board that respected opinions other than their own and at least listened even if they are going to deny the request. I've never been treated with such rudeness in my life!! SHAME ON ALL OF YOU!

  52. @M Corbin. I looked through the board packet on line and didn’t see a copy of your case. It was on the agenda and the information should have been in the packet. Did you receive a formal complaint and in turn file an appeal?
    We were in a similar situation last July 2919. After they denied our appeal and corrections to our lighting, it took until March 2020 to receive our letter acknowledging compliance! We feel your frustration
    Please let me know a few more details as I didn’t see this on the meeting video

  53. In checking the meeting video, the board recessed for a break after new business 7 A. The next time any video shows is at 7 F. So B thru E is missing in the recording. Unfortunately we the members will not be able to view and listen to the discussion during this time! Please fill us in as it’s a blank

  54. M Corbin RN, please contact me. Anyone else that is unhappy with the actions of the board please also contact me. One of the problems is that Surfsiders dont have a way to speak to each other and work collectively. I have created a website that can help to solve that problem.

    1. If you get more members involved Patrick, I'm in. I'm checking your blog e every week. I want to work with people.

  55. M Corbin - there have been many of us who have been victimized by this small group of what are essentially a conspiracy. I urge you to contact Patrick. I've been watching this mess for over three years, and he is the only one that has made any sense. For that, he was demeaned and vilified.

    Time to either take it back, or dissolve it. Either way, they get their toys taken away, and can no longer screw with honest members.

  56. It takes a vote of 80% of the members to dissolve the HOA. I’m checking into what it takes to recall a board member. I would be happy with them if they just treated us with curtesy and respect. I am cutting my trees because I respect the rules I agreed to when I purchased the property and even more so because if they are obstructing the view someone else paid big bucks for when they purchased their home. It is the right thing to do. I just wish our board were more civil and fiscally responsible. They want power and unquestionable obedience from members without having to answer to anyone.

  57. That's the problem. They operate on nothing but control and self interest. There hasnt been a sufficient amount of votes to move them, especially since they control the election process, which is highly suspect.

    We either need to address this directly, or live with the result, which will be filled with self-interest and control issues.

    They don't operate intelligently, effectively, or morally. I don't care to belong to an organization of that type.

  58. The proxy voting system is archaic and needs to be replaced with mail in or online voting. They want to keep it this way so they can maintain control.

  59. @M Corbin RN. There is nothing in the covenants about guaranteed views! I see on the complaint that was sited! Invalid!!! Did they turn down your appeal? Not known as it wasn’t on the video.

  60. The appeal was denied without due process, we were not allowed to speak our opinion and were rudely interrupted by Annette Deleese who talked over us calling for a motion to deny and the vote was taken with unanimous denial of appeal while we were trying to talk over them saying we hadn’t yet presented our case. I expected the denial but was shocked at the rude and unfair treatment by the board.

  61. You should have been allowed your time on the floor to state your appeal. Then they vote, but with us we never received a reason as to why our appeal failed. Many months later we received a letter saying we were in compliance without us doing anything further than what we had
    Do you have a copy of your appeal? I would be interested in seeing it if you wish!

  62. I have copies of everything so far. I also fount in the constitution for the state of Washington, “no private property shall be taken or damaged for public or private use without just compensation having been first made...” I wonder if they will pay me for the damage to my trees?

  63. No it was for our lights! And we were definitely singled out
    It’s called selective enforcement

  64. Selective enforcement is all they know.

  65. 1159 - more of us all the time. Patrick is the only one who's made any sense.
