
Friday, July 17, 2020

Illegal Board Meeting

Meeting Agenda

Surfside Homeowners Association
Regular Board Meeting
Tentative Agenda
July 18, 2020

1. Call to Order - Regular Board Meeting (S. Winegar)
2. Adopt the July 18, 2020 Regular Meeting Agenda (S. Winegar)
3. Safety Message (S. Winegar)
4. Approval of the June 20, 2020 Regular Board Meeting minutes (S. Winegar)
5. Floor comments (20 Minutes)

6. Old Business
A. Pacific County Patrol Position
B. Retroactive approval of purchases 1.) Naselle Rock & Asphalt 2.) 3.) KJ Tree Service
C. Branom pressure transmitter purchase $3803.44
D. Multiple Dwelling Fee
E. Financial Audit, final report
F. Complaint # 5295-noise

7. New Business
A., Appeal of conservation water rate charges-Madeline Hanley
B.2021 Budget development
C. Fireworks fine
D. Add Monika Stum to CRC
E. Approve contract with Gray & Osborne; update of water system plan of $48,000

8. Communications
A. Incoming Correspondence
B. Outgoing Correspondence
C. Meetings & Contacts
Continued on page 2

We will be streaming live to our Facebook page via Webex
The board will not be able to see your comments from Facebaook
Page 2

Business Office Update
The front entry way to the office will be open Monday 6/29/2020. This will allow one member at a time to come into the office to conduct their business. We ask that all members coming into the of-fice respect the 6 foot distancing rule and wear a mask. If you want to call ahead we can have your passes and permits waiting for pickup.
If you have any questions call 360.665.4171
Just a reminder if you haven’t signed up for this notification do so now. Surfside uses this system to make members aware of any water main breaks or boil water advisories. We will also send out the notification once the advisories have been lifted.
This is the link to the notification system. Make sure you check Surfside as the location to ensure you will receive our notices. Also be sure to check the weather alert for the area as well, you would be notified of any weather emergencies in the area.

9. Staff, Trustee & Committee Reports
A. Water Systems (J Clancy)
B. Treasurer’s Report (R. Turner)
C. Architectural Committee (K Olds)
D. Community Relations Committee (A deLeest)
E. Tree, Brush, & Noxious Weed Sub-Committee (A. deLeest)
F. Land and Buildings Committee (R Minich)
G. Business office/Compliance reports (T Reber)
H. Firewise (K. Olds)
I. Emergency Management (M. Scott)
J. Other reports
10. Receipt of Committee Reports*

11. Recess to Closed Session for Legal or Employee matters (If necessary) *
12. Reconvene to Open Session
13. Miscellaneous
14. Floor Topics for the Good of the Order
15. Adjourn* (* Requires Board Action)
We will be streaming live to our Facebook page via Webex. The board will not be able to see your comments from Facebook


  1. Looks like they pretending that they all stay in office to me. No mention at all bout annual meeting. Business as usual for our board of miscreants.

  2. I believe that because there was no declaration of the requirement to keep the expired terms of some Board members prior to this meeting (or member approval of such declaration) that the membership is well within their rights to declare any actions at this Board meeting and any subsequent meeting held with the expired membership to be null and void.

  3. Those three seats are officially empty as of tomorrow! Will be very interesting how they’ve decided to handle it

  4. Winegar can not concuct the meeting/ He can not sign any contracts as required because he is no longer the board president. They have created a ness for themselves both legally and ethically.

  5. They, the board, are all incompetent and legally and ethically corrupt!
    They are despicable people and an embarrassment to this hoa.

  6. This board is out of control and answers to no one. They don't want an annual meeting as they know they would all be removed. They continue to break the rules and laws, even after fines and a criminal investigation. They will be gone while you and I are left holding the bag. Do they have any shame? It appears NOT. When I purchased here, I signed NO agreement that I had to abide by or accept a corrupt board.

  7. Isn't it illegal to broadcast live to the world our hoa meeting on Facebook? I don't use Facebook. I cancelled my Facebook account again. I despise Facebook. Facebook is not for our board meetings! Our hoa is private for the membership!
    Read all of this page clearly, board troll on this blog!

  8. What law are they breaking by broadcasting?

  9. Our meetings aren’t open to the public

  10. I agree with George, JoAnne, and others.
    It is an illegal meeting, as were the last ones!

  11. Now attack us ruthlessly and without bounds, as is this board's and the Faction's modus operandi.

  12. So it isn't illegal but may violate HOA internal rules?
    I agree it would be preferred to broadcast on the members only page but if the alternatives are to broadcast openly or not at all - I will say go ahead and broadcast.

  13. They spent $10,000 to get us proper virtual meetings and they refuse to do that. They paid their buddies $10,000! I believe this is all fraud!

  14. I agree. Fraud and cover up. It's what they do best. Association insurance is not going to cover their a%%.


  16. Maybe to offset the secret results of the epa criminal asbestos investigation?

  17. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  18. @4:11 - classy...

  19. Will someone please tell me hoe I can view this video of the Board meeting

  20. I hear that Clancy will be named president. It was overheard at the Roo on prime rib night.

  21. When and how does one watch these monkeys regarding meeting?

  22. Hey 1:44 Fraudster.
    Our meetings are required by law, WA RCW 64.38, to be open for observation to the members. Read the law!!!


  23. You guys, appear to be moving backwards with the water system problems and continuing with the rehashing the old and once resolved water quality issues. In doing so you are spending a lot money doing so, while not resolving known long standing issues.

    The organic matter in the water is a real pain to treat and the dissolved matter which is that yellow / orange slimy stuff floating in the water that builds up over time in the system is even more problematic.

    The pretreatment with chlorine alone, with the carbon filters and Atec filters can't filter out this dissolved matter just by utilizing chlorine alone at the source and yet remain compliant with the state and feds water standards for the overall system and I will also say that this organic matter is very difficult to flush out without high velocity water flow during uni-directional flushing if this is being done properly at all.

    I learned 10+ years ago that this dissolved organic matter must be treated ahead of the filters with sufficient contact time before the water gets to the filters. Pot-perm was one effective agent and cheap to convert this matter to a filterable matter that would otherwise flow right through the filters totally unaffected and onto the system where it continues to cause water quality issues today as it did when I was there.

    The history of the Surfside water system past management is important, to going forward effectively in making the effective changes to resolve. It appears no one wants to learn from past water system successes and the learned drawbacks when planning for future projects.

    What is really sad, is Gary Williams knows about all this history but for whatever reason he playing dumb.

    There was discussion today on Facebook about the overall distribution of the residual chlorine at the system extremes, as required by the DOH this issue was solved years ago when I was there, it was a very simple thing to do but was very effective. It appears that this simple thing has been abandoned and thus the residual chlorine problem has returned.

    Good to hear that the long planned and designed Oysterville loop has been finally completed. this resolves many water issues / flow issues north of Oysterville road

  24. Bob, do you think it will resolve the water main breaks? 4 boil water notices in a year seems excessive.

  25. And we get Gary Williams back as President. Now we know he blatantly plays dumb to the detriment of all. In this case we just found out about is to the detriment of the member's water system.
    Thanks for sharing that Bob!


  26. Re: July 18, 2020 at 2:59 PM

    If you are referring to the new loop, solving or reducing water main break, I sorry to say no it won't.

    Over the years, prior to my time most of the repairs consisted of replacing the visibly fractured pipe and leaving the rest of the fractured pipe in use, a very poor method of repair.

    Remember ACP pipe sections are 13 foot long and when it fails they crew only replaced the visibly failed section leaving countless time bomb failures to come later on. Seeing that the whole ACP section cracks when it fails it just takes time and pressure cycles to make it fail again.

    When I was there, the most tense time for me, was the 24 hr. time period after we recharged an area.

    Typically it was within this time period we would have additional failures elsewhere. Due to other areas that did not have water pressure during the repairs allowing the ACP pipe to contract only to expand again when we recharged the area the previously failed sections would finally fail again.

  27. Bob wanrs to blame the fractured pipe for the breaks, when under his charge, they were not recharging the water pressure properly. He contributed to causing fractured pipe. Bill Neal stated that when he first took over. Under the watch of Haskin, pipe was being repaired in small sections and not whole lengths. Poor management operation continues with excessive pressure breaks. Next thing Bob will be telling us is that it was old used pipe. The cover up continues.

  28. I thought there have been civil engineers on our board over the years. I don't understand who is actually managing our water system. It seems nobody is or it is someone who isn't accountable to anyone but this incompetent board. Why does it hav so many problems? I still find it hard to understand how a homeowners association is allowed to manage a water system.
    Did they say anything about the water system at the meeting? Did Clancy make his usual idiotic remark, "Surfside is a water company disguised as a homeowners association."?


  29. July 19, 2020 at 8:52 AM

    Is English and comprehension something you understand?

    Not sure where you are trying go with this wandering statement, I sure hope someone is looking out for you. You appear to be easily mislead

    Good luck


  30. Re: July 19, 2020 at 9:27 AM

    I believe this was Jim Flood and he is more right than wrong

  31. The Faction must have turned on Jim Flood and wouldn't get him elected again. Anybody know what he did to piss off the Faction?

    1. Wait, did someone say Jim Flood was at the meeting? He is a just a member now like the rest of us. Why weren't we invited then? Why does he get special treatment? He must have gotten back into good graces with the Faction. It looks like Jim Flood will be back on the board soon.


  32. Re: July 19, 2020 at 9:27 AM

    Yep, Ken Karch was a very competent Civil Engineer. Who listened to what I had to say and corrected when I was wrong, which by the way was not often.

    You guys are living through the poor maintenance practice of the past prior to 2000 and many failed board members costing everyone lot of money by the micromanaging and the cutting corners of an aging and abused water system maintenance and operation.

    The water crew is doing a good job with their continued WMR work which in time will save money in the long run.

  33. Thanks for the Information Bob. Is WMR water main replenishment?
    I wish I would have been able to meet Ken and yourself, frankly.
    When did Ken leave Surfside?

    1. I meant to say water main replacement. I could have swore I typed that the first time.


  34. Re: July 19, 2020 at 12:28 PM

    He was driven out, about 1 year before I was 2008 ~ 2009 time frame

    Ken is still kicking around and sharp as a tack, considering

  35. Just calm down 12:31. he was there as part of the noise complaint, nothing more.

  36. Is the noise complaint against Flood! I read the appeal was denied.
