
Sunday, July 12, 2020

Board Meeting Saturday

July 18, 2020
It will be interesting to see how many rules and regulations will be broken at this "regular" Board meeting.  As usual, we won't know anyrhung about it until the Friday proceeding the meeting, as posted in the Weakender.  Where is the call for comments and questions?

It will be illegal for there to be more than 5 Board members present at this closed meeting.  They are the only ones who can make or vote on motions.  Contracts require the signature of the "elected" Board President.

I can only hope these fools have contacted the association attorney for legal advice.


  1. The association attorney gets paid by our board. I believe the association attorney does not have the interests of the membership as the top priority and does not encourage the board to improve the governing documents for the entire membership, particularly as state laws change.
    There is nothing that had holds these homeowners associations accountable.
    It appears to me and in my opinion, the association attorney is a dues & assessments delinquent chaser and a tree complaint chaser!

  2. Yep this should be interesting. Should be an open meeting, but limited in numbers. We’ll see. If not I sure hope the audio is better than last month! I gave up!

  3. Should be interesting. My bet is that the BOT will suspend the By-Laws and keep the members with expired terms on the Board. So, elections should have been in July, now scheduled for November, why haven't we heard anything about the candidates? Could be all J Placers and since most folks won't be here at that date, should be easy for the Olds, De lees, Clancy group to get 40 or so J placers to surrender their votes. Wonder if there will be a quorum? Also, what happened to the $70k we usually paid to the Sheriff? Since we don't have the service, shouldn't that money still be in the bank? Of course along with the $10k they stole from the needy (I hope they are so proud). As Jim Clancy has been so often quoted, "This HOA has more money than they know what to do with". Maybe it can finance a couple or more studies for his comrades. One more thing. Note in the Weekender it does not show a Board meeting in August. Now is that normal? Or is there another move afoot? Maybe you can enlighten me on the schedule. God but I'll bet some of the Board members are so happy for this pandemic, so much money for them to steal.

  4. Because thus far, all I see is Rant and Rave, I'm going to provide my very own word vomit right now because I'm soooooo pissed off and I need to get it out! I moved to Surfside BECAUSE it's an HOA. I was sick and tired of everyone doing whatever the hell they wanted with little to no regard for any of their neighbors. Well, lately, I have been subject to the rudeness of yard/tree debris burning due to L-A-Z-I-N-E-S-S of the person doing the job. I am reluctant to "rat out" the homeowner because I adore this person and they are elderly but this has become such an unbearable issue! For months and months this person has been limbing up the trees and leaving piles around this persons three (3) lots. Now the lazy jerk has decided to burn the piles. I was forced inside and forced to close all my windows today due to massive amounts of smoke coming into my yard and house. I asked the person "why don't you haul this stuff like everyone else" and was told "it takes so long to load up the branches". Now, since Friday at 5pm (yeah, how convenient) this person is burning many many piles of tree debris and I am seriously considering becoming part of the "faction". I follow the rules here. If I'm not sure, I call or email the HOA office. I paid a LOT OF MONEY to buy this home and a LOT OF MONEY to make it lovely, but now have to suffer because someone else doesn't want to follow the rules? Yeah well, I'm so mad! And that trump sign you have hanging up doesn't allow you to be a jerk! I have 30 years government service and believe me, the only one who gets to break the rules and the law is the BOSS and you aren't him! I'm not real sympathetic on any "tree issues" right now because of this issue and "I" don't want to ever be a hypocrite. My head is pounding from the gross thick smoke. But there you have it, Now, just follow the damned rules.

  5. 7:04! Rules? Like no politics in the blog? Btw, soooo glad u have "a lot of money". Maybe you shouldnt have cheaped out n bought in a gated community.

  6. 7:04 you are exactly what we need here. Many have tried to promote the neighbor to neighbor solution to problems. You spoke to your neighbor about your concerns. Good job! Look at the situation though. Your neighbor is mandated to slash his trees to some arbitrarily reasoned height, probably killing them so your problem will go away. The HOA made him cut them, so why not task the HOA with being responsible for the cleanup? I am sure we have funds in the budget to pay overtime to the water crew, they already have the vehicles and trailers needed. No need to pay for the chipping here as it has lost money every year it has operated. So see, work to get the tree height rescinded along with your neighbors and problem solved.

  7. 7:56 Go eat shit (sorry George), you're nothing but a rude, disrespectful POS. Additionally, there are NO GATES, so obviously you are not from around here so go troll somewhere else you idiot, I worked very hard for every dollar I made and I deserve to enjoy those dollars. And by most standards they probably are not LOTS, but by my meager income from 30 years of labor it is TO ME! So step off JERK!

    8:02- These are not "topped trees" and the HOA didn't mandate the "limbing up" of said trees. This is being done for mowing. The person who owns the area is a delightful person but the idiot doing the work is stupid! I'm not playing either, just follow the damned rules and there will be no problems!

  8. Thanks for the rant. Excellent material.
    This is the kind of overblown hyperbole that ruins the neighborhood. This privileged outrage is an excellent example of why HOA's should just go away.

    So the elderly neighbor whom you adore is a rude, lazy jerk, who won't bother to take his tree trimmings to the chipping site, . There are massive amounts of smoke from burning many, many piles of debris across three lots. This has caused physical illness and distress. Not to mention the offensive political sign.
    Just wondering, Where was the fire department? Where was the 911 rescue? If you have such a fancy house I am sure you can close the windows for the afternoon. Notice please the choice to capitalize LOT OF MONEY, twice. I suspect a good bottle of wine in this display.

    Just to be clear, that sign has to go. LOL

  9. 8:39- STOP trying to redesign my issue into your dream. GAWD, People really suck these days! Just go away and let me have my RANT! Foolish idiocy!

  10. ohhhhhh, I see the "trump trolls" got triggered! George, can you stop this? It's an internet problem and it's obvious by the responses they have no idea of what they speak! I suspect your site has been intruded upon.

  11. The open burning is probably not legal. In any case, it shouldn't be in a residential area, and should be dealt with by Surfside HOA. Burning green branches is ridiculous, and creates an enormous amount of pollution. It's a stupid way to try and dispose of this kind of debris.

    Really now, what does being "adorable' have to do with a Surfside neighbor doing such stupid stuff ?

  12. I see that too. The trump trolls have been majorly blocked from Facebook and other social media outlets and are slipping into private issues. It's really disgusting and irritating. Time for the people who don't want to earn an honest living to go back to russia or whatever rock they climb out from.

  13. Professional blogger info- The Trump trolls are desperate and Yes they are intruding on private platforms. It is the their mission to create discord. Don't feed them. Ignore and delete as soon as possible.

  14. Amen 6:08!
    Have a good evening.

  15. Steve, I would be humiliated and embarrassed if I ever offended a neighbor with anything I did on my property. I guess I was just raised different than most people and always go with the benefit of the doubt. I did speak with the "foliage cleaner" about the rudeness of their fire. It really boils down to how a person was raised and I believe I was raised right! I had to get my rant off my head and did so. Sorry I don't see things the way you do but it really is my problem to deal with!

  16. 7:04 You say we're ranting and raving. You say we're word vomiting? Well, for sure you are.
    One the biggest questions is will they go down to 5 Trustees in accordance with the law and the governing documents or not?

  17. 9:59 really? I mean really? Have you read any of my comments? OMG, I stick by my posts, but let me spell it out for you, just in case you are just on your own agenda- I moved here specifically because there is an HOA and I was tired of neighbors being disrespectful to others. I am a "live and let live" kind of person until you impose on the enjoyment of my four corners. I'm not going to jump on your bandwagon to eviscerate any governing body of this HOA until it crosses the idea of what I deem "HARMONY". If you want to initiate change, I'm 100% certain it will not be obtained by challenging anyone on this blog or any other media. You know exactly what you need to do to support "your agenda" and it really doesn't include me or my irritated post about my inconvenience. Now, I'm tired of your challenges so leave me the F@@k alone. I came here for peace and enjoyment so I don't have to suffer anymore than I already have from the disgusting human race.

    1. Really! Harmony! Challenges! Leave me the F@@k alone! Suffer!

    2. I think we touched a nerve, lol.


  18. I see that the TDS is a growing problem here, but another Pacific county WIN for #45 will take care of it.

    It will be fun watching all the Never Trumper's go over the mental edge when Trump wins in November.

    Maybe then they will seek the much needed help through their Obamacare options that deal with Mental health issues assuming they can afford the deductibles.

  19. 10:39 PAID TRUMP TROLL GET OUT OF HERE ASSHOLE! It's not gonna work fool!

  20. Are you really so special? These accusations are peppered with "how I was raised" or "I am just not that kind of person", or some other self-flattery. Then everybody else falls short of human dignity, and you will be the judge of that.

  21. @10:50 PAID TRUMP TROLL GET OUT OF HERE ASSHOLE! It's not gonna work fool!

    Yeah, it's a copy/paste, go away idiot, we got your number!

  22. hahahahaha, I love this blog! Trolls be thinking we stupid! You go whoever your are! Take them punks on!!!!!! Surfside is the bomb. I love it here!

  23. @7:56, 8:39, 9:59, 10:39, 10:50

    How dare you come on our HOA blog and attack one of our dues paying property owner members! You have a lot of nerve and obviously a lot of vacant time to spew hatred. We don't always agree on everything here but just so you are clear on one thing-We stick together! You have no business being here with your stupidity and we will come together and refute the like of you everywhere in the world. Go somewhere else to talk nonsense. It will not happen in OUR HOA!

  24. Good morning my friendly hoa neighbors!

    Will anyone be called a coward today?
    Will anyone tell someone to move today?
    I give those both a 85% chance.

  25. 8:39 and 10:50 here: Just to be clear, I am a Surfside member in good standing and I do not support Trump. I do see the HOA and this Blog through the lense of Narcissism in human behavior. Name calling,exaggeration, and privilege do push my buttons. I thought the rant was interesting material.

  26. You j place snobs don't like my trees? Will see how you like my smoke. When the burning ban is lifted, will be burning every day and the smoke can drift up the hill for your view. RV folks should also enjoy their camp fires with fresh cut pine tops,. That smoke keeps the skeeters away and the members don't have to pay for my chipping. NEVER trump.

    1. Right on 9:19! I'll do the same thing! Never Trump! End the Faction!

  27. We need a new covenant that bans all camp fires any time, any where in Surfside. We are not an RV camp ground, we are an HOA. RV's should only be allowed by permit and limited to two nights. We also need to ban all those pooping dogs. Wright them all up and collect fines. Rhat will give us more money for more studys. Go for it faction while you control the board and they make the rules.

  28. Crazies are out in force George, time to shut it down.

  29. They must be drinking the water again. LOL

  30. I've never seen such unforgiving meanness about neighbors in my life. Must be a real heavy burden to walk around with so much hatred for others. Sad really.

  31. it appears people here just want to add to the problems, attack others and not be helpful- Here you go, the answer on burning-

    Surfside restrictive covenants- page 4 - 2.5 Outdoor burning of land clearing debris or construction debris is prohibited.
    Small (3 foot x 3 foot) campfires, cooking fires, and natural yard debris
    fires are permitted provided they meet the criteria for such uses adopted
    by the Pacific County Fire District #1, and meet the requirements of
    Section 5.8.

  32. Well it easier and more enjoyable to whine and complain, "word vomit" on a blog.

  33. @11:42 No kidding, I often feel like I should get some kind of protection order before leaving any kind of comment. Vicious and uncalled for.

  34. It's pretty difficult to gain support when the campaign is so nasty. If what's being written here is even an inkling of how our board is treated, I'm starting to feel bad for the board!

  35. Board is treated? Does 12:57 have comprehension problems? Seems the really nasty statements come from their side of the fence. You know, the ones with "lots of money".

    1. Yes he/she/they have major comprehension problems.

  36. @11:42 and 12:57 Very true, if people on this blog treat a person who they don't know, who did nothing to them, so horrible, it's a sign on how awful they treat a person they do know and who they believe has offended them! I'm pretty sure I got a good finger on the pulse of this blog. I'm siding with the board now, I can't, in good conscience, support this behavior right here.

  37. Stop killing the trees!
    End the tree policy!
    Stop the Faction!

  38. @1:26

    I don't see anywhere in the "vomit" comment where it mentions anyone being the "faction" or being on J ridge. This appears to be something in your small mind. Additionally, "lots of money" is relative to the person who had to earn it. A five year old thinks his allowance is "lots of money", a twenty year old thinks $1200 is "lot's of money", a life long waitress who saves and saves to buy a first home for $200,000 is "lot's of money" to them. Not everyone was born with a silver spoon in their mouth but it's obvious, you were born with a foot in yours. Or maybe, just maybe, you are the fire violator? Hmmmmmm, interesting

  39. Seems like Clancy's having a hard time swallowing all this. Maybe his momma can help.

  40. To get respect, you give respect. The board gets all the respect they deserve. You may not like what people say, or the way they say it, but we are getting an idea how the members feel. They don;t seem very happy, no matter which side they are on.

  41. 2:05 just proved 1:26's point. Dont see any name calling by 1:26, but seems to come easy to you. You need to calm down and think about what you say and how you present yourself. Although seems a bit late for that. Your unbridled anger is kinda over the top.

  42. I now live in southern AZ with temperatures currently at 105-114. I do believe that there are more fried brains in Surfside than in my community. And I used my name so let the immature, baseless bashing begin (by anonymous of course).

    1. Oh sure Larry. Saying we have fried brains is very mature.
      You really want to call me a coward and tell me to say that to your face. I just know it. That's very easy for you to say with you being in Arizona.

  43. I can't figure out who's mad or irritated at who, this blog is a mess!

  44. It's all the fault of the blog. George needs to shut it down. When the members see what is really happening, they get upset/ It is best they don't know and then everyone is happy. Just pay up and shut up.

  45. Lets keep the comments coming about this HOA and the Board that runs it. Seems
    the Board and the Board Lovers are trying to change the direction of the Blog by adding comments like " George You should kill the Blog " and name calling of anyone that directs comments against the Tree killers.
    George Thanks for giving us a place to speak up. Listen up HOA things are going to change

  46. They'll receive my letter of requests and proposals today or tomorrow. My requests are nearly identical to the recommendations you posted George. So we know there has been at least two sets of incoming correspondence that should be documented at this Saturday's Regular Board of Trustees Meeting. We'll see if they just throw them in the trash.

  47. I can't figure out if Larry is bragging or complaining about living in AZ, during the Summer months!?

  48. I'm seeing a one-liner bully trying to chase people away from this blog with insults and script flipping and NO, I'm not Larry, Steve, Clancy or any of these other people this one-liner mean person likes to accuse. They attack everyone on all sides to create discord. It's pathetic and cowardly they won't come forward and show their face but I'm sure some of you know who it is. It would be nice for the rest of to know.

  49. 10:39 should not throw stones at glass houses.

  50. I completely agree 12:22.
    Also, 10:39 doesn't know it's one person. 10:39 is accusing one person without proof.
    Notice the projection 10:39 exhibits.
    Also, notice 10:39 describes posting anonymously as being pathetic and cowardly by posting anonymously.
    Good one 10:39!

  51. @10:39-Seems you struck someone's nerve there! And just for you "one-liner" bullies, I don't have a Google account and I'm not about to get one. I have plenty of accounts as it is. Seems you don't like anonymous insults but feel righteous in throwing them out there? I think 10:30 has hit the nail on the head and since I really like that line, OLB is your new acronym and how I will respond to you and your UNIMPORTANT words! Let that stick in your craw!

  52. This is a soul sucking place! To hell with all of ya! Life's too short!

  53. Stop the tree policy now!
    Protecting views is illegal!
    Stop killing the trees!

  54. I am the "word vomit" author. I decided to stop by to clarify a couple issues. I moved here for a sense of community. I hate fighting with neighbors, it actually makes me sick to my stomach but after speaking with a couple of friends and family, they had me see the light when the person continued to burn, basically saying a BIG FU to me.

    A friendly neighbor stopped by today to inform me who the person was because they too were concerned about the non stop burning and how close it was to my house. The day I vented was very bad and this person who came by thought my house was on fire. Let me start by telling those who posted above I am NOT a "J" placer, however, the person doing the burning for my elderly neighbor IS.

    I found the correct avenue to stop the burning and they have been warned by the fire department. Hopefully this will resolve the problem and we can go back to being civil. If not, I will have to put on my fighting hat until I get sick of it. I am NOT RICH but I am not too poor to move either.

    Finally, this is for you George. From all the assumptions and comments I have read, it is evident there are assholes on both sides. Nothing can be accomplished with such crazy blog screaming. I'm probably going to just ignore this site from now on until the nastiness can subside.

    There you go, all those with nothing else to do but type cruel evil to a person you don't know, right here, go ahead, pick apart chew up spit out whatever bullshit you want. You don't matter to me anyway. Bye bye.....Have a great evening!

  55. Mr. Word Vomit said "Nothing can be accomplished with such crazy blog screaming. I'm probably going to just ignore this site from now on until the nastiness can subside."

    Wow, you come on here, dropping the F bomb, using other profanities, and then talk about abstaining until the nastiness can subside?

    Mote in the eye comes to mind....

  56. You not that smart or witty dude, stop trying. @9:49pm

  57. DUMP TRUMP - end J place oppression. Everyone should be represented equal “East Side” too! Tired of J place members snootiness & drama. More members are becoming aware.

  58. Right on 12:02!
    Yes, we need all parts of Surfside represented on the board such as the east side. That has been another one of George's good points.
    The J Place snootiness and drama is truly amazing. They act like big baby orange, the petulant child in a grown man's body.
    And yes, member awareness is increasing.

  59. The very simple fact is, you all signed the agreement to follow the Bylaws and CCRs when you purchased property here. Most owners appreciate those and the Board that looks out for Surfside. Maybe the Board needs to add a requirement that all people that want to own property here pass an interview with the Executive Committee to determine their true intentions.

  60. 7:42 rudely and condescendingly says, "very simple fact is." The board never gave me a copy of the governing documents when I bought here.
    Why don't we and and why doesn't the board want to keep up to date with state law changes and change with the times. That's what I signed up for. I didn't sign up for a HOA that never changes with state law and with the times. Opt in to WA RCW 64.90 now!!!

    Do that then. I can't wait to see how many people buy into this stick-in-the-mud place.

  61. 7:42 That would work if a new Buyer was interviewed They would not buy in Surfside

  62. 7:42 Is that what our attorney Samuel Jacobs told you to say to us? Did Mr. Jacobs recommend that requirement to the board?

  63. bye bye July 14, 616....oh, you're still here, thought you are leaving us alone?

  64. I agree 9:48. What's up July 14, 6:16?

  65. Will board meeting be online live streaming? Do they answer questions? Time and how to access please.

  66. Fred, please ask Annette the questions 11:09 has asked.

    Come on board members who visit this blog and post anonymously, please answer the questions 11:09 has asked. You know you can do it anonymously so nobody will know it's you.

  67. We have not made that determination yet.

  68. You spent $10,000, USA taxpayer money, on equipment to do this and you say you haven't made that determination yet!
    Wow, I believe this is total incompetence or total malfeasance or both. I believe this board, especially the President, has no regard for the membership.

  69. 1201 - could not agree more! We've had 12 years of rotating J Placers running the place as there self interest has led them, with each blow to the membership being more egregious.

    Time to either drain the swamp, or disband,

  70. This is 8:58 and 12:01. Thanks for your comments 12:30. I didn't know the 12 year history. It's gone on too long.
    I agree with your last statement.

  71. It's funny 12:30 what have you done to help this community? Have you volunteered? You all have problems with J placers, but it sure looks like they are the majority volunteering! You can't complain if you sit back and do nothing to improve the community. If you don't like the J placers then you all should be running for the board, volunteering on the committees and showing up to meetings!

  72. 3'43 using old standby statement. Copy n paste. We see what happens when people dont agree with existing power structure. They dont last long. Who needs to be yelled at n abused in a volunteer position.

  73. To 3:43.
    You find this funny!!!
    If you give me no vote on governing documents, no vote on the committees, no answers at meetings, no acknowledgement of my correspondence at meetings, no right to observe and make floor comments at meetings in accordance with WA RCW 64.38, it's pointless.
    Us members are owners! Start treating us that way!!!

  74. Hey 402, why dont'cha get out and make a difference?? You sure aren't making one by complaining on here lol If you want the same old same old, then by all means do nothing, but change will only happen when we see people actually participating in the community. Can't be that bad if none of you are willing to help

  75. Just keep doing what you have been for the past 3 or 4 years. Come on the blog and whine. It's worked out for you so far...
    Vote J - The Faction

  76. Hey 451 or 537 or 451 and 537, what was the $10,000 spent on? Tell me the products and services.

  77. 10,000 kinda like lotto money, just absorbed n lost.

  78. The board member clammed up on us. Maybe one of us needs to volunteer to help them find the $10,000.

  79. 5:37. Poor attitude & ignorant. I don’t say that to attack you either. If you believe that the only efforts to make positive change are solely here, you are mistaken.

  80. @6:50
    Calling someone ignorant and then saying you aren't attacking them rings hollow.
    You certainly are entitled to your opinion but those who have followed this blog for any length of time recognize the pattern @5:37 identified. A lot of huffing and puffing on the blog by a few that comes to a head every July and ends in a whimper with no change. Time will tell which of you is correct going forward but there is no mistaking it when looking back.

  81. Well 8:26 and gang, thanks for coming on this blog to fight us, resist us, badger us, scold us, berate us, and call us names. It does a lot of good for everyone. If we are just a bunch of toothless blowhards, leave us alone!!!
    Where's the taxpayer $10,000!!!!!

  82. And time will be in favor of the membership. The BOT are of an older generation who's passing will ultimately allow for change. Us in the younger generation will have our day, like they did in they'60s.

  83. This comment has been removed by the author.
