
Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Discussion and Comments

July 29, 2020 to ....


  1. Due to circumstances, beyond my control, I have to curtail my activity on here. I feel it is important that our members have a forum where they can express their thoughts and concerns. I hope to return to some kind of normal in several months. It will be limited as to what I post. I will continue with the Board agenda and summary and some committee minutes.

    There will be only one current topic for comments. Sorry if I cut some of the other conversations down, but you can continue here. Thank you for your patience and stay safe.

  2. Sorry to hear this George, if you are not feeling well, I hope you get back to normal soon.

  3. Most important is you take care of yourself! All I can say is thank you for your blog and your friendship😊.

  4. Thank you George. Though I only read and don't contribute, I appreciate all you do.

  5. Saddened to hear the news George. You have been a mighty strong guy for hanging in there this long. I am grateful for your efforts in exposing the corrupt ways of this BOD. Peace be with you!
    Signed: Fed Up

  6. Thanks for all the well wishes. The blog is not ended. I just will be limited on posting topics and monitoring the comments. What is important, is what you all have to say. Please continue to have your discussions here as usual.

  7. So to consolidate the topics of discussion.
    • Still no mention of returning the $10000 the BOT took from the Covid Emergency Loan Program. Sorry local businesses, the Surfside Board does not care about ethics. Why has no government agency stepped in to take back the money? Other HOAs in other parts of the US have had to give back the money. They applied for the loan, then after George brought up the topic and it was posted on NextDoor, they said they would refuse the loan if it was offered. Would they tell us if it was offered and they accepted it? Do you think the Board would ever lie to us or do anything deceptive?
    • I understand Surfside pays Reber $90,000. Maybe higher now after the raises. If you are a property manager in Portland, managing multiple HOAs you probably make about $50,000. Clancy still creating the spread sheets, Reber can’t? Why is Surfside paying this much? Who is Reber related to?
    • Golf Tournament coming up Aug 22nd. Is this a fundraiser for all the people who will get the Corona Virus from the Golf Tournament?
    • County Sheriff Department – How do you feel about paying double for a private Sheriff? Does it really give Surfside any better coverage? Is it fair to the rest of the County? Does it raise ethical issues about requiring people to pay extra for reasonable police protection and about co-mingling of funds? Does it raise questions about why Surfside gets special treatment from the Pacific County Officials?
    • Still no motion forward on the unnecessary topping of Trees to protect views. Some are required to cut their trees to 16’ above the road even though they don’t block a view. Recently some were required to cut down 30 year old trees. Yes it looks like the Board has approved 30’ trees for some condominiums, but not 24” trees for home where they would not block the views anyway. According to what some of the Board members stated in meetings, taller tree heights are very dangerous because they can fall over in the wind, and that is why they don’t allow taller tree heights. The condos are the closest to the Ocean and experience the highest wind. Hmmm, some inconsistencies? So much for that explanation.
    • Surfside Board is enforcing the CARL rules about patios, fences, etc. not being within 10’ of the waterways, yet these rules are not in the covenants, but say they can’t enforce the Dune laws, because there are not restrictions in the covenants about Dunes. They say it is a County matter. Hmmmm, some inconsistencies?
    • Surfside has delayed the annual meeting required by the Surfside governing documents and I believe by law. They could have voted for board members electronically or by mail but refused to do so. In my opinion they illegally extended the terms of existing board members whose terms were up. This would seem to qualify as Election Fraud.
    • And these are just the recent issues…

    1. Our board is full of fraud! They are nothing but a fraud!

  8. Also no word about the criminal investigation by the EPA, or reperations to those exposed.

  9. Wow anonymous 9:32. You said it all! Would like to have a conversation with you!

  10. 9:32 - thanks for that good start!
    I would also like to state that at present I have absolutely no confidence in any election that is being held by the current board. Until it can be disproved by an independent third-party, I believe the fix is in!

    1. I completely agree. There are trolls on here that have admitted the fix is on.

  11. @9:32 - you are correct.
    We have almost all the blank proxys we need.
    Elitist, J Place, Faction member

    1. See them at it. Look at the troll brag about fixing the elections.

  12. 804 - certainly enough, since you stack the election.

    I would never trust this bunch with a ballot that wasn't independently verified....and good luck with that. It would smack of honesty, and we all know how the Faction feels about that! Crooks and syncophants, and proud of it.

  13. Rise up against the elitist Faction! Rise Up!

  14. It's one thing to talk to yourself, everyone does it. But to carry on with a conversation on a blog shows deep psychological issues.

    Thanks for letting us all know who you are little man.

  15. Interesting that the guy shouting "trolls" is Hobbit size.

  16. So what are you saying about size? Why threaten me with physical violence and intimidation again? What are you planning on doing to me with your size advantage?

  17. I'm sure glad the hoa hired a security detail for last year's Annual Meeting and election.

  18. Oh Mikey, Mikey.

    Even though I and I'm sure others were 99.9% certain it was you that was making these ridiculous comments I wanted to erase that.1% and make it 100. So I threw out some bait that I knew you couldn't resist and you swallowed it hook, line and sinker. Thanks for being so predictable and confirming it is you. Now when we read your crap we all will know who it's from.

    There were no threats made, so don't soil your panties. Try to stop listening to those imaginary voices in your head and maybe take a break from YOUR trolling for awhile.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. I'm sure glad the hoa hired a security detail for last year's Annual Meeting and election.
      Now based on a few words of your last anonymous post and my knowledge of what some others think of you, I know it's you Clancy. You may think I'm the one who did something, but I'm not.
      You're a terrible neighbor and Trustee Clancy!

  19. Hit the space key by mistake. Meant to be .1%.

  20. Let's try to bait the hobbit who wears panties and soils them and has imaginary voices in his head today.
    It's really fun.
