
Thursday, July 30, 2020

A Rudderless Ship

Surfside has become a rudderless ship. We seem to be just drifting with no real direction. The election of Board members is screwed up.  The Water Department has lost a key employee. The Budget Committee is about to meet with no direction. Complaints against fellow members continues with a zeal to enforce non essential covenants.   The Board and General Manager are non-responsive to member concerns.  With the economy in the tank, there is no way that business can continue as usual.  Pardon the pun, but everyone seems to have their head in the sand. It really is a sorry mess.  Just my opinion.


  1. Maybe clancy will get a study done about this. He could make a big,BIG spreadsheet. That would give him something to do other than write tree complaints.

  2. The canals are a cesspool waiting to infect people and wildlife with various bacteria, germs, and other organisms.
    Our General Manager, Business Manager, Water Department Manager (no known water system qualifications) says one can get E. Coli from the air.

  3. Like it or not the canals are nothing more than a glorified drainage ditch. During the summer months with the lack of rain and no natural flushing you would be foolish to swim in them. Look at Lake Washington. They have beach closures all summer long. If that happens in a lake how can anyone expect that it wouldn't here? How much are you willing to spend to keep the canal clean anyways?

    I do agree about Reber though. That guy really needs to go.

    1. Hi 7:17.
      I thought people used to kayak in the canals. Maybe I'm wrong.
      I agree with what you've said. You're correct, the costs to keep the canals safe for recreation would be very high.
      I won't be kayaking in the canals ever.
      Would you think it's okay to kayak in Seabreeze Lake?
      I think the canals are a lost cause. The lakes, Seabreeze Lake at a minimum, should be cleaned up and kept clean from adjacent property septic effluent leaching into the lake. That can be done by requiring the adjacent property septic systems be closed systems. The property owners shouldn't be responsible for all that cost.

    2. I'm glad you agree about Reber.

    3. Hey Clancy! They're not glorified drainage ditches! I know for a fact you talk about them that way. I'm willing to spend money to get them tested for things like E. Coli, you bet. I want to be able to kayak, raft, and fish in them. Tom Reber has told me the HOA has done no such testing. Reber tells me one can get E. Coli from the air. That's flat out wrong on many levels.

  4. The glass appears to be half empty. Fear and anxiety are to be expected during a pandemic. Apparently so is pessimism. Keep in mind, it is darkest before the dawn. The pandemic will soon be over. We will be back at restaurants and casinos, entertaining friends and family without fear of death looming over our heads. Surfside will continue as a community with community issues. Some will choose to be happy, some will choose to be unhappy, most will choose to be unconcerned. It is my hope that some of the sunshine will make its way into your lives.

  5. Def no evidence covid going away, just the opposite cause of people that dont take it seriously. Like those that infected members at the moose n eagles.

  6. The plandemic will abruptly end on November 4th, when no political party has a reason to use it. So maybe we should halt the sales of cigarettes, alcohol, anything with cancer causing agents, cars that go over 5mph, and also criminalize the flu while at, ALL lives matter. Thankfully I can afford to pay for my grandkids private school as they will be the leaders of tomorrow, while your grandkids will still be living at home in their thirties, working as part time baristas and dusting their participation trophies.

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    2. Hey 8:37
      What, your kids are losers. They need mommy and daddy to pay for their kids' education. I see.
      I went to private school. The nuns and other teachers I had would be angered and repulsed by your comment.

    3. What's so bad about being a barista in one's thirties? Do you think they're losers? Do you think they're lower than you? Do you think you're better than them?

    4. Hey 8:37
      If you claim to be a Christian, you're a total phony.
      I know you're our big name caller total jerk phony stupid idiot troll.

  7. I also agree about Reber.

    I had to give him some time to settle in, get to know what was going on. That time is over.

    After two letters and a face to face meeting, he agreed to do something for me, but never did it.

    He's a yes man to your face, then runs and hides when you leave. He's in WAY over his head. A cow could do a better job, at least he would take care of the weeds. He's just milking us until someone at the HOA wakes up and fires him.

  8. 8:37 is perfect example of why George taking a vaca.

  9. Is George taking a vacation? I don’t believe he is.

  10. You surely believe in creationism as well,8:37. Of course there's a bit of a problem explaining why dinosaur bones exist, and they carbon-test millions of years older than the earth. So since the Pandemic is a hoax according to you, each sate's running total of infections and deaths is all for show right ? I suggest that you tell the hospital workers who must comfort the tens of thousands dieing. Tell them about your hoax.

    Talk about pitiful excuses for denial of the truth - you are something. Living in Pacific County, you may get lucky and not contract this disease. If you lived in an urban area such as Houston or Miami, you would have to find an explanation for the refrigerator trucks parked at the back of large hospitals. They stack the dead bodies in them because they are being generated at too fast a rate to arrange for burials.

    Trump supporters have to find magical explanations for a runaway pandemic, and no real efforts to stop it.

  11. 837 - you sound like a Board member, former or wannabe. Your delusions of adequacy are showing.

    1. Proud Board Member, which will be replaced by my chosen successor when the time comes.

    2. Does anyone now question what we face? If not, look at 201's post.

  12. @2:01 - where should I send my blank proxy?
    Elitist, J Place, Faction member

  13. Clancy and deLeese both have hundreds all ready to go, Fred's been busy filling them out as he's directed.

  14. What a bunch of immature people you are. It's hard to believe that these comments are coming from adults. You have turned this blog into a farce. Sad that you can't find something better to do with your time.

    You must be soooo proud.

    1. Morning Fred, get back to your chores before the Mrs. catches you slacking.

  15. When I first started observing this mess, i was astounded by the arrogance of the current Board.

    201 and 802 - youve proven that arrogance is still there flourishing in stupidity. This will only stiffen the resolve to not only see you off the Board, but in front of a judge as well. Ignoring your own rules will be your undoing.

  16. Yeah, right. See how far others have gotten. Outside of Surfside, there is no interest on what we do. Especially when we have friends and family in local politics and media.

  17. I agree 7:12. Thank you for saying this.

  18. @9:10
    Oooh, quivering...
    More blustering from someone who does nothing but post on a blog.
    Your resolve is zero.
    We'll be waiting for the Feds, police, judge or whoever you think will come and get us.
    Until then obey the covenants.
    The Faction

  19. Moved to Surfside in 2001 and left in 2016. Every year there was hope that the new board would bring nirvana to us. Then reality set in an the board was criticized and vilified. Keep in mind that the board members are (were) friends and neighbors I'm in a hoa again and there is dissent but nothing like SHOA. I continue to follow your trials and tribulations just to see where it will lead. It reminds me of the movie Groundhog Day. I don't think there will be a happy ending however.

  20. It may end, but not until a number are long gone. I'll even pour a bottle of good bourbon on their memorial, though it will need to pass through me kidneys first.

    1. LOL, too late, I already do that on the side of Clancy's shop regularly.

  21. 1034 - file it where the sun doesn't shine!

    Anybody else tired of BULLIES? Time to either take this illegally operating association back, or bury it for good. They can't supply security, water or reliable compactor service, so what good are they?

  22. Yes I agree. 1034 - file it where the sun doesn't shine!

  23. Hey fraudsters Trustees.
    Why did April resign?
    Also, I hear our water quality is getting worse. We may have to start reporting more frequently to the state. What's the status of that?

  24. 4:18, 6:34
    Still quivering.
    Who is the bully? Keep posting, keep hoping for change while doing nothing but posting on a blog and not realizing the silent majority is satisfied and tired of all the whining going on here. But before you say it, don't confuse being tired with being scared of all the changes you are going to bring...
    Until then, follow the covenants.
    The Faction

  25. The rigged and phony election is on. I got the notice yesterday.
    Rise up against the elitist Faction!
    End the fabricated proxy votes by the Faction!

  26. The authoritarian and oligarchy and Trump-style Surfside leadership has subverted democracy and freedom of speech. They have delayed the election to keep their cronies in power. They shut the members out of BOT meetings. We are not informed of committee meetings.
    They come on this blog to take away our freedom of speech. They try to stop us from speaking our minds.
    They already have taken away our freedom of speech directly relating to the association.
    This is my opinion. I believe others feel the same way.

  27. Your opinion is not shared by me. The board is confronted with the reality of a pandemic. Their decisions have been consistent with state and federal direction. Surfside is a not for profit corporation regulated by laws and incorporating documents. Democracy is being trampled on by governments and authorities throughout the country and the world during this pandemic. Your board derangement is clouding your opinion and your common sense.

  28. Not everything is connected to trump. Sounds like bad case of tds.

  29. Exactly where has this happened and how?
    "They come on this blog to take away our freedom of speech. They try to stop us from speaking our minds."
    Seems you are doing just fine.

  30. All I can say is I hope they implement mail in voting before November. It should be very easy to do. This proxy voting has to cease!

  31. None of these comments have approached a conversation, when there is no evidence of an HOA plan or proposal for the postponed election. The Board's extension of terms is obviously inappropriate, but allowed to meet in private, this is how they see things. People of integrity make their best efforts to adhere to stated rules and covenants, and nothing in our Bylaws or covenants allows for the Board to vote to extend THEIR OWN Terms !

    All of this needs to be addressed as a serious matter, and the BOT explain WHY the Pandemic has anything to do with extending expired terms outside of a legal election. It is inconsistent to say that the Trustees are inexpendible, but the election can wait until they settle on a date.

    Members should let the HOA Board know that their actions are unacceptable, and that in a community of over 2000 memberships, there are hundreds of individuals capable of serving as Trustees. Elections will need to be restructured to accommodate the current health factors, as there is no indication that the Pandemic is going away any time soon.

    We should assume that requiring distancing, mask wearing, limited gatherings, and other precautions, will be the new normal for the foreseeable future. As has been emphasized regarding any delay in the national election - there has NEVER been an election that was postponed. Not during the 1918 Pandemic, and not during the World Wars. That Surfside's was delayed in the short-term is one thing, extending terms and failing to establish a serious plan is just selfish and irresponsible.

  32. @steve, did you get the special weekender yesterday? Voting will be at November meeting, applications for board candidates due September 4,2020!


  33. Re: August 4, 2020 at 10:09 PM

    The Canals and lakes are both a drain and for your enjoyment. When I was there we did do some testing of the waters along with some experimenting in the control of mosquitoes and milfoil and algae build up.

    We were pretty successful on all accounts but it does require constant work to properly maintain the bodies of water.

    In as far as the official water sampling, that is the counties responsibility per the I-lane agreement as well as making sure that the outflows are fully operational when needed, which for the most part at least for me they did their part.

  34. 820 - not hardly. The shenanigans with this Faction have lasted for well past a decade. You operation is inconsistent with not for profit laws, especially when you're ignoring your own Covenants, and deciding things in shadows. Communication ranges from non existent to outright agression, with virtually nothing in between.

    Because you have proved conclusively that you cannot supply the services you advertise, coupled with the fact that you will not deal fairly with the majority of your membership, I favor disbandment. Nothing here that can't be done better by others. Professionals.

  35. I agree. More and more members feel that we should disband. There is no indication that any thing is going to change for the better of the members.

    1. All it takes is a membership vote. It would be great to see how many would choose to escape this dictatorship.

  36. "More and more members" referring to the likely less than 10 anti Faction posters on this blog...
    Keep posting but my money says you will be saying the same thing next year at this time...

  37. 9:48:

    More and more members have left the blog because of statements like yours. Most members moved here because they wanted to live in a HOA and actually enjoy it here. Just because YOU don't and made a mistake in your purchase doesn't change that fact.

    Cry all you want but there isn't going to be any disbanding here.

  38. The members vote each year.
    Please send your proxy.
    The Faction

  39. 1051 - we will say it EVERY year until it happens. This organization is only deserving of disbandment. You are the reason for that.

  40. 10:09, yes, both the canal and Seabreeze Lake are drainage ditches, do your research. Both of these are nothing but retention ponds for the run off of water from the streets and wetland areas.
    As far as kayaking, I have been in both.
    I would much rather see our HOA put money into the canal, lakes, community play areas and trails than get into the politics of trees, lights, sheds and fences. Leave that to the county, it is their job.
    I understand the need to have some brush along the shoreline, but it is way overgrown and needs to be thinned. Allowing the overgrowth leads to the disgusting algae water.


  41. Re: August 10, 2020 at 9:12 PM

    All the bodies of water are for drainage, 2 drain to the ocean and the others meander over to the bay and are often blocked by beaver dams and the county is often slow in getting the dams cleared.

    What I found over time was that by holding the Canal and Seabreeze at winter time water levels for as long as possible, keeps the water much cooler and reduces the algae blooms. Sadly the milfoil likes all water temps and needs to be dealt with chemicals and properly trained professionals to treat it.

    As far as the brush and overgrowth goes a reasonable amount of overhanging brush is a good thing in keeping the water cooler and to give protection for the fish and water body overall health.

    I have always thought the tree issue was problematic and foolish in the end.

    Lately the lame lighting issue is really silly considering you no longer have a dedicated Shoa Deputy looking out for the homeowners property as Ray Harrison Larry Clark did for all those years.

    Good Luck with all your mounting problems.

  42. Re Aug. 4th 10:09pm

    A few years ago Ph. Kim Patten gave a presentation to members on shore line growth and it’s effects on the lakes and canals.
    One thing he pointed out was that overhanging trees do not contribute to alge. It is the lack of water flow and water temperature.
    Removing shade around the lakes and canals increases temperatures and reduces the life span of fish.Stagnate water and heat are the main cause of alge.

  43. I've found out Pacific County tests our water bodies for organisms such as E. Coli. I'll be contacting Pacific County soon about this.

  44. 433 - chemicals as well. These water issues have gone on way too long.

  45. The Surfside community was designed around the lakes and canals, so many properties are built close to these bodies of water. If you have such a property, it seems reasonable to expect that the health of these waters would be a matter of concern. For residents and guests, knowing that these waters are not dangerous for children to play in, or others recreationally, seems a critical part of owner peace-of-mind.

    You wouldn't want to own a home built on a toxic waste dump, so it is reasonable to expect that water quality would be an HOA concern, and not left to individual owners to deal with.

    It seems strange to me that many members don't favor any expense made to maintain the cabanas or care for the canals and lakes. If efforts were made to monitor water quality on a regular basis, there would surely be more use of them. It is true that abuse of the cabanas, and vandalism has been a frequent issue, and is particularly difficult to prevent. But having public restrooms throughout the community is really just common sense, and having such facilities where members recreate a clear relationship.

    Water quality may be too heavily impacted by the nature of seepage and run-off to be manageable. Gathering a body of information by sampling regularly would tell us if this is a worthwhile effort.
