
Thursday, June 4, 2020


Informative site... Sheriff Patrol for Surfside

I recently received the following Email about a new group called NextDoor. I recommend that you check it out.  It has a lot of relevant subject matter and is well written and detailed.   

I don’t know if you are away of NextDoor.  It is kind of a neighborhood blog.   You might want to join NextDoor so you can see what people are writing.  Might give you more ideas for your blog and also some encouragement.   I am trying to get more people to write on NextDoor and I frequently suggest they look at your blog and
Ethics issues involving Surfside HOA and the surrounding areas.

Ethics issues involving Surfside HOA and the surrounding areas. We have had a great conversation, but I wanted to summarize as it has branched off it a variety of directions. I feel that communication between parties is about the only way to solve problems. Although people’s feelings may become heated, please try to keep the conversation polite and civil, make your point and show your proof sources.
So far we have talked about what we feel are some of the recent unethical actions of the Surfside Board:

Sheriff Agreement. The clearly unethical arrangement that Surfside had with the Pacific County Sheriff’s office and the actions taken so far by the new Sheriff, Robin Souvenir. Sheriff Souvenir obviously saw that the contract was not in the best interests of the rest of the County, and has demanded that Surfside pay for all the costs associated with giving them a deputy specifically assigned to Surfside. The rest of the County has been scammed by Surfside for long enough.

We pointed out the following reasons that this is bad… -It does not seem ethical for a company to be able to buy special treatment from the Sheriff’s office. Will other companies be required to pay extra for adequate police protection?

-Commingling of funds. Even if Surfside were to pay for the Sheriff’s salary, the car, the insurance, the equipment in the car, the rest of Pacific County still has to pick up the bill for the portion of dispatch, and management, part of the Sheriff’s offices, etc. I understand that in an emergency in the Ocean Park area, but not in Surfside, and if not already involved in something else, the deputy may respond to the Ocean Park emergency. This MIGHT give a faster response than if the normal deputies were patrolling Surfside. How much time will actually be spent in Surfside vs other areas? There is no clear cut way to determine if Surfside is really paying for all the costs. So the funds of the government are being mingled with Surfside funds. It seems like this would not be legal.

-I understand Surfside has decided the Sheriff’s plan, is too expensive, they want the rest of us to pay part of their costs. They are in the process of “dickering” with the Sheriff. I feel the Sheriff should just refuse the contract.

-Not all the people of Surfside think this is the right thing to do either. Many have expressed objection to this agreement in the past. They don’t get a vote, all Surfside issues are decided by the Board and the Board is controlled by the Faction. The Board is in control of all the communications to the membership. They control the email list, the weekly newsletter, the Facebook page and the Website. Dissenting opinions are censored out. Many don’t even know this is happening. The Board posted a petition on their site to encourage people to write to the Sheriff in support of the contract, but did not post a petition to NOT support the contract. It is a one way street people, realize you are being manipulated and scammed.

Leonard Miller states in a previous comment here on NextDoor, that if there was an emergency the Sheriff would have to come from South Bend or Chinook. This from the Pacific County Sheriff’s office website: “The Pacific County Sheriff's Office proudly serves all unincorporated outlying areas of Pacific County….we maintain a substation located within the county services building at 7013 Sandridge Road in the Long Beach area of Pacific County. The main office of the Sheriff is located adjacent to the Pacific County Courthouse in South Bend.”
I have seem multiple Sheriff cars in the Ocean Park area, and one of them appears to live at the corner of Sandridge and Bay in Ocean Park. Some of the Surfside members report seeing two or more patrols a day during the time that there is no contract. I did not see that many when the contract was in effect. False scare tactics are often used by Surfside to convince people to do things they would not if they had all the facts. -This agreement should not happen.
If you agree, please write to the Sheriff’s office, all three of your Pacific County Commissioners and your State Legislators and tell him so. All their contact information is at:


  1. Nextdoor has been around for a long while. Until Patrick joined, the Ocean Park Nextdoor was a neighborly site sharing what goes on in OP, Surfside, and the Peninsula. Since Patrick joined he started posting and rehashing the same opinions that he does on this site. From my perspective it has impacted the neighborly feel. He posts the same messages along with trying to drive people to his site where the same messages are posted.

  2. So, being active, and having an opinion is wrong?

  3. wow, really, Patrick trying to sway people his way. What is wrong with that guy, again?

  4. If the goal is better coverage on the North Peninsula - for everybody - Here's an idea: Then Surfside should provide a grant to the Sheriffs department for law enforcement on the North Peninsula. It would be specific about coverage in the general area, but not just Surfside. The Sheriff could add that to the budget, specifically for the North Peninsula. Then there could be increased presence up here. It would be a win-win. Surfside could contribute what it wants - the North Peninsula would get more presence. It would circle back to Surfside in a safer community all around. It would contribute to the North Peninsula as a good citizen should.

  5. good idea 10:17 and the rest of the NP "neighborhoods" should add some cash to the grant also, on and, never mind the money we already pay in property taxes?

  6. Good old Patrick. I knew before reading the comments he was part of the this when the good old boogie man term "faction" showed up.

    The FACT that he has turned another neighborly blog hostile tells you all you need to know about this guy.

  7. Good old double space anonymous. Some things never change.

  8. I feel the SHOA should at very least conduct a survey of the members who they represent regarding $ deputy. I’ve only seen a petition from SHOA for deputy. Members I’ve spoken to express concern that board is focused on concerns of the board members themselves- not the majority, which coincidentally reside at lower elevations

  9. Has anyone received this weeks Weekender? I get it by email and it’s just a repost of last weeks post! Guess nothing important is going on, like the annual meeting in July?

  10. The Weakender is out with it's usual nothing. They did change the mistake of "No fishing from the bridges". It now says "No fishing from the auto bridges". They can't even get the correction right. At last count, we only have one auto bridge, not bridges.

    Gotta love the stuff Peggy Olds wrote about CARL. when she is the biggest violator with the removal of the trees around Seabreeze Lake. I don't make this stuff up folks. This place is such a joke.

  11. Concerning the CARL article, how about an update on the destruction of the grassy and dunes area at the condos? No permit was obtained and this certainly involved way more than mowing! At the end of the Oysterville approach look left! As members of this community we need to follow state and county rules and laws! This isn’t the first time they’ve done this!

  12. 10:17....What you are suggesting is essentially what the arrangement was before. I find all of this stuff about Pacific County being scammed by Surfside, ridiculous. Surfside paid about half of the entire cost of employing the deputy. It is doubtful that he spent half of his time in Surfside, or dealing specifically with Surfside issues, and likely that the peninsula as a whole benefited more overall.

    Surfside is a very large HOA entity, has a large funding base, and can afford to contribute to the security of the peninsula. The Sheriff's Office won't agree to the previous arrangement, and Surfside has no reason to contribute more than twice what was funded in past years.

    Rather than compromise with the Sheriff's ridiculous expectations, we (Surfside) should forget about any further discussions that would require a larger commitment by Surfside to the general welfare of the peninsula. We can rethink this matter, and let the County figure out how to adequately police the area without Surfside dollars.


  13. AnonymousJune 5, 2020 at 2:59 AM
    I feel the SHOA should at very least conduct a survey of the members who they represent regarding $ deputy. I’ve only seen a petition from SHOA for deputy. Members I’ve spoken to express concern that board is focused on concerns of the board members themselves- not the majority, which coincidentally reside at lower elevations
