
Friday, May 29, 2020

A Special Place

It could be....It should be..

Surfside has the ability to be the most desirable place to live and own property.
The vision of the developers and founders has been lost over the years. Especially over the past few years, that purpose and vision has become a vision of selfish special interests.  That can not be allowed to continue.

Surfside is not special because we have water and garbage.  All communities have that.

We can be special because:
Walking paths providing access to the ocean beach.
Lakes and a canal with fishing and recreational opportunities.
Parks and cabanas.
A playground.
Developed common areas and common grounds.
Covenants for maintained property.
Safety and security.
Diversity of ownership and use.
And more.

The focus of the association should be the maintenance and improvement of the above.
Most of the member dues and assessments mainly pay for the infrastructure that provide water and garbage. This is as it should be, but it is not what can make Surfside special.

Walking Paths:
These paths connect access to mostly all parts of the association to the beach. They need to be improved so that all members can safely walk on them.  Some should be paved so that those with limited mobility can also have access.  We should be working with the County to develop a plan to provide walking shoulders  on the streets that connect with those paths. This is a safety issue.

Lakes and Canal:
Free fishing and boating? WOW!  It doesn't get much better than that. What is better than a Grandfather and Grand children fishing together?  They need to be more accessible with fishing platforms and not have to try and cast a line through brush and weeds. More fish, bigger fish and in more places. Just looking at the water places offers relaxation as you observe the water foul.

Park and cabanas:
These should all be an example of the very best in care. There should be garbage receptacles at every location as well as clean ADA rest rooms. Adding features to all parks should be considered.  Some, more than others. This would be a great committee project.  What can we do to make it more useful. There needs to be a plan for continuing improvements.

Common Grounds:
This covers all property owned by the association.  Every property should set an example for the members on how property should be maintained. The association needs to set the example.

The covenants as they exist today are out of date and in need of a complete review and changed to be fair restrictions for all and administered fairly for all.

RV's and vacant lots:
Rv and vacant lots need to be held to the same standards as all developed lots. No lot should be allowed to be a fire hazard, a safety hazard, not neat and attractive or contain noxious weeds. RV's are required to follow the same property line set backs as homes.

Trees and vegetation:
Fire safety starts from the ground up, not the top down. Topping trees increases fire danger and increased disease and pests. A covenant is needed that requires trees that are a hazard to neighboring property be removed. There also needs to be a rule that requires damaged or diseased trees be removed. Noxious weeds need to be actively enforced.

We can be a "special Place", and it really is not that hard to do.  I urge the Board to focus on making Surfside a better place for the members and less focus on the day to day operations.  You can hire good people to do that.     


  1. The weekender says "no fishing from bridges". Whats that about? Some new rule they dreamed up? Only bridge your not allowed to fish from is the one by the office that cars drive over. If you can't fish from the bridges, what are you supposed to do?, fish from private property.

  2. Great comments George! I agree this is a great place to live. We’ve felt very blessed to be living here during these recent months of staying at home. Wonderful to be able to feel healthy and free walking the beach!
    In my opinion there is way too much micro-managing required or done by the board at this time. I base my opinion on past experience both in living situations and work experiences.
    1) living in a small town (about 2500) governed by a mayor and city council of 5. A city manager who essentially made the recommendations and each department ran their area
    2). Serving on a school board with four other board members. In this case the superintendent ran the day to day operations.
    3). Working for a public district hospital which had a board of 5 members. The CEO was in charge, the board of course was involved especially at budget time, but certainly not day to day
    4) living in two different HOA in eastern Washington run completely different than this HOA. We had beautiful parks, green areas and the main concern was keeping your property in repair
    Ours can be simplified by trimming down the covenants and not duplicating those already in county rules and regulations. The trees need to be left alone and only touched when a fire danger or danger to a neighbor. The recent slaughter of our trees have left some dried out and an apparent fire danger
    More attention needs to be given to appearance and safety of properties. There are many but the one on the corner of I street and the oysterville approach is nothing but a fire waiting to happen! There are many others in our community and maybe they are being worked on, but how are we as members able to know this?
    Yes, it’s a great place to live, but we need to simplify our rules and just help make it a pleasant place to live!

  3. Thanks JoAnne. I think you have expressed it perfectly. I think most members see it the same way as you and I. They want a community that is "green and clean". Most of the members are here to escape stress and have a relaxed life or place to get away. Surfside should be a life style, not a concentration camp.

  4. Concentration camp, really? You had to go there?

    If my grandmother, who actually spent time in one, was still alive she would have disagreed with your assessment.

  5. I looked up the County ordinances about Public Nuisance, Dogs, Fences, etc. It would be a good idea to post these on the blog, so the community can see what they are, and how they would be just fine.

  6. Fishing is commonly forbidden on bridges used by cars and trucks. Hunting is also forbidden from bridges. You make a valid point regarding a lack of access. It's not clear whether or not Surfside Lakes are stocked. The Lakes have mostly private shoreline, but have public access points and boating.

    The area Surfside is in geographically is very awesome. What the HOA has methodically done to the landscape via the "Tree Policy" is irreversible and tragic. I'm amazed that $400,000 houses are still being built along the eastside of G St., in a tsunami zone, in a manipulated landscape that might as well be Nebraska it is so void of healthy trees. 'Course no one tops trees in the Midwest. Members don't notice or care, so nothing will change even though it is a bizarre practice not seen in practice elsewhere that is known.

  7. A special place for some, but not all. It could be special for all, but until those who think it should be special only for them, are removed of any control, it will never change. We are seeing demonstrations in the streets because of people who are tired of being treated as third class citizens. If given the chance, many members here would stand up against the same kinds of people here. As for the peaceful protests across the nation, I say. It's a start.

  8. Anonymous 10:45, my point exactly, why duplicate rules and ordnance’s already in effect. That’s how the HOA we were associated in the past were run. Why should we be paying to have someone enforce the rules when it really is a county issue. Main concern should be properties not kept up to standards to keep our property values where they should be.

  9. Please provide where it states no fishing from bridges. I can’t find it, but maybe don’t know where to look

  10. blog host, GeorgeMay 31, 2020 at 2:54 PM

    Fact check:
    This is posted (in red) in the current Weekender below the Treasurer report on the first page...
    Fishing is open in the Canals and Lakes. Just remember—
    no fishing from the bridges

    I think we all know that most of the fishing is done from the bridges. We have 6 foot bridges and one auto bridge. Try and fish from the bank at Veterans Park, if you can, with the brush and grass along the edge. In the past it was clean to the waters edge. Just imagine a small kid trying to cast his line into the water. Is this a new rule change or just more dumb editing. Also, the posted signs say closed ro fishing in May. Go figure

  11. Like deer and other animals, maybe the Board loves fish and don't want them killed, that's why they make it hard for anyone to fish?

  12. I think that Mr or Mrs Anonymous is a royal pain in the ass.

  13. Trolls🤷‍♂️🤦🏼‍♂️

  14. When you look at the historical pictures of Surfside going back to the '70's, it is clear that the covenants for height restrictions on the trees were put in place before there were any trees, at all. The dunes were without trees. Doesn't it make sense, now that there is an actual reality of real trees, that the Covenants be updated to reflect that reality? Some trees are a nuisance for J Place, some are not. So why not treat the issue with some respect for those impacted?

  15. A little applicable humor...

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. Right! I saw that ad on TV and it was so real.

  18. Doug Mailey, you really don’t like trees or is this just an ironic joke? Just curious, not criticizing!

  19. Doug, I'm not sure what your point was. I think you ought to go smoke another bowl and think about it again?

  20. Love trees, just not ones that look like they came out of a Dr Seuss book as most do in Surfside.

    Sorry don’t partake in the green leaf, but you can thanks to the governor.

  21. Doug - The governor did not authorize recreational marijuana for the masses. That was done thru the referendum process.

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. After reading some of your comments here and on FB Malley mabe YOU should consider lighting up.

  24. Yes Doug, that would be hilarious?

    I think it's time to light up and enjoy our right to do so and this beautiful day!
