
Thursday, March 12, 2020

Smart-Ass Attitude

Surfside on Facebook...

The following was posted on the Surfside "official" Facebook page:

There are rumors afloat that the Business Office is closed. We are wide open and sanitizing door handles, desks, etc many times throughout the day. Unless there is a confirmed case of COVID-19 on the peninsula it is business as usual...meetings, events, etc. It's up to members whether or not they want to come in person. We can make arrangements to pick up RV & Compactor Passes (as we generally do with out-of-towners), payment receipts if you choose to stay away.
It appears that the Facebook page has become the principal source of information from the association. The information insinuates that this blog host is spreading a false rumor.  Some of the comments there, support this. 
The Editor of their Facebook page, displays a "Smart-Ass" attitude in regards to the serious nature of the Corona virus being spread. 
It is a serious concern for, especially, our seniors over 70 years of age. I advised, and continue to advise, that seniors should avoid contact with staff and others where there is a flow of public exposure.   Sanitizing many times throughout the day, is not every time. They are projecting a false  sense of health safety.  Why take a chance, when you do not need to do so.  This common sense should be applied to all exposure, not just Surfside. 
Surfside started this rumor themselves by publishing what they might do if there was a virus case in Pacific County. This was done in the Weekender after missing a publication the week before. There has been nothing on the "official" web page. Do we now go to Facebook for "official" information? 
Talk about "fake news".  How about NO news and if there is any, just try and find it. Communication by this association, remains poor at best.  

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