Tree complaints and enforcement...and lighting BS
With the health crisis in our country and the world, the last thing our members need is to be harassed over a stupid tree complaint. The so called chair person, has stated that the complaint priority should be TREES! How dumb is that? Any reasonable person knows that the safety and health of the members will always be priority number one.
The majority of members do not live in our area and many travel long distances to get here.
The number one issue on every ones mind is the Coronavirus and the impact on their health and economic security.
Lighting is a security and safety issue also. It is pure nonsense by the same tree killing people, trying to control others for their own personal interest.
Until the full effect and extent is known about the ramifications associated with this new virus, there should be a moratorium on time limits on any complaints, other than those associated with health and safety. Six (6) months would be reasonable with possible extensions..
The Kill Tree Committee should immediately be made inactive. The present Compliance Investigator can handle other required issues. Our members have more important issues to deal with, without the extra nonsense burden of harassment complaints. Those members with outstanding complaints, should be notified by first class mail, of the moratorium. I am sure the full time and part time members would appreciate the notice.
I may be wrong, but that's the way I see it.
Do not attend any meeting or social function where there is a group of people. This will probably include the Annual Meeting in July. Why take a chance?, until this is all sorted out. At this time, there is no treatment. Stay away from our Business Office. Who knows what hands have touched the door handle.