
Sunday, March 15, 2020

Deputy Proposal from Pacific County

Member comment...

Steve Cox said...
The current Chinook observer has an article about the pursuit of a replacement deputy in Surfside. Where many of us have supported the continuation of the same arrangement we have had for many years, the current plan proposed by Sheriff Souvenir is ridiculous and should be rejected by the Surfside Community.

The amount of funds spent on this deputy has been considerable for a somewhat modest return, and many in the community have opposed it as such. My viewpoint has been that Surfside has a solid funding base that can allow the expenditure, which has been about $70,000 annually.

Read the article to find the absurd excuses offered for the County not being able to offer ANY of this proposal, but instead offering to offer candidates only if Surfside pays for a new cruiser, computers and equipment to outfit the cruiser, and provide a retirement program, as well as make the officer available to the County whenever needed. Souvenir also would expect a 5 year contract for a full-time position.

All of this would about double the cost of the deputy. Souvenir also remarked that he hadn't made the effort to offer an estimated cost to Surfside, it being too much trouble without knowing if the Commissioner will okay the plan.

What we know after reading this article is, that the County is inadequately protected by law enforcement to be provided by Pacific County Sheriff's Dept., and Sheriff Souvenir is too lazy to do anything about it. Rather than make efforts to increase the dept. funding to be able to contribute to Surfside's 30 year partnership with the Sheriff's Office, he will settle for nothing.

It makes no sense that the peninsula is so poorly manned that they are desperate for emergency assistance from the Sheriff's office when issues arise, but they have no plan beyond bilking Surfside for the entire cost of deploying another officer. Surfside should reject being held hostage by Sheriff Souvenir, and offer only to continue the same arrangement as before, the County needing to fund their desperate need of this officer's service, part-time. The County needs to provide the vehicle, do the hiring, pay vehicle operating costs and pension for the officer. Surfside is willing to do the rest.

Shouldering ALL of these costs is complete nonsense, and Surfside shouldn't be asked for more than the generous contributions of the prior agreements. I say "NO WAY".


  1. When I read this article I couldn’t believe the BOT were even still considering this absurd proposal! If you think our dues are high now!
    My question and concern is can a taxing district (the county) subcontract one of their employees to a private organization? Who would truly be the employer?
    I kniow one thing, if this happens that officer would be completely overwhelmed by my phone calls about cars going 50 and 60 mph in the 25 mph zone in front of our house. In all the years we’ve lived here never once have we observed one stop or patrol car even parked to slow cars down!
    And by the way, why are we the members just be expected to be quiet and not know what’s going on with this process?

  2. I agree. Are we also going to be required to pay for the laundering of his/her uniforms too?

    There was some grumblings centered around this guy before the election and we're now seeing the reason why. One thing in that article that I found interesting is the supposed reason for ending our arrangement with them was based on a complaint from one citizen. Just one, which makes no sense.

  3. What are they smoking up in S. Bend? They put no skin in the game.

  4. Since this issue is of concern to the whole SHOA community, The decision to go ahead under
    the stipulations of the Sheriff It should be voted on bey all property owners at the annual meeting.

  5. I agree. I also think we need a legal opinion if this can even be done. What little I can find only indicates gated communities can hire off duty officers, but if the BOT has more information they should share it with us the members!

  6. Aren't we really paying twice for the same service by paying for a Sheriff? Don't we already pay for this in our taxes?

  7. It's our understanding that the County is expected to provide police protection for County residents. Apparently the County cannot manage to adequately fund this basic service, and the elected Sheriff isn't motivated to put pressure on the State to address this serious problem.

    What we do know about Souvenir is, no sooner was he elected than he hired his father and brother-in-law at substantial salaries. It quickly drew intense criticism, but I don't know what happened over it. Our situation is interesting in light of his strong motivation toward his self interest. He obviously knows the peninsula is inadequately policed, and is unwilling to consider hiring another officer unless his office can have them on call for assistance. But he won't offer a penny to make it happen.

    It really seems that entering into such an agreement with this man is a one way del that he cannot be trusted to not interfere with. He wants a 5 year agreement which is way too risky to enter into with the County not investing, but demanding Surfside foot the bill entirely. He may be a sheriff, but he hasn't shown himself to be serious about serving his district effectively.

  8. I certainly hope this proposal dies in its tracks! In the first place assuming or stating that Surfside homeowners support this is most likely not be true. The only way people could voice their input was to use the ballot on the website in support of continuing the arrangement. Please supply us with the actual numbers! And then give an avenue for those of us who do not support this
    Maybe ocean park, Long Beach and illwaco can go together and pay for deputy coverage! It’s absolutely absurd for this HOA members to pay for this position. If we would pay all the salary, new patrol car, gas ect ect. Who would really be the employer!
    This needs to be put on the back burner and discussed at the July meeting with actual facts and figures !

  9. Surfside would be giving the sheriff's office a big fat check to buy a new squad car, but the car would belong to the County, and the hired officer on call from the sheriff's office. What assurance would there be that over the 5 year period the HOA's protection wouldn't become diminutive, and the car needed elsewhere ?

  10. A local citizen, Judy Coleman of Ocean Park, complained that Surfside HOA in Ocean Park, WA had made a special deal with the Sheriff’s Office in Pacific County. She says, “I have recently become aware that for quite some time there has been a “contract” between our Pacific County Sheriff’s Office and the Surfside Homeowners Association for an officer assigned to do patrols in their area. It is my understanding that the Surfside HOA pays this officer’s salary as per this said contract. Yet this officer drives a sheriff department vehicle, wears a sheriff department uniform, and responds to various sheriff department calls.”

    See more comments and the http addresses of the original newsreports at"

  11. Considering that this arrangement has provided extra police protection in our area, and back-up for other officers should they need it, what is there to complain about ?

    I suspect that among Surfside owners there is about a 50/50 split on whether the cost is justified, given the former contract. The County provided the candidate and the squad car, and Surfside paid the rest. At over $70,000 annually, that's a lot for an unspecified amount of time provided to Surfside.

    I think that the larger picture has been that knowledge of an officer likely in the area, the contract provides some protection to neighborhoods adjacent to Surfside, as well as the peninsula in general. Surfside being the largest HOA entity in the County, the HOA can afford to invest in the protection of the entire area.

    But the Sheriff thinks Surfside should foot the entire cost, and that makes no sense at all. Such a ridiculous proposal easily pushes the supporters of this arrangement as it has been, to opposing any investment in an agreement with Souvenir. His reputation does not merit entering into a 5 year agreement with his office, or buying him a new squad car.

  12. I vote NO way in hell for this offer. Enough raising of our dues. Be careful what you ask for. The grass is never greener on the other side

  13. Betcha your thinking it would be nice to have our deputy right about now...I expect things to get worse around here as people run out of money and get desperate...stay safe everybody...
