
Friday, March 13, 2020

All Schools Closed

In Washington State... K - 12 ....Other news...Sickness in office

According to CNN, the Governor of Washington, has ordered all schools in the state, closed. Check your news for details as they become available.  Washington has joined Oregon in state wide closures.

Visit the Chinook Observer for details...

Due to the illness of an office staff member (she did not come in today), our Board President advised us to close early. This is a precautionary measure. We will know more Sunday night or Monday morning and plan to update members through FB and the website as we have information. Please alert your friends/neighbors who may not have FB or read our website. Thank you for your patience.


  1. Since the Board President, Winegar, thinks it's so great having the office open and the employees exposed to the members, I suggest that he fill in for the sick employee. He could be the "official" Surfside greeter.

  2. It doesn't mean the whole state needs to shut down. Please stop creating and adding to the panic. Life goes on, live it and get out of a bubble.

  3. The office should be closed down to walk ins. There is no business there that can't be handled on the phone or internet. The employees should be able to perform their duties without having to worry about being infected.

    I don't know what world you are living in, but the one I am in, clearly indicates the need for extra caution. Until we know more, life should not go on in the same old way.

    Actually, it would not be a bad idea for the entire State to close down for a couple of weeks. It is not a panic to take extra measures to protect yourself and others. I wish there was a bubble that we could people in, who deny the facts and disregard the well being of others.

    A face mask may not help much, but some duct tape over a mouth, might help to shut those up who fail to see the problem and promote life goes on as usual.

  4. When I first read about the illness it didn't trouble me too much since unless the office worker was around someone with a positive test the odds that the first positive case in Pacific County would be from here is pretty slim.

    Then I heard that a member had stopped by the office who admitted that they are on self quarantine which if true is troubling. While there are various reasons to be on self quarantine the main point of it is to limit your interactions with other people. Obvious this member doesn't quite grasp the meaning of what self quarantine means since I can't think of any reason to go to the office. Quite frankly if it is true then it is irresponsible of this member to do so. I agree with George that there really is no reason to go to the office at this time.

    Hopefully the office worker doesn't develop a high fever and this turns out to not be anything serious.

  5. Unfortunately, the number of infections in our state expanded quickly from the source of the first known cases in Kirkland. Had that Care center been able to test residents, visitors and caregivers, and been more vigilant initially, it could have been limited in its' spread.

    An expert in such diseases said yesterday that this dynamic was a critical shortcoming in response, and without a vaccine, the disease will need to play itself out, which could become somewhat longterm. We can only develop resistance by contracting the disease, or over a long period it may weaken somewhat, only a vague possibility.

    Measures taken by the governor came as a result of advice from disease experts projecting as many as 40,000 cases by the end of April. I think I have the date right. Many areas of the country appear to be doing much better, but without widespread availability of tests, it can't be determined who may be infected, who not.

    Trump closed down the dept. developed by the Obama admin. to respond quickly to such pandemic dangers, with a few occurring in the last decade already.

    It was also suggested that a previous effort at a vaccine for a different strain that was brought to an end, may show promise for a speedier development of a vaccine, than the usual 18 months.
