
Monday, February 3, 2020

Homeowners Bill

Newly passed bill in California...

Most of these newly passed regulations concerning HOA voting is in place in Washington, with the exception of requiring the HOA's to have an "Inspector Of Elections". This is designed to have a third party to insure fair elections of Board members.  

There does not have to be a law for our association to have the same. Presently we have an Election Committee Chairperson.(ECC) Surfside Board appoints a Board member in Feb. to fill that role.  I think most of our members think that our present voting system is flawed.  It seems far from fair.  Proxy voting is a requirement of our State.  We violate all laws and regulations by giving any member or Board member the right to cast more than ONE VOTE.  The proxy ballot is supposed to be a document that shows the absent voter is authorized to cast an absent ballot.  Nothing more.  The excuse "We have always done it that way", is no valid reason for doing so. 

The Board failure to appoint a member to a vacant Board position is a violation of our governing documents.  Perhaps an Inspector of Elections,  would provide professional guidance in these kind of issues. What we are doing not working. 

The other interesting part of the new bill is about member Email addresses and member lists. What they have passed, is exactly what has been the past practice of Surfside.  The members can opt out if they so state.  

The State of Washington has been working on legislation concerning HOA's. These will address some of the abuse of members by those in control.  This is much needed. 

Click on the document to enlarge:

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