
Sunday, February 2, 2020

Blog Change

Information and comments change...

The original intent of the blog was for sharing information and give the members the opportunity to debate the issues.  It only takes a few to wreck it for everyone.  Those few have been able to get on here and trash the site using "Anonymous" to do it. 

Allowing "Anonymous" comments had it's trade offs. The good was that it allowed those who were concerned about their identity being known, would result in some form of retaliation.  There have been many factual good sense comments made under "Anonymous", but increasingly there are more and more hate and false information appearing.  This affects the credibility of the blog and the information it provides. 

"Anonymous" comments will no longer be allowed.  If you have something to comment, if it's worth saying, it's worth having your name.  In other words, if you say it, you own it.  This change will be a big disappointment to those who use this site to promote their hate and false information.

I will continue to provide information and allow debate with comments. I encourage thoughtful comments and debate.  This will now take less of my time trying to sort out the garbage from fact and return the blog to an information site.  Thanks for the factual and honest debate comments and especially to those stand up members who have used their names.   


  1. Good for you, George!! I've never understood the anonymous thing. You're right; if you say it, own it.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Thank you George! I don’t mind having a healthy discussion, but not with some anonymous blogger. Hopefully this will return the conversations to ones that we can learn from!

  4. With all due respect George, you tried this once before years ago and the blog went almost totally dark. Hope it works this time.

  5. “Every time we turn our heads the other way when we see the law flouted, when we tolerate what we know to be wrong, when we close our eyes and ears to the corrupt because we are too busy or too frightened, when we fail to speak up and speak out, we strike a blow against freedom and decency and justice.”
    ― Robert F. Kennedy

    It is not the number of comments that is important, it is the content that matters.

  6. I don't have a problem identifying my comments, and it seems to be the only way to try and keep dialogue civil.

    It's interesting to reflect on the statement you have taken from Robert Kennedy, made in the early 60s. When I learned about Evolution in school about the same time this quote was uttered, I wondered if the world I would live in would see humans become less violent, more accepting of our differences, evolve to embrace a higher purpose.

    What transpired in the U.S. Senate Chambers this week tells the tale, answers the question I asked when I was about 14 years old, definitively. We have not evolved as a people, but regressed, too afraid to stand for honesty and justice, and uncommitted to working toward uniting behind a common purpose.

    Trump was acquitted and immediately began a hateful program of revenge, without a shred of understanding of his role as President, and what had transpired.

    I love the quotation you provided here George, but the words of Robert Kennedy, juxtaposed against the week's dismal events is too disturbing to not comment on. What a pitiful showing for our Country and future. But it is odd, how local politics, even the HOA, mirror some of the same dynamics, and are every bit as discouraging.
