
Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Water Planning Workshop

Meeting notes provided by Steve Cox

On Friday December 6th, a workshop was held to consider future planning for our water system. This discussion will be continued at the Water Planning Committee meeting on Thursday, December 12th at 10 AM in the Board room.  The public is invited to attend.

Thank you to Steve Cox for attending the meeting and sharing information from that meeting with the blog readers.

North Beach Water District has hired a very qualified replacement for the General Manager position currently held by Bill Neal. I will disclose the person and their qualifications after a public announcement by North Beach.  Bill Neal did not attend the Surfside workshop.

Click on each page for a larger view:


  1. Sure enough. This was a whole lot of nothing.
    It was a big ego fest.
    I'm glad I didn't attend.

  2. Happy you weren't there.

  3. Numerous water main breaks are a fairly recent thing. Still points to improper procedures, many other places with same equipment does not have this problem. More time is spent cya, than analyzing and fixing the problem. Quit trying things n hire someone that "knows".

  4. If they installed more thrust blocks at vital intersections and cross points that might help keep the pipe in its place while a big draw and pressure surge is happening. Just saying!

  5. The Blog isn't going to benefit from anonymous technical claims. Such decisions are made by the Water Dept. and HOA Committee, not bloggers.

  6. Water meters were mandated by the State for conservation of water. How about a fair system? We read the meters and charge members for what they use to off set the cost of the water department and lower the homeowner dues. I know all you full timers will love this suggestion. Because who would not like a system where you get free garbage, free water at other members expense. I know I know I knew the rules when I bought. I guess I missed the line where full timers are going to screw you over for there benefit. People who use the RV lot should bear the whole cost for its up keep. People who use the garbage drop off should bear the full cost. Those who use water should pay for what they use. Those who demand that trees be topped should share in the cost. This is such unfair system set up by special interests that it reminds me Washington DC

  7. "lower the homeowners dues"? Has that ever happened? Your living in surfside, not dream land. They will always find an excuse for higher dues. Paying over 600.00 a year does not make the water and garbage free. Those who demand that trees be topped, should pay the full price not share.

  8. 203 - considering the past record you certainly may find more technical competency among the bloggers.

  9. 12/10 4:12. A lot of what you say has merit, however you need to see this blog’s listing of expenses. The RV lot, which is used by many part-timers took in over $23000 with expenses around $6000. It actually provides funds for other activities as the BOT has decided not to “fence” those funds, instead putting them into the “general fund”. Note that the chipping site lost about $7000, probably offset by the RV income. The only income on the chipping lot came from folks forced to cut their trees. Perhaps we could sell permits to part-timers that are used for monthly use of water and garbage at say $50/month. Water and garbage would be discontinued in those months when no permit is purchased. Of course full-timers will have full use and pay normal assessments. Any excess funds from the permits can also be put into the “general fund” and be used to say, support the chipping activity, or maybe pay fines.

  10. I live in Seattle and pay for schools yet I have no kids. I pay for bike lanes although I don't ride a bike. I pay for transit but don't use a bus or light rail, etc, etc. Get my point?

    You could have bought in an area where you would have paid for only the water you use, the trash you toss out and so forth. But you didn't. Plus you obviously don't quite understand how a HOA works.

  11. 12:36
    I don't understand your comment. Surfside has no schools or bike paths or roads they maintain. I was not aware that the city of Seattle had free water and garbage. I pay the same dues as you and special interests have set up a better deal for you than me. Maybe it's you who do not understand how an HOA works. Its people like you who support treating members differently and catering to special interests is why this whole thing should be shut down.

  12. 1236 - we get your point - you're a jerk.We know how an HOA is supposed to operate. It's this inbred piece of crap that we have right now that confuses us.

  13. Hey, 756, you are dead on! We need this Association disbanded.

  14. The point is that no matter where you live more than likely you will be paying for things that you don't use as much your neighbor.

    What I don't understand with you on this subject, as with some on others, it was pretty obvious how things are set up here with the water and trash yet you still purchased a place here. What exactly did you expect? Why did you make the choice to move here and not anywhere else where you could have paid or not paid for the services you use?

  15. I would like to know how & the process of removing the chlorine from the water that they are flushing. Aquatic life will die if exposed to chlorine. That is why it is at zero chlorine once it gets to our houses.
