Recognition of those who made Surfside a better place in 2019...
Each year, your blog host recognizes the members and employees who have contributed time and effort to make our association a better place to live and recreate. They deserve our thanks for a job well done.
Employee of the year:
Toby Koffel
Toby is a part time employee who works maintenance of our member owned properties. His initiative is evident in the care he has given to our parks. They have been well groomed and looked better this year than any years in the past. Not only have they been well groomed, but also improved. The same applies to our buildings. You can thank Toby for the improvement of the rest rooms and many other areas that are not seen by most members. Thanks Toby, for a job well done.
Honorable Mention:
All of our employees do an outstanding job and also deserve our thanks.
Board Member Of The Year:
Mark Scott
Mark lives on I Street and has for many years. He takes his role as a Board member very seriously, with this being his third year on the Board. With his open mind, he can never be accused of a conflict of interest. He also serves as the Trustee to the Emergency Management Committee. Not only does he set a good example as a Board Trustee, he is also an all around good guy. Thanks Mark for a job well done.
Honorable Mention
Treasurer Rudd Turner & Board Presidet Scott Winegar
Both have served under difficult situations that were not of their making.
Volunteer Of The Year:
Larry Raymer
Larry is a 14 year Surfside member and recently served three years on the Board. At one time or the other, he has served on every committee. Currently he serves on the Tree Committee, Water Planning, Lands & Buildings and Fish and Waterways. Larry and his wife reside in the Skating Lake area. Larry is another member who can never be a conflict of interest on issues. He does not wait for information to come to him. He spends countless hours seeking information so that he can be better informed. He is also know as the "Surfside Historian" Thanks Larry, for all you do to make Surfside better.
Blogger Of The Year:
Steve Cox
Steve has a condo on G Street across from the old water warehouse. He is a "part timer" who spends a lot of time here and made a big effort to be informed about our association. He was a candidate for the Board this past year, and if the present Board had followed past practice, Steve would be on the Board today as a replacement for a resigned member. His clear and fair thinking is exactly what is needed today. Thank you Steve for your contributions and discussion on Surfside Chat. It is appreciated by most.
Cox, please lead us and speak for us on January 18th against the lighting changes. You will treat them very respectfully and the Trustees deserve that.
ReplyDeleteI don’t know who you are anonymous, but give it a rest! If you don’t have something that really relates to the topics we are trying to address, go for a walk on the beach! It helps a persons attitude immensely ☺️
ReplyDeleteAll of these comments are from Mike Riley. I have defended him on the Blog, and tried to talk with him about community issues. Yet here we have a grown man acting like a child. I have told an anonymous Blogger who has harassed me, probably Mike, that he had a "stinky-butt ATTITUDE". Not particularly harsh, and not threatening. Was that Blogger Riley ? Probably. He insists on ruining every topic on the Blog, and alternately talkin' radical, and whining endlessly. Thanks for your contribution Mike !!
ReplyDeleteI was a bit embarrassed that George would honor me with some compliments. I've tried to talk common sense and honesty as central to an effective BOT/HOA. That has made me a target at times. I appreciate the work George goes to offer this venue for sharing information that doesn't necessarily get beyond the "Closed Sessions".
OK, I have to admit I'm a little confused here.
ReplyDeleteThere have been a bunch of separate topics on the lighting proposal. I would say it's the hot issue of the moment. Given The host's response of "GO TO HELL" along with other statements I don't fell like I'm speaking out of turn when I say that he doesn't like the new proposal.
Yet his board member of the year is Mark Scott. This is the one Trustee who at the meetings was quite vocal in his support of it. He even went further by using his question time complaining about his neighbor's lights. How does this make sense?
It appears to me his one and main qualification for this prestigious award is he doesn't live on J. Which is a bit ironic since it some of the J place Trustees were actually questioned the proposal.
This isn't a criticize of Scott. It just sometimes I can't follow the logic.
Did anyone go to the Water System Workshop last Friday?